lea said...Here's the stats for a 1916 cent...
hi.i am curious to find out how much my wheat pennies might be worth. i have a 1916 wheat(no lettering) and also a 1958 wheat. thanks
Year: 1916
Mintage: 131,833,677
Metal: 95% copper 5% tin and zinc
Value: G-4 $0.30 (G=good with the lines in the wheat missing)
------- EF-40 $8.00 (EF=extremely fine with all details sharp all wheat lines visible)
Here's the stats for a 1958 cent...
Year: 1958
Mintage: 252,525,000
Metal: 95% copper 5% zinc
Value: VF-20 $0.10 (VF=very fine no worn spot on back, slight wear on cheeks in front)

Basically for all wheat cents if it's this bright and the stalks of the wheat are sharp with full lines those are higher grades and of course worth much more. Even the littlest scratch or cleaning the coin will devalue it to only a few cents.
Sorry it took a while for a response I was out.
Thanks for your visit.
513 dollars worth, for Comments/Questions click here.:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 513 Newer› Newest»I have a 1944 wheat penny. Is it worth anything?
It's about $0.10 or less, because it is one of the most common old pennies.
I'll post more about it in a mintue.
how much are a 1939,1948,1950,1951,1953,and a 1956 wheat penny worth?
what is the highest value of a wheat penny that u have seen?
Wheat penny in Very Fine
1939 $0.25
1948 $0.10
1950 $0.10
1951 $0.10
1953 $0.10
1956 $0.10
What is the highest value of a wheat penny that u have seen?
I seen in person a 1955 Double-Die that sold for $11,500 in MS-65. Other high grade 1922 no D cents have sold into for almost $27,000(but I personally never seen one).
I have a 1938 wheat penny that is in seemingly good condition. You can see the lines in the wheat, but it has several tiny dark spots. Could it possibly be more than $.01?
1938 cent spots are annoying but only affect value in high grades.
Wheat lines indicate at least a F-12 and value of about $0.20.
Dear Man,
Whar do you mean by Double Die?
I have a 1955 in alsome condition, but i dont know if its double die?
If your not man, but know email me at my email address: bkopicz3@hotmail.com
identify in the subject bar PENNY
Double Die or more correctly Doubled Die is also known as hub doubling.
A hub is the master design of a coin,
it is pressed into a blank die sometimes more than once,
then the die is used to press into the blank coin,
at the end a new coin is minted.
The die that got pressed several times occasionally has an element of the design slightly off-center.
In the case of the 1955 penny the date was doubled and then transfered to 20,000-24,000 penny that were minted,
the words LIBERTY and IN GOD WE TRUST are also doubled.
The image attached is the most famous example. Most examples found in circulation are brown and worn but still worth about $500 in good condition.
How much is a 1958 wheat L penny worth? thanks for any help
No such thing as a 1958 L penny, at least not in the U.S.
Only D, S were mint marks used on pennies. It sounds like your D is broken or struck through grease. Either way on a 1958 it would not bring up the value more than a cent or two, in some cases it may even lower the value.
I have 1916, 17, and 18, and 1919 1919-D and 1919-S, are they worth anything
I assume you mean cents in fine.
1916 about $0.35
1917 about $0.30
1918 about $0.40
1919 about $0.40
1919-D about $0.45
1919-S about $1.00
I have a good amount of wheat pennys and I would like to now how much the pennys are:
- 1958 very good con.
- 1957 D good con.
- 1955 D good con.
- 1950 good con.
- 1942 good con.
1958 very good about $0.05
1957 D good about $0.03
1955 D good about $0.03
1950 good about $0.03
1942 good about $0.15
Most wheat cents are worth only their copper value of 3 cents in good. In low grades look for anything before 1933.
1909, 1914, and 1922 are three great years in terms of value.
If you happen by a mint condition coin of any year it may be worth more.
I'm guessing you mean how much are coin shops willing to pay in fine.
1934 about $0.04
1946 about $0.03
1953D about $0.03
This why I don't go to coin shops you would get more money selling them on eBay.
The are valued slightly higher, this is what you would have to pay to replace them.
1934 about $0.20
1946 about $0.05
1953D about $0.05
Either way they are not worth much.
what is a 1944s,d worth
what is a 1938 penny worth
1944s,d worth
About $0.10 in very-good.
1938 penny worth
About $0.15 in very-good.
A friend of mine has a wheat penny with a 2 on Lincoln's head. It also has a 2 near the date. I can not remember the year of it right now.
Is this an unusual penny?
2 on Lincoln's head. It also has a 2 near the date.
No this some outside of the mint stuff.
No extra value.
I have a 1958 wheat head penny and i want to know how much it is worth it is in very very good condition it looks new
1958 wheat head penny...it looks new
Even in MS-65 it's only about $0.50.
i have a 1958 wheat penny and a 1946 minted wheat penny and a 1925 wheat penny and do not the value
In very-fine
1958 wheat penny about $0.10
1946 wheat penny about $0.10
1925 wheat penny about $0.60
I believe I found a 1942 with a 1 behind the 2, or visa-versa, wheat penny. Worth anything?
1942 with a 1 behind the 2, or visa-versa, wheat penny. Worth anything?
I never heard of this error and it is not listed in any of the books.
There are three 1942 doubled die errors and are worth a couple of hundred dollars.
If you believe it's real then you may want it graded. It might be the first of this type.
I have a 1958 D wheat penny. It is not copper colored like most pennies. It is more of a silver color. Was this minted this way, and if so, is it worth anything?
1958 D wheat penny. It is not copper colored like most pennies. It is more of a silver color. Was this minted this way
They did not make any on purpose.
Accidents do happen to find out you must weigh the coin.If it weighs 3.11 grams it's fake.
I got a 1938 wheat penny in change today. The wheat lines are easily visible. The high spots on Lincoln's head are slightly worn. The only scratch is through the word "of". Any idea on its value?
1938 wheat penny in change today...The wheat lines are easily visible. The high spots on Lincoln's head are slightly worn. The only scratch is through the word "of".
Sounds like a VF-20(very-fine) it's about $0.40.
I have a 1958 d penny in which the d is touching the 5, but the other 1958s arent touching the 5, is this a double die? is this worth anyhting?
1958 d penny in which the d is touching the 5, but the other 1958s arent touching the 5, is this a double die?
This not a Doubled Die. It sounds like the mintmark is just punched close to the 5.
I've seen a 1958 D that touches the 9 and has a Doubling on the D only worth $0.50.
Check out this link 1958D-1MM-037 for more specif info on your possibly new variety.
I have a wheat penny dated for 1909with not D or S, how much is it worth? It is in fairly good condition.
wheat penny dated for 1909with not D or S,...It is in fairly good condition.
About $2.50 you should also check the bottom of the reverse if there is a tiny V.D.B. it's about $13.00.
How can I get rid of the green stuff on my wheat penny without damaging the coin? what is the green stuff?
My penny seems to have a bump under the a in america but this may just be the green stuff. I can see the pattern on the wheat and lincoln's hair is a bit worn. it is 1946 D. what is it worth and how do i get the green stuff off without damaging the coin?
and is the lincoln head supposed tobe upside down when the ONE CENT side is right side up?
be back to check for answers
How can I get rid of the green stuff on my wheat penny without damaging the coin? what is the green stuff?
You can't it is permanent chemical damage.
You can slow it down by soaking in olive oil for six weeks.
Maybe after that using Vaseline and a soft toothpick with a soft touch to take it off.
My penny seems to have a bump under the a in america but this may just be the green stuff. I can see the pattern on the wheat and lincoln's hair is a bit worn. it is 1946 D.
This coin would have no extra value the green damage will eat through the coin and cause bumps.
and is the lincoln head supposed tobe upside down when the ONE CENT side is right side up?
I have a 1952 wheat that is in great condition with the exception of toning. It has something on it I have never seen on a copper lincoln penny. Lincoln has hair on the side of his head where he is bald on all other pennies. There is an obvious mint error look to this coin. Have any ideas?
1952 wheat that is in great condition with the exception of toning. It has something on it I have never seen on a copper lincoln penny. Lincoln has hair on the side of his head where he is bald on all other pennies. There is an obvious mint error look to this coin.
Toning is perfectly fine it means it's authentic.
The bald spot sounds like some kind of weal strike or struck through grease error. Either way it does not add any significant value so maybe about $0.25 it may lower the value if it is a weak strike.
Hi, I have a roll of 1958 D wheat pennies that have never been in circulation. How much is it worth?
I'm sorry, I don't think you understood what I mean. This 1952 wheat penny was minted with a full head of hair on lincoln, there is no receeding hairline.
roll of 1958 D wheat pennies that have never been in circulation
They average about $5.00 for the roll.
I'm sorry, I don't think you understood what I mean. This 1952 wheat penny was minted with a full head of hair on lincoln, there is no receeding hairline.
Sorry about that I understand now there is extra metal on the coin.
This is a cud error still only slightly above normal so maybe $1.00 or less.
When making Lincoln's portrait only one master hub is used so there are no design variations that would make different hairstyles.
All errors like this involve missing metal on the die, weak strikes, and late stage dies which may be weak and broken.
Okay, that makes more sense. I appreciate your time.I was told there were different patterns in 1952. Do you know anything about that?
what is a 1953 wheat penny worth it doesnt have a mint mark
I was told there were different patterns in 1952. Do you know anything about that?
Design varieties exist but they are well known just in Lincoln Memorial cents there has been 7 design changes but they're only worth extra if they were the wrong year. When a 1989 back is on a 1988 cent that is a good example.
All that said I don't know any Lincoln cent that had the hairline modified. 1952 and some mintmark modifications but nothing else.
There is a known doubling that shows two eyelids but it's only about $1.00.
It doesn't hurt to put it aside and maybe scanning or taking a picture and put it online, many coin forums do this like that they can identify it or find others.
1953 wheat penny
In fine it's about 0.03
I have a 1941, 1954, 1939 s, 1947, 1945, 1941, 1940,1947 and 1945 wheat pennies are any of them worth anything
wheat pennies
1941 about $0.15
1954 about $0.15
1939 s about $0.15
1947 about $0.05
1945 about $0.05
1940 about $0.15
i have 1955 penny with a d mint mark and a d on the left side of the head is that worth anything??
1955 penny with a d mint mark and a d on the left side of the head
Most likely it's damage but there is an error called Dropped Letter which leaves an impression of on the field of the coin.
Does the d look like the D in GOD or the D under the date? If so it may need to be looked at by an expert in person.
Dropped Letter errors can go for hundreds but many fakes exist worth nothing.
it looks like the d under the date.. under a magnifying glass you can see it perfectly.
d under the date.. under a magnifying glass you can see it perfectly.
You'll need some to look at it or have it professionally graded. Try posting some pictures online first and have either coin forums or error experts look at it for an opinion. Try maybe local coin shops or clubs for assistants.
Hello, I am just wondering, Do you know why they changed the wheat penny to the copper penny? Thanks
Do you know why they changed the wheat penny to the copper penny?
I don't understand the question.
If you mean why they changed Wheat cent to a Memorial cent it is was changed for the 150th Anniversary of Lincoln's birth.
If you mean why it went from copper to copper-plated-zinc it was to save money because copper process went to high.
I have a wheat penny from 1958 how much is it worth?
wheat penny from 1958
About $0.10 in very-fine.
i haw a 1889 penny how mutch is it worth its almost uncerculated condishon
1889 penny how mutch is it worth its almost uncerculated condishon
About $27.00
I have a 1934 US twenty dollar bill. It's serial number is L96519762, does it have a greater value?
1934 US twenty dollar bill. It's serial number is L96519762
About $25.00
I found a 1958 penny with the number one that looks like a 7, why do you think that is. I checked all the other coins from that year and they don't look like that at all.
1958 penny with the number one that looks like a 7, why do you think that is.
Damage, this type of error is not possible.
I just found a 1958 penny that has a more silvery appearance as opposed to a copper color. It looks kind of like a shiny version of the WWII pennies. Have you ever heard of this? Could it just be a different kind of copper?
1958 penny that has a more silvery appearance as opposed to a copper color.
It may be an error made of a different metal.
Weigh it if it's about 3.11 grams it is just painted and worth nothing extra.
Any other weight might indicate a valuable error.
I have a 1956 wheat penny that has the D very close to the date and a 1950 wheat penny double die-that has an odd 9 My grandmother had them marked valuable.
Just found the collection-it is from the 1800-1970's
Thank you very much
1956 wheat penny that has the D very close
This was common among 1950s cents, there are 23 varieties that show some doubling. Some are very near the date but the average is about $1.00.
1950 wheat penny double die-that has an odd 9
I know of only 3 varieties none involve the date this is possibly Machine Double worth nothing extra. Even if it's true doubling they average about $1.00.
Hi my name is Evan. I have a penny i found that seems to be both steel and copper. Its from 1943 and the 3 drops down like a regular 1943 steel penny. it seems like the steel was put on top of the copper though cause it feels like you could scratch it off. Any thoughts on how much it could be valued at?
steel and copper. Its from 1943 and the 3 drops down like a regular 1943 steel penny. it seems like the steel was put on top of the copper though cause it feels like you could scratch it off.
Not possible.
What you are seeing is the Zinc coating.
Each 1943 cent was made of Zinc-coated Steel the Zinc is not stable and gets warn off easily.
This is common and only perfect cent have any true value.
hello i came across a 1958 lincoln penny in very fine condition and noticed somthing unique. no not the extremely rare double die,however the i is totally missing in the word liberty. could some light be shed on this? thanks
Hi I have a 1957, 1952, 1946, 1945, and a 1942
1958 lincoln penny in very fine condition and noticed somthing unique. no not the extremely rare double die,however the i is totally missing in the word liberty.
This could either be a weak strike or a struck through grease error either way it is common and holds no extra value.
Cents in good
1957 about $0.03
1952 about $0.03
1946 about $0.03
1945 about $0.03
1942 about $0.15
Hey I don't have one but I have herd that a copper 1943 penny is worth a lot. Is that true? and if so how much
copper 1943 penny is worth a lot. Is that true?
Yes, they average about $40,000.00 in circulated and about 3 times the value in uncirculated.
A copper 1943 penny is worth $40,000.00, where is this place they will pay that much for?
copper 1943 penny is worth $40,000.00, where is this place they will pay that much for?
The ANA (American Numismatic Association), Columbia Rarities Group, Inc., and a few other smaller Coin Dealers, plus private sales show at least 17 exist but the government said only 12 exist.
At no point have all of them been on display. 1999 was the last time I read of 3 in auction $112,500, $102,500, and $32,200.
I have a 1916 penny and it's in ok condition, the wheat lines are faint but still visible. How much might it be worth?
1916 penny and it's in ok condition
About $0.75 in fine.
i have a 1957 wheat penny and i want to know how much its worth
i have a 1957 wheat penny too and i can still see the lines like the visual aid but its not as shiny does this decrease it's value?
1957 wheat penny....
1957 wheat penny too and i can still see the lines like the visual aid but its not as shiny does this decrease it's value?
About $0.10 when it's not shiny the value does go down a lot.
i have a 1919 wheat penny is it worth anything?
1919 wheat penny
About $0.20
i have a 1944 penny in so-so condition. whats it worth?
1944 penny in so-so condition
About $0.05 in fine condition.
how much is a 1958 d penny worth?
its in so-so condition
1958 d penny...in so-so condition
About $0.02
I have a 1858 flying eagle, what is it worth?
It looks good and very clear, even the feathers are very clear.
1858 flying eagle
About $40.00
Is there a website to check prices for coins from USA and other countries?
Is there a website to check prices for coins from USA and other countries?
Most of the free sites are not accurate.
Numismaster.com has a great site to check every coin from every age but you have to pay.
Try PCGS price guide but understand hen selling coins you will be offered less.
That should say when not hen.
I have several questions, I have a 1953 penny copper on the inside but
the outside might be steel or zinc. The front and back are magnetic but
the sides are copper it is in great condition. Also I have 2000 penny that
is yellow gold color and magnetic I have only seen 2 of these and I work
with money everyday are these frauds or something of interest?
1953 penny copper on the inside but the outside might be steel or zinc. The front and back are magnetic but the sides are copper it is in great condition.
What you describe is a bi-metallic coin which was not possible in 1953. This is some sort of fake or an attempt to make jewelery.
2000 penny that
is yellow gold color and magnetic I have only seen 2 of these and I work
with money everyday are these frauds or something of interest?
Some sort of fraud is a bit harsh but these are made outside the mint by coating a normal cent with a thin layer of some semi-precious metal.
Usually the sell for $3.00 but they have no real value.
I have a 1941 Wheat Penny that has a letter sticking out of Lincoln's jaw line beneath his ear, found in a roll of pennies from my bank.
is this a Mint Error?
1941 Wheat Penny that has a letter sticking out of Lincoln's jaw line beneath his ear,
It's possible it could be a dropped letter error, a die clash, a double struck, or a few other types of error. Some are common and others are rare.
If you can get a good picture of it and use a free photo site to drop a link here I may be able to help.
If not any other online coin expert will ask for the same, a good picture.
I suspect it may be a die chip not worth anything extra. That is the only type I seen involving Lincoln's face.
I am referring to a post about a 1958 Wheat penny that was silver colored..not copper colored. Anyways..i also have one..it seems it has two types of medals that were placed together during the strike..the head side has a slight magnetic pull..not much..but the tail side..no magnetic pull at all..its silver colored and very immaculate..i weighed it..and as you said..i was shooting for 3.11...and it was right on the nose. It seems to have no evidence of being tampered with. Please let me know something. Thanks.
1958 Wheat penny that was silver colored..not copper colored...3.11...and it was right on the nose.
Unfortunately since it is exactly 3.11 it is a real cent covered with steel or nickel. Done to make a fake or by accident.
No extra value.
Were it silver it should weigh 2.50 grams.
If mixed it would be between 2.50 and 3.11.
hi i have a 1945 wheat penny and the 4 is not like this one from the bottum up see the 1st cross line just above this one there is another just as detailed and vivid and the top is faintly there. also the 9 the loop at the bottum of the o is much further away then any ive seen. could this value be higher. thanks
hi again i also have a gold in color coin naked lady heads i win tails you lose possibly marilyn monroe do you know its value thanks
1945 wheat penny and the 4 is not like this one from the bottum up see the 1st cross line just above this one there is another just as detailed and vivid and the top is faintly there. also the 9 the loop at the bottum of the o is much further away then any ive seen.
No extra value. This all sounds like minor variations or some damage.
gold in color coin naked lady heads i win tails you lose
This is a novelty token they sell for $1.00-$4.00. They have no real value though.
I have a 1957-D Wheat Penny that is missing the "I" in Liberty. Do you think it is worth anything?
1957-D Wheat Penny that is missing the "I" in Liberty
Sounds like a Struck Through Grease error. Very common, no extra value.
I have a DIME that was made sometime in 2000. However, the last number is not there. it reads 200
I have a DIME that was made sometime in 2000. However, the last number is not there. it reads 200
This is either a Struck Through Grease error or a weak strike either way it has no extra value.
I have a list if someone could help tell me what there worth
1943 steel
1916 error rim cud
1957 error extra metal x2
Assuming good condition.
1951D about $0.03
1937 about $0.15
1945 about $0.03
1943 steel about $0.30
1941 about $0.15
1916 error rim cud about $5.00
1957 error extra metal x2 about $0.03 depending on where the extra metal is on the coin.
thank you sir
i have a few wheat pennies from 1944 d to 1958 and the 8 looks like an 0 with to dots in the middle. how much would they be worth?
wheat pennies
1944 d about 0.03 in good.
1958 and the 8 looks like an 0 with to dots in the middle.
Sounds like damage no extra value, about $0.02.
I have a 1916 S Wheat penny that is double struck right down through the middle. The first stamp was cut off around the kneck on Linclon. I would be interested to know if this is of any siginifcant value?
1916 S Wheat penny that is double struck right down through the middle. The first stamp was cut off around the kneck on Linclon.
Without a picture it is difficult to imagine but a Double Stuck cent from that date would start at about $500 and may go up to a few thousand depending on look.
I got a penny in change that has 1940S heads on one side and 1941 (no mint mark) heads on the other side. Two complete heads, please help with any info you have. Thank you!
penny in change that has 1940S heads on one side and 1941 (no mint mark) heads on the other side. Two complete heads,
This is a fake or magician's coin.
It has no extra value.
what are the values of wheat pennies:
1940, 1940S, 1941, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1948,1950, 1951, 1952D, 1956, 1957, 1957D, 1958, 1958D
how much is a 1934S penny worth?
1942 penny cost
wheat pennies:
1940 about $0.15
1940S about $0.15
1941 about $0.15
1944 about $0.03
1945 about $0.03
1946 about $0.03
1948 about $0.03
1950 about $0.03
1951 about $0.03
1952D about $0.03
1956 about $0.03
1957 about $0.03
1957D about $0.03
1958 about $0.03
1958D about $0.03
1934S no such thing
1942 about $0.15
I have a 1909VDB, a 1916s, 1918s, 1928d, 1930s,1937s all are in very good condition. what are they worth
Cents all are in very good condition
1909VDB about $13.00
1916s about $2.25
1918s about $1.00
1928d about $0.30
1930s about $0.25
1937s about $0.20
I have a 1943 penny that i guess is copper coated. but it sounds like a steel penny when i drop it on a desk. im just curious if is is a fake or if they made copper coated pennys in 1943
1943 penny that i guess is copper coated. but it sounds like a steel penny when i drop it on a desk. im just curious if is is a fake or if they made copper coated pennys in 1943
Copper-coated means it is a fake.
Try a magnet if it sticks it is a fake.
If it does not stick it may be worth weighing for further inspection.
I have a 1910, 1913, 1971s, 1919s, 1923, 1929d, 1930, 1935, and 1936 wheat pennies. I also have a 1955d with a mark under the d that I can't read. Can you please tell me what they are worth?
wheat pennies
1910 about $0.35
1913 about $0.65
1971s about $0.03
In case you meant 1917s about $0.50
1919s about $0.20
1923 about $0.20
1929d about $0.20
1930 about $0.15
1935 about $0.15
1936 about $0.15
1955d about $0.05
cool site, actually found out the info I was looking for right away!
Awesome! This is the kind of site I've been looking for! So my question is:
Several years ago, while bartending, someone tipped me with a sealed roll of wheat pennies. I just found them a little while ago while cleaning and was wondering what they are worth. On the outside of the paper it says...
30 out of circulation Lincoln wheat coins, U.S Minted 1909-1958, Awarded by International Home Shopping, Canton, Ohio, Recorded And Filed As: Historical U.S. Coinage, Registration: 5821, Sweepstakes Winner: 91, c1895 IHS ?????. I've looked around online and I can't figure out what this roll is worth or if I should or shouldn't open the roll and see what years are inside. The back of the end penny that is showing says 1958. Does this mean they are all 1958? I'm very curious and want to open the roll but my husband says "NO! Do not open the roll until you ask a professional." Any advice?
30 out of circulation Lincoln wheat coins, U.S Minted 1909-1958, Awarded by International Home Shopping, Canton, Ohio, Recorded And Filed As: Historical U.S. Coinage, Registration: 5821, Sweepstakes Winner: 91, c1895 IHS ?????. I've looked around online and I can't figure out what this roll is worth or if I should or shouldn't open the roll and see what years are inside.
International Home Shopping or IHS is kind of a scam company, over priced items of lesser quality.
The 30 coin roll is not valuable as an unopened roll.
You would have to open the pack to see if the coins have survived in uncirculated.
Currently most of the uncirculated wheaties are about $0.20 each more if older than 1944.
I would open them since only gov't issued rolls have value.
Thanks so much for the response. I did open the package and they don't look uncirculated to me. A few of them have spots and one of them has some blue stuff on it that looks like blue rust. Other than those few, they look like regularly circulated pennies to me. I am not a collector though so I really don't know. They vary in years from 1944-1958.
I did open the package and they don't look uncirculated to me. A few of them have spots and one of them has some blue stuff
That means the paper had acid and those coins are damaged, it lowers the value to 3 cents each.
The rest sound normal so about 5-10 cents a piece.
Thank you! You've been so helpful!
i have 3 wheat pennies, one is from the year 1948, 1949, and 1953. how much are they worth?
wheat pennies,
1948 about $0.05
1949 about $0.05
1953 about $0.05
I have a 1916 lincoln head and never was stampedon the back whats it worth
1916 lincoln head and never was stampedon the back
Not possible it's damaged, no extra value.
how much are the 1953 and the 56 penny
1953 about $0.05
1956 about $0.05
Hello, please explain to me what a 1916 s double stuck penny looks like. I also found a 1929 Canadian penny, whats it worth in the USA and in Canada, thanks.
1916 s double stuck penny looks like
No such thing.
Double Struck would be a coin that is struck twice leave a second impression slightly off from the first.
1929 Canadian penny
USA about $0.30
Canada about $0.50
My name is chrissy and I have a 1909 VDB wheat penny. There is no s or d on it. can u tell me how much its wort?
1909 VDB wheat penny about $12.00
I have a 1925 Wheat that is in fairly good condition, and on the back - right hand side just below the wheat stalk there is the number "7". At first I thought it might just be a nick or scratch in the coin, but looked at it with a jewelers hoop (30x) and I am pretty sure it the number 7 - any input?
1925 Wheat that is in fairly good condition, and on the back - right hand side just below the wheat stalk there is the number "7". At first I thought it might just be a nick or scratch in the coin, but looked at it with a jewelers hoop (30x) and I am pretty sure it the number 7 - any input?
Damage someone put it there for some unknown reason, maybe as a lucky charm.
No extra value.
i have 2 1938 wheat pennies that are miss stamped.the stamp starts near the date and goes clockwise to the in god we trust.were many 1938s stamped wrong and what are their value.
1938 wheat pennies that are miss stamped.the stamp starts near the date and goes clockwise to the in god we trust.
I'm not sure what you are trying to say but I assume you mean an Off-Center error which is fairly common.
It sounds minor less than 10% which has little to no extra value.
If some of the lettering is missing then $5 - $10 depending on eye appeal.
i have a wheat penny i know its a wheat penny because it has the wheat emblem on both sides,got it about 25 years ago do you know what it would worth,used mag and could not see any fuse marks can u help
wheat penny i know its a wheat penny because it has the wheat emblem on both sides,got it about 25 years ago do you know what it would worth,used mag and could not see any fuse marks
This type of error would be nearly impossible it has never been seen. There would not be any fuse marks it could be a cast fake or some other type of fake.
All that is left is to take it to a certified dealer and ask for an opinion but most likely it's a fake.
i have several wheat pennies and i'm wondering what they are worth and how would i go about getting the money for them?
1941 about $0.15
1942D about $0.15
1944 about $0.05
1944D about $0.05
1951 about $0.05
1951D about $0.05
1952 about $0.05
1952D about $0.05
1958D about $0.05
Try eBay or go to a coin dealer and they'll buy them for the metal value of $0.03 each.
I have what is probably a stupid question regarding the 1922 "no D" penny. If there were pennies that came out (like in 1923 for instance) without a mint mark (just a "plain" 1923) were there no such pennies for 1922 ? In other words, was every 1922 penny supposed to show a mint mark ?
Mark Nolan
Mechanicville, NY
1922 "no D" penny. If there were pennies that came out (like in 1923 for instance) without a mint mark (just a "plain" 1923) were there no such pennies for 1922 ? In other words, was every 1922 penny supposed to show a mint mark ?
All 1922 cents were made in Denver and should have a D mint mark.
But since the Denver mint did not have enough dies they got worn and reused so the D is sometimes very faded or missing but they are still Denver cents.
i have one penny 1944s and 6 penny 1944 i want to sale.
what can i do?
Thank you.
i have one cent 1860 one cent 1865 one cent 1877 one dollar 1798 and 5 cent liberty 1885 1886 1912s i want to sale.
what can i do.
Thank you
one penny 1944s and 6 penny 1944 i want to sale.
what can i do?
These are all very common and are about $0.05 each sell them together on eBay is you best shot.
i have one penny cent lincoln usa from 1900 to 2002 for sale
waht can i do?
Thank you
one cent 1860 about $13.00
one cent 1865 about $10.00
one cent 1877 about $900.00
one dollar 1798 about $90.00
5 cent liberty
1885 about $550.00
1886 about $275.00
1912s about $160.00
These are some good coins maybe a site like Hertiage Auctions would be good or maybe a private deal at some coin forums, but eBay is also still a good option.
one penny cent lincoln usa from 1900 to 2002 for sale
Again if complete, list them on eBay and expect hundreds possibly even thousands.
I have a 1957 D Double Die obverse, can you give me a value.
1957 D Double Die obverse about $1.00 in fine.
I have a silver or stainless steel 1953 Lincoln cent how much is it worth?
silver or stainless steel 1953 Lincoln cent
First weigh it from there you can tell the value?
I have a 1950 D Wheat Lincon cent that has the nine and the five connected as one, is this coin worth anything. I have never seen anything like this.
1950 D Wheat Lincon cent that has the nine and the five connected as one
This is a Die Break it was common in the 1950s and has no extra value.
I have a 1952 wheat penny with a mark in the center of the back that looks like a very small welding marking.I also have a wheat penny that look like the one at the top of your web site.1958D silver penny.
1952 wheat penny with a mark in the center of the back that looks like a very small welding marking.
Sounds like damage and has no extra value.
1958D silver penny
Weigh it to find out if it is a true error.
Hi! As a cashier I find lots of wheat pennies but just found a 1916 s (i think) that has no back stamp whatsoever. No ridge and flat and smooth as a baby's butt. Is it of any extra value because of the missing back wheat stamp? Thanks Man:-)
wheat pennies but just found a 1916 s (i think) that has no back stamp whatsoever. No ridge and flat and smooth as a baby's butt. Is it of any extra value because of the missing back wheat stamp?
This sounds like damage and has no extra value.
By 'damage' do you mean that the back stamp of the coin has worn off? or was it just a mistake and not stamped? I've seen hundreds of wheaties some of which are greatly worn but this one was never stamped on the back. Do you still concur with your original assessment? Thank you for your responses>
By 'damage' do you mean that the back stamp of the coin has worn off? or was it just a mistake and not stamped? I've seen hundreds of wheaties some of which are greatly worn but this one was never stamped on the back.
It is not possible to stamp a coin with only one side. The way you describe the coin sounds like someone has smoothed out one side to make into jewelery or something.
I have 1963 Red Seal Five Dollar bill, 1934 One hundred Bill, 1971 and 1974 Hold dollars Half dollar 1962,1967 and 1968. Can you tell me the value.
I all would like the value of a very very small Canada $50 gold coin with maple leaf on the back with 999 on it still in it's box.
It is a 1979 gold coin
1963 Red Seal Five Dollar bill about $12.00
1934 One hundred Bill about $102.00
1971 and 1974 Hold dollars ????
Half dollar
1962 about $7.00
1967 about $3.00
1968 about $3.00
1979 Canada gold coin
About $1,200.00 if 1 ounce but the very small may mean this is fake.
how much is a 1955 1956 1953 1937 wheat penny worth with the mint mark of D. and how much are 1913 1914 1918 wheat pennys worth with no mint mark.
wheat penny
1955-D about $0.03
1956-D about $0.03
1953-D about $0.03
1937-D about $0.15
1913 about $0.85
1914 about $0.75
1918 about $0.20
what does the D and S stand for when talking about value for the wheat pennys
what does the D and S stand for when talking about value for the wheat pennys
D is for Denver
S is for San Francisco
Those are the mint facilities they were minted at.
Is a 1971 S penny worth anything?
1971 S penny about $0.05
I have a wheat penny with a good deal of lamenation error on the front rendering the date unreadable. There is also a fair amount on the reverse. What would this be worth?
wheat penny with a good deal of lamenation error on the front rendering the date unreadable. There is also a fair amount on the reverse.
It would start at $3.00 but this sounds like damage it would have to be graded to get any extra value.
Hi I have a wheat penny from 1944.And one from 1966 I would just like to know how much each of them are worth.
wheat penny from 1944 about $0.05
Lincoln cent from 1966 about $0.03
i have an 1896 wheat penny how much do u think it would be worth
1896 penny about $3.00
A 1937 Lincoln Wheat, no mint mark, very yellow brass color.
1937 Lincoln Wheat, no mint mark about $0.15
I have an 1879 penny. How much is it worth?
1879 penny about $8.00 in good
I have a 1950 lincoln wheat penny with only the head is struck on it.
1950 lincoln wheat penny with only the head is struck on it
Sounds like damage, no extra value.
I have 4 1954 s pennies that appear to spell liberty with an extra i between the b and e. Are there any other reports of this coin out there?
1954 s pennies that appear to spell liberty with an extra i between the b and e
These are known as BIE cents they were popular 50 years ago but so many were found that they have little or no extra value.
Technically these are die break errors.
Recently I found a 1958 D wheat penny with a period between W and E on IN GOD W.E TRUST. I can't find anything about it anywhere. Is that a common error I'm missing?
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