Give me some history of the Indian head penny.
- First the image on the coin is actually Liberty wearing an Indian headdress.
- Variety 1 is from 1859 has a wreath on the back with no shield.
- Variety 2 is from 1860-1864 and has a wreath on the back with a shield.
- Variety 3 is from 1864-1909 and is bronze , not copper-nickel like the other varieties.
- Values:
- Variety 1=$15.00 at G-4, and $110.00 at EF-40, or $2,000.00 at MS-65
- Variety 2=$12.00 at G-4, and $45.00 at EF-40, or $640.00 at MS-65
- Variety 3=$2.00 at G-4, and $10.00 at EF-40, or $220.00 at MS-65
What are wheat penny values? What is the value of old wheat pennies? Valuable wheat pennies

Yes I get it wheat pennies are commonly found so I'll repeat what I said before,
- Wheat pennies in low grades go $0.02-$0.10 in general.
- Check out the years below for coins that are valued more.
- Rare dates: 1909-S, 1909-S V.D.B., 1914-D, 1922, 1931-S
- Scarce dates: 1910-S, 1911-S, 1912-S, 1913-S, 1914-S, 1915-S, 1922-D, 1922-D, 1924-D
What are the values of a 1917 American penny, 1926 penny and a 1945 penny?
- 1917 = $0.20___1917D = $0.30___1917S = $0.50 at Good grade
- 1926 = $0.20___1926D = $0.25___1926S = $2.25 at Good grade
- 1945 = $0.02___1945D = $0.02___1945S = $0.03 at Good grade
- Of course the fist two will be worth more at higher grades, not so much the last.

How do I clean wheat pennies?
- Soap and water.
- Distilled water.
- But the most effective is using Acetone ( not nail polish remover) or xylene for "cleaning" copper coins.
- All of these DO NOT involve brushing but if you need to brush try a super-soft brush of natural fibers, gently in small circles.
Worth of a 1947D nickel?
- $0.30 at VF-20 and $3.50 at MS-65
Where can I sell my coins mercury dime online?
- eBay, because most companies only want the best.
- Start at $0.01, no reserve and list for at least 7 days.
- I've seen ads of places that buy coins and Littleton does pay top dollar but the reject lots of coins that don't meet their standards so if you think your coin is great go to them or other famous coin companies.
Why is my Sacagawea coin peeling?
- It maybe plated with something or may have chemical damage. It probably isn't a true error.
How much for old Canadian pennies(in low grade)?
- 1912-1920 about $0.50
- 1920-1936 about $0.20
- 1937-2005 about $0.10
What is the value of a 1959 Canadian quarter?
- About $2.00 in MS-60.
What is the value of dollar silver certificate dated 1957b?
- About $2.50 in very fine and $5.00 in CU (crisp uncirculated).
Do you have a coin and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you
134 dollars worth, for Comments/Questions click here.:
I have a 1913-S wheat penny and trying to find out a value of it
A 1913-S cent is about
$7.00 in G-4
$14.00 in VF-20
$135.00 in MS-60
G-4 is worn with lines in the wheat head missing.
MS-60 is no trace of wear, light spots, full details.
found a 1969 jamaican 20 cent piece wanting to find out the value if any
Yes it has value, not much.
Type: 20 Cents Jamaica
Mintage: 3,758,000
Metal: Copper-nickel
Value: Extra-fine=$0.20
i've got a 1917s in excellent wear marks...just not shinny but much can it be sold for?
A 1917S what? EF=Extremely fine
U.S. Cent = $8.00 in EF
U.S. Nickel = $175.00 in EF
U.S. Dime = $12.00 in EF
found a 1916 wheat penny.any value?
1916 $0.20 in good, $2.00 in very fine.
I have a 1943 steel wheat penny in MS60 any idea how much? And a 1882 Indian Head penny in G4. Thanks.
1943 in MS-60 $1.00
1882 in G-4 $4.00
I have a 1838-c Five Dollar Gold Piece I have no idea it's worth
1838-C is a key coin and starts at $2,500.00 in VF-20 (the headband is only slighlty warm and the word LIBERTY is bold).
In mint condition (MS-60 very minor wear) it is $35,000.00.
Kennedy Halves have to be at least in MS-60 (almost perfect, some spots) to be worth these prices.
All proof coins and special finishes are worth more but only in original packaging or coin holder.
Alright, i was digging through my great grandma's old coin collection and found a 1969 penny that seems to be struck in the goldish material as the recent dollar coins. I am sure this coin has lots of value, but i want to make sure before i try to sell it to someone for very little.
I wrote about these coins before they were coated with gold outside the mint and are worthless.
Here's a previous post were I talked about it LINK
Here's an image of some 1960's gold pennies I own PICTURE
An error penny may exist made from foriegn coin brass but it would be a different size, weight and off-center then a 1969 penny.
I have an 1832 penny. What is it's value?
1832 $16.00 in good condition over $225.00 in uncirculated near perfect condition.
What is a 1917 dime worth? And what is the most valueable penny? Also what is a Half Gold Half Siver 2 headed Kenndy .50 worth?
1917 dime $2.00 in Good grade.
The most valuable Lincoln penny is 1909 S VDB $600.00 in Good grade.
Half Gold-Half Siver 2 headed Kenndy .50 worth?
Fake and only worth anything as an art piece maybe $1.00.
I have a 1946 wheat penny in good condition how much is it worth????
1946 in good $0.02.
In very fine $0.10.
i have a wheat 1917 penny with no letter below, i have been told it is worth anywhere from .50 cents to $650.00, how do i know for sure?
and what do i do or take it if it is worth anything? (San Diego)
The price range of a 1917 penny is $0.20 to $2,200 which is one of the largest.Here is why...
1917 is $0.30 in fine
1917 Double Die Obverse it has a doubling in the date, is $140.00 in fine.
1917 Matte Proof is so unique only 1 is known to exist.
If you can see a doubling on the date or if the coin looks perfect, like a new penny then send it to and they will grade it, for a fee and you can sell it.
But if it looks normal and is in ugly shape then it is not worth much.
i have a 1950d a 1955d wheat pennys and a 1944 penny i also have a 1959 1.00 schilling a 1954 a 1955 a 1948 what are these worth.
Wheat Cents
1950d $0.10 in very fine
1955d $0.10 in very fine
1944 $0.10 in very fine
1.00 schilling
1959 $2.00 in very fine
1954 $0.15 in very fine
1955 $0.15 in very fine
1948 $0.20 in very fine
I have a wheat penny That is off center and the says 191,Its a S mint does anyone have any info on this coin?
1853 quar.dol. O mint mark
Off-center 191?-S cent:
The problem is that the date is unknown it has a value of at least $10.00 if the grade is high and it is more red then brown then about $125.00
1853-O Quarter:
Is $20.00 in good grade
and up to $2,750.00 in uncirculated grade.
OK.I have A 1776 WM with a tree with eight branches and what looks like stars above them Nine total.Very primative looking as if you where to draw a straight line and four lines on each side to make a stick figure looking tree.on the left of the tree appears 17 and on the right is 76.On the back WM appers and it says american liberty,How ever it looks like its spelled AMIRTCAN.If you hold the coin side ways and look at the e its like it as a small protrusion where the middle of the E should be.I know that that there is one coin at the MAS HISTORICAIL SOCIEITY and many say that any other coins are fake.I cant find any picture's other then a pine tree coin.
Whats a ten dollar gold 1909 D mint mark,indian head 14K bezal rope pendent/necklace sealed uncirulated worth?Thanks
1904 indian head wheat penny vf-20
sealed any value?
1776 WM (William Moulton New Hampsire pattern)
5 varietes are known all turned out to be fakes but made in the 1860s. Your sounds like a Chinese fake. But still hold on to it even a counterfeit is worth something if it can be traced to the mid 1800s.
If you can take a good picture if it and I'll forward it to some experts.
Here is a site that explains the fakes LINK>
1909-D uncirculated is $900.00 as long as it is not soldered/attached to the pendant any damage causes the price to cut in half.
1904 cent VF-20 is $5.00
I would like to send you a couple of picture's of my 1776 coin.If you would email me at give me the details on how to do so.I have a couple I can email you,or I cam mail you close ups on 35mm next week.Thanks
Ok,Iv found a 1909 indian head 10 dollar god coin,this is different from onther I own,The Indian head is of a woman and not of a indian cheif?There is a D mint mark and in aleast MS60 or better.
thanks blake
OK I'll email you.
1909-D $10.00 only came in one variety. Send a picture of that too because I'm not sure what it is.
The person on the 1907-1933 is Lady Liberty wearing a Indian Headdress.
I have a 1904 Indian Head Penny with Wreath and Shield on the back. In good condition.
1904 Penny in good condition is $2.00.
I have a 1909 S-VDB penny. How can I determine if it is a counterfeit or a real one? Thank you!
1909 S-VDB penny counterfeits are usually made by adding an S. Under high magnification the S should have a notch and a die chip if it is perfect then it is most likely a fake.
Some are made very good in that case you need an expert here is a good article LINK
Thank you for the information on the 1909 S-VDB!! I believe, that after reading your information, that it is real. I paid $600.00 for it, as a gift to my dad for Christmas, and I did not know anything about this counterfeit coin prior to the purchase!! Thank you!
i was wondering if you could tell me the value of an 1882 wheat penny.
1882 wheat penny in fine condition is about $8.00.
Fine has nice sharp details in the front and back.
I have nickles from 1939,40 41, 43,51,53, and 54 are they worth anything or should I just put them in the coffee can for the next time i go to the bank.
Nickels in very fine condition.
1939 about $0.25
1940 about $0.25
1941 about $0.20
1943 about $1.00
1951 about $0.25
1953 about $0.08
1954 about $0.10
The 1943 is made of 35% silver and will always retain a silver value. I suggest at least keeping any that one.
If you want to start collecting nickels you have a good starting point. The first Jefferson Nickel was 1938.
I found a 1969 jamaican 10 cent piece it has shield on front and it says ten cents with a big 10 on it with flowers and butterflies whats its worth if any? can anyone help?
I found a 1928 indian head nickel the 1928 not veryy visible but everything else is and the rims are complete and the word liberty on it is very visible and its clean everything else is very very visible is it worth anything?
1969 Jamaican 10 cent piece it has shield on front and it says ten cents
It is about $0.10 in extra-fine.
1928 Indian head nickel the 1928 not very visible but everything else is and the rims are complete and the word liberty on it is very visible
The fact that the date is not that visible makes it around fine condition. The key is to have the horn of the bison completely visible.
Can you see a mintmark below the word FIVE CENTS?
1928 is about $2.50 in fine.
1928-D is about $5.00 in fine.
Hello. I found a indian head penny. its very worn down, but i can read 1_ _ 7 for the date. I read that an 1877 is worth around $400, and a 1867 is $24. Any ideas on what i could do to find out the two middle numbers? Ive tried looking under a magnifieng glass, but still cant tell.
Any ideas on what i could do to find out the two middle numbers?
I suggest buying Q. David Bowers' A Buyer's and Enthusiast's Guide to Flying Eagle and Indian Cents
Here is a link that maybe useful you can always ask them for more info.
I have a 1917-d wreath penny, it is in good condition, but slightly smudged in the corner. How much is it worth?
My grandfather has a very small penny, it is about 1mm in size. How much would it be worth?
1917-d wreath penny, it is in good condition
This wheat cent is about $0.30 a little less if the smudge is bad.
very small penny, it is about 1mm in size
This would be an art piece. Art is subjective and the price could be around $5.00 as I seen in some souvenir shops but if it is greatly detailed it may be more.
i have 3 wheat penneis from 1941,1946,1952 i heard that if the 1941 one does not to a magnet it can be worth alot is this ture also i have 1 jamican 10 cents,2dimes from1942,1940 what are their vaule?
3 wheat penneis in very-fine
1941 about $0.20
1946 about $0.10
1952 about $0.10
1941 one does not to a magnet it can be worth alot is this true
No, it is copper and will not stick to a magnet.
jamican 10 cents,2dimes from 1942,1940
Is this 2 Jamaican dimes or U.S. dimes?
i have a 1975 dime with no mint mark at all....i read about it and saw a couple articles that said it was 35,000-45,000 or something? do u know if this is true or what it is worth?
1975 dime with no mint mark at all
This is normal. Until 1979 all Philadelphia minted coins did not have mint marks, they are blank.
Starting in 1980 all coins haves P, D, or S mint marks.
The article you read was talking about a proof coin that should have an S mintmark that is missing.
In 1968, 1970, and 1975 some proof coins were made without mintmarks and are worth a lot but they look different then circulating coins.
Proof coins are very shiny and have a mirror finish.
I have a magnetized 1953 penny that appears to be hollow. Any idea if this is worth anything?
magnetized 1953 penny that appears to be hollow.
This is a magician's coin made outside the mint and sold to do magic tricks.
It has no numismatic value.
I would like to know the value of a 1953 5.00 dollar bill that the ink is blue on the serial number and the stamp and Robert Anderson was the sec. of treasury.
1953 5.00 dollar bill that the ink is blue on the serial number and the stamp and Robert Anderson was the sec. of treasury.
This a 1953-A series and is about $10.00 in very-fine.
I have a 1919 wheat penny not in so good condintion how much is it worth?
1919 wheat penny not in so good condintion
About $0.20
i have a 1953 wheat penny but the sides are flipped...the lincoln side is one ways and then when you turn it over the wheat side is the other direction (upside down) is that normal???
1953 wheat penny but the sides are flipped...the lincoln side is one ways and then when you turn it over the wheat side is the other direction (upside down) is that normal
U.S. coins have coin alignment which means when the head is facing up and the coin is flipped left or right the reverse is upside down.
Hold the coin with two fingers and twirl it left/right and the reverse will be upside down.
If not then that is a Rotated Reverse Die error about $75.00.
i have a 1919 wheat penny in good condition
1919 wheat penny in good condition
About $0.30
I have a 1953 lincoln penny, the word liberty looks like it is spelled Liberjy. There is a bar under the t on liberty. Just wondering if its worth anything.
1953 lincoln penny, the word liberty looks like it is spelled Liberjy. There is a bar under the t on liberty
This is a Die Crack or Die Break and has little value, it's about $1.00 if mint state.
I have a dime from the year 1914 with the words one dime are upside down on the back.I also have a nickel from 1912 with a "V" on the back. How much are these worth?thanks
dime from the year 1914 with the words one dime are upside down on the back
When rotating a coin left-to-right in the U.S. the front is normal and the back is always upside down.
If this is what you mean then it's normal and worth about $2.50.
nickel from 1912
About $2.00.
I have a penny (1857-1992) and one penny for(1867-1897)how much are their value? Thanh you
penny (1857-1992) and one penny for(1867-1897)how much are their value?
What country? Or give a description?
I have a 1 cent piece from mexico dated 1943. any value to that?
1 cent piece from mexico dated 1943
About $0.30
I hacve 6 wheat pennies.
1955 fine
1956 fine
1941 fine
1945 good (discoulored)
1942 bad
I have a buffalo nickel from 1935 in good condition, a 1976-D bicenntenial quarter, a 1976 no mint mark bicenntennial quarter, a 1941 no mark wehat penny, a 1940 reddish no mark wheat penny and a 1955 no mark wheat penny
wheat pennies.
1955 fine about $0.05
1956 fine about $0.05
1941 fine about $0.20
1945 good (discoulored) about $0.05
1942 bad about $0.03
buffalo nickel from 1935 in good condition about $1.00
1976-D bicenntenial quarter about $0.25
1976 no mint mark bicenntennial quarter about $0.25
1941 no mark wehat penny about $0.25
1940 reddish no mark wheat penny about $1.00
1955 no mark wheat penny about $0.05
I have a Canadian coin that say's 5 cents at the top and Canada 1867-1967 on the bottum with a rabbit in between,was wondering if u could tell if it is worth anything or even have any information about it?
Thank you
Canadian coin that say's 5 cents at the top and Canada 1867-1967 on the bottum with a rabbit
About $0.05 it is common made for the Confederation Centennial and they put a snowshoe rabbit on the coin.
I have a 1992 penny the two is not there plus a couple pennys that missed print all together in a bank roll in 2001
1992 penny the two is not there plus a couple pennys that missed print all together in a bank roll in 2001
Common on cents, either a weak strike or struck through grease error either way it has no extra value.
First off, I would like to say that this is an amazing site that I will recommend to all of my fellow coin friends.
I have a hollow penny that only has the back half and rim - no circular pattern inside but lines like those on raw matals - not magnetized but magnet will stick to it
The other is 1984 penny with an extra piece of copper sticking up right in front of lincolns head - kinda like a bullet shape - sticks up higher than the date but about the same as the same height as the rim. If anyone has any idea about either then please let me know. Very appreciated.
hollow penny that only has the back half and rim - no circular pattern inside but lines like those on raw matals - not magnetized but magnet will stick to it
This is a Magician's coin it was real then drilled and plugged with steel, I found a few and they are exactly how you described, no extra value.
1984 penny with an extra piece of copper sticking up right in front of lincolns head - kinda like a bullet shape - sticks up higher than the date but about the same as the same height as the rim.
This is a Die Break error it is common and has no extra value.
What would I be able to sell these five dollar bills for?
1. 1934 C
2. 1934 D
3. 1934 A
4. 1953 A
5. 1963 (no letter).......All good condition
10 dollar bills... all good condition
1. 1935 D
2. 1957 (no letter)
3. 1957 A
4. 1057 B
two dollar bills very good conditon 1976
What would I be able to sell these five dollar bills for?
Without serial numbers it is not possible to guess.
PLease forgive my ignorance..this is alien to me
Serials of the Fives
5. A51985477A/A43313858A
Serials of the tens
1. C16285997A
2. F022136A
3. B59524459B/ G10369448C
4. B50762019F
What would I be able to sell these five dollar bills for?
1. 1934 C B42460996C about $15.00
2. 1934 D R89561871A about $10.00
3. 1934 A E48752506A about $15.00
4. 1953 A F59892382A about $10.00
5. 1963 A51985477A about $7.00
A43313858A about $7.00
10 dollar bills... all good condition
1. 1935 D C16285997A
2. 1957 F022136A
3. 1957 A B59524459B
4. 1957 B B50762019F
All of these are not correct are they 10 or 1 dollar.
MY horrendous mistake..They are 10 dollar bills
with correct serials but the years are:
1. 1928 B
2. 1929
3. 1934 A
4. 1934 D
10 dollar bills... all good condition
1. 1928 B C16285997A about $20.00
2. 1929 F0022136A about $50.00
3. 1934 A B59524459B about $11.00
G10369448C about $11.00
4. 1934 D B50762019F about $12.00
I have a 1950 Series B $10 bill with G422775639E serial number from Bank of Chicago, Illinois. Can you please tell me the value?
I Thank you immensely for your time and expertise...may I impose one last time?
What would I be able to sell very good condition
silver certicate ONE DOLLAR bills?
1. 1935 D W26360772E
2. 1957 C87159373A/ J21783018A
3. 1957 A F00456996A/ D55396406A/ *66667968A
4. 1957 B X99128434A/ *97134829A/U98458654A
1950 Series B $10 bill with G422775639E about $12.00
very good condition silver certificate ONE DOLLAR bills?
1. 1935 D W26360772E about $3.00
2. 1957 C87159373A about $2.50
J21783018A about $2.50
3. 1957 A F00456996A about $2.50
D55396406A about $2.50
*66667968A about $7.50
4. 1957 B X99128434A about $2.50
*97134829A about $10.00
U98458654A about $2.50
Thank you yet again ! I would not know "who or what" had I not stumbled upon your site. I found more stuff and am hoping you could help me .. I think this is the last ...
Eisenhower dollar coins
Susan B Anthony 1979/1980
Indian woman with child 2000
the finale....
Silver Coins
Silver Quarters
Silver Half Dollars
Benny Franklin !
Kenndy Silver ½ dollars
Eisenhower dollar coins
1971 about $1.00
1974 about $1.00
1976 about $1.00
1977 about $1.00
Susan B Anthony 1979 about $1.00
1980 about $1.00
Indian woman with child 2000 about $1.00
1941 about $1.30
1942 about $1.30
1950 about $1.30
1958 about $1.30
1959 about $1.30
1962 about $1.30
1964 about $1.30
1964 about $1.30
Silver Quarters
1944 about $3.20
1946 about $3.20
1954 about $3.20
1961 about $3.20
1963 about $3.20
1964 about $3.20
Silver Half Dollars
Benny Franklin
1951 about $6.30
1957 about $6.30
Kenndy Silver ½ dollars
1964 about $6.30
1967 about $2.60
A heartfelt THANK YOU !!!You, the Man, are THE MAN !!!!!signed, Anonymous (Barbara)
Hi. I bought a 1776 WM New Hampshire Half Penny for $20 at an antique mall. I realize now that it is probably a fake, but it doesn't say "COPY" on it. It has the branches on the obverse with 1776 and "LIBERTY - AMERICAN" on the reverse with "WM" in the center. It looks like you've dealt with these before and I would like to figure out whether or not it is a fake. Would you please E-mail me at with instructions on how to send you pictures of it? Thank you! -Jeff
1776 WM New Hampshire Half Penny for $20 at an antique mall. I realize now that it is probably a fake, but it doesn't say "COPY" on it. It has the branches on the obverse with 1776 and "LIBERTY - AMERICAN" on the reverse with "WM" in the center.
No need for a picture as only an expert can tell in hand if it is real.
That said this is most likely a Peter Rosa replica.
His 1776 WMs have been floating around for year and causing confusion since they are so well made fake.
I suspect if you bought it for $20 that is what it is worth. But if you suspect it may be real it would cost a lot of money to have a grader like PCGS to tell you for certain.
Greetings, I have a 1945 wheat penny in good condition with no rim, can you tell me what the worth of this coin is?
1945 wheat penny in good condition with no rim
Sounds damaged, about $0.03.
I have a 1971 bu Kennedy half that has no marks and a mirror finish. it is in a cardboard holder. I was just curious of the value
1971 bu Kennedy half that has no marks and a mirror finish.
Sounds either proof-like which may add some value if not polished.
About $3.00
I am confused on why a 1953 Lincoln Wheat Penny with no marks is selling for 3 to 10 cents,yet I just saw one on ebay listed for 890,000.00 dollars....Why? There was no explanation. What could possibly give it so much value?
1953 Lincoln Wheat Penny with no marks is selling for 3 to 10 cents,yet I just saw one on ebay listed for 890,000.00 dollars....Why?
Because on eBay anyone can sell lint for $100,000. kosaka31 is either trying to get publicity or doing some kind of scam. Only 35 transactions shows a low volume for this seller and should not be trusted.
The only good thing with eBay is that there are multiple 1953 cent most for $1.00 or less if circulated.
not sure if you still do this or not but it's worth a shot for me- i have a 1920; 1935 & 1936 penny.... I also have a 1979 penny...or half cent (not sure). I also have about 20 diff coins that I cannot seem to find values for them at all- maybe i can send you photo's and get some help? pls let me know! ty
Assuming from Canada penny
1920 about $0.60
1935 about $0.20
1936 about $0.15
1979 penny...or half cent (not sure).
--Make sure then tell me.
I also have about 20 diff coins that I cannot seem to find values for them at all- maybe i can send you photo's and get some help? pls let me know! ty
--Post them online somewhere and then drop a link here.
actually they are usa penny's. I will post on my blog this week and then will drop you the link- and for sure about passing the photo's on and I'll take a look-see also! Thanks. :)
USA cents assuming a low grade of Good
1920 about $0.20
1935 about $0.15
1936 about $0.15
I assumed a higher grade when I thought they were Canadian.
About $2.00 in good condition for the coin.
i have a 1943 penny and it looks like dark gray and silvery,its a little beat up but i want to know the value of it?
1943 penny and it looks like dark gray and silvery,its a little beat up
About $0.30
How much is a u.s. 1914 silver dime worth? Also a 1943 copper penny, is it worth much?
1914 silver dime about $2.50
1943 copper penny if real $100,000 but many fakes exist weigh it to find out.
What is the value of my Coins?;
1907- Buffalo Nickel
1910S- wheat Penny
I was told my Penny is a Very Rare
Assuming at least very-good circulated condition...
1907- Buffalo Nickel about $2.00 should be a Liberty nickel not a Buffalo recheck date
1910S- wheat Penny about $20.00 yes this is a key cent, not rare but still a must have for all collectors
I have a 1920 wheat penny with no ment mark its in good shape. Is it worth anything?
1920 wheat penny with no ment mark its in good shape
About $0.20
What is a 1974 one dollar coin with a fg on it worth?
1974 one dollar coin with a fg
What country?
United States
1974 one dollar coin with a fg on it...United States
Just $1.00 assume it is clad with copper visible on the edge.
FG is Frank Gasparro the designer of this coin.
I have a one dollar coin with the president Franklin Pierceon it..Is it worth anything?
one dollar coin with the president Franklin Pierce
Just $1.00 it is too new to have any extra value.
I have a 1922 wheat penny with no ment mark it is in very good shape is it worth anything?
1922 wheat penny with no ment mark it is in very good shape
About $850.00 but understand many fakes exist so be cautious.
jamaica ten dollar coin yr 2000 how much is it worth u can send the answer to my email plz
jamaica ten dollar coin yr 2000
About $1.50 in extra-fine
i have a 1917 proof buffalo nickel with matte finish, i cant find the value of it. can you tell me how much its worth?
1917 proof buffalo nickel with matte finish
These do not exist. At least none were proven real by NGC or PCGS, if real they would be worth hundreds of thousands.
i believe thats what i have, how can i find out for sure?
i believe thats what i have, how can i find out for sure?
Submit the coin to PCGS and have it professionally graded.
It may cost up to $300 to find out.
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