I found this brand new 2005 10¢ Canadian coin.
It looks great even though it's a circulating coin. The scanner never does the coin justice, it looks better in real life.
Check out this blurred image, you can clearly see the reflection of my camera. The coins surface is as perfect as a mirror.

Here's the stat for this coin...
Year: 2005P
Mintage: 212,175,000
Metal: 92% Steel, 5,5% Copper, 2.5% Nickel
Value: MS-63 $0.60
This coin was returned in my change as a dime. It's around my 250th Canadian coin I lost track a while ago. They usually aren't high value but they are high quality.
Do you have a Canadian coin and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you
26 dollars worth, for Comments/Questions click here.:
there is a new dime comming out. it is mostly pure silver. there will only be 950 per state and has president roneld reagen on it. how much is it worth?
The government did not ok the new dime and these coins are issued through Washington Monetary Authority which is a private mint named in several lawsuits for fraud.
It's fake crap. Not worth the silver in it unless you want art.
Are you serious?
For Canadian Coin Values, i suggest you this website : http://www.numicanada.com
Nice website but 2 issues.
It's in French, and one of your links lead to porn.
Neither is that big of a deal but some warning would be nice.
I have a 2001 Canadian dime with a degisn on back that has 3 faces and says "year of voulenteers" in english and french. Any idea if it is worth anything? I also have a Canadian quarter with a red spot in the middle. Is that worth anything as well?
2001 Canadian dime with a degisn on back that has 3 faces and says "year of voulenteers" in english and french.
About $0.10
Canadian quarter with a red spot in the middle.
About $0.25
Both are common and even in high grade they are not worth much.
I have a gold George the 5th gold 1929, 10 cent piece . I can't find any information on it.
gold George the 5th gold 1929, 10 cent piece
No such thing as a gold ten cent piece it must be plated.
But just in case a more detailed description would be helpful, at least a country?
hi i got 10 cents from 2004
10 cents from 2004
If Canadian then just $0.10
I have found a 1867-1967 dime, anyone could tell me the value of that dime?
1867-1967 dime about $1.50 there are two versions a 50% and 90% silver but I do not how to tell them apart.
how much would a 1938 canadian dime be worth thanks
1938 canadian dime about $2.25
what about a canadian silver dollar 1976 with caneoers on it?
canadian silver dollar 1976 just $1.00
1 more thing a 1909 canadian quarter good condition is worth
1909 canadian quarter good condition about $15.00
oh ok thanskfor the help
I was wondering how to tell apart the large ship from the regular variety on a 1968 Canadian dime.
large ship from the regular variety on a 1968 Canadian dime
No such thing.
There are 4 varieties of the 1968 Canada Dimes...
Silver ↑↑
Silver ↑↓
Philadelphia flat reeding
Ottawa v-shaped reeding
I have a Canadian dime with no stamped on it. It looks old.
Canadian dime with no stamped on it. It looks old
Sorry I don't understand, do you mean blank on both sides?
What is the value of a circulated 1953 Canadian dime?
circulated 1953 Canadian dime about $1.75
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