Have a damaged coin and want to know its value? Leave a comment
Often people think they found a special quarter that lacks the reeded edge. They think this is an error and the mint forgot to add the ridges on the edge. Unfortunately in 99% of the cases this is just normal wear.
Pictured above is a mix of state quarters, 1990s quarters, and two 1970s quarters. Can you tell which Washington quarters are from 1972 and 1973?
That is right the ones with almost no ridges are the oldest. They also have slightly thicker edges and a bit of a raised rim. All of this is natural. Quarters are heavy and the edge gets banged around a lot and over time this spreads the edge. As a result of the thickening edge the face of the coin stays on a lower level and is less worn given the illusion that that it was specially made this way.
Despite being made of copper and nickel these metals are very easily altered. It does not take a lot of pressure to move the metal and thousand of small hits a year for 40 years makes a naturally smooth edge.
So this is not an error or a variety but just how some quarters end up. So what about the 1% of coins that are not worn? Well they are a mix of fakes, purposefully altered, or a out of collar strike. The out of collar strike has other telling signs like be larger not smaller in diameter.
The Value
No extra value.
Since this is not an error and alters the coin it will only cause a coin to lose value. Face value will stay but occasionally the edge becomes so thick it cannot be used in vending machines.
Sidenote: Found a 1973 Canadian dime but since I got one three months ago it does not need to be re-posted.
Do you have damaged
coins and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will
do my best to find out the price and history for you.
243 dollars worth, for Comments/Questions click here.:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 243 Newer› Newest»I have a 2002 Indiana quarter that does not have the ridges on the edge. it is not from wear or vending machines, it was just manufactured without the ridges on the sides. The sides are just completely smooth and they never once had the ridges on them. How much do you think this quarter is worth?
2002 Indiana quarter that does not have the ridges on the edge. it is not from wear or vending machines, it was just manufactured without the ridges on the sides.
If it is the same size has other quarters it is damaged.
If bigger or smaller an out of collar strike error about $15.00.
I have a 2002 Ohio quarter and a 2006 north Dakota quarter both same size with no ridges.
2002 Ohio quarter and a 2006 north Dakota quarter both same size with no ridges.
Common weak strike or damage, no extra value.
I have 1981 U.S quarter without ridge im just curious.
1981 U.S quarter without ridge
Worn or damaged, no extra value.
I have a 1991 with completely smooth edges and a slightly raised rim. It's pretty clear that it is not worn and it was made this way
1991 with completely smooth edges and a slightly raised rim
Possible Finned Rim error, they stat at $50.00.
Unfortunately this can be faked, known as spooning.
I found a wheat back penny and the AME is missing from AMERICA on the back it just says THE UNITED STATES OF RICA can you tell me anything about this coin?
wheat back penny and the AME is missing from AMERICA on the back it just says THE UNITED STATES OF RICA
Struck through Grease error, no extra value.
I have a 1988 p quarter smooth on edges also struck on collar so its missing partial collar and half of the R please email me chris2phere@gmail.com
1988 p quarter smooth on edges also struck on collar so its missing partial collar and half of the R
About $50.00
I have a 2007 Montana quarter that's has no ridges it is smooth not worn down
2007 Montana quarter that's has no ridges it is smooth not worn down
Damage, no extra value.
1994 quarter with no ridges
1994 quarter with no ridges
Damage no extra value.
I found a 1968 quarter. It is super shiny raise rim, but the edges are absolutely smooth. I can see the 3 layers on the edge, nickel, copper, nickel color. Sorry I don't really know what quarters are made from. I doesn't appear to be damaged. The quarter looks to be in great condition. Thanks!
1988 P quarter has ridges but also has an indented groove all the way around. no copper .
1968 quarter. It is super shiny raise rim, but the edges are absolutely smooth. I can see the 3 layers on the edge, nickel, copper, nickel color. Sorry I don't really know what quarters are made from. I doesn't appear to be damaged. The quarter looks to be in great condition.
Classic spooning damage. Someone polished it to make jewelry but stopped.
Damage no extra value.
1988 P quarter has ridges but also has an indented groove all the way around. no copper
Plated, damage no extra value.
I have a 1999 new jersey D quarter with no ridges. the ridges are not worn off and the quarter is also thicker that other quarters.
I have a 2005 Kansas State quarter. The rim is raised on both sides. It appears that no ridges were in printed. Where the ridges should have been you can see that the scoring is half copper colored and half steel colored. Any idea on worth?
1999 new jersey D quarter with no ridges. the ridges are not worn off and the quarter is also thicker that other quarters.
Spooned, damage no extra value.
2005 Kansas State quarter. The rim is raised on both sides. It appears that no ridges were in printed. Where the ridges should have been you can see that the scoring is half copper colored and half steel colored.
Spooned, damage no extra value.
I have a raised 2002 Mississippi State quarter . The sides are smooth Looks like a collar , smaller then a regular size state .25. The outside lip of coin is raised up. On the raised up side there is 2 solid lines one of copper and one of nickle or silver. The Washington side around the lip is slightly golden, and the back Half is slightly discolored but slightly Yellow-ish won't a center more sliver or what can be said As a regular silver color center , any ideas, I can send pics too thanks
Side are smooth .. Like a ring. No ridges
I have a 1985 quarter that half of the rim looks copper and the copper part is smooth. The silver part is rigged. Is it worth anything? Thank you
2002 Mississippi State quarter . The sides are smooth Looks like a collar , smaller then a regular size state .25. The outside lip of coin is raised up.
Could be a damaged or spooned coin which is done intentionally and has no extra value.
It may be a Die Cap error, these are worth extra but must be verified in hand.
1985 quarter that half of the rim looks copper and the copper part is smooth. The silver part is rigged. Is it worth anything?
No, just worn.
I have a 1992 quarter completely smoothed edges. No signs of any edges were there.
I mean ridges and it's the same size as a normal quarter.
I have a 1984 D quarter it has several errors a upside down y for the L in liberty the right wing covers the Q in Quarter it says U TED States and a nick in front of his nose and smooth edge. Just curious to any clue?
I have a 2013 Mount Rushmore Quarter that has a smooth rim. Cant seem to find anything about it anywhere. It is definitely a DD error. The words Mount Rushmore have a line thru them as well. Nice coin to.
1975 quarter
Completely smooth edges, can see layers.of metals
All of the letters are against the rim
I have a 1997 D quarter that is thicker than normal, no ridges on rim, and slightly raise around perimeter (like a little lip). Not worth anything? Just want to be sure before I throw it back in with the cash bag where I work!!
2004 Wisconsin quarter, smooth edge and raised rim on both sides?
I have a 2000 dollar coin with a smooth edge, what would be the value of this dollar coin?
1992 quarter completely smoothed edges. No signs of any edges were there
I mean ridges and it's the same size as a normal quarter.
Many reasons like wear and Grease Filled dies are possible but a smooth edge quarter holds no extra value.
Any coin struck out of collar(with no edges) would be deformed.
Must be weighed to know what type of error it could be.
1984 D quarter it has several errors a upside down y for the L in liberty the right wing covers the Q in Quarter it says U TED States and a nick in front of his nose and smooth edge.
Sounds like damage and a Struck Through Grease error, no extra value.
2013 Mount Rushmore Quarter that has a smooth rim. Cant seem to find anything about it anywhere. It is definitely a DD error. The words Mount Rushmore have a line thru them as well.
Sounds like this may have been struck out of collar, it needs to be verified but starts at $100.00
1975 quarter
Completely smooth edges, can see layers.of metals
All of the letters are against the rim
Damaged, no extra value.
1997 D quarter that is thicker than normal, no ridges on rim, and slightly raise around perimeter (like a little lip).
Damage, likely spooned or flatten around the edge in attempt to make a ring.
No extra value.
2004 Wisconsin quarter, smooth edge and raised rim on both sides?
Damage, likely spooned or flatten around the edge in attempt to make a ring.
No extra value.
2000 dollar coin with a smooth edge just $1.00
2000 Virginia quater larger then a normal quarter.
And smooth on sides
It is larger on the sides and smooth also it is smaller in diameter then a normal quarter.
2000 Virginia quater larger then a normal quarter...
...And smooth on sides...
...It is larger on the sides and smooth also it is smaller in diameter then a normal quarter.
Damage, likely spooned or flatten around the edge in attempt to make a ring.
No extra value.
Its smaller than a normal quarter and larger in width.
Its not damaged on the face where its indented on the circle by the indent press.
Its smaller than a normal quarter and larger in width...Its not damaged on the face where its indented on the circle by the indent press.
An error where one side is blank is not possible.
The fact that the coin is smaller in diameter proves that it was altered.
How could it be altered.
How could it be altered.
When a coin is turned into a pendant one side is shaved or polished flat, this can be done by hand or a machine. To fit in a jewelers pendant the edge is pounded smooth.
This makes the coins diameter smaller but the width of the coin bigger.
At the mint this is never possible because the press is fixed at an exact width, depth, and diameter. A true error can only make the coin thinner and larger, called an Out of Collar Strike.
Coin metal is relatively soft an altered coin can be reshaped into anything yet look like it is brand new.
Hobo Nickels
I have a 1991D and 1979D quarter with smooth edges just wanting to know
1991D and 1979D quarter with smooth edges just wanting to
Damage or wear, no extra value.
I have the same coin with the same issue
I have the same coin with the same issue
Same cause natural wear, no extra value.
I've got a quarter with smooth edges no riddges at all Rhode Island coin 2001 is it worth anything?
a quarter with smooth edges no riddges at all Rhode Island coin 2001
Unless the coins is distorted or warped in some way this sounds like common damage, no extra value.
I have a 2015 quarter it's not damage it's even smaller then other quarters cause it hasn't been flattened to make the rim is there any value
2015 quarter it's not damage it's even smaller then other quarters cause it hasn't been flattened to make the rim
No damaged, no extra value.
I have a 1981 quarter that has smooth edges as if it were never reeded. There is no sign of wear around the edge and the two colors are very noticeable. Also the liberty runs up the side of the run as well as the year. Curious to know if you may have any info on this
I also have a 97 D that is flat on both sides so no spooning, but the Washington side has no rim and it's perfectly even all the way around with a rounded edge the letters and numbers are fine so I don't believe it wear either.
1981 quarter that has smooth edges as if it were never reeded. There is no sign of wear around the edge and the two colors are very noticeable. Also the liberty runs up the side of the run as well as the year.
Possible minor Off-Collar strike it adds little value, if the condition is mint state or higher maybe a few dollars.
97 D that is flat on both sides so no spooning, but the Washington side has no rim and it's perfectly even all the way around with a rounded edge the letters and numbers are fine so I don't believe it wear either.
Possible Broadstrike Error, that said only an expert can judge in hand but it would affect both sides.
Partial Collar Strike is also possible.
1980 Quarter, no ridges
1980 Quarter, no ridges
Just like above, damage no extra value.
I have a 1980 smooth edges p quarter is it worth anything
2003 Illinois U.S. Quarter, D, without reeded edge. Any value beyond face?
2006 nebraska quarter the back side is deep you can only see two layers the copper wraps around and hangs over the back just a little weight is dead nuts
2006 nebraska quarter the back side is deep you can only see two layers the copper wraps around and hangs over the back just a little weight is dead nuts
I have a 1998 p quarter, on the reverse on the right wing of the eagle I noticed it has 7 feathers or wing tips, I looked at other quarters of that same year and mint mark and they all have 6 feathers or wing tips, is this an error?
I have a quarter that I can't make out the year or any info on the outer rim of the head side. The last number of the year is a 6. The entire outer edge is flat.
Hello. I have a 1998 p Jefferson Nickel that looks like an error to me. The edge has partial reeding, strange for a nickel. On the front and back, it is flat on the right side. 3 o'clock. I was told it was flattened in a vice.
I have a 2004 florida quarter with what feels like a lip with smooth ridges... Striking is very light... What is it worth?
I have a old quarter i cant read the date on it very well but it looks like it says 1960. there is no copper in it its all solid silver with no riged edge that i can make out of it. How much would you say this is worth
2016 south Carolina quarter completely smooth edge, and the edges are also slightly raised
I have an 1987 quarter. It has the needed edge, but on the front side the outer edge is flat into part of the lettering and part of the date.
Man - I just found a 2013 Mount Rushmore with missing reeded edge. Condition EF. DENVER mint.
2007 Utah quarter...smooth edges
I have a 1996 quarter that has never been ribed. And it is thicker than a regular quarter. What is it worth ?
1984 smooth edge, no lip around the face side kinda looks angled down the 4 in 1984 is noticable where the Reed should be and looks damaged
1988 Quarter, raised edges, no grooves, larger then “normal” Quarter.
1964 Silver Quarter
I also have a quarter like that and I tell you this coin was made this way from mint it had to have gotten put in a small die cast or something it weighs the same the edges are raised alot but no ridges
2014 Utah arches quarter with completely smooth edges and no trace of serrations, also has raised lip on backside
1978 quarter with smooth edge and raised run, where the rim is raised half of the word liberty is cut off and also half of the year
I have a 1989 D quarter it's darker in color and has no ridge lines and doesn't appear to have had any ridge lines at all.
i have a1996 quarter philly mint with smooth edges and want to know if it has any value other than 25 cents
I have a 1967 quarter in VGC to EC condition with smooth edge. When placed next to normal quarter it's slightly bigger. Been search for info on value and if there are any like this in circulation. Thx.
1776 penny not damaged
I have a 2005 d California quarter with smooth edges and the rim is raised on both sides. It’s also slightly smaller than a normal quarter. Value???
2002 Tennessee quarter smooth edges and slightly raised rim on both sides,,,
2002 Tennessee quarter smooth edges and slightly raised rim on both sides
I have a 1987 D quarter with smooth edge never been struck is it worth anything
I got a 2001 north Carolina P quarter rim raised on obverse and reverse its a little smaller than the rest of the quarters and has absolutely no ridges at all
I have one in my hand
I have a 2009 one like that slightly raised no groves. Its looks smaller than a regular quater..
2000-p Virginia with no ridges smaller diameter as a regular quarter the center were the images are is the same thickness as a regular one as well but my ridges area is thicker by a fraction no sanding or beating marks on the edge and the embossed ring were the rdges are is the same width as a regular one as well
Hello, I'm avid coin collector,need some answers on many coins. I work for recycling plant and I come across damage coins and good! So I can list a few (1) 1990 mark p quarter with an weird rim. (2) JFK half dollar with liberty bell 3d or pop out (200 anniversary)! Send 📧 so I can send pics
Hi! I have a 1987 quarter that has completely smooth edges and a slightly raised rim on both sides. Could there be any extra value?
I have a 1977 quarter with all clad edges and smooth no ridges, could it be worth more than a quarter
I have a 1999 Connecticut quarter, thicker than usual edge with no ridges? Slight angle
I have 2014 no edges thick is it worth money
I have 2014 no edges thick is it worth money
Found one just today just like that. Smooth edge, seems raised more than a normal quarter, and slightly smaller.
I have a 1993 p quarter with smooth edge, slightly fatter than a regular quarter and mostly copper , viewing from edge. Some scores on edge.
I have a 2018 apostle island quarter with no edges and it looks like a small dent on the back can you tell me how much it might be worth??
I have a 1989 quarter thicker smother Copper edge smaller diamitor then normal quarters Aldo has more of a Copper tone in color on the head side of the coin it has a very visable divit where it looks like it was stamped to hard and liberty you only see bottom half of letters all other marks are there
I have a 1985 P quarter that has no ridges on the aide at all. The lip on both sides as raised and the letter A at the end of America has no dot in the middle to make it an A. Its solid instead of having the hole. Can you figure out a value possibly for me please. Thanks...Paul
I have a 2012 quarter that is smooth all around never had ridges (hawaei)
I have a 2016 Kentucky state quarter smooth edge all the way around and the whole coin is almost completely smooth. No lip around the edge.
I have a quarter with lines on the front 1998 but might just be how old it is
2006 Colorado quarter almost completely smooth.everything seems like it’s worn extremely bad.
I have a new Hampshire quarter year 2000 looks to be all copper and its raised in the front more then the back and smooth all the way around
I have a new Hampshire quarter year 2000 smooth all the way around raised front more than the back and smaller than a quarter
I have a 2000 new Hampshire mint mark D quarter. Smooth on rim of coin. Raised edge on both sides and almost looks flattened on forehead and cheek. And also flattened on old man face rock on back of coin. Very strange looking.
I have a 2003 Missouri that I took and had checked. It is totally smooth on the sides like has never had ridges and where the proper quarter is 1 1/2 'll this mine is 2 mm thick. I took it to 3 different places who deal with coins and was told it is deffinatly a printing error but bc they had never seen on like that and in this year they couldnt tell me what ot was worth can you?
I have a 2017 quarter with smooth edges
Found a 1995 quarter smooth edges appears to be two layers top copper bottom silver two layers perfect
2016 theodoore roosevelt state quarter got one out of a coke machine it looks like it wad pressed cause the rom is round and smooth but off centered i guess
I have a penny. Not sure if its 1989 or 1983 but date really appears to say 7989. It's been stamped and then clearly looks to have been turned & stamped again. Then turned as if Lincoln is facing his other image and stamped. But it also looks as if the front may have been stamped by the reverse side. Also has 4 or more "D" mint marks in different spots on front side of penny.
I have a 1984 d quarter that is smooth all the way around and looks like there's never been any ridges
I have a 1985 D quarter with no clad and a smooth round edge.
I have a wheat peat with no date and the phrase United States of America on back is washy, has wrinkles in it and barely read what it says.
I have a 2000 Virginia quarter that has no reading at all and it appears slightly thicker than a regular quarter which makes me believe it's a different planchet? Any suggestions?
I'd like to find out what that is too!
I have a 2003 Arkansas quarter with no ridges. Is it worth anything?
I have a state quarter that looks like its all silver not two metals put together any ideas ?
I have a 1973 quarter with very small rim on reverse, the words quarter dollar are in the rim area, there's an error on the n in United States.
I have a 1995 quarter. Absolutely smoothie on the edges. You can see the silver layered on both sides and bronze(?) in the middle. Washington is almost defaced as its not raised hardly at all on the surface. On the back, "United States of America" is misprinted. Half of "United States" is chopped off by the edge of the quarter. The groove lining the edge is deeper than I've ever seen. And the coin itself is almost 2x as thick as a regular quarter that I have. I'd love to send photos if possible because I have never seen a coin like it.
I have a 1981 quarter on side of the ridge has the clad the other side is missing it same goes for the face of the coin it has clad and the quarter weighs 5.5 grams
I have a 2012 quarter with a lip around the edge and smooth all the way around....looks fake and feels fake but was wondering?
It is also a Hawaii volcano can't really see pic on back and has discoloration where The ridges should be
I have a 2005 Kansas State quarter that has a smooth edge all around it and it's like mirrored shinny I want to know if it's an error coin and how much is it worth?
I have a 2007 P Roosevelt dime with a raised dropped letter D in his hairline above the back of the neck. And a 2012 puerto Rico quarter with no reeding , but it's collar is sharp on both sides.1993p quarter eagle missing right foot completely with die crack going under the 0 in dollar. Thank you.
I have a 1996 quarter with the back smooth little impression of anything. Not as thick as it should be. Would love to send picture. Can't find anything like it
May be valuable up too $780
my 1997D quarter is not because is where down in my case is perfect condition they forgot to add the ridges don't know if is one like my out there or I have the only one I will challenge any mint factory to see this coin and they will agreed that my is perfect round with no ridges at all under a microscope any one interested cant reach me at elvis1jose@gmail.com trust me sincerely JOSE G IGLESIAS.
I have a 2013 P Maryland Quarter with a planchet rim and possible reeded edge as it is primarily very smooth with "slight half lines" like in the picture above. If it helps, this quarter does not fit in any coin slot.
Not reeded edge*
I have a 2018 Wisconsin quarter..it's outer edge is smooth..and on the back the island and the guy in the conoe.are partially smooth..it's not wear a and tear...too new.
I have a 1994 quarter smooth out on the out side not worn or damaged smaller than a other quarters and it's deff a DD
Hi i have a 1984 d quarter the rim of this quarter in in set like there is the edge but in between the two sides of the quarter there are thr reeds but there sent down below the two edges.
I also have a 1945 dime w mint mark but the ladys head is covering the E R in liberty
I have a 1988, a 1985, a 1967, and a 1965 all quarters with not ridges in the side they are all completely smooth. How much are they worth?
I have a 1987 denver colorado quarter dollar in very good condition how much is the value... Thanks. .
1970 s quarter on canadian planchett without being silver planchett?i have a coin shows all sighns the 1970s shows..same lines and canadian coin in background and i have six other years...but none show a silver rim and all were found by me at seperate times so odds on being fake are not likely...i would lobe some input on this
I found a 1944 penny with no mint Mark, is it worth anything, also found a 1962 penny without a mint Mark and a double stamped quarter
I also found a 1981 quarter that does not have ridges, is smooth and thicker than an avg quarter
I have a 1965 quarter that is brown and it doesn't have any ridges on the outside of it. Can anyone tell me anything about it.
I have a 2018 Rhode Island D State Quarter with no ridge's. It's interesting to me because I haven't found any other Rhode Island quarters with an error similar to this. It definitely doesn't look intentional. I found it at an arcade when I was getting quarters for my son. It's in pretty good condition. I'm very curious about it and would love to show a picture and get an opinion on it.
I have a 2004 texas P mint. State quarter with no ridges on the outside edge..please help me with figuring out the value of this error. No way its from wear
It's perfect all the way around. No ridges
my friend that what I am looking for some one who will let me know how much it words than you
I have a 2003 Maine quarter that has no ridges and never has had any its smaller than a normal quarter and it has a mark under In God We Trust is there any worth in it?
It's a common issue on old French coins (before Euros). Nickel 5 Francs coins are more concerned due to their use in machine slot.
I have a 2016 Denver Mint Kentucky Quarter with no ridges - clearly the lack of ridges is original (not due to wear)...any idea on value? The coin also appears to be thicker than a standard quarter...
Hi i have a quarter that is thicker then a regular quarter with a smooth edge is it worth anything
Hi. I have a 2009 D American Samoa that appears to be missing the clad on the reverse side. It is in excellent condition, like it has been minimally circulated. I have not weighed it yet, but I can provide pictures. I'm very new to this, so forgive my inevitable gaffes 🙂😃
I have a 2 euro coin with no edge lettering
I have a 1985 D quarter, same broadstrike...
I have many different countries old and new coins I want sale these all coins total quantity 1250 pieces my WhatsApp number +923457924037 I am from Pakistan I am seriously sell these all coins if any body buyer interested in so contact me 1861 china coins 1940 1941 1951 1953 1956 1958 1959 1961 to present penny 1965 1966 1967 t0 present quarter 1965 to present dime canada Australia euro many other countries coins
2008 P Oklahoma quarter broadstruck
1951 and 1952 Roosevelt Silver dimes
1919 penny
I have 2 1943d silver pennies
2014 quarter with no ridges value?
I have a 1990 quarter with no mint mark this a very deep struck mint without a mint mark another eagle on the back no feather Mark's on its chest and no definition marks on the leaves and also has no Reed marks at all looks like it never had them and the N in UNITED is really wide if anyone has any information plz post thanks
I have a quarter 1987p thicker rim smooth copper... if was a worn rim don’t think it would be thicker rim. But I am no expert can I get your opinion?
My son and I are trying to learn the hobby and we've been stumped by a particular 1972 Ike dollar. It is pewter colored with a slight yellowish tone mixed in on the obverse. Scouring the internet we've seen some extremely interesting toning, but can't find one like this. I'm concerned I may have to tell my son it's counterfeit, but our uneducated research hasn't found any metal, legitimate or otherwise, that turns quite this shade of gray. Any info would be greatly and sincerely appreciated. We wish you and yours health, happiness, and safety during this difficult times and, again, thanks for your time and courtesy.
I have a 1980 quarter it sounds like silver when put amongst other coins but does not have outside ridges?
I found a 1996 P quarter has smooth edges and the eagle on back is smooth also no ridges. it looks like it does have an earlobe thou so not that error
I have a 1964 silver quarter with a D mark but it has no ridges
Hi! We have a 1985 P quarter that is flat on the edges. Half of the quarter is gold and the other side is silver. It seems fatter and smaller than our other quarters. Heard of anything like this? Is it a misprint or a counterfeit?? Thanks!
Yeah I got the same one I was also curious.
I have a 2013 Nevada Great Basin quarter with no ridges. Both sides are in very good condition
hey guys I do have 1977 quarter dollar and et weigh about 5.grams I suspected this ets silver due to among my collection of quarter dollar this coin of mine are totally different from the other quarter coin that I have
and how do I know or test my coin to determine if this coin have 40% silver
to clarify 5.4 grams
Hi I found a 2001 Kentucky quarter that has a very wide smooth edge with no sign of ridges it does not look like normal wear and tear I w like to know if it might be worth anything? Thank you for your time and help.
I have a newer quarter, I can barely see the stamp on either side. It is a Minnesota land of10000 lakes quarter it has the lines on the outside but no rim on top or bottom. Is that worth anything?
Find anything out on this
U ever find out anything
I have a 1984 P Washington quarter that shows very little wear on the script on both obverse & reverse. It is smaller in diameter from other quarters with a considerable outer raised edge evenly from both sides of the coin and has no reeding. Also Washington’s head and face are flattened along with the eagles breast and doesn’t appear to be normal wear. Actually, the deformed outer edge of the coin partially covers bot “In God We Trust”, “One Quarter”, “Liberty” & “1984. I find all of this very unusual and would like to know what happened to this coin to create this. This does not to me seem to be a machining alteration because of the even this and consistency of this error. Thank you.
I have a 1984 P Washington quarter that shows very little wear on the script on both obverse & reverse. It is smaller in diameter from other quarters with a considerable outer raised edge evenly from both sides of the coin and has no reeding. Also Washington’s head and face are flattened along with the eagles breast and doesn’t appear to be normal wear. Actually, the deformed outer edge of the coin partially covers bot “In God We Trust”, “One Quarter”, “Liberty” & “1984. I find all of this very unusual and would like to know what happened to this coin to create this. This does not to me seem to be a machining alteration because of the even this and consistency of this error. Thank you.
Hi, My name is Angel. I found a 1998 quarter with completely smooth edges, in fact the very edge seems almost sharp. The quarter's thickness is almost 2 mm. Worth anything? thank you for your help?
I have a Washington State quarter. It's a 2000 P Virgina quarter. The rim is completely flat has no ridges at all and the quarter also is darker, than the original quarters. And also the coin has wider edges. I would send a picture if I knew how. Thank you,
Nichole Wells
I have about $10 in Washington quarters of varying years. I got these in change from various merchants. Funny thing is these coins have basically identical damage on them. Smearing on surface, edge damage and other things. Would be happy to send pix. Please email me
I have 1966 quarter i found it isn't damaged has no ridges and was black Nd old looking when I found it Nd cleaned it
I found a 2013 New Hampshire "White Mountain" Quarter which has no ridges. The obverse and the reverse are both smooth. It also has a line through the E and the M in White Mountain. Has this coin been altered or is it a rare coin? I have images.
I have a 2020 quarter with no ridges. It has a smooth edge. I have had it since mid 2020 put away in a box so it hasn't. It isn't very used at all. Could this be a production error?
I have a 1985 quarter and it don't have any ridges and it is thicker and on the chest of the eagle is smooth and do is party of the face
I have a 2020 quarter with a smooth edge. No filing marks. It is noticeably thicker than the regular sized quarter. The cheek of George Washington is flat and so is the image on the reverse.
You don't even know what coins are made of, yet you're telling people their errors coins aren't worth anything. Are you even a numismatist (someone who studies coins and actually knows what they are talking about)are you maybe a coin grader a coins dealer ? You caught my attention when you stated ""I really don't know what quarter are made of"".....wow... take note... a quarter contains a pure copper core 2 layers of cupronickel it's 75% copper and 25% nickel... and it weighs in at 5.67 grams with a tolerance of 4hths above or below that should be looked at by someone who knows what materials coins are made out of.. not sure why my husband's name is showing up but I'm Kimberly... have a good day study up a bit in the coin department..
I have a 1993 dime it's larger than other dimes it is smooth but on one spot where you can see they started to Reed it just barely pinched it you can like 5 grooves it doesn't even go halfway through and the front of the coin the rim is raised and the back is normal
I have a 1996 Washington with smooth edge and it is thicker than normal and slightly smaller in diameter as well as there are parts of the eagle are smooth no detail
I have a 1980 quarter that is thicker than a normal quarter, the edge is smooth and seems to be all copper ? You ever seen one like that ?
I have a 2018 D Georgia Cumberland Island quarter I came across. It is smaller in diameter and VERY SMOOTH EDGE .. no ridges and very obvious it's not from wear and tear
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