Sunday, November 11, 2012

Coined For Money: Round-Up Nov. 5-11, 2012

Well the business of coins is doing well. This week the links reflect how coins can still be fun and profitable.

First up a man opened a coin shop years ago and still loves his job even if he does not sell and gives coins away.

Next a couple who bought some Salvation Army gold coins drops are reselling them to give back to the charity, the coins are worth 4 times more but they expect 40 times at a charity auction.

Wanting a copper bathroom a woman uses pennies to tile her bathroom. A thin coat of wax lets you feel each cent, and some maybe wheaties.

As for me I found a 2012 euro cent and in currency exchange it is 0.013 cents so that is technically a profit.

5 dollars worth, for Comments/Questions click here.:

Anonymous said...

how many visitors do you get average per day?

Man said...

how many visitors do you get average per day?

About 1,100+.

Unknown said...

how much is a aruba 2009 florin coin worth?

Man said...

aruba 2009 florin coin about $0.80

Belinda said...

It's inspiring to see how people find joy and purpose through collecting coins.