currency collectors.
And one more question, sorry, when a serial number is "low" how low does it have to be to give bill more than face vaule?
The list below shows how they estimate the worth of low numbers. The first price listed would be for bill of the serial number 00000001 as they move to EVEN HUNDREDS they mean 00000100, 00000200, etc.

Remember every one there are so many varieties in bills and notes that are collectible. Repeating serial numbers, "radar" serial numbers and many others.
I'll do my best to help I'm mostly a coin collector and the currency collection I have is small but the community is big finding someone to buy a any type is possible.
Do you have a bill or note and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.
116 dollars worth, for Comments/Questions click here.:
I have a 1950's ten dollar bill. Is it worth anything? My email is
1950's ten dollar bill most in very fine condition are worth $12.00 in crisp uncirculated they are worth $60.00.
The problem is that for that year there are a hundred varieties.I'd need to know the exact date: 1950, 1950A, 1950B, etc.
Then the exact serial number with all the letters and numbers.
The most valuable are the star notes and the 1950E varieties.
i have a few $2.00 bills
1953 series A with the red seal
also one 1963 series A are these worth saving?
I have a 1950 B series $10 bill, its been in curculation, is it worth anything?
$2.00 bills 1953A, 1963A
Each is worth about $7.00 in very fine.
They are worth saving even though the government still makes $2.00 bills the 1963A is the last of the red seals.
1950 B series $10 bill
Unless it's a star note then just face value.
My name is Matthew. I have a 1950 20 dollar bill. It was in crisp condition then I let my mom hold onto it and she folded it. The numbers on it are as follows... D 70575990 B
1950 20 dollar bill. It was in crisp condition then I let my mom hold onto it and she folded it. The numbers on it are as follows... D 70575990 B
In crisp it would have been around $40.00.
With one fold it would be about $27.50.
I have a dollar bill, series 2003A, with the serial number D38888889B. The 4 black numbers indicating the printing city are all 4's. It is in fair condition, with no tears or missing corners. The ink is not faded but it does have a few small, light stains on it. Can you tell me how much it is worth? Can you please send me a reply by email? *******
I have a dollar bill, series 2003A, with the serial number D38888889B.
These are matching numbers and only 6 are matching so it's about $3.75 with the ink damage.
I have a 2003 dollar bill with the 0000001 serial number (not circulated) no folds or creases.
2003 dollar bill with the 0000001 serial number (not circulated) no folds or creases.
It's rarely seen at auction so about $1,000.00 you may want to grade it.
Thank you so much! I will have it graded this weekend, I had no idea it was so valuable. I just thought it was interesting. So what if i had pulled the whole bundle? I had it in my hands the 0000001 to 0000100 all in order. but only kept the 0000001.
So what if i had pulled the whole bundle? I had it in my hands the 0000001 to 0000100 all in order.
It goes down fast, 00000002 would be $200, 00000003 would be $100 by the time you get to 00000100 it would be around $20.
Hi ! I have a beautiful 1896 US silver certificate from the "educational series" along with a 1873 US fractional currency fifty cents 4th issue (Sam Dexter), both in very good condition ( no tears, no stains, no pin holes, one fold crease in the 1896 silver cert.) and was wondering their value. Also have a 1928 US $2 red seal with what I was told has a "third printing" error as the red ink is off set and was wondering what the value of this bill might be. It is also in very good shape, crisp, no tears, no stains, no pin holes and no crease. Thank you in advance for any help and information you may provide. You are so kind!--Kathy
1896 US silver certificate from the "educational series"
Assuming the $1 note $150.00.
1873 US fractional currency fifty cents 4th issue (Sam Dexter)
About $12.00
1928 US $2 red seal with what I was told has a "third printing" error as the red ink is off set
Depends on how much the ink is off set it would start at $50.00 and go up fast from that point if the error is major.
I have a 1957 $1.00 silver cert. star note 00003619 A
It has a small A7 at the bottom right
it has a small A1 top left
I also have a 1957 $1.00 silver cert NOT a star note A00003619 A
Bottom right # A1
Top # A1
Both crisp uncirculated do you think there is any value.
I know most worn circulated silver cert are wroth pretty much $1.00 -$2.00 each
Thanks for your help.
1957 $1.00 * 00003619 A about $30.00
1957 $1.00 A 00003619 A about $7.50
But you may get slightly more by selling them together since they have the same serial number, about $45.00 for the set.
I have a 1950 ten dollar bill, good condition, serial number B08109930A
how much is it worth, and if it is worth anything where can i sell it?
1950 ten dollar bill, good condition, serial number B08109930A
About $11.00
I took a 1950- series A $10 bill from a customer today at my job.
I was just wondering if it's anything special or worth more than $10?
The serial is B43895429E
Condition is so-so at best I'd say.
Thank you!
1950- series A $10 bill...serial is B43895429E
About $12.00
About $11.00
I know you have answered the question numerous times but my 1950 ten dollar bill B series is also a star note. The serial number is G17232816*
on the back it has 1586 and is in good condition. Any ideas?
1950 ten dollar bill B series is also a star note. The serial number is G17232816*
About $35.00 in good.
Another question for you... I have a Silver Swiss coin from 1916 and it's 1 fr. It says Helvetia on the front with a lady resting on a sheild and there is a b under the wreath on the back. Any ideas? I also have a 1/2 fr. From 1952.
Assuming both coins are from Switzerland.
1916 1 franc about $2.00
1952 1/2 franc about $1.00
Both contain 83.5% silver which is the majority of their value.
I have 4 United States 1776-1976 200 Year Anniversary Quarters. They are all in decent condition
How much are they worth?
4 United States 1776-1976 200 Year Anniversary Quarters. They are all in decent condition
About $0.25 each they are very common.
I have a 1950 A ten dollar Federal Reserve Note. It's in very good condition with only a minor fold in the center and very slight wear overall. It's a star note and the serial number starts with a "J." In addition ,the flag on the back above the U.S, Treasury appears to be upside down.
Any ideas on whether this is pretty common or unusual and what a potential value might be? Thanks!
1950 A ten dollar Federal Reserve Note. It's in very good condition with only a minor fold in the center and very slight wear overall. It's a star note and the serial number starts with a "J." In addition ,the flag on the back above the U.S, Treasury appears to be upside down.
The "upside-down" flag is just an optical illusion.
The bill is about $40.00.
Are bills with the serial numbers G00746540E series 2006 or G00404402I series 2003A worth anything and also what does the repeted numbers in the four corners of the center of the bill mean in this case its a 7 and are there any that will raise the value, whats there significance.
bills with the serial numbers G00746540E series 2006 or G00404402I series 2003A worth anything
Nothing extra.
what does the repeted numbers in the four corners of the center of the bill mean in this case its a 7
Those are the Federal Reserve Banks district numbers. The are from 1-12 and are the same as the district letters A-L.
* A1: Boston, MA
* B2: New York, NY
* C3: Philadelphia, PA
* D4: Cleveland, OH
* E5: Richmond, VA
* F6: Atlanta, GA
* G7: Chicago, IL
* H8: St. Louis, MO
* I9: Minneapolis, MN
* J10: Kansas City, MO
* K11: Dallas, TX
* L12: San Francisco, CA
They hold no special value.
I have a nice 10 dollar bill that says Series B 1950 J04233372* Any idea what that is worth?
10 dollar bill that says Series B 1950 J04233372*
About $35.00
10 dollar bill that says Series B 1950 J04233372*
About $35.00
Thanks - any idea where I should list it for sale? I want to sell it.
10 dollar bill that says Series B 1950 J04233372*
About $35.00
Thanks - any idea where I should list it for sale? I want to sell it.
Ebay is your best bet.
A coin/currency forum where people are actively looking for these types.
You can try a coin shop but unless uncirculated it probably won't sell.
I have a series 1950 10 dollar bill #I17371598 A, Any idea what it is worth?
1950 10 dollar bill #I17371598A about $12.00
I have a few $2 bills with the serial number printed upside down. Can you estimate what they're worth?
I have a few $2 bills with the serial number printed upside down. Can you estimate what they're worth?
I forgot to add ... these bills are in sequential order.
I have a few $2 bills with the serial number printed upside down. Can you estimate what they're worth?
I forgot to add ... these bills are in sequential order.
They are also brand new - uncirculated - uncut.
$2 bills with the serial number printed upside down...- uncut
I'm not sure what you mean by uncut, is this a sheet of bills or individual notes.
An Inverted Overprint error is about $2,000.00 each.
i Have a 2004-A GL08845563 Star Note with L12 Below the serial Number what is it worth?
2004-A GL08845563 Star Note
What denomination?
10 dollar
2004-A GL08845563 Star Note with L12 Below the serial Number what is it worth?
10 dollar 2004-A GL08845563* about $12.00
1950 $10 bill, no series letter under the date, J16385025 A. Only 1 crease down the middle, otherwise in pretty good condition. What is it worth? Thanks!
1950 $10 bill, no series letter under the date, J16385025 A. Only 1 crease down the middle, otherwise in pretty good condition
About $12.00
I have a 1950 $10 Bill, series A, with the serial number G62203133B on it. Any idea what that may be worth? Thank you.
1950 $10 Bill, series A, with the serial number G62203133B about $12.00
I have a $20 Serial# IG00000147D Any value to this other than face?
Sorry Series 2008 serial IG00000147D - $20
Found a $1 2006 #D69698181C would this be considered repeater #'s any value?
$20 Serial# IG00000147D about $45.00 it should be 2006
$1 2006 #D69698181C not a true repeater but it may be fancy enough for certain collectors still I don't see it at anything over $2.50 in high grades.
I found a 2004a $20 star bill in nice condition at work its number is GK 00008574 *. How much would this be worth?
2004a $20 star bill in nice condition at work its number is GK 00008574 *
About $25.00
Hi, I have a $20 that is super crisp with with great color and no creases. It seriously looks new. It is 1950 B from Kansas City J71150824A.
Also, on the $20 J71150824A there seems to be a printing error. There is almost no bottom margin and the seal isn't centered vertically. It pokes out of the top of the word TWENTY and barely goes up into the words WASHINGTON DC.
$20 that is super crisp with with great color and no creases. It seriously looks new. It is 1950 B from Kansas City J71150824A...there seems to be a printing error. There is almost no bottom margin and the seal isn't centered vertically. It pokes out of the top of the word TWENTY and barely goes up into the words WASHINGTON DC
Minor Faulty Alignment error may lower value, it's about $60.00.
I have a 5 dollar bill series 1963 red seal serial number A36496198A with an A1 on the left and A7 on the right in fair condition is it worth anything... thanks
5 dollar bill series 1963 red seal serial number A36496198A with an A1 on the left and A7 on the right in fair condition
About $12.00
I got a 2003 $100 bill from the bank today that had two folds in it when printed and is white in those spots. Is it worth more than $100?
2003 $100 bill from the bank today that had two folds in it when printed and is white in those spots.
Gutter folds error about $250.00
I have a 1950 series B, 5 dollar bill with a star at the end of the serial numbers in green ink. A03747933. Is this worth anything?
1950 series B, 5 dollar bill with a star at the end of the serial numbers in green ink. A0374793
About $15.00
I have a 1950 ten dollar bill star note series b federal reserve note from Boston serial # a06324055 what is it worth it has a fold down the center .
1950 ten dollar bill star note series b federal reserve note from Boston serial # a06324055 what is it worth it has a fold down the center
About $35.00
I have a 1950 $10 dollar bill that has been circulated but under the 1950 there is no series number..... The serial # is G58524244B! I also have a 1963A $5 circulated bill G96178462B! How much are these worth if u know?
1950 $10 dollar bill that has been circulated but under the 1950 there is no series number..... The serial # is G58524244B
--About $12.00
1963A $5 circulated bill G96178462B
--Just $5.00
I just noticed I received a $10 Bill 1950 B, with a F 5464... serial number and Federal reserve Atlanta Georgia written around a large F. Any value?
$10 Bill 1950 B, with a F 5464... serial number about $11.00 unless the last digit is a star or letter C
I have a 1963A Federal Reserve Star Note. I hope I said that right lol. Its in pretty good shape for a five. It has a crease down the middle from where somebody folded it but other than that I could almost swear it was new. How much might it be worth?
1963A Federal Reserve Star Note. I hope I said that right lol. Its in pretty good shape for a five. It has a crease down the middle from
About $7.00
Hi I have a 2006 star note 10$ bill. It has a slight fold in the middle and a few other small folds. It's code is IG00270979*. Please email me what the price would be at thank you.
2006 star note 10$ bill. It has a slight fold in the middle and a few other small folds. It's code is IG00270979*
About $25.00
I have a $10 star serial J04367325 *, off centered does not say In God we Trust. Is it worth anything? My email is
$10 star serial J04367325 *, off centered does not say In God we Trust
What year?
I have a 1950 $20. The serial number is D04731872*. It is in the Cleveland, Ohio district. It is in very fine condition. There is also no "In God We Trust". Didn't know if that made a differnce. Value?
1950 $20. The serial number is D04731872*. It is in the Cleveland, Ohio district. It is in very fine condition. There is also no "In God We Trust".
Everything is normal although it should be a 1950-C, still it is about $70.00.
I have a 1950 series A $10.00 note seriel number is C 01452871B it was minted out of Philadelphia and has a misalignment on the top of the note. I also noticed that the flag on the left side of the u.s treasury building is upside down. Note is in crisp uncirculated condition. Thanks for any info you have.
1950 series A $10.00 note seriel number is C 01452871B it was minted out of Philadelphia and has a misalignment on the top of the note. I also noticed that the flag on the left side of the u.s treasury building is upside down. Note is in crisp uncirculated condition.
The flag is not upside down.
that is an illusion because of shadows that some people see.
Faulty Alignment does not add value it's about $25.00.
I have a Hong Kong $100 bank note note if in fine conditon.year2010.
It has serial number 000000001
Hong Kong $100 bank note note if in fine conditon.year2010...serial number 000000001
About $20.00 but there is little interest in these kind of notes so it may be hard to sell.
i have a 2004A series $50 with serial number GG00000071A. can you tell me its value and would it be worth getting graded? thank you
2004A series $50 with serial number GG00000071A
About $100.00 and it is only worth grading if perfect or near perfect.
Grading fees are as high as $75 so unless even in CH-CU it would have a value of about $150.00 and does not seem to be worth grading.
I have a 1950 $10 bill B series #:L80069599B its been in circuit and has normal wear and tear. Can you please tell me what its worth?
1950 $10 bill B series #:L80069599B its been in circuit and has normal wear and tear.
About $15.00
I have a 1950 D ten dollar bill. With serial number D 41846151 C. Kathryn O'Hay signed as the treasurer, but she didn't become treasurer until 1963. On the back is 1783 on the lower right hand corner, and the flag is hanging upside down on the building. How much could this be worth?
1950 D ten dollar bill. With serial number D 41846151 C. Kathryn O'Hay signed as the treasurer, but she didn't become treasurer until 1963.
--About $12.00 correct this bill was printed between 1963-1965 but is carries the same design as a 1950 so they just added D when O'Hay came into office.
and the flag is hanging upside down on the building.
--No, it is waving.
The waving and shadows make it appears upside down but that is just an illusion.
1950 Ten dollar bill, series C, serial # B59237010I
1950 Ten dollar bill, series C, serial # B59237010I about $13.00
I have a 1950 Series A 10 dollar bill serial number G89748134D, what is it worth?
1950 Series A 10 dollar bill serial number G89748134D
About $12.00
Just found a 1950 Series B 10 dollar bill D78385565B with slight wear
1950 Series B 10 dollar bill D78385565B with slight wear
About $15.00
5 dollar bill A1 2006 IA66134479A.
One of three A1 5 Dollar bills found with other older blue certificates and red collectors
Others are IA65892780A and IA65973082A
Slight wear
5 dollar bill A1 2006 IA66134479A.
One of three A1 5 Dollar bills found with other older blue certificates and red collectors
Others are IA65892780A and IA65973082A
None seem to have any extra value.
Dollar bill
f00063490k yr2006..avg
k00170355* yr2006..crisp 1fold
c01188224* yr2003a.avg couple folds
.. What do u think there worth.. 2dollar bill c22348695a yr1976 e33754466a yr1976 and c00793033a 2003a.. and there crisp maybe one fold in the center..
Dollar bill
f00063490k yr2006..avg about $1.00
k00170355* yr2006..crisp 1fold about $2.50
c01188224* yr2003a.avg couple folds about $2.50
2dollar bill
c22348695a yr1976 about $2.00
e33754466a yr1976 about $2.00
c00793033a 2003a about $2.00
What about a 2006 one dollar bill with serial number e30000309b
2006 one dollar bill with serial number e30000309b
No extra value.
i have a 1950 10 dollar series B. its H and the serial number is 25708951B and it has the upside flag error on the back. how much is that worth?
1950 10 dollar series B. its H and the serial number is 25708951B and it has the upside flag error on the back
No such thing as an upside down flag error. The flag is right side up it just has shadow that make it appear to some like it is an error.
That said it is about $15.00
My brother has a $1 dollar bill with the serial number "B5". That's it. No stars extra numbers or letters. Just "B5". Could it be worth anything?
I have a 1950C $10bill serial number g65354928f in semi crisp condition. how much is it worth?
$1 dollar bill with the serial number "B5". That's it. No stars extra numbers or letters. Just "B5"
Without seeing it I can only guess a partial missing overprint error or insufficient ink error.
It would start at $50.00 if verified.
1950C $10bill serial number g65354928f in semi crisp condition
About $15.00
I have a 10 dollar bill 1950A serial #I25838382A in simi crisp also a 1969 10$ bill couple folds serial number I00489821⭐
I have a 1950 crisp $20 serial number J13274922A couple of folds. Worth?
1950 crisp $20 serial #J13274922A couple of folds worth anything?
10 dollar bill 1950A serial #I25838382A in simi crisp
--About $25.00
1969 10$ bill couple folds serial number I00489821⭐
--About $15.00
1950 crisp $20 serial #J13274922A couple of folds
About $25.00
I have a 2017 canadian tooney aurora boreal but it holds so many mistakes that i havent seen it anywere has bad has mine the stamping of the aurora is so off that it goes well out of its first circle ,seen none has bad has mine ,it doesnt glow in the dark for some reason,maybe because the stamps didnt stamp all the way and and the oustide rim is rough and finally theres one of two canandian leafs thats barely apparent,ive seen some that are miss stamped but many and absolutley not like mine i have 3 big mistakes and every one else has one .....
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