Monday, August 29, 2011

1935-D Wide $1 Silver Certificate

Do you have an old bill  and want to know its value? Leave a comment

My oldest dollar find to date, got it as change after the earthquake but before the hurricane. Although it says 1935-D it was printed somewhere between mid-1949 and early-1953. My previous oldest was a 1935-E found six years ago.

Silver certificates were redeemable in equal dollar amounts worth of silver, either silver dollars or silver bullion. By 1963 they stopped issuing these notes. In 1964 they stopped redeeming them for silver dollars and by 1968 they could no longer be redeemed for one dollar's worth of silver bullion. Like all currency issued by the United States since 1861 they still hold their face value.

Notice the black centering marks below the ONE and on the bottom right margins.

The back number is 4955 which in this case is important because below 5015 means it is a wide variety.

The two rows of almost-squares means it is a wide variety, one row would indicate narrow variety.
The wide and narrow varieties are just minor design changes made to the notes in the late 1940s. The wide being for older notes while the narrow variety are for the newer types. As the captions above show there are two ways of telling if you have a wide variety. First look at the back number for anything 5015 or less. Second count the rows of boxes under the R in DOLLAR on the reverse, if two rows are fully there it is wide.

Here's the stats...
Type/Country: 1 Dollar / United States
Year: 1935-D Wide
Date Printed: June 1949 - January 1953
Printings: 4,656,968,000 (includes every 1935D printed)
Run: S--------E - F--------G
Value: $3.00 in Very-Fine although this maybe less

This bill is very folded and also has a new cut at the centering mark under and through the ONE in front.

Do you have a note and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.

110 dollars worth, for Comments/Questions click here.:

Rtyauch301 said...

i recieved a $10 bill as change today its a 1950 serial G 00009366 B does it have any value other then face

Man said...

$10 bill as change today its a 1950 serial G 00009366 B about $20.00

Rtyauch301 said...

cool thanks i thought the serial was kind of interesting i have never seen that many zeros in a row

Anonymous said...

I have a $20 bill. Serial $ I01499376A
Series 1928. With note -- Redeemable in gold on demand at the United States treasury. Orin gold or lawful money at any federal reserve bank.

how much is it worth?

Man said...

$20 bill. Serial $ I01499376A
Series 1928

About $50.00

Anonymous said...

I have 4 $1 bills, series 1969B with consecutive serial numbers starting with
F 00309916 A thru F 00309919 A.

What are their value?

Also a star note $1 bill.
series 1963A F13857511*
series 1995 I12740799*
series 1995 I12740793*
series 1974 F03220432*

all are in mint condition

what is their value?

Anonymous said...

$2 bill with red ink. series 1953A


Man said...

all are in mint condition...

$1 bills, series 1969B with consecutive serial numbers starting with
F 00309916 A thru F 00309919 A.
--About $2.00 each

Also a star note $1 bill.
series 1963A F13857511* about $4.00
series 1995 I12740799* about $3.00
series 1995 I12740793* about $3.00
series 1974 F03220432* about $4.00

Man said...

$2 bill with red ink. series 1953A

About $8.00

Anonymous said...

I have a 1963 one dollar bill that is misprinted on the front. From George Washington's head all the way to the end of the left side of the bill looks like the word ONE and the eagle crest from the back is printed on the front. It is very dark and clear. The bill has been in a plastic sleeve so there are no folds, creases or dirt on it. Value?

Man said...

1963 one dollar bill that is misprinted on the front. From George Washington's head all the way to the end of the left side of the bill looks like the word ONE and the eagle crest from the back is printed on the front. It is very dark and clear. The bill has been in a plastic sleeve so there are no folds, creases or dirt on it.

Partial Offset Transfer error about $75.00.

Anonymous said...

It is also printed backwards, does that make a difference? this is in response to the 1963 dollar bill question.
Thanks so much

Man said...

It is also printed backwards, does that make a difference? this is in response to the 1963 dollar bill question.

That is normal in this type of error.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the response on the 1963 dollar bill. It is just strange looking, how does only 3/4 of the back of the bill end up printed on the front of the bill?

Man said...

how does only 3/4 of the back of the bill end up printed on the front of the bill?

A sheet of paper gets printed on one side and a roller pushes the paper on the ink plate.

Sometimes no paper is on the plate and the roller gets just goes over the wet ink.

Next time a sheet of paper comes in the wet ink on the roller puts a complete or partial print on the wrong side.

I hope I explained it well.

Anonymous said...

yes!! you did, my children are asking me and I have no idea, now I can look really smart:)
thanks again

Man said...

yes!! you did, my children are asking me and I have no idea, now I can look really smart:)
thanks again

Cool, if you have silly putty and a newspaper it could be live demo.

Ink Transfer errors should be destroyed before reaching the public but a few escape detection.

Anonymous said...

I have a few bills:
$1 Silver Cirt.-1935C back #-4482 creased
$1 Silver Cirt.-1935D back #-5300 slight crease
I also have two $2 bills 1953 1976, what info is needed to know value?

Man said...

Back numbers mean nothing, but without serial number I can only assume most common.

$1 Silver Cirt.-1935C creased about $3.00
$1 Silver Cirt.-1935D slight crease about $3.00
$2 bills
1953 about $9.00
1976 about $2.00

Anonymous said...

to Sept. 22nd post
Thank you, these are the serial numbers
$1 1935C-D50208276E
$1 1935D-L62772645F
$2 1953-A41795169A (red ink)
$2 1976-L36967622A (green ink)

Man said...

$1 1935C-D50208276E about $3.00
$1 1935D-L62772645F about $3.00
$2 1953-A41795169A (red ink) about $9.00
$2 1976-L36967622A (green ink) about $2.00

Unfortunately the ones you have are the most common. Still nice to have.

jayjay said...

Great Blog! Perhaps you can tell me if my bill has any value. It is series 1981, circulated but crisp, has a pin hole in one corner, and a large (1x1.5") ink error, spill, smear on the back. Whaddayathink? Thanks, jj

Man said...

1981, circulated but crisp, has a pin hole in one corner, and a large (1x1.5") ink error, spill, smear on the back

About $75.00 for the Ink Smear error.

Beaver said...

I have a $1 bill that looks like the ink from the front blead through. It must have been a misprint in either the 1st or 2nd printing process. Its a 2009 and serial # is L51973744C if that helps any. Thanks

Man said...

$1 bill that looks like the ink from the front blead through. It must have been a misprint in either the 1st or 2nd printing process. Its a 2009 and serial # is L51973744C

Offset Printing error about $125.00 if the transfer is 100%.

Anonymous said...

is there a value difference between narrow and wide varieties?

Man said...

is there a value difference between narrow and wide varieties?

Assuming you meant the 1935-D $1.00 it depends on serial number sometimes the wide is more, sometimes the narrow is more.

Anonymous said...

Well here's exactly what I have

1935-D U16332529F (back number 5005)
1935-A N14294241B (back number 2042)
1935-E N33103719H (6168)
1935-B E32246832 D (3766)
1935-G C11373871 J (6621)

Do you know their value and whether or not the wide-narrow variation affects the non 1935-D series? Thx

Man said...

$1.00 in very-fine...

1935-D U16332529F (back number 5005) about $3.00 it is wide although if it was narrow it would also be $3.00

1935-A N14294241B (back number 2042) about $3.00
1935-E N33103719H (6168) about $3.00
1935-B E32246832D (3766) about $4.00
1935-G C11373871J (6621) about $4.00

Anonymous said...

Thank you

Nikki Smith said...

I have a few $1 and $2 bills that I'm hoping you can help me figure out the value of! (listed below) From what I was able to find online it doesn't seem like any of them are worth more than face value but maybe YOU will have better information for me.

1935 D $1 Silver Certificate
1935 E $1 Silver Certificate
1957 $1 Silver Certificate
1957 A $1 Silver Certificate
1957 B $1 Silver Certificate

1963 $2 Bill
1976 $2 Bill

Do the serial numbers have any effect on the value? How about the signatures of the Treasurer of the US or Secretary of the Treasury?

I hope to hear back from you soon!!

Man said...

Serial number is key to value and should be listed.

Signatures have no change in value.
Condition that is less then crisp-uncirculated has no change.

1935 D $1 Silver Certificate about $3.00
1935 E $1 Silver Certificate about $3.00
1957 $1 Silver Certificate about $2.50
1957 A $1 Silver Certificate about $2.50
1957 B $1 Silver Certificate about $2.50

1963 $2 Bill about $7.00
1976 $2 Bill about $2.00

These are the lowest average values withut serial numbers.

Nikki Smith said...

Here are the serial numbers for the bills listed above;

1935 D $1 SC B21093141F
1935 E $1 SC K08762848H
1957 $1 SC T87089012A
1957. $1 SC A46481057B
1957. $1 SC K77059697A
1957. $1 SC M62510174A
1957. $1 SC U65557531A

1963. $2. A01882276A (red)
1976. $2. L42359717A
2003. $2. L19837342A
2003. $2. L19837336A
2003. $2. L19837335A
2003. $2. I46688471A

All of them are definitely circulated and by no means 'Mint'. I wish!!!

Thank you SO much for your help and speedy response!!

Man said...

1935 D $1 SC B21093141F about $3.00
1935 E $1 SC K08762848H about $3.00
1957 $1 SC T87089012A about $2.50
1957. $1 SC A46481057Babout $2.50
1957. $1 SC K77059697Aabout $2.50
1957. $1 SC M62510174Aabout $2.50
1957. $1 SC U65557531Aabout $2.50

1963. $2. A01882276A (red)about $7.00
1976. $2. L42359717A about $2.00
2003-A $2. L19837342A about $2.00
2003-A $2. L19837336A about $2.00
2003-A $2. L19837335A about $2.00
2003. $2. I46688471A about $2.00

Unfortunately all of yours are common. Still nice collection of old notes.

Anonymous said...

I have a 1935 Series G One Dollar Silver Certificate D69294976J with the number 6835 on the back. The bill has creases. I am curious to what it is worth. Thanks!

Man said...

1935 Series G One Dollar Silver Certificate D69294976J with the number 6835 on the back. The bill has creases

About $5.00

Anonymous said...

I have a 1935 D series silver certificate. It,looks like it has misprint. Frint and back dont match and looks like printing on back is smaller size, as there is so much more paper on sides and bottom. Serial #Q01103118 F back # 5089. Is there any value to this?

Man said...

1935 D series silver certificate. It,looks like it has misprint. Frint and back dont match and looks like printing on back is smaller size, as there is so much more paper on sides and bottom. Serial #Q01103118 F back # 5089.

This is normal, the bills are never exactly perfect especially back then.

About $3.00

Anonymous said...

Thank you

Kristin said...

Hi I have a $1 silver certificate, series 1935 G, with a star serial number *12062035. Thank you!

Man said...

$1 silver certificate, series 1935 G, with a star serial number *12062035

About $6.00

Anonymous said...

I have a 1963 $1.00 bill serial number G19209781B and on the back, in the right margin, the bill was misprinted with about a quarter inch of the front printed onto the back, but there is no error on the front of the bill. Is this worth anything other than face value?

Man said...

1963 $1.00 bill serial number G19209781B and on the back, in the right margin, the bill was misprinted with about a quarter inch of the front printed onto the back,

Partial Offset Transfer error about $15.00 in fine.

Anonymous said...

1935E $1 U37962078G. Lower left serial number is bleeding through to back. Complete but definitely circulated.

Man said...

1935E $1 U37962078G. Lower left serial number is bleeding through to back. Complete but definitely circulated.

The bleeding does not add value, about $3.00

Unknown said...

1$ star note 06889905 C 1935 D silver cert I 7301
Red 5$ note C 54144547 A 1953 B H13
5$ silver cert F 79162410 A 1953 B Q62

Man said...

1$ star note 06889905 C 1935 D silver cert I 7301
--About $25.00

Red 5$ note C 54144547 A 1953 B H13
--About $12.00

5$ silver cert F 79162410 A 1953 B Q62
--About $10.00

Anonymous said...

I have some bills left from Grandma. What is their value?
$1 silver certificates
series 1957B T43863012A
series 1957A F24559810A
series 1935D C53132413G
$2 bill
series 1976
series 1976 G59309201A Green Ink
series 1976 G27762094A Green Ink
series 1976 G48319341A Green ink
Thank you!

Man said...

$1 silver certificates
series 1957B T43863012A about $2.50
series 1957A F24559810A about $2.50
series 1935D C53132413G about $3.00

$2 bill
series 1976 G59309201A Green Ink about $2.00
series 1976 G27762094A Green Ink about $2.00
series 1976 G48319341A Green ink about $2.00

Unknown said...

Hey cool Blog!
Know the value of a circulated 1935E silver certificate Full offset transfer on the back

Man said...

circulated 1935E silver certificate Full offset transfer on the back

About $300.00

Anonymous said...

Great Blog. Can you give me an idea on the value of the following bills:

1 dollar silver certificate 1957 series (*06112880D), back #324, some folds.

1928 F series $5, red stamp (I15934515A), back #1786, good shape w/folds.

1953 c series $5, red stamp (C57703179A), back #2490, good shape, w/folds.

1963 series $5, red stamp (*02257934A), back #2, good shape w/folds.

Man said...

1 dollar silver certificate 1957 series (*06112880D), back #324, some folds.
--About $10.00

1928 F series $5, red stamp (I15934515A), back #1786, good shape w/folds.
--About $20.00

1953 c series $5, red stamp (C57703179A), back #2490, good shape, w/folds.
--About $15.00

1963 series $5, red stamp (*02257934A), back #2, good shape w/folds.
--About $20.00

Anonymous said...

I have a $1 sliver cert and its a series 1935g and # d37314374j and it is folded and bent corners can u tell me if its worth more then a dollar thanks

Man said...

$1 sliver cert and its a series 1935g and # d37314374j and it is folded and bent corners

About $4.00

Anonymous said...

i have a total of 7 old bills. I'd love to know how much they are worth. 5 are silver certificates. 2 are older $2 bills.

Silver Certificates:

1935 D serial: U06406684E number on back:4669

1935 E serial: X06186371G number on back 5778

1935 E serial: U61017258G number on back 5961

1935 E serial: P73417966G number on back 5766

1935 E serial D05969875H number on back 5822

$2 bills:

1953 B serial A70514578A

1953 A serial A49002189A

Man said...

Silver Certificates:

1935 D serial: U06406684E number on back:4669 about $3.00

1935 E serial: X06186371G number on back 5778 about $3.00

1935 E serial: U61017258G number on back 5961 about $3.00

1935 E serial: P73417966G number on back 5766 about $3.00

1935 E serial D05969875H number on back 5822 about $3.00

$2 bills:

1953 B serial A70514578A about $7.00

1953 A serial A49002189A about $8.00

Anonymous said...

i have a total of 7 old bills. I'd love to know how much they are worth. 5 are silver certificates. 2 are older $2 bills

Thank you for the info. any chance the value may increase? I was hoping they were worth a lot more than that but guess not. Oh well, still more than face value at this point.

Man said...

any chance the value may increase?

Over the next 20 years they may double, in circulated grade they have little value.

Leaf, Branch, Bark & Root said...

Have what I think is an anomaly, in that I have a 35 D series $1 SC with a narrow back, back plate # 5100. But the S/N is Q 74816379 F, which would seem to put it in the middle of the Wide back range. Is this unusual? I once had 1934 A & 1934 B bank notes which were from the same sheet, 4 #s apart.

Man said...

35 D series $1 SC with a narrow back, back plate # 5100. But the S/N is Q 74816379 F, which would seem to put it in the middle of the Wide back range.
--No that is correct.
1935-D narrow are U-E to M-G
1935-D wide are R-E to M-G
So there is an overlap.
As long as it is #5017 or higher it is correct.

I once had 1934 A & 1934 B bank notes which were from the same sheet, 4 #s apart.
--that's nice.

Leaf, Branch, Bark & Root said...

Thanks for the prompt response!

John G said...

1935 D Series Silver Certificate $1 Serial Number S52818394F and under the Piramid on back the Roman Numerals come out to 1776 in near perfect condition can you tell me how much its worth please Thanks John

Man said...

1935 D Series Silver Certificate $1 Serial Number S52818394F and under the Piramid on back the Roman Numerals come out to 1776 in near perfect condition

About $30.00

Anonymous said...

I have a 1935 d $1 silver cert. sn # n00000555g any idea what the value of it its? It's in pretty decent shape. Thanks, Mark.

Man said...

1935 d $1 silver cert. sn # n00000555g

About $30.00 in very-fine.

Unknown said...

I have a 1975 dollar on the back under the r is one line of squares it also says silver certificate on top of front top and bottom serial r59456915a on right e460

Man said...

1975 dollar on the back under the r is one line of squares it also says silver certificate on top of front top and bottom serial r59456915a on right e460

No such thing you must mean 1935.

I also do not understand the "line of squares" a picture may be helpful. Use your Google+ to post a picture.

About $40.00 if the back number is lower than 930.

Anonymous said...

Hello: I have a 1975 Republika NG Pilipinas Juan Luna 25 Cent Coin. Any Idea what this may be worth? Also.... Internet post tells me a 1955 Repvbblica Italiana L.100 is worth $185.00 U.S. What is your opinion on this coin as well? Thank you much, Jennifer, Seattle, WA, United States

Man said...

1975 Republika NG Pilipinas Juan Luna 25 Cent Coin.
--About $0.25

Also.... Internet post tells me a 1955 Repvbblica Italiana L.100 is worth $185.00 U.S. What is your opinion on this coin as well?
--If uncirculated in mint state yes.
If handle or scratched even slightly then no.

MS-60 = mint state about $185.00
F-12 = Fine about $1.00

Yours is probably somewhere closer to fine if not in a protective slab.

Anonymous said...

Hello Again,

Thank you so much for your quick response!! The 1955 Italiana L. 100 is in a protective slab. I found a handful of "older" coins in a box that belonged to my Dad who passed away a few years ago. I know nothing about coins or who/how to sell a coin. Do you have any guidance you can offer me on this? I am scrounging for money right now as my unemployment ran out a few weeks ago and no solid job offers yet... Also, one more coin question if you have time....what is a 1968 Ngan-Hang-Quoc-Gia Viet-Nam 20 Dong worth? Most of the other coins I have found what appears to be sound $$ worth info on.

Again, thank you so much for your time and consideration! I will leave you be now with questions.

Kind Regards,


Man said...

1955 Italiana L. 100 is in a protective slab.
--That is a good start but most that sell for $185 or more are graded.

Sell coins at your local coin dealer but they tend to give the lowest offers.
Try authorized dealers...

eBay is now the best place to sell coins because it gives the best prices.

1968 Ngan-Hang-Quoc-Gia Viet-Nam 20 Dong
--About $1.00 in fine
About $10.00 in mint state.

Selling coins for quick cash is difficult unless in a graded slab most coins, even good ones, sell for little.

Your local dealers will probably offer $1.00 each for any old foreign coin. So go to more than one place but do not expect to get anywhere close to $185.

If your a good seller learn your coin terms and try eBay.

Unrelated: The only other jobs I know of for a quick pay is worker on political campaigns. Primaries and elections are coming soon and at least around here they offer $10 per hour for canvassers and poll workers. Check for those words in Craigslist of your area, usually under government jobs.

Anonymous said...

$2 1928 d series D29056116A-red ink-4 corners ripped off

$1 1935 e *02320553F-blue ink-used condition

$1 1957 a K38823717A-blue ink-used condition

$1 1935 F T25503463I-blue ink-used condition

$1 1935 d T51153094F-blue ink-used condition


Man said...

$2 1928 d series D29056116A-red ink-4 corners ripped off about $3.00

$1 1935 e *02320553F-blue ink-used condition about $6.00

$1 1957 a K38823717A-blue ink-used condition about $2.50

$1 1935 F T25503463I-blue ink-used condition about $4.00

$1 1935 d T51153094F-blue ink-used condition about $3.00

Anonymous said...

I have 2 $1 Dollar Silver Certificates Series 1935 E. Serial Numbers are: B87921907H and K03675661H. Can you tell me what are they worth?

Man said...

$1 Dollar Silver Certificates Series 1935 E
B87921907H about $3.00
K03675661H about $3.00

Anonymous said...

$1 Dollar Silver Certificates Series 1935 D

Man said...

$1 Dollar Silver Certificates Series 1935 D

About $3.00

Anonymous said...

I have a 1935D silver certificate that is misprinted. The serial numbers are upside down and the seal is missing where it says Washington DC. What would it be worth? It was circulated. Serial No. D 24892465 F.

Man said...

1935D silver certificate that is misprinted. The serial numbers are upside down and the seal is missing where it says Washington DC. What would it be worth? It was circulated. Serial No. D 24892465 F.

Inverted Overprint error about $800.00 in very-fine.

Anonymous said...

I have a $1 silver certificate, series 1935 D, X31298062E. How much is it worth and where can I take to redeem its value?

Man said...

$1 silver certificate, series 1935 D, X31298062E. How much is it worth and where can I take to redeem its value?

If the tiny back numbers are 5016 or less about $3.00.

If the tiny back numbers are 5017 or higher about $10.00.

Like all collectible money the only place to get the estimated value is by selling it. Since this one is common if circulated it can be sold on eBay.

Unknown said...

Hi I have a 1935 D $1 silver certificate, H 86870228 G. The numbers on the back are 5545 and it only has one set of visible boxes on the back by the R in dollars. With a crease in the center of the bill. What would be its worth I figured 3 bucks lol.

Man said...

1935 D $1 silver certificate, H 86870228 G. The numbers on the back are 5545 and it only has one set of visible boxes on the back by the R in dollars. With a crease in the center of the bill.

That one is the $3.00 version.

Anonymous said...

1935 F series one dollar silver certificate (B 11812540 J) no top border on front and #6443 on back with 1776 on base of pyramid in roman numerals in circulated condition worth

Man said...

1935 F series one dollar silver certificate (B 11812540 J) no top border on front and #6443 on back with 1776 on base of pyramid in roman numerals in circulated condition

About $4.00

Anonymous said...

i have a 1935c silver cert this is a missprint the top left corner was folded during printing D14161885E back numbers are 3938

Anonymous said...

that silver cert is a $1 bill

Man said...

1935c silver cert this is a missprint the top left corner was folded during printing D14161885E back numbers are 3938...$1

About $25.00

Herlein said...

I have 1935A Silver Certificate. The back of the bill wasn't printed on, only the front. The serial number M54978660B.



Man said...

1935A Silver Certificate. The back of the bill wasn't printed on, only the front. The serial number M54978660B.

Most are fake or altered if real they start at $2,500.00 even in low grade.

Be careful many fakes exist.

Anonymous said...

1935 series e one dollar silver certificate. Normal front but misprinted back- narrow, lot of white at top. Serial number L 26468670 I.
Worth much?

Man said...

1935 series e one dollar silver certificate. Normal front but misprinted back- narrow, lot of white at top. Serial number L 26468670 I.

About $3.00 the faulty alignment does not add value.

Anonymous said...

I have a $1 1935-d silver certificate
Serial # *00046677d. What is it worth?

Man said...

$1 1935-d silver certificate
Serial # *00046677d

About $50.00.

Unknown said...

I have a 1935 D 43408707 G 1 dollar bill. I also have a certificate of authenticity approved by Tim sissies

Man said...

1935 D 43408707 G 1 dollar bill

About $3.00 in very fine.

Me said...

$1 bill, Serial P45792210F
Series 1935 D, Blue seal. How much is it worth

Man said...

$1 bill, Serial P45792210F
Series 1935 D, Blue seal.

About $3.00

Anonymous said...

I have a 1935 silver certificate dollar bill B02111111I. Does that have any value?

Anonymous said...

How much is chris chelios autograph worth on a hundred dollar bill?

Man said...

1935 silver certificate dollar bill B02111111I

Must be a 1935-F about $5.00. The multiple ones may add value if high grade to certain collectors.

Man said...

How much is chris chelios autograph worth on a hundred dollar bill?

About $105.00

Anonymous said...

I have a 1935 D Silver certificate #A63203294F with 4864 on back,serial #'s,blue seal and signatures all inverted.One corner on back has a small area which looks like clear glue,otherwise VF condition.How much is it worth?

Man said...

1935 D Silver certificate #A63203294F with 4864 on back,serial #'s,blue seal and signatures all inverted.One corner on back has a small area which looks like clear glue,otherwise VF condition

About $3.00

Misty said...

I have an old one dollar bill series 1935 D . G76169085G I was wondering what it's worth the top of the bill is a lot thinner than the sides and bottom the numbers on the back side in small print is 5752

Man said...

an old one dollar bill series 1935 D . G76169085G I was wondering what it's worth the top of the bill is a lot thinner than the sides and bottom the numbers on the back side in small print is 5752

No extra value for being off-center.
About $8.00

Unknown said...

I have a $1 1935 E Silver Certificate there is no border on the top. Serial: M16248935H
Back is: 6155


Man said...

$1 1935 E Silver Certificate there is no border on the top. Serial: M16248935H
Back is: 6155

Happened often back then about $5.00

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for providing this information. I have a $1 Silver Certificate Blue Seal, Serial Z15076852G, 1935E Series and the number in the back is 5968. The bill is misaligned with the left margins significantly narrower than the right margins on front & back and the bill is slightly crooked (top margin is narrower on top Left, wider on top Right). Any idea how much it's worth? Thanks in advance!