Tracking my own finds over the past four years I notice a trend among foreign finds. There are four countries I always find in these percentages, 70% Canada, 1% Great Britain, 1% Bermuda, and 1% Trinidad & Tobago. The remaining 27% are from all other countries that come in randomly.
This year has been different since I have not found any of my 1% regulars. Then recently I found a Bahamas coin my second in the past month and only the third since July of 2005. It would not surprise me if this is associated with new travel patterns.

Great starfish design it is perfect for summer time. Overall the coin is pretty in hand but has some sticky stuff on half of the surface. Probably why it was thrown into circulation and with the same dimensions as a regular U.S. cent it easily passes among a sea of cents.
Here's the stats...
Type/Country: 1 Cent / Bahamas
Year: 2004
Mintage: Unknown
Metal: Copper Plated Zinc
Value: $0.05 in VF
Update: I didn't even notice on the reverse the N in CENT has some die cracks. These are common among cents so I will keep the same value listed. The rest of the lines are just scratches.
Do you have a coin from the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.
79 dollars worth, for Comments/Questions click here.:
I think this is the only starfish on a coin I've ever seen...
Palau, Australia, and ancient Celtic coins are some that also used a starfish but the one above is one of the nicest.
I have a 2005 bahama coin like the one showing with the top picture of ur coin but in the back is 2 fishes, not starfish. was wondering...
2005 bahama coin like the one showing with the top picture of ur coin but in the back is 2 fishes, not starfish.
This must be a 10 Cents Bahamas coin with two fish facing in opposite directions.
It is just $0.10 in fine.
ja sam nasao kovanicu od 20 cent(of bahamas),
zanima me vrijednos?
i founded a coin (20 cent)of bahamas,
i like to know how much it worth.please answer me!
founded a coin (20 cent)of bahamas,
No such thing, can you give a description or date.
my one cent from the Bahamas is fine and 1985 -circulated . is it worth anything
one cent from the Bahamas is fine and 1985 -circulated
About $0.02
I have a 10 cent coin with 2 fishes in opposite directions on the back and a flamingo and swordfish on the front from 1982 commonwealth of the bahanmas with wavey edge. Can you tell me what it is worth?
10 cent coin with 2 fishes in opposite directions on the back and a flamingo and swordfish on the front from 1982 commonwealth of the bahanmas
About $0.10
I have a coin which i received as change in circulation, and it has the same pictures just like you except for the fact that mine is a 1992 coin...what is its value? if it has any?
1992 coin...Bahamas 1 Cent
About $0.02 in fine.
Hello I have a one dollar Bahamas coin and would like to know it's value. It has the queen Elizabeth II on the front and the conch shell at the back. Dated 1966. Please if you have any info send it to my email address. Thank you in advance.
one dollar Bahamas coin and would like to know it's value. It has the queen Elizabeth II on the front and the conch shell at the back. Dated 1966
About $10.00 mostly for the silver content.
i found a star fish penny like the one on display it dates 1998 but i found it with american pennies that date back to 1880 is this likely
I have the exact same coin from 1990. Do you know how much copper it contains and its metal makeup?
star fish penny like the one on display it dates 1998 but i found it with american pennies that date back to 1880 is this likely
Yes someone just dropped it in there.
I have the exact same coin from 1990. Do you know how much copper it contains and its metal makeup?
It is copper plated zinc.
Copper is about 4.5%.
I have a one cent 1973. Worth anything?
one cent 1973 assuming form the Bahamas
About $0.05
I have a sailboat instead of a Starfish. how much is it worht
sailboat instead of a Starfish.
What year? What denomination? What country?
i have a 1998 ten cents silver commonweath of the bahamas coin it has one fish above another fish on one side and on the other it has sword fish it looks like and a flamingo standing up against a shape that kinda looks like a shield with plants growing out of the top of it i would like to know what its worth thanks.
1998 ten cents silver commonweath of the bahamas coin
Just $0.10.
I have a 1997 Commonwealth of the Bahamas penny (Starfish on reverse). I would just like to know it value or worth.
1997 Commonwealth of the Bahamas penny about $0.05
15 cents 1971 coin, Elizabeth the second on the front and Commonwealth of the Bahamas
15 cents 1971 coin, Elizabeth the second on the front and Commonwealth of the Bahamas
About $0.20
Concerning Party,
I also have a 1997 Bahamas 1 cent coin and other coins from around the world. Is there a website for coins from other countries?
Thanks, World Coin Collector
1997 Bahamas 1 cent coin about $0.03
Is there a website for coins from other countries?
Try here...
World Coin Gallery
1997 25 cent commenwealth of the bahamas coin
1997 25 cent commenwealth of the bahamas coin
This year is not listed, can you check again.
I have a 1978 commonwealth of bahamas coin which says ten dollars with pitcure of prince charles.It also says fifth anniversary of independence10 july 1973.Wats a price for this coin it luks about the size of a medal..
1978 commonwealth of bahamas coin which says ten dollars with pitcure of prince charles.It also says fifth anniversary of independence10 july 1973.
About $26.00 if there is a tower mint mark after the word DOLLARS it is $65.00
I have a common wealth of the Bahamas 25cent with a sailboat can u tell me what its worth
Bahamas 25cent ??What year??
HI i have a commonwealth of Bahamas 1 cent coin from 1995 i would say it's in great condition. A bit dirty but really not worn in at all. How much is it worth? Should i save it? and for how long if so?
Bahamas 1 cent coin from 1995 i would say it's in great condition
About $0.10 in extra-fine, it will probably stay at this value for the next 20 years.
Bahamas once cent coin dated 1977. Seems to be fine or better in condition for being in circulation. Please let me know what this is worth!
Bahamas once cent coin dated 1977. Seems to be fine or better in condition for being in circulation
About $0.05
I have a 1982 coin with a sord fish and a flamingo How much is it worth in USA miami Florida
1982 coin with a sord fish and a flamingo
Assuming from Bahamas I would need the denomination?
I have a coin just like you showed excepted it is 1984 please tell me how much it is worth?
I have a coin just like you showed excepted it is 1984
About $0.03
i have a 2005 commonwealth of the bahamas twenty five cent piece. Is this legal tender in the U.S.?
2005 commonwealth of the bahamas twenty five cent piece. Is this legal tender in the U.S.?
No. They cannot be used in the U.S.
It has a collectors value of $0.25.
About $0.05
I have a 2005 five cent coin from the Bahamas. Front side is the flamingo and fish and the back is a pineapple. Whats the value, if any, of this coin?
2005 five cent coin from the Bahamas just $0.05 in fine
I found a 1943 Penny with a D below that and Im pretty sure its uncerculated and its a wheat penny? how much is it worth? LOL im jk with you, I know that penny is worth 1,000,000,000 and Id be so happy to have it :( to bad I dont
1943 Penny with a D below that and Im pretty sure its uncerculated
About $1.50, there is no current coin worth a billion dollars.
What is the value of a 25 cent bahama coin...dated 1979.
25 cent bahama coin...dated 1979 just $0.25 in very-fine
i have a commonwealth of the bahamas 25 cent quarter dated 1985, with a sale boat and coat of arms, whats the value???
commonwealth of the bahamas 25 cent quarter dated 1985, with a sale boat and coat of arms
Just $0.25
my 1 cent coin has a rainbow look to it on the frontand back. also on the front it has 1 big starfish and 2 smaller starfish it is a 2006.
how much is it worth?
1 cent coin has a rainbow look to it on the frontand back. also on the front it has 1 big starfish and 2 smaller starfish it is a 2006
The rainbow is just toning, it is natural and does not change the value.
In very-fine condition the coin is about $0.02 for collectors.
I have a 2006 bahamas 1 cent with 3 starfish. How much is it worth?
2006 bahamas 1 cent with 3 starfish
In very-fine condition the coin is about $0.02 for collectors.
1984 Commonwealth of the Bahamas, One Cent Starfish on rear. But the only thing different is that it's dented in perfectly, it's been pushed in on the facing, like is was manufactured that way and it has a hole covering the "of" in Commonwealth of the Bahamas, I'm assuming it's for a necklace. But, I was wondering why it is dented in, and the value?
1984 Commonwealth of the Bahamas, One Cent Starfish on rear. But the only thing different is that it's dented in perfectly, it's been pushed in on the facing, like is was manufactured that way and it has a hole covering the "of" in Commonwealth of the Bahamas,
Possible error called Die Cap when a coin gets stuck to the machine making it and it gets repeated pounded.
Unfortunately by making a necklace out of it it lost all the value. Might have been $50.00 if proven real, but now either way it is just metal value $0.02.
I am wanting to know the worth of a 1937 penny from the commonwealth of the Bahamas?Star fish on front.
1937 penny from the commonwealth of the Bahamas?
No such thing recheck the date.
I have a 3 coin set from 1995. All say $10 but two sizes of coins (one large, two smaller). Smaller ones say Flora and Fauna and have a bird emblem on the back and the Queen on the front. The large coin has a coat of arms on the front and a Bahama parrot on the back (in color).
3 coin set from 1995. All say $10 but two sizes of coins (one large, two smaller). Smaller ones say Flora and Fauna and have a bird emblem on the back and the Queen on the front. The large coin has a coat of arms on the front and a Bahama parrot on the back (in color).
The large one is about $200.00
The small ones if gold are about $900.00 each.
What's the value of this penny. Has 3 Star fish that says 1 cent made in 2006
this penny. Has 3 Star fish that says 1 cent made in 2006
About $0.05
I have one the same it just has three starfish on the front and it's from 2015 how much is it worth?
Yo tengo una igual del 2001 pero todas las letras k tienen son doble tendra algun balor
Have a common wealth 5 cent 2004 what’s worth if any
I have a 2004 Bahamas penny how much is it worth?
I have a 1982 Commonwealth One Cent and i would lime to know how much is it worth and the history
Is it worth anything?
I have a 1997 Commonwealth of the Bahamas reverse starfish penny what is the value of the coin
I have the 2004 Bahamas penny with the star fish on back
I have a 1977 gold one cent starfish coin with no mint mark. What is its value?
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