Thursday, August 25, 2005

I've found gold...wait, what?

Do you have a weird coin and want to find out its value? Leave a comment and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.

I'm sometimes asked about a gold quarter that someone has found. Even a silver dime that is from the 1980's. They want to know is it real or fake. Well most likely both. Here's some examples


splitThe two pennies are covered in a layer of gold the dime is covered in a layer of silver but the copper dime in the holder is not.

The copper dime is genuinely a copper error, what type I don't know yet because I haven't weighed it.

The 1966 and 1968 gold pennies and the 1986P silvered dime were altered outside the mint. THE MINT DOES NOT MAKE GOLD PENNIES! They do make silver dimes and quarters but they are in proof condition and can be seen from from as a brilliant above normal coin.

These coins were made legally as a "collectors" piece or "art" piece by certain coin sellers. It is the same as bronzing your babies shoes, people still do that right. They are so often made that they end up in circulation.

If it was pure gold or silver it would weigh more than a normal penny. I found these three fakes about ten or more years ago.

Value: If it is gold and silver maybe just above face but if done badly then just face. Also altered coins can be rejected by store owners. They have no ¢ or $ value for true collectors.

QVC often sells colorized, plated and hologramed coins. They are real coins that are legally altered for fun. THE U.S. MINT DOES NOT MAKE COLORIZED MONEY, NOT YET.

How to tell if the your coin is plated, easy it doesn't have sharp details, the layer maybe peeling or it is an error that just doesn't make sense and can't be found in coin books.

So gold quarters or dimes, silver pennies and pink half dollars all exist but not from any American mint. Other countries like Hong Kong have done colorized coins and There were some Sacagawea Dollars made in gold but those are exclusive coins.

Update: The copper dime weighed the same as a normal dime. This indicates it may be a sintered coin. Sintered coins are errors of various meanings that must be confirmed by experts.

Do you have a weird coin and want to find out its value? Leave a comment and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.

237 dollars worth, for Comments/Questions click here.:

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Unknown said...

I found in my pocket change what appears to be a dime that skipped the plating process. It feels lighter. It's definitely thinner. The edge, face and back are crisp in detail. It appears to be somewhat rusty. The kicker is that the coin is from 1976. What do I have?

Thank you, ahead of time, for your help.


Shawn Walter

Man said...

It feels lighter. It's definitely thinner. The edge, face and back are crisp in detail. It appears to be somewhat rusty. The kicker is that the coin is from 1976. What do I have?

It needs to be weighed but it is possible and missing clad layer is an error that has value.

Anonymous said...

I have a 1968 D dime, which from what I've read was not silver. The front appears to be nickel plated, the back appears totally copper. Any value?

Man said...

1968 D dime, which from what I've read was not silver. The front appears to be nickel plated, the back appears totally copper.

Either damaged or a Missing Clad Layer error.

Only an expert can tell if it is a real error, if real about $50 depending on grade.

Anonymous said...

I have a 1998 dime that looks to be almost a copper bronze color any value other than face it does weigh normal

Anonymous said...

Hi there I found a gold 1962 penny... is that worth anything? It's in pretty mint condition. Thanks!

Man said...

1998 dime that looks to be almost a copper bronze color any value other than face it does weigh normal

Possible Improperly Annealed error, it is $5.00 or more if graded.

Man said...

gold 1962 penny... is that worth anything? It's in pretty mint condition

Plated, which is damaged so no extra value.

Anonymous said...

I have a 1988 D gold plated dime. How do I find out it's worth?

Man said...

1988 D gold plated dime

Just $0.10, the coin is considered damaged and the gold is too thin too melt.

Unknown said...

I've found a 2006 Kennedy half dollar mint mark p with a light gold or bronze color. The color is consistent on both sides. Your thoughts?

Man said...

2006 Kennedy half dollar mint mark p with a light gold or bronze color. The color is consistent on both sides

Gold plated damage, no extra value.

Dr.Barber said...

I was sorting though my coins when I came across what appears to be a full copper dime. It is a 1973(D) copper dime. Is this actually a thing, or Just extremely weathered?

Man said...

1973(D) copper dime

Possible error, it needs to weighed with a 0.01 gram scale.

If not sharp then most likely it is just weathered.

Anonymous said...

I have this 1974 copper colored dime, I tried to see if it was just dirt but the copper color wouldn't come off, and it has no mint mark, how much is this worth?

Man said...

1974 copper colored dime,

It needs to be weighed or seen by an expert.

It is possible to remover the nickel and keep the copper.

That said if real they start at $50.00 depending on condition and type of error.

Anonymous said...

I have a 1959 gold penny that is significantly heavier than a reg penny is it solid and real

Man said...

1959 gold penny that is significantly heavier than a reg penny

It is not real but it may be a copy made from real gold.

Take it to a jeweler.

Anonymous said...

Curious about your "copper dime". I also have one that is from 1995. I have manmade/fake errors and mint errors but cant find out which one for sure this is. THANKS

Man said...

Curious about your "copper dime". I also have one that is from 1995. I have manmade/fake errors and mint errors but cant find out which one for sure this is.

Only an expert can say in hand.

Anonymous said...

I came across a 2011 D dime that seems to be copper. Is it worth anything? or could it be copper coated?

Man said...

2011 D dime that seems to be copper. Is it worth anything? or could it be copper coated?

Difficult to say online, it needs to be seen by an expert in hand. Most are just damaged by heat that causes the copper to surface. Still true errors start at $500 and only goes higher in value depending on condition.

Unknown said...

I found a 2005 d us penny that looks like it is a dull gold color. It looks very different from a coin in the next year up in color do you know what it is?

Man said...

2005 d us penny that looks like it is a dull gold color

It happens on occasion when the mixture or heating of the metal is slightly off. It may add value if it can be proven to be brass not copper-mix.

Unknown said...

Hi, I found a 1955 no mint wheat Lincoln penny, and we noticed that Lincoln has a bow in the top of his hair. It is very detailed and can see it without a magnifying glass easy. I haven't been able to find it researching it, I was hoping you could help. Thank you for your time and hope to hear from you soon.

Anonymous said...

I have a dime it somewhat seems copper but I'm not sure it was from 1976 if I posted a picture would u possibly be able to tell if it's worth any value?

Man said...

1955 no mint wheat Lincoln penny, and we noticed that Lincoln has a bow in the top of his hair. It is very detailed and can see it without a magnifying glass easy.

Altered coin, no extra value.

Man said...

a dime it somewhat seems copper but I'm not sure it was from 1976

A picture would not help. Possible error worth $50 or more but it could also be heat damage.

Unknown said...

Found a 1993 silver penny in a stack of rolled pennys. Things in perfect condition not sure if ever saw circulation. Weighs 2.06 grams which other pennies I weighed from same time period were 2.05 grams. There is also one machined cut in the rim which I did not see in any other pennies

Man said...

1993 silver penny in a stack of rolled pennys. Things in perfect condition not sure if ever saw circulation. Weighs 2.06 grams which other pennies I weighed from same time period were 2.05 grams.
--The weight on all should be 2.50 grams that said it sounds like a plated coin, no extra value.
If it is off-metal it has to be accurately weighed but it would be over $200

There is also one machined cut in the rim which I did not see in any other pennies
--If you mean a clipped planchet then $0.50 unless some design is missing

Anonymous said...

I found a 1968 no mint mark dime in good condition that is missing it's nickel clad layer on the entire front and back. Is it possible for it to be worth anything and is it possible for a proof coin to lose it's nickel clad layers

Man said...

1968 no mint mark dime in good condition that is missing it's nickel clad layer on the entire front and back. Is it possible for it to be worth anything and is it possible for a proof coin to lose it's nickel clad layers

Not naturally. This sounds like damage but at this point only an expert can tell in hand.

Unknown said...

I just found a 1995P gold dime it wieghs 2.1 grams & is attrackted 2 a magnet when put next 2 it...Im thinking it culd be from the 97 dprint dime a min promo where only 1,000 were put out i can send pix if need be thanx..

Unknown said...

I have 2 dimes one a 1973 p that's a gray in color and a1985 p that's black any explanations the black is easier to explain than the gray

Unknown said...

I have a u.s. 1967 dime that weghs 2.05 grams, is it an error coin or is it a fake coin?

Unknown said...

I have a 1996 d penny. Appears to be silver in front and normal copper in back. Excellent detail on front and no signs of being worn down. Any suggestions?

Thomas said...

I have this 199? Lincoln cent struck on what seems to be a foreign planchet. It weighs 2.05g. Also seems to be possibly struck through grease?

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