On May 22 of this year I was searching through my change at the end of the day and found a 1956 wheat cent, which was ok they are worth about 2¢ in that condition.
I left the coin on my desk because I was too busy to catalog my newest find. Then a few days later I noticed some crud on the coin then I looked closer and saw it was actually excess copper between the B and E in LIBERTY.
Immediately I recognized it was a "BIE" error and sure enough I got my error book out and there it was as clear as day.
Here's this coin stats...
II-F-4 BIE Die Variety (W) = a die break or crack between the B and the E.
Fairly common in the years 1955-1958 and value at $1.00 to $20.00.
I figure due to all the green spots and circulation wear that mine is closer to $1.00.
For a while BIE pennies became very popular and the BIE Guild was formed. Soon so many of these errors were found that the value went down and the collectors stopped tracking these coins. The BIE Guild dissolved and now unless the coin is proof or in excellent shape the premium for this error is low.
Here is a better picture of this type of error from LeeG(an expert collector) he also found a 1956 BIE but as you see in a higher grade.

1459 dollars worth, for Comments/Questions click here.:
«Oldest ‹Older 1001 – 1200 of 1459 Newer› Newest»1944 wheat penny that is very nice shape on front but on back it is smooth with nothing on it. The coin is not as thick as most of the other wheat penny.
This is damage, it is not possible to press a coin that has a smooth side.
I have seen this before it was once done by a jeweler and put into a pendant.
Sorry, no extra value.
value of a 1943 quarter worn a 1941 dime nice shape,1964d and 1964 dimes fine shape and 1941,1942d,1948,1954d nickel good shape worth? thank you very much
I have a 1914 d wheat penny in ok cond. what do you think this would be worth? I also have a 1915 wheat penny with some wear but you can still read it all.Thanks for the help
1943 quarter worn about $6.15
1941 dime nice shape,1964d and 1964 dimes fine shape
--About $2.50 each
nickel good shape
1941 about $0.20
1942d about $1.00 non-silver
1942d about $2.00 silver
1948,1954d about $0.20 each
1914 d wheat penny in ok cond
--About $385.00 in fine
1915 wheat penny with some wear but you can still read it all.
--About $1.75 in good
what is the value of a 1996 ten pence elizabeth the second on front and lion on back. and i have a 2000 cook island five cent elizabeth on front and some weird guy on back
1996 ten pence elizabeth the second on front and lion on back
--Assuming British about $0.25 in very-fine
2000 cook island five cent elizabeth on front and some weird guy on back
--About $0.25 in very-fine
what is a 1910wheat penny worn worth,1919 worn,1925 good,1926 good,1929 good? 1960 d small date?1960 d large date both in good cond. how do you tell a 1970 s high and low 7? and how do you tell if a coin is a proof? and last what do you think of coin tracker for getting values of coins?
1910 wheat penny worn about $0.35
1919 worn about $0.20
1925 good about $0.20
1926 good about $0.20
1929 good about $0.20
1960 d small date about $0.03
1960 d large date about $0.03
how do you tell a 1970 s high and low 7?
--The 7 is in Low is below the 0, if high the top of 7 is even with the top of 0.
Check out this 1970s Link
how do you tell if a coin is a proof?
--It has a mirrored background and most have an S mintmark.
last what do you think of coin tracker for getting values of coins?
--They are ok but a bit confusing and the values seem a bit off.
I like PCGS because I know they update often and are less than 10% off.
whats the value of a mint cond. 1 frank. on back it says LIBERTE EGALITE FRATERNITE 1976. On front it says REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE And in little print on bottom it says o.roty
mint cond. 1 frank. on back it says LIBERTE EGALITE FRATERNITE 1976. On front it says REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE And in little print on bottom it says o.roty
About $0.40 in mint
I have a 1988 nickle that has a indention on both sides in the same spot of were the rim should be which has also cut off the bottom of the ATE in STATES. I was wondering if you could tell me anything about this
Ok so i have a 1960 penny that the L on LIBERTY is almost cut off by the rim. and the 9 in 1960 has the top circle filled in and it has a bump to it. Is there anything you could tell me?
1988 nickle that has a indention on both sides in the same spot of were the rim should be which has also cut off the bottom of the ATE in STATES.
Sounds like a Clip, that is where the coin is cut wrong but still gets pressed.
This is minor about $2.00 but a lot depends on eye appeal having a piece of the design missing is good but may still be too minor.
1960 penny that the L on LIBERTY is almost cut off by the rim. and the 9 in 1960 has the top circle filled in and it has a bump to it.
This is a Die Break error, the break may have also caused the coin to be be off-center.
It is common and does not have any extra value.
Hi, we have a penny which appears that the insides were not struck. Same size as a penny and there is an edge around it. Thoughts?
a penny which appears that the insides were not struck. Same size as a penny and there is an edge around it.
Planchet with rims about $3.50.
I have a 1972 penny that is slightly struck off center. Everything is shifted right and there is a ridge from the O in God around the left side to the bottom of Lincoln.
1972 penny that is slightly struck off center. Everything is shifted right and there is a ridge from the O in God around the left side to the bottom of Lincoln.
Minor Off-Center error, no extra value.
It must be 15% off-center or cut off the design to have any value.
2006 Nickle. Head is mostly copper color with a patch of nickel over Jefferson's eyes. Tail has total copper hue.
2006 Nickle. Head is mostly copper color with a patch of nickel over Jefferson's eyes. Tail has total copper hue.
Sounds like a coin that was heated, no extra value.
That said it should be weighed in case.
It can also be an error called Improperly Annealed but only an expert can tell in hand.
I have a penny with no date on the front as the front is virtually blank. It looks like it may have been very slightly stamped, as you can see some VERY slight marks, but nothing at all distinguishable (virtually blank), and the back looks double stamped, with one stamp being crooked, showing the Lincoln Memorial crooked embossed over a straighter stamp of it. Any value?
I have a penny with no date on the front as the front is virtually blank. It looks like it may have been very slightly stamped, as you can see some VERY slight marks, but nothing at all distinguishable (virtually blank), and the back looks double stamped, with one stamp being crooked, showing the Lincoln Memorial crooked embossed over a straighter stamp of it.
It could be a double struck cent, about $25.00 but it has to be examined in hand.
There are other ways to fake this type of error so I am cautious.
hi i have a 1974 D which is an unuasually burgandy dark browny color which has what looks like an extention off his chin going in the direction of the date also have an 1985 with bright copper spots, also a 1976 quarter which has the D double printed and its unusually deep, just was wondering what if anything they are worth, thanks for your time
1974 D which is an unuasually burgandy dark browny color which has what looks like an extention off his chin going in the direction of the date also have an 1985 with bright copper spots
--Sounds like common stains, no extra value.
1976 quarter which has the D double printed and its unusually deep
--Possible Doubled die or Repunched Mintmark, about $5.00.
thanks for the awnser but the one with the peice coming from the chin looks like another print of his ear does that make any difference 1974 D one cent, i have a photo if needed?
the one with the peice coming from the chin looks like another print of his ear
It sounds like a die break or possible die clash.
But yes a picture may clarify things, just post it somewhere and copy and paste the link here.
Hi, I have an entire collection of wheat pennies that includes every single year minted from 1909 to 1958. All mints are represented, and even the famous 1909 s-vdb is included. I am only missing the 1922 NO D. What do you think this collection may be worth? They are all in XF to AU condition
an entire collection of wheat pennies that includes every single year minted from 1909 to 1958. All mints are represented, and even the famous 1909 s-vdb is included. I am only missing the 1922 NO D. What do you think this collection may be worth? They are all in XF to AU condition
About $2,000.00
Hello, iv recently started lookin for error coins, and I won't lie there fascinating! I went through my coin jar and sadly didn't find any lol but I noticed on one penny iv got is missing the E in E• Pluribus• Unium.... And the letters above it and the corner of the memorial are softer than the rest of the lettering on the coin... It might be caused by the stamp being worn down at one point on it or idk but it's a 1979 and there is no sign of the letters being worn down... If you have any helpful info it would be welcome
one penny iv got is missing the E in E• Pluribus• Unium.... And the letters above it and the corner of the memorial are softer than the rest of the lettering on the coin... It might be caused by the stamp being worn down at one point on it or idk but it's a 1979 and there is no sign of the letters being worn down
Could be a worn die, a slight die adjustment, or most like;;y struck through grease error.
Either way no extra value, it is very common.
Hi! I found a 1975 penny. Lincoln and the monument are upside down from each other. If one is facing upside the other isn't. It looks like a brand new penny though.
1975 penny. Lincoln and the monument are upside down from each other. If one is facing upside the other isn't. It looks like a brand new penny though.
That sounds normal. No extra value.
U.S. coins have coin alignment.
Meaning when Lincoln is facing up and you flip the coin left or right the back is upside down.
i have a 1961 penny that looks way to shiny and feels to light to be real. it is metal and had no letter stamp either below or above the date on the penny?? is it real??
1961 penny that looks way to shiny and feels to light to be real. it is metal and had no letter stamp either below or above the date on the penny?? is it real??
Sounds real maybe overly polished so it got worn down. No extra value.
Weigh it to make sure.
Hi I have never really collected coins before but today I got a wheat penny 1956 d and it seems to be unique. Lincoln is protruding very high from the coin and the wheat side has an indenture in the shape of Lincoln's head. Also the l on liberty is almost cutoff. The last oddity it has as extra line on the edge slightly above liberty. Any ideas I have compared to other wheat coins and it almost seems concave in the middle on the Lincoln side not flat like the others.
wheat penny 1956 d and it seems to be unique. Lincoln is protruding very high from the coin and the wheat side has an indenture in the shape of Lincoln's head. Also the l on liberty is almost cutoff. The last oddity it has as extra line on the edge slightly above liberty.
Someone smashed two cents together. No extra value.
If you think it may be something else take good pictures and share it online using a free photo site or take it to a few dealers.
New to the coin collection business. Found a 1968D finned rim penny. "In God We Trust" appears to be in small print and practically on the rim. Is this of any value?
1968D finned rim penny. "In God We Trust" appears to be in small print and practically on the rim
About $2.00 in high grade.
I have an undated lincoln penny with a large die break over where the date should be..I can only see the 1 but not the other three numbers in the date..on the opposite side where this die break is the letter S at the end of States is missing as well as the letters AMER in the word America is missing because of this error..i have found only one such example as my penny but it has no numbers in the date and was selling on Ebay for about $135.00. i was just wondering if you had any idea where i could find information about the value of this coin..an official site of sorts or maybe you could shed some light on the value of this penny for me.. Thank you in advance...sincerely, confused new collector Karen.
I have an undated lincoln penny with a large die break over where the date should be..
There is no official site or value for this type.
$135 is a false value, eBay scam.
Average no date Die Break/Cud error is $5.00.
High grades will fetch more also 3.11 grams will be more.
Hi i have a 1983 d penny with double rimming which i know isnt worth much. The part that is crazy is the penny is almost the size of a quarter and everything is clearly stretched out. It is deffenitly not done by any tools because even though it is stretched everything front and back is still very detailed as it should be and there is what looks to be the front stamped on the back and viseversa but it very hard to see. it is very dirty as it was in a can with tons of other pennys in the trunk of a car im restoring and the can was filled with water. I know your not suppose to clean them but i think it is needing a very light cleaning to get some of the debris off it, almost like oxidation if u can say that. Just want to know if its worth anything. You can email me if u would like pics MrSmooth76@live.com
The part that is crazy is the penny is almost the size of a quarter and everything is clearly stretched out.
Just a Elongated cent there are many ways of making these.
No extra value and so it can be cleaned.
I have a penny with the date 194..missing a number and in almost perfect condition..any ideas value? or fake?
penny with the date 194..missing a number and in almost perfect condition
Struck Through Grease error about $0.20
my penny has the printing on it of a penny but it is shrunk into the size of a dime, and the rim is thicker than what a normal dime looks like, any extra value to it?
my penny has the printing on it of a penny but it is shrunk into the size of a dime, and the rim is thicker than what a normal dime looks like,
This is damaged, making a coin smaller and thicker is known as spooning and can be done easily.
Sorry no extra value.
Hi, I have a 1962 penny with the back of it printed upside down. What is it worth?
1962 penny with the back of it printed upside down.
If you mean a U.S. cent that when Lincoln is right side up and you turn the coin over left or right and the back is upside-down this is normal.
Hi, I have a 1973 penny with a raised rim, it's actually very visible and sharp. Any help would be grateful.
1973 penny with a raised rim, it's actually very visible and sharp
A raised or finned rim cent depends a lot on eye appeal for value.
In general it's about $20.00 if very high rim.
1992 D close AM value?
1992 D close AM about $1,800.00 in almost-uncirculated and brown.
Hi again ive put my two coins on ebay if you would like to check them out, good finds i think :)
Hi again ive put my two coins on ebay if you would like to check them out, good finds i think :)
The Die Break has no extra value about $0.03 very common.
The 1969 does not look Doubled Die just worn, no extra value unless you can prove it is Doubled.
that sucks thanks for the info tho a great help as always :)
thanks for the info tho a great help as always :)
Still it is eBay if someone will buy them you would be lucky, next time I suggest starting the bid as low as possible,$0.01. But I'm no eBay expert.
sounds like a good idea to me
Anyone know the value of a penny that has a factory messed up number nine--year is 1958-D?
Anyone know the value of a penny that has a factory messed up number nine--year is 1958-D?
No extra value, if you are talking about a Die Break error.
A good picture may narrow down the exact error or damage.
I just found a 1974 s Lincoln penny. It appears that the front was stamped with both the front and the back image. Any extra value?
1974 s Lincoln penny. It appears that the front was stamped with both the front and the back image.
Sounds like a Die Clash error, no extra value.
"Sounds like a Die Clash error, no extra value."
Thanks for the info. I looked into Die Clash errors, it seems that when they happen they are typically faint, and the image is positioned correctly (ie the Lincoln Memorial would show up horizontally across Lincoln's face)
In the coin I found neither is the case, both images are very visable, and the memorial is almost perfectly aligned up/down with Lincoln's head.
Does that change anything, or do you think this is still a die clash error?
Does that change anything, or do you think this is still a die clash error?
Die Clash errors can be very strong and be aligned in every position.
That said it can be a Flip Over Double Strike which is very rare.
Still in circulated about $100.00 but it can only be verified in hand unless you have great camera skills.
I have a couple of different coins out of my dads money collection from over the years...
1967 Penny w/ IN GOD WE TRUST stamped WAY too high. It's going/curving over the top, and there is no border on the top or left side.
A 1955 penny with 2 different size 5's.
A 1940 penny w/ 2 S's and a D.
If you look under the 4, there is a D and an S under it. There is also an S on the 1... but you can't see it without a magnifying glass. The letters in LIBERTY and numbers in 1940 are also crooked.
A 1977 quarter with 'blob' instead of a D.
And 2 dimes from the same year with different photos. They don't line up the same no matter how you put them. Also, they have 2 different mouths, among other differences.
1967 Penny w/ IN GOD WE TRUST stamped WAY too high. It's going/curving over the top, and there is no border on the top or left side.
--Slight Misaligned Die, no extra value.
1955 penny with 2 different size 5's.
--Common variance the numbers on the date often were slightly off.
No extra value.
1940 penny w/ 2 S's and a D.
If you look under the 4, there is a D and an S under it. There is also an S on the 1... but you can't see it without a magnifying glass. The letters in LIBERTY and numbers in 1940 are also crooked.
--These look like Die Breaks not true mint mark varieties. No extra value.
That said even if these were S/S/S it would be about $1.00 or less since the coin looks cleaned.
1977 quarter with 'blob' instead of a D.
--Die Break, common on the mint marks. No extra value.
2 dimes from the same year with different photos. They don't line up the same no matter how you put them. Also, they have 2 different mouths, among other differences.
--The dime on the right seemed to be Struck Through Grease or Misaligned, but either way it is common.
Coins are not perfect and since they are made by the hundreds of millions slight differences are normal.
Everything you mentioned were errors just common and none have extra value or are collectable.
i have a 1970's penny with just the 197 and the leb in liberty is gone.
is this worth $?
1970's penny with just the 197 and the leb in liberty is gone.
Sounds like a Struck Through Grease error, no extra value.
are 1959 - 1964 worth more money?
nickels ^
are 1959 - 1964 worth more money?...nickels ^
Not really, metal value is at $0.10 and so is collectors value if circulated.
I've found a 1973 penney that has an imperfect stamp, since when the penney is stamped the picture and everything is aligned to the ridges at the edge of the coin, this one has double ridges on the lower left side and the picture doesn't seem to be in the "center" of the coin; the upper right side ridge of the coin is thinner than the rest. Does this have any value?
I've found a 1973 penney that has an imperfect stamp, since when the penney is stamped the picture and everything is aligned to the ridges at the edge of the coin, this one has double ridges on the lower left side and the picture doesn't seem to be in the "center" of the coin; the upper right side ridge of the coin is thinner than the rest. Does this have any value?
1973 penney that has an imperfect stamp, since when the penney is stamped the picture and everything is aligned to the ridges at the edge of the coin, this one has double ridges on the lower left side and the picture doesn't seem to be in the "center" of the coin; the upper right side ridge of the coin is thinner than the rest.
Slight Misalignment it is common and has no extra value.
I have a 1928 penny with lincoln on the front but the entire back blank. do you have any idea how much it could be worth?
1928 penny with lincoln on the front but the entire back blank.
Damage, no extra value.
It is not possible to just stamp one side of a coin.
is copper ever going to be worth a lot someday?
is copper ever going to be worth a lot someday?
Not really.
Copper is one of the most common metals.
Even if the price triples and goes to $10 a pound a copper cent will just be worth about $0.07.
Silver and gold are always better.
I have a 1943 Lincoln Steel 5 , no letter indicated, penny that is missing the 4 in the year. Does that make it more valueable?
1943 Lincoln Steel 5 , no letter indicated, penny that is missing the 4 in the year. Does that make it more valueable?
Sounds like a Struck Through Grease error, no extra value about $0.30.
how much is a crooked 2004 penny worth email me at kamalpreetdhanoya@gmail.com
crooked 2004 penny
Please describe in more detail or copy & paste a link to a picture.
Hello, I have a couple of Pennies that I think are error coins, one is a 1997, Lincoln cent, on lincolns shoulder is a bubble that is raised, this bubble is on the front and the back of the coin. Also I have a 2007 lincoln cent that is darkly colored, like it had maybe been in a fire, but different, and it is bigger around than a penny about the same size as a nickel but not as thick as a nickel but thicker than a penny. Any information on whether these are damaged or error coins?
Pennies that I think are error coins, one is a 1997, Lincoln cent, on lincolns shoulder is a bubble that is raised, this bubble is on the front and the back of the coin.
--Sounds damaged, bubbles can form for many reasons and weather it happened at the mint or after it has no extra value.
2007 lincoln cent that is darkly colored, like it had maybe been in a fire, but different, and it is bigger around than a penny about the same size as a nickel but not as thick as a nickel but thicker than a penny.
--Sounds like a smashed cent, maybe run over by a steamroller, either way no extra value.
hi again what is it you would be looking for in coins for coins to be valuable?
hi again what is it you would be looking for in coins for coins to be valuable?
High grade, errors, or rare and key dates.
ahh ok thanks for your time :D
i have a 1987 raised rim error penny hat is it orth? (my key above s is broken)
1987 raised rim error penny
Most do not have extra value unless it is extreme like twice as tall as the coin itself.
If you can upload a good image and copy & paste the link that may clarify.
Hi, Have a 1950-s wheat penny, at first glance looks like d over s,second glance says broken s in the die. middle of the s is three times wider than the curved parts of the s. any value to this one. Thanks,Greg
1950-s wheat penny, at first glance looks like d over s,second glance says broken s in the die. middle of the s is three times wider than the curved parts of the s.
As far as I know there are no D/S or S/D Doubling for this year.
The S was made differently but I suspect damage or a die break error, no extra value.
If still not convinced place a good image online somewhere and copy & paste the link here.
Hi, This image might be good enough. might try to send one more. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/155/img2229es.jpg/ Greg
Hi, This image might be good enough.
Looks just like a Die Break, no extra value.
I have a 1944 wheat penny with a ring of bumps around the coin just inside the "IN GOD WE TRUST" on the front of the coin. The bumps do not look like something that could have been from normal wear and tear. They look like they are raised as much as the date is and one of the marks even makes the first 4 look weird. What is this?
1944 wheat penny with a ring of bumps around the coin just inside the "IN GOD WE TRUST" on the front of the coin
Possible Die Breaks, but likely just damage.
Either way no extra value.
I have a 1999 no mint mark penny it looks like A Proof coin but i took it to a coin shop and the guy said it wasn't its really thick with sharp edges and its thicker then most pennies. the 1999 is almost missing the last nine and some of the nine before it is missing. Also the I & B in liberty is almost gone. The L looked like it was gone but when I looked closer its there but it looks like a very light L, its almost like a shadow. The B is almost like the L but you can see the B its like it wasn't stamped all the way. Do you know what this is worth? Also what type of Error is this or is it an actual proof coin?
1999 no mint mark penny it looks like A Proof coin but...
From everything you describe it sound like a Struck Through Grease error.
Something clogged the die when it was stamped making it uneven and giving it a thickness and missing letters.
It probably was just cleaned giving it a polished look but leaving behind grease.
No extra value.
Thank for the reply I have some more coins. A 1970 S which looks like S over D- the left side opening on the S is close by a line which is clearly part of the stamp but botttom of S looks like its shaped like a D. Whats the value of something like this and where would be a good place to get it actually put in a case, appraised right & get it authenticated? I also have a 1961 D which looks to have a backwards L or a stamped L the right way and one backwards. Ever see or hear of anything like this? Whats the value and would it be worth holding on to. Thank you very much for your time.
1970 S which looks like S over D
--As far as I know this type of error does not exist. It is probably a Die Break, no extra value.
That said PCGS is a great place to authenticate it would cost about $100 to grade. At the end it may bring $50 in low circulated grade and rapidly rise from there.
1961 D which looks to have a backwards L or a stamped L the right way and one backwards.
--Sounds like an Overstamp done outside the mint, no extra value.
Possible Die Break if real also no extra value.
What about a 1969 S Double Die- doubling in date liberty and in god we trust. I have looked at other pictues online and it looks very similar but Its hard to tell on my coin unless I magnify it. If mine was strong i'm pretty sure there is doubling cause when i'm just looking at the coin if i move it while looking at it it looks like there is a shadow on every letter and number.
1969 S Double Die- doubling in date liberty and in god we trust...shadow on every letter and number.
This sounds more like Machine Doubling and not true Doubling.
There are just two known varieties for the 1969-S cent one is major but the other is minor just in the date.
Unless you can get great shots or have it looked by a dealer in hand. I am leaning towards no value strike doubling.
I recently came across a penny that is blank but you can barely make out the markings on both sides. I noticed it after breaking a roll of pennies for change.
Thank you!
a penny that is blank but you can barely make out the markings on both sides.
That fact you can see any markings suggest damage or a Grease Filled error, no extra value.
That said it should be weighed and kept aside. A Die Adjustment Strike also leaves a weak coin and can be worth a few dollars.
None of these are rare but at least you noticed.
I have a 1975 penny with a small slice cut from the rim, as though it had been stamped twice. It is missing part of the word America on the reverse side due to this cut. Is this error common?
1975 penny with a small slice cut from the rim, as though it had been stamped twice. It is missing part of the word America on the reverse side due to this cut.
Sounds like a Clipped Cent in circulated about $1.00.
That said part of what you are describing does not sound right, if you can out a picture online and link it here that would help.
I have a 2001 D penny that is extra dark and slightly bowed(?)....kinda like a bowl shape...any clue to what this might be? its bossible that the darkness is just wear, too...
2001 D penny that is extra dark and slightly bowed(?)....kinda like a bowl shape...
--Fire damage, heated and bent.
No extra value.
I have a penny I found in a roll of pennies. It only has half of it there. The "one cent" And "United States of America" Side is there, but it is hollow and does not have any filler and is missing the other side completely. No date as that side of the coin is missing. Any ideas? :)
a penny I found in a roll of pennies. It only has half of it there. The "one cent" And "United States of America" Side is there, but it is hollow and does not have any filler and is missing the other side completely. No date as that side of the coin is missing
I have a few I also found in change, it is just damaged. Someone drilled one side of copper-clad cent.
No extra value.
I have 1992 penny with the date on front 199 2, a space between the 9 an 2, any value?
1992 penny with the date on front 199 2, a space between the 9 an 2
Does not sound like an error it could be damage.
That said if you can place a clear picture online and then copy & paste the link here that may clarify.
i have a 95% off center penny. no date. can only see the one from "one cent" on it. how much is it worth?
95% off center penny. no date. can only see the one from "one cent" on it.
About $2.00
Hello I have a 1978 penny that has been stamped normal and then flipped over and stamped again. Great images on both sides of each side. Very cool. How much is this worth you think?? and how rare is it??
1978 penny that has been stamped normal and then flipped over and stamped again
A True Double Struck cent would be about $300.00
That said it should be very warped and oddly shaped.
If not I suspect another type of error called Die Clash with little to no extra value.
its not warped at all. pretty much perfect stamp on both sides just not deep picture. but you can clearly see both imprints. any advice where i should sell it?? ebay or an auction house??
pretty much perfect stamp on both sides just not deep picture. but you can clearly see both imprints. any advice where i should sell it??
I suspect this may not be a true double struck so eBay is your best bet.
If you have it certified by PCGS or something then Heritage Auctions may be a better choice.
Good pictures will help both in identifying and for sales.
thank you kind sir!!!
I have a 1914 wheat penny with the D printed under the word liberty on the left side of the coin instead of on the right underneath the date(1914). I have tried to find out the value of it and also see if there are any other circulated pennys like the one i have. I would appreciate any help that you could give me. Thanks... JK
1914 wheat penny with the D printed under the word liberty on the left side of the coin instead of on the right underneath the date(1914).
This type of error is not possible.
It is either a fake or altered.
No extra value.
Try and get good pictures of the coin and placing them online. That is the only way for others to see what you really have.
I have 4 silver dimes years 1950,63 and two from 64 how much silver is in these dimes and one of the 1964s has no mint mark is it worth more also i have some war nickles and only one of them has the P on the back is that normal i thought all nickles from 1942 through 46 were war nickles? Also i have a nickles from 1964 thatwas struck on the edge on the front side by the word IN u can tell it was done when thr made the coin because it still has theline around the front but its pushed into the face of the coin and bubbles onto the edge
Hey me again i also have a 1983 penny and it hasbubbling on the back in and around the word CENT.also it hasdoubling in the T. And in the N it has what id call a tumer coming outta the N i dont know if the bubble looking chunks of metal would be considered bubbles or double striking the T for sur has double striking but only in the top if u would like pictures just tell me were to send them or my email address is rick.jozwiak@yahoo.com thanks.
silver dimes years 1950,63 and two from 64
--About $2.40 each
one of the 1964s has no mint mark
--About $2.40
war nickles and only one of them has the P on the back is that normal i thought all nickles from 1942 through 46 were war nickles?
--War nickels are from 1942-1945 and only the silver versions have a large mint mark above the building.
nickels from 1964 that was struck on the edge on the front side by the word IN u can tell it was done when thr made the coin because it still has theline around the front but its pushed into the face of the coin and bubbles onto the edge
--I do not understand place a picture online and then copy and paste the link.
1983 penny and it hasbubbling on the back in and around the word CENT.also it hasdoubling in the T. And in the N it has what id call a tumer coming outta the N i dont know if the bubble looking chunks of metal would be considered bubbles or double striking the T for sur has double striking
Sounds like bubbling caused by dirt and has no extra value. The doubling does not sound true.
My grandfather is close to 80 years old and in the early 60's he bought wheat pennies for 50$ a bag. He had 3 grandchildren so he made rolls for them. In doing so he found this penny. It is a 1955 double die. Both the front and back are perfectly stamped right side up and upside down. It has been taken to many coin dealers and shows and many of them believe it came out of the mint and is the start of the 1955 double die error coins. Any insight into this coin would be greatly appreciated.
1955 double die error coins. Any insight into this coin would be greatly appreciated.
Not much to say without a picture.
There are several varieties some are worth more.
Check out this link...
1917S Wheat I've owned for years. G-VG condition. Reverse has the wheat and e pluribus unum...center is completely blank.
I've always wondered about this.
1917S Wheat I've owned for years. G-VG condition. Reverse has the wheat and e pluribus unum...center is completely blank.
Probably damage, if the front does not have an equally large lump or empty space it is damage.
Could also be an error called Struck Through Grease but that does not add value.
About $0.05. You may want to put good pictures online in case it is something else.
hello, i have 1970 penny that has the zero off center/high close to the seven, xf condition.
1970 penny that has the zero off center/high close to the seven, xf condition
Not a true variety. The numbers being slightly off is common.
No extra value, about $0.02.
I have a 1923 penny with no mint mark in at least fine condition. How much would it be worth?
1923 penny with no mint mark in at least fine condition
About $0.65
I have a 1955 Wheat Penny where the E in Liberty is off. The bottom line of E is not straight but instead aims down and to the center of the coin. Thoughts?
1955 Wheat Penny where the E in Liberty is off. The bottom line of E is not straight but instead aims down and to the center of the coin.
Just damage, despite being metal the letter can easily be moved over time or with great pressure.
No extra value.
I have a 1990 penny that is double the thickness of a normal penny and i was wondering if its worth more then 1 cent? Thanks
1990 penny that is double the thickness of a normal penny and i was wondering if its worth more then 1 cent
It needs to be weighed for an accurate assessment.
I have a penny blank with the edge stamped
penny blank with the edge stamped
Sounds like a Planchet about $3.00.
I have a 1979 penny that between 97 the superior part of the 7 instead of being there it is united to the 9 and resembles a bird in flight. I dont know if it became so by circulation or a misprint. I have a 1983 penny that the 8 looks like a 3, turned. Could they be worth anything.
Have a 1986 penny the 8 looks like a reversed 3. Has it any value?
1979 penny that between 97 the superior part of the 7 instead of being there it is united to the 9 and resembles a bird in flight.
--Minor Die Break error, no extra value.
1983 penny that the 8 looks like a 3, turned.
--Damage, no extra value.
1986 penny the 8 looks like a reversed 3.
Damage, no extra value.
does anyone know what a penny that was struck twice on both sides is worth it has a normal stamp shape then a second hit half off the penny equal on both sides I have had this for 35 years looking for an investor or collector of rare coins
penny that was struck twice on both sides is worth it has a normal stamp shape then a second hit half off the penny equal on both sides
Double Struck cents are about $150.00 but I suspect you may have something else.
If you can put a clear picture online and link them here.
Have you ever heard of a 1970 mint sent with 2 philadelphia pennies and no s?
1970 mint sent with 2 philadelphia pennies and no s?
Could be a fake or resealed?
Errors in mint sets happen but many fakes exit this has to be verified.
If real the value is usually double about $35.00.
I have found an 1975 lincoln cent that has doubling on the 9,7 & the G. Since I cannot find any info on it curious of the rarity & the value. It is in fair condition. Worth grading? Value?
1975 lincoln cent that has doubling on the 9,7 & the G
Doubling on a 1975 cent is not known.
If minor about $3.00 in very-fine.
You might get a bump in value if it is the first known example but at most $25.00.
If high grade then it might be worth grading. In general doubling does not bring much extra value.
i have recently got myself a jewelers magnifying glass and was looking for rare pennies in my collection i mistakenly found a penny that wasn in my list of rare pennies it is a 1974 denver mint but the d that was struck on it is filled and similar to the 1968 filled eight anomaly i am very curious to now if i found a new rare penny. also if u could give me a roundabout on the price if ya can
pennies it is a 1974 denver mint but the d that was struck on it is filled and similar to the 1968 filled eight anomaly
Filled or Die Break cents are common and in no way rare.
They hold no extra value and are not considered collectible.
I have a 1995 D penny that appears to have been minted twice and dragged a bit in the press. Is this a common occurrence and what usually happens to these pennies?
1995 D penny that appears to have been minted twice and dragged a bit in the press
About $50.00 if circulated and not red.
These are rare and can go up to the hundreds depending on grade.
Thanks Man for the info. I didn't think it had any real value! All the best,
1969D penny clearly stamped Lincoln's head front and clearly stamped Lincoln memorial back and are correctly aligned, it also has the memorial stamped on the front on Lincoln's head and Lincoln's head is stamped on the back on the memorial, and these stamps also are correctly aligned with each other, it looks like it was stamped correctly then flipped over & rotated then stamped again. I've been told that would be impossible but that's how it looks to me.
1969D penny...it looks like it was stamped correctly then flipped over & rotated then stamped again.
A Double Stuck cent like you describe is possible and would be worth hundreds.
That said it is most likely a Die Clash error with no extra value.
If you can post some clear pictures on your blog that may help.
I have a 1960 D penny.I have no idea the condition
1960 D penny about $0.03 if circulated
There is a Small Date variety worth a little more but no much either.
Check here for comparison...
Any ideas on a 1959 D penny. The D looks smaller then any other penny. Also where it says "IN GOD WE TRUST" the print is noticably smaller. Thanks for your help.
1959 D penny. The D looks smaller then any other penny. Also where it says "IN GOD WE TRUST" the print is noticably smaller.
Probably just Die Deterioration, varieties like this have no extra value. Mint marks varieties are normal.
About $0.03
Can you please list some coins that a person could find anywhere,but are worth more then face value. Also some good places to find wheat penny. You have been so helpful. Thanks
Are there any pennies (1960-present) that are worth a lot. I have a ton and need to know certain dates to look for.
Thanks (I'm sure everyone thanks you)
Can you please list some coins that a person could find anywhere,but are worth more then face value.
--Your change, bank rolls, coin shops, or eBay.
Also some good places to find wheat penny.
--Again the same list as above. Coin shops often sell them for cheap.
Are there any pennies (1960-present) that are worth a lot.
There are no regular pennies worth a lot from those date.
Certain errors have extra value.
1960D/D, 1972 Doubled Die, 1999 Wide AM.
Are there any silver/steel pennies worth a lot? I have a ton of silver pennies and want to know which ones to keep.
Are there any silver/steel pennies worth a lot?
They are not silver but Zinc coated steel.
They are common so none in less than perfect condition have any real value.
I looked on ebay for wheat pennies. I found rolls of them. All the prices were different. The prices ranged from $1-$30 or so.What do you think would be a good price for a roll of wheat pennies. Thanks :) Also there were some with mercury dimes in some rolls. Should that roll/bundle be higher priced? Thanks again.
What do you think would be a good price for a roll of wheat pennies?
--$2.00 is fair, $1-$3 is the range for these types.
Also there were some with mercury dimes in some rolls. Should that roll/bundle be higher priced?
--Yes, each Mercury dime it is about $2.50 extra.
What is the value of a steel wheat penny? Mine is from 1943. It is in OK condition. Thanks
Do you know which wheat pennies are worth the most? I have 1941, 1941D, 1942, 1943(steel),1944, 1944D,1945,1945D,1946, 1946D, 1947D, and a few more. Thanks for your help :)
Oh and also 1935 in OK condition
What is the value of a steel wheat penny? Mine is from 1943. It is in OK condition.
About $0.30
Do you know which wheat pennies are worth the most?
Wheat pennies in low grades go $0.03-$0.10 in general.
Scarce dates: 1910-S, 1911-S, 1912-S, 1913-S, 1914-S, 1915-S, 1922-D, 1922-D, 1924-D
Rare dates: 1909-S, 1909-S V.D.B., 1914-D, 1922, 1931-S
1941, 1941D, 1942, 1944, 1944D,1945,1945D, 1946, 1946D, 1947D,
About $0.10 in good
1935 about $0.15
1943 about $0.30
I have a 1962 d penny that is a bright silver color i know its not steel because the steel pennys i have are almost black in color any idea if its worth anything ive seen a few posts online about it but every claims it doesnt exist
1962 d penny that is a bright silver color...
Possible error, you must weight it with a 0.01 gram scale.
If around ~3.11 grams it is a plated fake.
Any other weight is a possible valuable error.
I have a 195_ wheat penny. The last number is partially missing. There is no evidence of it being buffed off that I can see with a magnifying glass. What is there is a slat like 7 maybe was supposed to be there but the top never made it.
195_ wheat penny. The last number is partially missing.
Struck Through Grease error it is common and has no extra value.
I Have 1966 penny that one of the six's is not complete.
1966 penny that one of the six's is not complete
A struck through grease error, no extra value.
2000 off center penny. I would estimate 10-20% off center. I don't know anything about coins, but I'm guessing its good condition.
2000 off center penny. I would estimate 10-20% off center. I don't know anything about coins, but I'm guessing its good condition.
About $0.50 in low grade.
they are fairly common and even in high mint state grade they are just a few dollars.
i have found a 1964 penny with no little d or nothing on it. bt i did notice that the side with lincoln's face on it also has a picture inbedded in the coin of the back of the penny and the reverse side has the lincoln memorial along with the lincol's face embeded in it, it looks to be just an outer layer of zinc that copied another "64" penny bt i doubted it so im looking for help on identifying if this is a die error or whatever it is if need b i can post pictures thanks in advance for your help
1964 penny with no little d or nothing on it. bt i did notice that the side with lincoln's face on it also has a picture inbedded in the coin of the back of the penny and the reverse side has the lincoln memorial along with the lincol's face embeded in it, it looks to be just an outer layer of zinc that copied another "64" penny bt i doubted it so im looking for help on identifying if this is a die error
Sounds like a Die Clash with no extra value, that said a picture would help.
Just use a free photo site then copy & paste the link of a clear image.
I have a 1971 uncirculated (still in its original package) penny with an error. In God We Trust is barely stamped. Can not read it it looks like the stamp lacked detail, Lincoln's face and coat are not fully visable. Anybody know about this and how can I get a value.
1971 uncirculated (still in its original package) penny with an error. In God We Trust is barely stamped. Can not read it it looks like the stamp lacked detail,
Just a weak strike or struck through grease either way no extra value.
Actually it may even lower the value since it is uncirculated.
What is 2007 Penny worth that has the back stamped over Lincoln's face? It is in great shape.
2007 Penny worth that has the back stamped over Lincoln's face? It is in great shape.
Sounds like a Die Clash error, no extra value.
If you think it is something else then take a good picture and post it online somewhere for others too judge.
I have a 1974 penny with an extra face on the right side that is facing Lincoln and if I am not mistaken it is john f. Kennedy. Would it be worth very much?
1974 penny with an extra face on the right side that is facing Lincoln and if I am not mistaken it is john f. Kennedy.
This was done by a private company and is considered damage among collectors.
No extra value above the 2 cents of metal.
1974 S over D or D over S penny... Have you heard of it? If so what is it worth?
1974 S over D or D over S penny... Have you heard of it? If so what is it worth?
I have not heard of this it is not listed.
That said if real about $10.00 in low grade but of course can go very high if separation is extreme and this is a new variety.
Thank you.. also 1937P no mint Buffalo nickel fine condition... 1956D dime fine... and a 1919P no mint dime good condition?
What does "if separation is extreme" mean?
1937P no mint Buffalo nickel fine condition about $2.00
1956D dime fine about $2.10
1919P no mint dime good condition about $3.00
What does "if separation is extreme" mean?
The link below is extreme...
I have a Roosevelt dime in near perfect condition dated 200 the fourth digit is missing.The rim opposite the date has 3 impressions and the opposing rim on the reverse also has 3 impressions. Has it any value. Also I have a 1981 Lincoln penny in pristine condition which appears to be steel,or possibly a dime planchet, it is slightly thicker then a penny with a smaller diameter with a raised rim on both sides.
Roosevelt dime in near perfect condition dated 200 the fourth digit is missing.The rim opposite the date has 3 impressions and the opposing rim on the reverse also has 3 impressions.
--A clear picture is needed to tell bit possible Triple Struck error without a full date they a start at $50.00.
1981 Lincoln penny in pristine condition which appears to be steel,or possibly a dime planchet, it is slightly thicker then a penny with a smaller diameter with a raised rim on both sides.
--Weigh it with a 0.01 gram scale to find out what it is.
Jim T
I found a 1972 D penny with Lincoln's head on both sides. I need some help in finding out the worth of this penny.
1972 D penny with Lincoln's head on both sides.
Fake, it is not possible to have 2 heads on a cent.
Magician's coin they sell for about $4.00 but has no collectors value.
I have a 1953d penny that has a line from lincoln's tie to the left bottom of the D. Is it worth anything?
1953d penny that has a line from lincoln's tie to the left bottom of the D
Sounds like a Die Crack error it has no extra value, about $0.05.
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