Bbsprite said...
I was wanting to find out if you would be able to help me
I have 8 consecutive 20 dollar bills without the little 20 printed on the back of any of them
I have enclosed a picture of the front of one and the back of another
would you be able to tell me what they are worth
any help would be greatly appreciated
Thank You
Error 20'S
Wow she linked pictures and everything.

And if you thought that would simplify it you were wrong.
This was beyond my knowledge, beyond my Web search, even beyond my books. So I looked into my network of collectors who also never saw this error.
The small yellow "20"s on the back is an anti-copying security feature,
--Check for the nylon thread on the front to the left of the left side-dark seal.
--Check for the watermark of Jackson's head on the front to the right of the right-sided green seal.
--Hold the bill in front of a light to see the hidden features.
If they are not there then you have counterfeit bills. Which also has value.
If they are there then the bills are real and according to my source each bill is worth $200.00 for a total of $1,600.00. (This is only an educated guess since yours are the first reported.)
Thanks for the visit Belinda and sorry for the long delay but it is a new bill and a strange error.
If I have more updates or find them on eBay I'll post a link but I'd try to sell half of them to a local dealer before more are found.
Here is a cool error that sold on eBay for $10,100 in May 2003 and now sold at $25,300.

Do you have note or currency and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.
1757 dollars worth, for Comments/Questions click here.:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1757 Newer› Newest»I have a 1995 dollar bill that with defects. It is in good condition and the flaws are:
- The federal reserve bank seal, treasury seal, the serial numbers and the four single numbers are well off center to the left. In fact the treasurt seal and top left serial number are stamped into the portrait space of George Washington.
Can you tell how rare this is and if it has any substantial value.
Thanks - Doug
This is called a Misaligned Overprint this occurs when the final printing is offset because the paper was fed in slightly off. They are well known but still very collectable.
What you describe is very rare error for the fact that the seal is on the portrait.
A 1969-D dollar bill with the bank seal on Washington sells for $500.00 in Crisp grade.
The market for errors right now is strong.
A 1981 with the same error sold for $750.00.
That is a great error congrats.
Thank you Man! How would I go about selling this dollar?
Thanks - Doug
If you read the post about the "banana note" you saw the original owner sold it on eBay for $10,100. So eBay is a good choice.
You may try a local coin dealer where you live.
Dealers will buy low and resell high.
Ebay you may not get the desired price.
Go to eBay and type "error note" and look for similar misprints and the prices may surprise you.
If you do put it on eBay drop me a link and I'll circulate it among other collectors but I can't promise anyhting.
Good Luck
P.S.: The key to selling a note is good quality large scans.
in getting change the other day, I was given a 1995, 5 dollar bill. I then noticed that the serial #s, the treasury seal, the fed. resv. stamp and the 4 little numbers are all printed on the back. Is this worth anything and how could tis happen.
any info would be appreciated.
This is called an overprint on the back error.
It happens during the third printing when the sheet is fed or gets flipped to the other side newer notes get destroyed at once.
The value in EF(Extremely Fine) is $200.00 in CU(Crisp Uncirculated) it is $350.
Hello, have a dollar with misprints on the front, looks as though it shifted and the numbers and seals moved to the right. Attached please find a few links for photo's and let me know what the value may be on this. Thank You!
The first picture is the best. You have a Faulty Alignment error the cause is when the sheet is off-center for the first printing and then recentered for serial numbering printing.
The bill is in near uncirculated condition so but the "shift" is moderate. So it would have a value of about $150.00. Ebay has a few for sale ranging from $20-$275.
I have this $20.00 bill that is in good condition. It is made from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Il.. The series is 1929. E.E. Jones is the register of treasury and N.O. Moor or something like that is the Treasure of the U.S. the serial number is printed in red and it has a red seal. Can you tell me what it is worth? I also have a $1.00 silver certificate. a 1957 series and the seal and serial number is printed in blue. I also have a real silver 50 cent piece. 1958 year.
I've never heard of these signatures in a 1929 $20 but most Chicago bills of that time are worth about $35.00 and the seal shoould be brown or blue. Without a picture I'm not sure.
A $1.00 1957 is about $2.00.
A 1958 50 cent is $4.00.
Did you fine out about the two headed 1996 .50 Kennidy head Liberty ? Also I have a 1969-1989 First Man On The Moon $5 piece.Can you please tell me about it. And I made a mistake on the dime, It's a 1912. I also have a 1937 indian head nickel and a 1943 walking Liberty half dollar.
Did you fine out about the two headed 1996 .50 Kennidy head Liberty ?
1969-1989 First Man On The Moon $5-
From the Marshall Islands it is copper-nickel and worth $3.50
1912 Dime $2.50 in good grade.
1937 nickel $1.00 in good.
1943 half dollar $5.00 in fine.
I have a 1996 20 dollar bill with what appears to be a bleed through
of the 0 of the 20 inscription from the back to the front. is this rare and what would be the value if it is.
1996 20 dollar bill with bleed through...
This is called an offset printing, a minor one. The value for a 1996 $20 bill with 100% design transfer goes for $75.00 in very fine.
Unfortunately yours sounds about less then 10% so it would be $25-$30. It is not rare, especially not in the 1996 $20 bill.
Hi, I just found a $20 bill with two interesting features. First off, its a star note, serial number BG 02453595*, and also it has a small stamp on the back of an american flag circled by 12 stars. Any idea what this is all about, and what it might be worth?
$20 bill serial number BG 02453595*, and also it has a small stamp on the back of an American flag circled by 12 stars.
If it were perfect(crisp-uncirculated)the note would only be worth $40.00 but the stamp on the back is from an overseas banks or just for fun. Either way it devalues the bill back to it's original $20.00, sorry.
i have a 20 dollar, with a werid color seal. i don't know if its worth anything.
im sorry its
I've known of this error it is either a light seal or it was washed out.
Most collectors won't bother with a light unless the bill is perfect but it is still hard to identify. It may add ten dollars to the value but too much uncertainty still exists.
I would hold on to it a wait for the market to grow.
I am not sure if this would be worth anything as it is not in mint condition. I figure it never hurts to ask though. I have a 1974 fifty dollar bill that is seems the alignment is off on. At first glance I thought the bill was cut but comparing to another older fifty I see the sizes match. The first pic make the bill look very odd- It didn't photo well as far as the entire bill. But the second pic is a close up of the bill edge. It is the right side of the bill that is off.
If the above images do not work:
$50 bill 1974 B60362230A
Slight faulty alignment.
It is a faulty alignment because the serial numbers and the green seal are also slightly lower so it is not a cutting error.
Only when the design of next bill appears on this mis-aligned is it worth anything extra. Sorry.
1974 bills are common plus the circulated condition leaves the value of the bill at $50.00.
Still good eye for noticing that and the pictures were great.
I have a 1981 one dollar bill, it has the serial numbers of 00000400*. Im guessing now its called a star note. Its not in the greatest of conditions, but i thought it was fake when the cashier gave it to me. any idea if its worth anything? also, it looks like it was printed or cut way off alignment.
1981 one dollar bill, it has the serial numbers of 00000400*
Nice but that is not the full serial number I need to know the first letter.
As for the bad cut some of these star notes were sold in uncut sheets and over the years were cut to fake an error. The only way to know is with the full serial number.
I have 3 One dollar bills that I got as a tip at work yesterday. They are from 2003 and have sequential serial numbers: F11894108N, F11894107N, and
F11894106N. Are these worth anything, shoud i hang on to them?
3 One dollar bills 2003
sequential serial numbers: F11894108N,F11894107N,F11894106N
2003 F-N is serial I've not seen in print. But it comes from the F (Atlanta) which is common and worth $2.00 in crisp-uncirculated. The fact that they are sequential does not bring any true extra value.
That being said on eBay occasionally sequential bills bring a dollar or two above asking price.
Did anyone ever hear of a 20 dollar bill with George Washington on the face instead of Jackson ?
What whould this be worth?
Did anyone ever hear of a 20 dollar bill with George Washington on the face instead of Jackson ?
What whould this be worth?
Not possible so it would be worthless.
Fakes are made all the time using printing machines. The real government bills are made from metal plates that are etched by hand so never will there be a mistake like that or any design element mistake.
No printing error will have just a portrait different. Printing errors have been cataloged for years and the type type you describe is not possible.
i have a $20.00 bill that was misaligned from front to back. the front is partially cut off right at the top of jacksons head where the back is printed slightly higher then in the middle of where it needs to be. any suggestions on if it is worth anything. please send responce to or if you have any further questions. thanks-----chris
$20.00 bill that was misaligned from front to back.
Unless a piece of another bill is showing then it isn't worth more than face value.
If it is a mis-cut then still no extra value unless it has an extra piece.
i saw a 1 dollar bill that had a major alignment error. it was cut with the bottom of one bill and the top of another with two different serial nombers is it counterfeit or is it worth something
1 dollar bill that had a major alignment error.
It is possible for it to be real. I would need to the serial number because some uncut sheets are sold and people cut them to make fake errors.
If real expect $1,500.00
The serial number is the only way to tell.
i have a one dollar bill exactly like that, i thought it was a fake but its not, its wierd because i thought the bills were cut horizontally instead of vertically. I have been trying to figure out how much its worth
If you give me the serial number and the exact error I may help narrow down the error and value.
Again it is hard to know what is a fake cut or a machine error.
I just found a 1996 $20.00 dollar bill that is misaligned on the front but ok on the back. The front has no border on top but extra on the bottom. Is it worth anything? Thanks
1996 $20.00 dollar bill that is misaligned
Yes this is a true Faulty Alignment note because one side is normal and the other is is an error.
Depending on how much of the next note shows and assuming it is in extra-fine.
If a little design shows it is about $75.00
If any full words show it is about $200.00
I have a series 1996 fifty dollar bill. All safety features are correct with the exception of the watermark. It is positioned very high on the note and it also appears to be distorted. How unusual is this error?
I've heard of this before and there is a debate. As long as it has a watermark some believe it can't be an error but some would call this a Misplaced Watermark.
I've heard of it being upside down and on the wrong side which makes it worth 5 times face value.
But this seems like a minor error I don't expect it to bring much over $55.00. If at the bottom you see a second watermark it might be more valuable.
If there is a currency dealer in your area take it to him to confirm it is not fake. Some fakes have bad watermarks. And yes even fakes have value.
If you take it to a bank they might send the note to the FBI or Secret Service. They take stuff to serious.
I have a 2004 $20.00 bil that has 1 yellow 40 in amongst all of the yellow 20's. I have gone through several other $20 bills and cannot find another like it. Please let me know if it is worth anything.
2004 $20.00 bil that has 1 yellow 40 in amongst all of the yellow 20's
Not a real error it sounds like someone got bored and drew that in. The machine that makes the little yellows doesn't make that mistake.
If you can get a good scan you can post it but it should have no extra value.
I know of a 20 dollar with no serial number at all , It is crisp grade . Is there any added value
20 dollar with no serial number at all , It is crisp grade
In that grade it is about $300.00 this error is called a missing overprint. The newer ones(1996+) are worth slightly less then the pre-1996.
Great find.
I have a $20 bill with a gold star on the front - right side. Does anyone know what this is?euejlet
$20 bill with a gold star on the front - right side
What year? What Serial number? Gold seal dollar are from 1928 and before are worth at $500.00 to begin with.
I have two consecutive twenty dollar star bills. They bills also have an error. They have a green shadow ink on the front which to me looks like the back of another twenty. I got them from the ATM and they are crisp. I do not think they have ever been in circulation. How much do you think they are worth?
twenty dollar star bills. They bills also have an error. They have a green shadow ink on the front which to me looks like the back of another twenty.
Assume these are modern bills 2004 or 2004A the error is called an Offset Printing Error on consecutive star notes would be about $500.00 for both notes. Possible more depending on how strong the offset looks.
I have a $50.00 bill with no backing. The back is completely blank, but the front is correct. It is one of the new $50.00 bills with the big face. How much is it worth?
$50.00 bill with no backing
This error is called "Missing 1st(back) printing" and in extra-fine is about $500.00.
Great error bill.
Hi, I have a 20 dollar bill that has no error on the front but the back is off center and partly cut off. Oh, and it was printed in 1985.
Thank you
a 20 dollar bill that has no error on the front but the back is off center and partly cut off. Oh, and it was printed in 1985.
This is a Faulty Alignment error it only has real value if you can see the design of another bill can be seen partially on the back.
If so it is about $40.00
the more of the second design can be seen the more it is worth.
If it just off-center with white space it is not worth anything over face.
that I have a 1995 one dollar bill that has the federal reserve stamp and serial # AND the department of tresury stamp and serial # printed on the back not on the front.
1995 one dollar bill that has the federal reserve stamp and serial # AND the department of tresury stamp and serial # printed on the back not on the front.
This error is called an Overprint On Back these average $200.00
If the Serial# is upside down then it is $750.00
This is a great error note.
I have a 1993 one dollar bill that was cut wrong. the top has the bottom part of a different bill which says "one dollar" and the rest of it is another dollar missing the same bottom piece.the serial # is F29865296C.
Does this bill have any value?
thanks. Raul
1993 one dollar bill that was cut wrong. the top has the bottom part of a different bill which says "one dollar" and the rest of it is another dollar missing the same bottom piece.the serial # is F29865296C.
This is a Faulty Alignment error worth about $150.00.
What year?
There is no such thing. There is a $2.00 red seal bill from 1953 but not a $20.00.
The $2.00 is about $20.00 in very-fine.
i have a two dollar bill that is improperly cut does this add any value to the bill
two dollar bill that is improperly cut
Unless a second bills design is showing the answer is no.
I have a 2003 dollar bill that is missing the federal reserve seal that's normally to the left of Washington's portrait. It's been folded, so it's not in pristine condition. Is it worth anything?
2003 dollar bill that is missing the federal reserve seal that's normally to the left of Washington's portrait. It's been folded
This is a missing overprint error worth about $75.00. I haven't seen to many for sale so I don't know how the much the current auction prices are.
Nice bill either way.
I have a 1993 dollar bill that has an alignment issue. The front is fine but the back is shifted to the right about a 1/4 of an inch. Please send comments to
Unless a second design is showing it is not worth anything extra.
I came across a twenty dollar bill at work and it looks like no other that I've seen. It has a large "M" stamped on the right, front side. The M is sort of gold in color and has an intricate almost maroon border. Both of the colors are shiny under light. The series is 2004A, I believe. To me it doesn't look like someone just stamped it on there, but I don't really know anything about the topic. Do you know what it might be?
large "M" stamped on the right, front side. The M is sort of gold in color and has an intricate almost maroon border. Both of the colors are shiny under light. The series is 2004A,
It is some after mint stamp. While it may look nice I don't see how it is special in any way.
I have a 2004 Series $20 bill with a four leaf clover to the far right (front). It doesn't appear to have been printed at a different time than any of the other printing. Is there something special about this?
2004 Series $20 bill with a four leaf clover
It is an after mint stamp meaning it is not special at all. Sorry.
Hello i have a 20 $ bill 1988 with the green seal missing and no ser numbers on it so it looks live it never made it to the stamp with the green on it what is it worth thanks
Working at a bank, I come across some unique money, one I have here, is a 20 series 1999 serial number BF77323900E the serial numbers, the US Fed reseve sys, circle with the eagle on it, and the other circle on the other side is blue. I know its not conterfeit, its in worn condition with no tears, but has been folded some, any idea on the value? and any hints on what else I could look for? :)THanks!!!!!!
20 $ bill 1988 with the green seal missing and no ser numbers
This is a Missing Overprint Error and it's about $200.00 in extra-fine condition.
20 series 1999 serial number BF77323900E the serial numbers, the US Fed reseve sys, circle with the eagle on it, and the other circle on the other side is blue. I know its not conterfeit, its in worn condition with no tears, but has been folded some, any idea on the value? and any hints on what else I could look for?
This has been seen before and as far as I can tell it's an Insufficient Ink error. Few collectors actual buy these it's not popular unfortunately this error can be made with some bleach and a washer machine.
No extra value. Sorry.
Look for star notes, older money usually before 1950, also bills that seem to be missing pieces or are off-center.
i have a 2003A one dollar bill with the 2nd to last digit of the left serial number shifted down a little bit (enough to be noticed).
any thoughts on its value (it has also been "deface" with a "" stamp in 3 locations on the edge of the note.
2003A one dollar bill with the 2nd to last digit of the left serial number shifted down a little bit (enough to be noticed).
any thoughts on its value (it has also been "deface" with a "" stamp in 3 locations on the edge of the note.
This would fall under the category as a Stuck Digit Error. It would be a Partially Turned Digit and would go for about $20.00 but since it's defaced maybe about $5.00 if it has folds or other wear then less.
i have a 2003 A dollar bill that has the federal reserve note letter G that is usually beside washingtons face to the left shifted almost directly over the "ONE" to the right of washington's face...the left side of washingtons face where the letter note usually much is this worth??
G92386795H is the serial number..
2003 A dollar bill that has the federal reserve note letter G that is usually beside washingtons face to the left shifted almost directly over the "ONE" to the right of washington's face...the left side of washingtons face where the letter note usually much is this worth??
This would be a dramatic example of a Misaligned Overprint- district seal. It would be about $250.00 in fine condition. Depending on what else is shifted it may be worth more.
I have a 1996 20 dollar bill with the front print clear but the back of it has insufficient ink on it. the serial code is AA81115529G. the back of it has about 1/4 of it printed correctly and the rest is missing ink. how much would this be worth??
1996 20 dollar bill with the front print clear but the back of it has insufficient ink on it. the serial code is AA81115529G. the back of it has about 1/4 of it printed correctly and the rest is missing ink.
It is either an Insufficient Ink Error which would be worth about $100.00 it leaves a blurry line where the ink stops.
Or it is an Obstructed Printing Error which means something got in the way at printing worth about $150.00 and leaves a straighter line where the ink stops.
Only an expert can tell how the error actually occurred, but a little research I did shows a few 1996 Insufficient Ink errors have been sold on the market.
Hi, thanks for this great blog!
I have a 20 Dollar bill that sort of looks like it was folded when printing, so it has this blank line diagonally across the bill and the whole picture is a little off after the blank line
20 Dollar bill that sort of looks like it was folded when printing
This is a Gutter Fold error it is about $75.00.
I have a dollar bill with a blue treasurt seal. Can you tell me anything about it.
dollar bill with a blue treasurt seal
Well I would need to know the year, denomination, serial number, etc.
Blue seal indicates that it was backed by silver.
I have a Twenty that I got from a money machine in the early 90s. This Bill has no serial#s. How much do you think its worth?
My e-mail is ******
Thanks for you time.
Twenty that I got from a money machine in the early 90s. This Bill has no serial#s.
This is a Missing Overprint Error, worth about $200.00
Hi i have a 1988 one dollar bill in mint condition with bothe seals and serial numbers printed on the back.I was it was very rare and wanted to know how much it may be worth and who might be interested in making it part of thier collection.
thanx *****
1988 one dollar bill in mint condition with bothe seals and serial numbers printed on the back.
In that condition this Overprint on Back error is about $250.00.
As for selling the easiest way is through eBay. Honestly I get over half of my coins from eBay.
You can also join a forum and try selling it there if not they can give you name of dealers in your area.
Hi,I have a $20 bill, series 2004A with a star at the end, GF 02504314.Can you please tell me what is worth?Thanks.
$20 bill, series 2004A with a star at the end, GF 02504314.
In crisp-uncirculated about $30.00, anything less then perfect is just face value.
I have a 1985 one dollar bill misprint. The back is lined up perfectly, but the front is misaligned so that the edge of the next note is on mine. I can send you a picture if that would help. Serial # is L79460203P
1985 one dollar bill misprint. The back is lined up perfectly, but the front is misaligned so that the edge of the next note is on mine.... Serial # is L79460203P
This is a minor Faulty Alignment error it's about $35.00.
I have a 1 Dollar bill , that the federal reserve stamp from new york has been mis-stamped on the wrong side and is directly on adjacent and at the eleven o clock of the treasury seal. serial number B01550774G, series: 2003A.\
any value? or should I make a collect call with it?
sorry, serial number was incorrectly posted. its B01660774G
1 Dollar bill , federal reserve stamp from new york has been mis-stamped on the wrong side and is directly on adjacent and at the eleven o clock of the treasury seal. serial number B01550774G, series: 2003A
Sounds like a Uni-color shift Misaligned Overprint it's about $100.00.
If real it's a great find.
I have a 1969 U.S. dollar bill with a cutting error. Your can see the next bill on the right-only about 1/16th of an inch and then it was cut. Is it worth anything?
1969 U.S. dollar bill with a cutting error.Your can see the next bill on the right-only about 1/16th of an inch
This is not a cutting error but a Faulty Alignment error worth about $35.00.
Hi I have a $1 bill from 2003 that is double printed with the front on both sides. It has been circulated but appears to be in crisp condition I am including pictures. I have it listed on ebay right now- but I started it at .99 because I have no idea what it's worth- but it looks really cool. Here are the pics. Any guesses?
Sorry I am not sure how to copy and paste the image- so hope this link works. thank
I have a $1 bill from 2003. It has a double print on one side. I am having trouble pasting a picture- but hopefully this link will work. It is a very cool error.
Do you have any idea of the value?
photobucket link is not working- so this is the ebay link with photos- hopefully it will work. Sorry
Sorry for the late reply I was having problems answering.
$1 bill from 2003. It has a double print on one side.
This is a major offset error, I'd guess a 95% transfer. It looks a bit circulated so about $75.00 it should bring no less then $50.00 at a coin shop.
I'll add a similar $2 bill sells for $250.00.
Two questions, please.
(1) I have a $20 bill with “Missing 1st (back) printing”.
Series 1977.
B70044460 C.
Can you say what this item is worth? (? Estimated auction price, or wholesale price charged by a dealer ?)
(2) I have a $2 bill, Series of 1917.
Perfect, uncirculated condition (to my inexpert eye).
Can you say what this item is worth?
Thank you.
- Propter
(1) I have a $20 bill with “Missing 1st (back) printing”.
Series 1977.
B70044460 C.
It's about $175.00 from the book value. Auction and dealer can be $75.00 plus or minus that estimated value.
(2) I have a $2 bill, Series of 1917.
Perfect, uncirculated condition (to my inexpert eye).
In uncirculated about $300.00 but it would need to be certified to sell for any real value.
I have a 2001 one dollar bill and the edge of the print is almost touching the top of the paper on the front of the bill. The back is higher than normal too. The print on the front is also more to the right on the bill. The serial number is C19285246B. Is this worth anything?
2001 one dollar bill and the edge of the print is almost touching the top of the paper on the front of the bill. The back is higher than normal too. The print on the front is also more to the right on the bill. The serial number is C19285246B.
No this is both a common error and common date.
Sorry just $1.00.
Hey, ever heard of a five dollar bill with the front on both sides? Grandma got it at at bank in change about 1985.
five dollar bill with the front on both sides? Grandma got it at at bank in change about 1985.
Yes but they all turned out to be fakes. If you honestly believe it's real then take it to a coin dealer and even if he/she says it's fake keep it because it's a novelty bill.
I found a 2001 five dollar bill in change and the front of the bill is blueish purple. If there is any extra value to this bill i would like to know before i spend it. Thank you.
i have an $100 bill that is an series of 1934 and the serial number is F03530921A
2001 five dollar bill in change and the front of the bill is blueish purple.
I've heard of this but due to the ease that it can be faked it has no extra value.
$100 bill that is an series of 1934 and the serial number is F03530921A
It should be a 1934 A but either way it's about $115.00 in very-fine.
I have 1997 $20 dollar bill which is missing the green seal. it is in mint condition i was just wondering if its worth anything.
1997 $20 dollar bill which is missing the green seal. it is in mint condition
No 1997 $20 bill exist it must be either 1996 or 1999.
This would be a missing overprint error worth about $100.00.
are u sure a 1996 $20 dollar bill which is missing a the green seal is only worth $100 dollars. i recently recieved a offer of $500 dollars and thought that was less.
1996 $20 dollar bill which is missing a the green seal is only worth $100 dollars. i recently recieved a offer of $500 dollars
That is a great offer, but the price I'm quoting is directly from the book at CU it's $100.00.
Currently on eBay there is a 2001 $20 with the same error selling for $26.00.
i also have 1934 $10 dollar bill is it worth anytingh more then it original value.
1934 $10 dollar bill
Depends on serial number and condition but anywhere between $10.00 - $10,000.00.
the 1934 $10 bill seral number
A12453067B its little dirty but its not ripped or anything.
1934 $10 bill seral number
About $20.00 in very-fine, this bill is one of the common ones.
i also have two 1935 $1 bills serial number E10015737I and
C14520549G and one 1957 $1 bill C13324233A all three of them are kind of dirty but not ripped
1935 $1 bills serial number E10015737I and
About $5.00 each.
1957 $1 bill C13324233A
About $2.50
i have two 1953s pennies can u tell me what they are worth
1953s pennies
About $0.15 each in very-fine.
this nothin to rare, but wondering how much is a penney from 1950 (has 2 feathers on the back).
It's nothin terrible if i lose two wheaty pennies, 40 Susan B. Anthony dollar coins, and 20 Eisenhower coins right because I kind of lost them. About how much money did I lose?
penney from 1950
They're not feathers but wheat stalks. It's about $0.03 in good.
two wheaty pennies, 40 Susan B. Anthony dollar coins, and 20 Eisenhower coins
Don't really know but the dollars are all common none are rare or worth anything in much over face in circulated condition.
I have a 1934 C series $20 bill, serial number F54375244A in OK condition. Is it worth much more than face value?
1934 C series $20 bill, serial number F54375244A in OK condition
About $30.00
I have several 1995 dollar bills with 1/2 of the rear severely faded. They came from a new stack of bills I received from accounting to stock a cashier's till at a grocery store. Are they worth anything more than face value?
several 1995 dollar bills with 1/2 of the rear severely faded
Sounds like an Insufficient Ink error if authenticated it would be about $75.00 each in crisp-uncirculated.
I just got about a dozen pure silver quarters in payment from a guy at work. They're made between 1934 and 1964, and two are from the war years of 1943 and 1944. Condition on them is pretty good on a few, and nearly faded away on others. Also, I have 8 steel pennies from 1943, in ok condition. Finally, I got what I thought was a dime in change, but it turned out to be a French quarter from 1846. It's in very good condition, just tarnished. No scratches or wearing.
1934 and 1964, and two are from the war years of 1943 and 1944
The war years are the least valuable at $3.25.
The rest are about the same price or about $4.00. The most valuable in low grade is the 1936D about $55.00.
There are a few errors but there rare.
8 steel pennies from 1943, in ok condition.
About $0.30 each.
French quarter from 1846. It's in very good condition
About $10.00 in good.
I have three twenty dollar bills i got from an ATM machine back in 1993. The back has been printed with the seals and serial numbers(I believe these should be on front) The fronts are very clean, left of Jackson no printing. Numbers are D60390415C-17C.
Any information on value would be great.
twenty dollar bills i got from an ATM machine back in 1993. The back has been printed with the seals and serial numbers(I believe these should be on front) The fronts are very clean, left of Jackson no printing. Numbers are D60390415C-17C.
This is an Overprint on the Back error each is about $150.00 each in extra-fine.
But 3 in a row is odd it might bring $750.00 or more if graded.
I suggest contacting a grading service or a local coin dealer.
Ebay is always a good place to sell.
I have a 20 dollar bill that the back looks perfect, but the front is off centered. the print part of the top of the bill is a little crooked and one corner at the top is almost touching the edge of the paper. Is it worth anything? it is in perfect crips condition.
20 dollar bill that the back looks perfect, but the front is off centered. the print part of the top of the bill is a little crooked and one corner at the top is almost touching the edge of the paper.
No extra value unless a second bill appears on that one.
What is the value of a 1985 mint condition dollar bill with the Federal Reserve Bank Seal shifted down?
1985 mint condition dollar bill with the Federal Reserve Bank Seal shifted down
If the seal is on top of the serial number it's about $150.00. Below the serial number it may be worth more.
Above the serial number it is a minor error maybe around $20.00 at the most.
I have a $20 bill that the back bleed through to the front. I took it to a dealer but he said he never saw one like it before, I hope you can help me. The serial number is F68725655C Year 1993 never been in circulation excellent condition. Thanks, Mickey
I have pictures but not sure how to post them. Can email to you if possible. Thanks again
I have a twenty dollar bill that has a purple star on it towards the front bottom left corner of it. In the purple star there is a letter "s" and the star is on the upper left side of the phrase "This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private." I haven't been able to find out any information on it so I was hoping you could help me out?
$20 bill that the back bleed through to the front
This is called an Offset Printing error and for a 100% transfer it is about $200.00 in extra-fine.
twenty dollar bill that has a purple star
This sounds like a counter stamp.
In many countries they are placed on a bill to show they are real. This bill left the USA and was stamped.
No extra value.
I have a 1996 twenty dollar bill. It has small squares on left front and small rectangles on right front any idea about this it gradually goes from tiny squares to even smaller rectangles ? Thank You Tanya
1996 twenty dollar bill. It has small squares on left front and small rectangles on right front any idea about this it gradually goes from tiny squares to even smaller rectangles ?
Are these faded spots? Or stamped ink?
If they are stamps they are fake.
If it is faded spots it could be an error.
Just to tease you ... I held it, so I know it existed and was real: when I was little, a lady who worked at a local store had a bill she received in the till. On one side it was a $5.00 US note (red seal). On the back it was a $10.00 silver certificate (blue seal). I believe it was dated 1953. Oh, and it had a 10% fold/dog ear running a third of the way across the note from top to bottom.
It wasn't in uncirculated condition, but who cares? It was impressive. Ingrid, if you're still alive, I remember you and your funny bill!
On one side it was a $5.00 US note (red seal). On the back it was a $10.00 silver certificate (blue seal).
Not real.
All the Double Denomination errors are listed. Yours is not.
Also all of these type of errors would have a front of one bill and the reverse of another. They would never have two fronts.
Fakes are common as this is the rarest of all errors. Holding up to the light is not a way test fakes.
Only looking at the entire bill under a high powered microscope can you tell.
A friend has a series of uncirculated, 1976 $2 bills (about a dozen or so) which have the H missing in DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY. Just wondering what these are worth. Here is a link:
Thank you, Scott
Sorry, lets try this again:
$2 bill error
1976 $2 bills (about a dozen or so) which have the H missing in DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY. Just wondering what these are worth.
Great picture but this is such a minor error, maybe a minor ink smear, that is has little or no extra value.
Maybe a real obsessed collector would want these.
I have a $20.00 BILL 2004 that is cut to much on the top of the bill.Its almost cut on the line right above federal reserve note. But when you turn it over everything is cut like a regular $20.00 BILL.. Would this be worth anything? Thanks Sharon
$20.00 BILL 2004 that is cut to much on the top of the bill.Its almost cut on the line right above federal reserve note. But when you turn it over everything is cut like a regular $20.00 BILL.. Would this be worth anything?
It sounds like a faulty alignment error and unless you see a second design on the bottom it's only about $25.00 if crisp.
Hi, i have a one dollar bill series 2006, H27525278A. It is missing the mint stamp on the Left front and there are no numbers in the four inner corners. The back appears fine. Any idea????
2006, H27525278A. It is missing the mint stamp on the Left front and there are no numbers in the four inner corners.
What you have is a Missing Overprint error specifically missing the federal reserve seal.
The four corner number no longer exist on modern $20 bills.
It's about $75.00 in extra fine.
I have a $20 Bill, EC54716551A, 2004 Series in ok condition.As shown in the photos, on the right side of it, theres extra paper there hanging off, and when ii compared it to another 2004 series 20, it lighned up the the edge, meaning that the tear like part is
The bill is also sightly smaller in height compared to another bill form same series, and I also just noticed that on the back side that a small amount of green ink bleed through from the 5 on the front.
SO could this be worth anything at all? Im just wondering.
$20 Bill, EC54716551A, 2004 Series in ok condition.As shown in the photos, on the right side of it, theres extra paper there hanging off,
It's a very minor cutting error maybe it would be about $25.00 it is a nice bill but the fold is distracting that may affect the value.
Great pictures.
i have a possible misprinted 20 dollar bill i was call in to the police at a service station and half of it was fake and the other half was real and i didnt know if it could be a possibel misprint worth more than 20 bucks and the print year is 2004
misprinted 20 dollar bill 2004
You did not tell me what the mistake is so I can't help.
Try describing the bill or drop a link to a picture.
well i was saying how can the bill be half counterfeit and half not she marked it with one of those pens to see if it was counterfeit and not the whole bill was was i dont really know how half the bill is real and half the bill isnt so i was wondering if it was a mistake at the treasure when they were making it. if you want a pic i can email them to you if you provide and address
how can the bill be half counterfeit and half not she marked it with one of those pens to see if it was counterfeit and not the whole bill
I have heard of this type of counterfeiting but it is rare. Which if this is a half and half fake then that maybe worth a lot of money.
Most likely some sort of solvent fell on half of the bill changing it's properties. The pen use to test it is iodine based and interacts with the cotton. If a thin film of glue is on one side then it would not react.
For know the only way to tell is to go to a coin shop because no grading service will grade this.
Just scan the bill place it on imageshack or photobucket and they will tell you how to link it.
HI. I came across this site and think it is great. I was wondering if you might be able to tell me about a few bills I have. One is a 1934 A series 10 dollar bill. Federal Reserve Note Bank of New York. Serial number is B41190608 D. The back is a very rich, deep color green. It is in excellent condition. The next is The same year, series and Bank info. 20 dollar bill, serial number B64904752 A. It is also in great condition with rich, dark green color on the back. The final bill is a miscut 1995 20 dollar bill. It looks uncirculated but since I have it, apparently that's not the case. The corner looks like it was folded over when printed. If I can, I will send a picture but any information about these bills would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Theresa
Here is a link to my Photobucket page so you can view the bills I described to you in my recent post. Thanks again. Theresa
First great pictures.
1934 A series 10 dollar bill.Serial number is B41190608 D.
About $15.00
1934-A 20 dollar bill, serial number B64904752 A.
I can't see the back number if it is lower then 317 it is about $50.00, if it's 318 or higher it's about $25.00.
miscut 1995 20 dollar bill. It looks uncirculated
This is actually a Wedge Shape Gutter Fold it's about $250.00.
Thanks so much for the quick response! The number on the back of the 20 is 326. I was very surprised and pleased with the value of the miscut bill. I would have never guessed that. When it came into my hands, I found it strange, unusual and just kept it. :)
Thanks again for the great site you have and taking time out to answer. Blessings, T
I have 4 uncut 2$ bills 1976 star notes
The serial numbers are
Could you please tell me thier value?
4 uncut 2$ bills 1976 star notes
The serial numbers are
About $80.00 in uncirculated more if they grade higher, this is for the entire sheet.
I have a one dollar bill that is miscut/miprinted. The back is fine bu the front has no white space on the top and extra space on the bottom. A tiny bit of the next note can be seen, only a line on the bottom right hand corner. Is this worth anything?
one dollar bill that is miscut/miprinted. The back is fine bu the front has no white space on the top and extra space on the bottom. A tiny bit of the next note can be seen, only a line on the bottom right hand corner.
This is a minor Faulty Alignment error it's about $35.00.
Hello..I have a 1943 penny but it is made of copper, rather than steel. Is this a fake??
1943 penny but it is made of copper, rather than steel. Is this a fake??
3 possibilities...
Fake, either and altered 1945 or copper-plated 1943.
It could be a foreign coin error.
It could be real.
The last two I listed are worth thousands, one quick way to check is to weigh the coin. If it weighs about 2.70 grams it is a fake made from a regular 1943. You can check if it sticks to a magnet.
If it weighs 3.11 grams it then has to be examined under a microscope.
If it weighs something else it is a valuable error.
You need an expert to look at it. Unfortunately that may be difficult and many fakes do exist.
Thank you so much! It weighs almost exactly 3.11 grams and won't stick to a magnet!!...where can I find an expert to examine it??
It weighs almost exactly 3.11 grams and won't stick to a magnet!!
You'll have to either pay a service like PCGS to grade it or go to your yellow pages and find a local coin dealer that is certified.
I have a one dollar bill - the front and back are fine. However, on the back, an impression of the complete image of the front is printed in REVERSE as well. It is in good condition. How much is it worth? Thanks Wally
one dollar bill - the front and back are fine. However, on the back, an impression of the complete image of the front is printed in REVERSE as well.
About $75.00 in very-fine.
I have a stack of $1 bills (100) they are all from richmond VA, series 2003 and they are in sequential order! how much could it go for on ebay, and how often does this happen?
$1 bills (100) they are all from richmond VA, series 2003 and they are in sequential order! how much could it go for on ebay, and how often does this happen?
This is normal when they come from banks. They would probably sell for $100.00.
Even in perfect condition at most they would be $2.00 each if they were graded.
If you have the patience and time then hold on to them for the next 20 or 30 years and they maybe worth something.
i have a 2004 twenty dollar bill that is miscut on the bottom. the border is miscut on at the bottom and i would like to know how much it is worth?
2004 twenty dollar bill that is miscut on the bottom
Unless you see a piece of another bill on the top it is just $20.00.
I have a 1985 100.00 bill the front is fine but the back of the bill has both the back and front printed. is this rare? what is it worth??
1985 100.00 bill the front is fine but the back of the bill has both the back and front printed. is this rare?
This is a not common but not rare error called Offset Printing and it's about $200.00.
Hi there I'm a teller and I came across a series 1996 $50 bill that has a turquoise/aqua blue seal and serial numbers. It's not dark blue like the silver certificates that I've seen. The Serial number is AB 24720014E. Just wondering if it's worth anything or a common error because I've never seen one like it.
1996 $50 bill that has a turquoise/aqua blue seal and serial numbers....AB 24720014E
I've heard about this before but I can't confirm if it's an error or just a washing machine accident.
Either way no collectors I know put a premium on these notes.
So just $50.00, sorry.
i have a 1981 $10 B40717933A
1993 $20 A23136430C
1995 $5 L74691330H
1995 $5 E08825291C could you please tell me if they are of any other value then the obvious. Also i have alot of $2 bills one with red ink is there specific ones to watch for instead of listing mine?
Thank You for your help
1981 $10 B40717933A about $10.00
1993 $20 A23136430C about $20.00
1995 $5 L74691330H about $5.00
1995 $5 E08825291C about $5.00
Sorry but these are all common notes.
$2 bills one with red ink is there specific ones to watch for instead of listing mine?
Most of the 1928 series have a value of $20 while the 1928 star notes are worth thousands.
I have a 1934 C Series twenty dollar bill. It does not have In God We Trust and at the bottom of the bill right above where it says twenty dollars, it says will pay to the bearer on demand. The serial number is J35013738A. Is this a real twenty dollar bill and if it is, how much is it worth? It is not in mint condition but it is in decent condition. MY email is *********** Thank You- Jennifer Padilla
1934 C Series twenty dollar bill. It does not have In God We Trust and at the bottom of the bill right above where it says twenty dollars, it says will pay to the bearer on demand. The serial number is J35013738A
This is real this is how older bills look. "In God We Trust" was not an official part of U.S. money until 1956.
It's about $30.00.
I have a 1988 twenty dollar bill. It has the Oval Office side of the White House instead of the front.. Is it worth more than face value or is it just how it was made?
Same 1988 $20 dollar bill. I also notice that pictures i can find of the same year bill have four fours small on the outer part of the inside, and my bill has 9's... Also is the letter inside the federal reserve bank symbol mean anything? The pictures i have found have a "D" and mine is an "I" anything special or just made in different places or banks or something?
1988 twenty dollar bill. It has the Oval Office side of the White House instead of the front..
That is normal it is on most older bills before 1999.
mine is an "I" anything special or just made in different places or banks or something?
That means Minneapolis Reserve bank. These bills were common and have no extra value.
I have a series 1969 D one dollar bill serial# A 39259092 A .The bill looks fine on the back but the front bottom has no white space like it was cut wrong . Is it worth anything? Also I have what appears to be all silver1962 dime any ideas?
1969 D one dollar bill serial# A 39259092 A .The bill looks fine on the back but the front bottom has no white space like it was cut wrong .
Unless the design of a second bill is visible on top this is a minor error with no extra value. Just $1.00.
1962 dime is about $1.32 in fine mostly for the silver content.
I have a series of 6 uncirculated $20 bills with sequential serial numbers that have completely blank backs. Any idea about their value?
6 uncirculated $20 bills with sequential serial numbers that have completely blank backs.
Wow that's nice.
About $650.00 each.
For all 6 sequential notes about $4,200.00.
Now many fakes exist you need to get them graded at a place like PCGS. You can go to there and see if it would better to submit one or all.
I have a $20 bill that is miscut.
It has approx 1/8" of the top bill showing. Serial# AA22871999H
Series 1996. It has the watermark and strip. What is the value of this bill?
Is this a misprint?
2003 5 dollar bill green seal on left side and blue seal on right side
Also blue serial numbers
Does not have silver certificate written on it
$20 bill that is miscut.
It has approx 1/8" of the top bill showing. Serial# AA22871999H
Series 1996.
I think this is a Cutting Error it's about $150.00 maybe more if it can be authenticated and graded.
2003 5 dollar bill green seal on left side and blue seal on right side
Also blue serial numbers
Does not have silver certificate written on it
This is not a silver certificate. This is some kind of damage or ink error that is so common and easily faked that it has no extra value.
I don't know any collector who collects these.
The only way this green ink turns blue is if some sort of weak acid is sprayed on. Like lemons or cleaning fluid so there is no way to know if it happened at the printing or in some guys kitchen.
I have a $1 bill that has the front left 1/2 inch printing on the back right side in reverse (almost as if it bled through the paper). It is a 2006 Philadelphia minted bill. Is it worth anything?
$1 bill that has the front left 1/2 inch printing on the back right side in reverse (almost as if it bled through the paper). It is a 2006
This is a partial Offset Printing error it's about $20.00.
i have a 1989 19 dollar bill that i wanted to know it's price in canadian money. I visited every site and it didn't give me anything so I was wondering if you could do this for me.
Hello i have a 1989 10 dollar bill and its purpleish and it has macdonald on the front i was wondering if you could tell me the price in canadian money plz.
1989 19 dollar bill that i wanted to know it's price in canadian money.
I've never heard of a $19 dollar bill so it probably is not real. No value.
1989 10 dollar bill and its purpleish and it has macdonald on the front i was wondering if you could tell me the price in canadian money
About $14.00 in uncirculated.
Anything less then a crisp note is just face value.
Hi, I have 1996 $20 bills witha green star on the right side of the serial number. I heard they were going to be worth something when they came out. I was wandering if they were.Could you e-mail me back at
1996 $20 bills witha green star on the right side of the serial number.
They average about $30.00 in crisp-uncirculated. Although the AH-* is worth twice as much.
2006 20 dollar bill rare cut and seal not complete in the front.. ihave some photos
What about this? Rare 20 dollar bill
2006 20 dollar bill rare cut and seal not complete in the front.. ihave some photos
First, excellent photos.
Second wow.
Third this is a double error note.
It is a cutting error and a printed on exterior fold error.
Both are minor forms of the error but together plus the visible guide lines and the crisp bill would be about $400.00.
Possibly much more I need to consult others so I'll re-submit a more accurate figure if I can.
This does need to be graded.
I have a dollar bill that looks like it was stamped twice. The green seal has a black one stamped off center on it, there are backwards 4's and(you can't see this in the picture) but VERY lightly under the "this note is legal tender etc." and the signature are the serial numbers printed backwards. The brown you see is the fading counterfeit marker which will be completely gone soon.
Is this worth anything??
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