Yup almost a month late but finally got to it.
This is a summary of everything I collected from last year with over sized graphs and highlights. It shows what is possible to get from your simple pocket change.
Change Finds:
The graph is for world coins found with 49 different countries
--Canada again leads the pack with 143
--Great Britain is 2nd with 21
--The Bahamas is 3rd with 8
France, Spain, and Bermuda come in the top five also.
New countries found in my change include Bangladesh, Chile, Cuba, Finland, Georgia, Hong Kong, Jamaica, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Latvia, Mauritius, Netherlands Antilles, Newfoundland, Peru, and Sweden. I found less coins compared to last year but a greater variety were found.
Nothing new with the American money. The lower the denomination the easier it is to find older or unique examples.
Oldest United States Find
1918 Cent
Oldest Foreign Find
1951 Canadian Cent
Most Valuable Find (above face value): tie
2012 Colombian 1000 Pesos at about $5.00
Most Valuable Foreign Find
2012 Colombian 1000 Pesos at about $5.00
Most Surprising Find
Religious Medal form Italy.
Books: A bunch of 2x2 albums but no 2x2 holders.
Websites: The web is still getting better for coin values and information. My site needs some mobile access.
Equipment: Phones apps are still limited. Still using Google Sheets and Office 365 to keep track of finds quicker.
Not bad this year with 475 finds, that is less than last year but still higher than average for me. Most were repeats but many were
unique pieces. Again unfortunately none were rare or valuable.
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year and change for all