Back in November at the start of the holiday season I found two Asian coins in my change. Here in New York City the holiday season starts at the end of Halloween through New Year's Day.
The waves of tourist bring in change from their homes. First come the Asian toruist and then the Europeans and finally people from the other states.
Here are the two finds.

The bigger one is a 1 yuan from China 2003 given by a friendly cashier who knows I collect.
The little one is a 1 baht from Thailand, I believe 2004, given back as a dime after buying some bad coffee.
Here's the stats for both coins...
Type/Country: 1 Yuan / China
Edge: Right side up when Obverse is facing up, ^^.
Year: 2003
Mintage: Unknown.
Metal: Nickel-Plated Steel
Value: UNC $2.00
Type/Country: 1 Baht / Thailand
Year: 2004 (I'm not 100% positive on the date.)
Mintage: 562,018,000
Metal: Copper-Nickel
Value: UNC $0.10
I still love finding foreign money in my change but I miss the old American coins I was use to finding.
Do you have Asian coins and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.
35 dollars worth, for Comments/Questions click here.:
I am so glad you have this website. I have a silver/nickel coin of asian look that just has asian script around a 100 on one side and a gentleman with a tall hat surrounded by script on the other side.
Sounds like a South Korean 100 won worth $0.15 no matter what year.
Here's a link to a picture of one
I agree this website is so cool.
I have an asiann coin that onone side looks like it is surronded with a christman reath with a flower at the bottom anf on the other side their is a dragon with asian symbols around it.
Can you tell me the date mad and value if possible?
Can you tell me the date mad and value if possible?
Without seeing the coin it's not possible to know the date.
It is from Japan as they used wreaths and dragons since the 1800's.
Depending on size, color, and other measurements I can identify it better.
But I think it may be a Yen.
i have a coin that has the front like a 1 yuan coin from china, but the back of a 1 baht coin from thailand. I'm confused, could you tell me the value if possible?
1 yuan coin from china, but the back of a 1 baht coin from thailand. I'm confused,
Without a picture or a detailed description I can only assume it is a fake.
If it is a missprint how much could it be worth?
If it is a missprint how much could it be worth?
It's not possible because they are 2 different countries their coins come from different places.
is it worth anything as a fake?
is it worth anything as a fake?
Not really, magic coins usually sell for $3 to $5. This may be considered a magic coin.
There is a possibility that it is something else (token, fantasy piece) if you can get a decent picture of both sides maybe I can help.
How do i post a picture?
How do i post a picture?
Host it on a free site like imageshack or photobucket and cop and paste the link.
See the second comment where I made a simple link.
i don't think it worked
i don't think it worked
It worked. Nice pictures.
You were confused my first image was of the front of 2 different coins. The second picture is the reverse of the same 2 different coins.
Your coin is a normal 1 Baht from Thailand the year reads 2530 or 1987.
It's about $0.05
ohh, now i feal stupid. Thanks for all your time!
i have a 1977 twenty dollar bill that is fine on the back but is mispirinted on the front. the margin on the far right is large but on the far left of the bill there is no border. The ink butts right up to the edge of the paper. The bill is crisp.
1977 twenty dollar bill that is fine on the back but is mispirinted on the front. the margin on the far right is large but on the far left of the bill there is no border. The ink butts right up to the edge of the paper
No extra value unless you can see a bit of another bill.
Mine nickel has the guy on the front and the buildings on the back what does it mean i need help.. ASAP
Mine nickel has the guy on the front and the buildings on the back what does it mean i need help.. ASAP
I'm sorry, do you have a question?
I have a 1 yuan but the flower on the back is different is it still worth the same amount?
1 yuan but the flower on the back is different is it still worth the same amount?
Depends on year but most are the same value.
I have an asian coin roughly the size of a has a man waring a hat and back of coin has 100 printed on it and 2006, I think it mite be a dollar.
asian coin roughly the size of a has a man waring a hat and back of coin has 100 printed on it and 2006, I think it mite be a dollar
I would need a more detailed description or post a picture online somewhere then drop a link here.
Thank you for having this site! I have a coin which I always suspected as being from Thailand (due to the writing) but now I know for sure that it is the 1 baht you have on display here ('cept mine is in rougher condition). I was wondering how can you tell the date for which the coin is from?
Thailand (due to the writing) but now I know for sure that it is the 1 baht you have on display here ('cept mine is in rougher condition). I was wondering how can you tell the date for which the coin is from?
The date is above the circle thing next to the buildings.
I am never positive with Thailand dates.
1st use this to identify the numbers...
then subtract by 543 to get the year.
I have a china soviet 1934 dollar. front: globe w/ hammer & sickle. back: denomination w/ circle, solid stars. Was authenticated by ANACS as genuine in 1977. Any idea of value? Do you think this is worth sending out for grading?
china soviet 1934 dollar. front: globe w/ hammer & sickle. back: denomination w/ circle, solid stars. Was authenticated by ANACS as genuine in 1977
About $200.00 in fine
There are 6 major varieties and value goes up or down $25.00 depending on which but still in a low grade of fine it's about $200.00 for most.
Definitely needs grading at higher grades it's $500 plus.
I have a Chinese (I think) coin that is circular with a square in the middle. It is very worn but most of the details are still visible and it is made of copper. Do you know what it is worth?
Chinese (I think) coin that is circular with a square in the middle. It is very worn but most of the details are still visible and it is made of copper
Without seeing the coin it is impossible to say.
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What is a 1994 Hong Kong $1 worth?
1994 Hong Kong $1 about $0.30
Hi, I found these coins in my deceased grandmother's jewelry box and have no idea where they are from. One is dated 1982 and the other 1977. She did travel a good bit during this time frame. Here is a link: Any help you can give me would be appreciated.
One is dated 1982 and the other 1977.
Korean or to be more accurate South Korean.
100 Won they are about $0.15 each, very common.
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