Recently I received in change the $5 bill with big purple 5 on the back. I seems a bit silly to put these anti-counterfeiting measures especially since the Euro is worth more and the $5 bill won't get you a gallon of milk in NYC.
Still it's not much of a change since the last one. Speaking of change I did get a few other pieces, an old nickel, a Canadian cent, and a Trinidad & Tobago quarter.

Here's the stats...
Type / Country: 5 dollar bill / United States
Year: 2006--(Actual Printing Feb. 2008)
Mintage: 6,400,000
Value: $5.00 in CU
Type / Country: 1 Cent / Canada
Year: 1966
Mintage: 183,644,388
Metal: Bronze
Value: $0.03 in G-4
Type / Country: 25 Cents / Trinidad & Tobago
Year: 2007
Mintages: Not yet known.
Metal: Copper-Nickel
Value: $0.30 in XF
Type / Country: 5 Cents / United States
Year: 1946-S
Mintage: 13,560,000
Metal: 75% Copper, 25% Nickel
Value: $0.20 in F-12
Do you have a coin and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.
157 dollars worth, for Comments/Questions click here.:
Hi. I recently found in a pile of wheat pennies (that are all only worth about .03 for the bullion) 2 canadian pennies. The first one is from 1928 on the back it says
One Cent
With the maple leafs to each side and on the front it has a picture of some guy in a crown and around it it says
georgivs v dei gra: rex et ind:imp:
The second one is from 1956 and on the back of it it says
with the maple leaf in the center and on the front a picture of some woman (presumably QE) and around it it says
elizabeth II dei gratia regina
2 canadian pennies
They're King George and yes Queen Elizabeth.In fine grade.
1928 about $0.30
1956 about $0.03
As for the wheat cents you may know the price of copper is going up fast a year ago each wheat cent were $0.03 now they should go for twice bullion about $0.05 of course each dealer sets their price limits per pound.
Unless you really need the money hold on to the wheaties until they command $0.10 each which is not that unreal.
I have a 1953 series a 5 dollar bill with red serial numbers and red treasury stamp. The serial # is 08287916A it has a star in front of the 0.
1953 series a 5 dollar bill with red serial numbers and red treasury stamp. The serial # is *08287916A
It should be a 1953-A and in very fine it's about $40.00.
I have found a silver penny. It is silver just like a dime, does not seem to be from is very bright. It is dated 1996 with a D on it.
Thank you.
It is silver just like a dime, does not seem to be from is very bright. It is dated 1996 with a D
This can be one of three errors...
A cent made on a silver dime.
A cent made on a regular dime.
A cent made with no copper showing only the zinc core.
To know the value and what type of error it is you need to weigh it.
It may also be a fake.
I have a 1927 U.S. dime. How much is it worth?
I'll assume good grade(G-4).
About $1.60
I have a 1943 wheat copper penny no letter grade.
1943 wheat copper penny
Probably a fake I would need to know the weight in order to know what you have.
Hi there. Curious about the value of the following:
1991 Canadian Proof Set (sealed with 1, 5, 10, 25, 50 cent, $1 and $1 coin with "1816 Frontenac 1991" and picture of a old boat)
1997 Canadian Proof Set (sealed with 1, 5, 10, 25, 50 cent, $1, $2 and $1 coin with a picture of Team Canada Hockey Team 1972 - 1997)
1995 Canadian Proof Set - Special Edition (sealed with 1, 5, 10, 25, 50 cent, Commemorative Silver Dollar and Peacekeeping Dollar. Leather is more supple on this set.)
1996 Canadian Proof Set (sealed with 1, 5, 10, 25, 50 cent, $1 and $1 coin with a picture of a McIntosh apple)
1996 Canadian $2 Proof Coin and Bank Note Set (sealed with $2 coin and $2 note - Replacement bill with the "X" in serial)
2000 Canadian Millennium 25 cent collection.
1999 Canadian Millennium 25 cent collection. (This has the two errors on the quarters.)
An evaluation is much appreciated at your convenience. Thank you.
1991 Canadian Proof Set
About $50.00
1997 Canadian Proof Set
About $37.50
1995 Canadian Proof Set - Special Edition
About $25.00
1996 Canadian Proof Set
About $37.50
1996 Canadian $2 Proof Coin and Bank Note Set
About $45.00
2000 Canadian Millennium 25 cent collection.
About $15.00
1999 Canadian Millennium 25 cent collection.(This has the two errors on the quarters.)
About $150.00
I have a 1928 red seal $2 that I'm wondering if it might be worth something. It says series 1928 G. Serial number E22610294 A. It has a small hole in each corner where someone probably had it tacked up to a wall.
I worked as a bank teller in college and bought every red seal bill that came through my drawer just because I thought they were cool, but if it's worth something more that's a bonus! This is the oldest one I have. I also have 2 red seal $5's from 1963, and several red seal $2's from 1953 and 1963.
1928 red seal $2 that I'm wondering if it might be worth something. It says series 1928 G. Serial number E22610294 A. It has a small hole in each corner
With the holes it's about $7.50.
several red seal $2's from 1953 and 1963
Unless in mint condition or a star note they are about the same or less then the price listed above.
red seal $5's from 1963
These average $12.00 in very fine.
I have a question about a 100 dollar bil from 1934. Would it be worth more today?
Thank you!
100 dollar bill from 1934
Yes for collectors it would be depending on serial number and series like 1934, 1934 C, or 1934 E.
Even if it's old, dirty, or not a rare serial number it is at least $100.00.
I have 2 $10 bills and one $5 bill:
The $5 bill is a 1988A serial number L71245197G, it is missprinted (double printed?). At the top , either the back bleeds through to the front or the back was printed on the front and only the top portion became printed on there on the front.
1) $10 bill is a 1950A serial number L94429341A. It is in great condition, with only two faint creases down the middle, if it wasnt for those I would say that it had never been folded at all.
2) The other $10 bill is a 1934A serial number L33712852B. It is in good shape with no tears but has three straight creases, one in the middle and the other two are an inch to the right and left of that.
any idea on the values?
$5 bill is a 1988A serial number L71245197G, it is missprinted
Sounds like an offset printing error about $50.00 in extra fine.
$10 bill is a 1950A serial number L94429341A.
About $12.00
$10 bill is a 1934A serial number L33712852B
About $11.00
ive a 1950A $10 bill. its got some folds wrinkles and bank writing on it but its not torn or anything. the number is j38013926a it has a green seal waas just curious is it worth holding on to?
1950A $10 bill. its got some folds wrinkles and bank writing on it but its not torn or anything. the number is j38013926a
Just $10.00 the writing takes down the value.
I have a $20 from 1950 serial # G15133210 A, is it worth more then $20? The condition is good, no rips.
$20 from 1950 serial # G15133210 A
About $22.50
What is the value of the 2006 five dollar bill?
2006 five dollar bill
Exactly $5.00
Just got a 1934C 10 dollar Federal Reserve Note. Serial number has a star after it.
1934C 10 dollar Federal Reserve Note. Serial number has a star after it.
They average about $60.00 with the I-* from Minneapolis worth about $200.00.
hi. i have 1 dollar bills with blue stamps are they worth more than a dollar? 1) $1 blue stamp dated 1957b
2) $1 blue stamp dated 1935d
3) $1 blue stamp dated 1935g
It also depends on the serial number and condition but I'll give an average value and assume at least very-fine shape.
1) $1 blue stamp dated 1957b
About $3.00
2) $1 blue stamp dated 1935d
About $12.50
3) $1 blue stamp dated 1935g
About $12.50
Again there are certain serial numbers worth thousands of dollars and others that are only a few dollars.
I have a 1928 5dollar bill with the serial # C22337613. It is in good condition with the exception of a tiny what looks like cigarette burn on it. How much is it worth?
1928 5dollar bill with the serial # C22337613. It is in good condition with the exception of a tiny what looks like cigarette burn on it.
The burn drops the value a lot even if it's tiny. So about $7.50.
5 DOLLAR BILL 1953A B78556654A
D27 2424
5 DOLLAR BILL 1953A B78556654A
About $12.00
I have Military Payment Certificates
I am wondering if they are worth anything.
I have Fifty cents series 692 serial E06353777E
I have 10 cents series 692 serial E07443343E
5 Cents series 692 serial E11589031E
i have a $5 bill
its from 1955 series of 1934 C serial is P19893363A it is green seal
finally $2 bill series 1976 serial B32268035A green seal
I am going through old money, i have hundreds of foriegn coins and old U.S. coins i just dont want to go through them, im too lazy but i saw a nice big shiney one so i grabbed it.
It is a one dollar coin it says 1776-1976 i noticed it was different then normal it has the liberty bell and the moon. worth anything?
I have a penny for every year between 1949-1957 any of them might be worth a bit. I noticed they all say one cent on the back...
1946 penny any gewd?
I found a strange coin it says John Tyler on it and shows him on the back is his history it says his pres term on front... also a 1945 penny a 1943 quarter
1941, 1951, 1961 nickels.
sorry im posting in so many diff comments but im just kinda posting as i go through. lol.
I'm assuming extra-fine or higher condition.
Military Payment Certificates
Fifty cents series 692 serial E06353777E
About $30.00
10 cents series 692 serial E07443343E
About $15.00
5 Cents series 692 serial E11589031E
About $10.00
$5 bill 1934 C serial is P19893363A it is green seal
Not possible it must be blue seal or the serial number is wrong. What are the back and front numbers.
$2 bill series 1976 serial B32268035A
About $2.00
one dollar coin it says 1776-1976
About $2.00 but there are some silver varieties worth more.
penny for every year between 1949-1957
About $0.15 each in extra-fine.
1946 penny
About $0.15 in extra-fine.
John Tyler on it and shows him on the back is his history it says his pres term on front
If it does say $1 dollar then it is some sort of medal. I'd need more details.
1945 penny about $0.10
1943 quarter about $3.00
1941 about $0.25
1951 about $0.25
1961 about $0.05
No problem keep posting. You may want to keep an inventory list on Excel.
I just found an 1880 Liberty Dollar and it is in damn good condition for being so old lol
how much would a tear take off of one of those military payemts and one has a stain of some sort.
1880 Liberty Dollar
Not sure which dollar you mean.
Trade dollars have Liberty seated.
Morgan dollars just have Liberty's head.
Trade 1880 is about $1,500.00.
Morgan 1880 is about $30.00.
Also they have mintmarks and reverse varieties worth more.
how much would a tear take off of one of those military payemts and one has a stain of some sort.
A tear would bring it down to 10% of it's value. Meaning $30 in perfect and $3 if torn.
Stains cuts the value in half or more depending on how bad the stains look.
okay it is 1880 liberty dollar with the head of lady liberty im assuming. what do mint marks mean and what do you mean reverse varities? i assume this is morgan not trade. where can i see like price listing for this coin? if you have a link or something.
the eagle on the back lokos weird to me it is all lopsided that mean anything, or might they all been like that?
1880 liberty dollar with the head of lady liberty im assuming. what do mint marks mean and what do you mean reverse varities?
Mintmarks are where the coin was minted. For a 1880 Morgan the possibilities are....
blank for Philadelphia
CC for Carson City
O for New Orleans
S for San Fransisco
Look below the wreath on the reverse above the D and O in the word DOLLAR.
The varieties has to do with arrows the eagle is holding there are 3 positions of the top arrow that is hard to explain.
Also the weird eagle is fine.
As for price guides I'm going buy the Red Book by Yeoman and eBay auctions from coins I bought in the past.
Places like has a price guide but they're not realistic.
Searching eBay is better because the prices on coins already sold are realistic and you get to see pictures.
hello man,
i am more of a coin person, but i have these 2 bills i want to find out about. thy are in medium condition, not great, not torn.
$5 - 1934 A L79498282A
$50 1934 B00347745A
any value above face?
$5 - 1934 A L79498282A
About $15.00 although if the back number is 637 it is about $400.00.
50 1934 B00347745A
About $85.00
Hi i came across a 5 dollar bill ans it says authorized by federal reserve act of december 23, 1913. its in pretty good condition with lincolns face on it. im trying to determine the value of it. the blue number twards the right corner is L29966810A if thats any help. thanks
5 dollar bill ans it says authorized by federal reserve act of december 23, 1913. its in pretty good condition with lincolns face on it. im trying to determine the value of it. the blue number twards the right corner is L29966810A
This is a series 1914 Federal Reserve Note worth about $25.00 in good.
Good condition is the lowest grade with stains, rips, tears, and ugly folds.
A higher grade is of course worth more.
Hi, I have the following $2 bills, red seal: 18 - 1928 D - no rips or holes, but not pristine, some dirtier than others, 1 - 1928D with a red star, very clean; 1- 1928 E; 5 - 1928 F's;6 - 1928 G's; 3 - Series of 1953; 10 - (not red stamped) Series of 1976. What would each of these series be valued? What's the best way to sell them? Thanks.
$2 bills, red seal: 18 - 1928 D - no rips or holes, but not pristine, some dirtier than others,
Depends a lot on serial number but B-A are about $1,000.00 each and all others are about $15.00 each.
1 - 1928D with a red star, very clean;
About $100.00
1- 1928 E;
About $25.00
5 - 1928 F's;
About $15.00 each
6 - 1928 G's;
About $15.00 each
3 - Series of 1953;
About $9.00
10 - (not red stamped) Series of 1976.
About $2.50
i have a few circulated $5 bills
1950 A serial - C00076974B
1934 B serial - E67027387A
1934 D serial - B89041358C
1950 serial - G61999790A
1950 B serial - C32634785B
(2) 1963 red lettered serials - A48680176A
i was wondering if they were worth anything
circulated $5 bills
1950 A C00076974B about $6.00
1934 B E67027387A about $15.00
1934 D B89041358C about $12.00
1950 G61999790A about $11.00
1950 B C32634785B about $7.00
1963 red lettered serials
A48680176A about $12.00
A54489527A about $12.00
Hi I have a Silver Liberty Nickel from 1908 and I would like to know how much is worth now.
Nickel from 1908
About $2.00
Have a Series of 1934 G $50 bill, serial # G05894057A - top edge very worn, some folds - is it worth anything?
1934 G $50 bill, serial # G05894057A - top edge very worn, some folds
No such thing as a 1934-G it must be either 1934 or 1934-A.
It's about $65.00.
I have a 1934 $5 dollar bill that is in good condition? How much would it be worth?
1934 $5 dollar bill that is in good condition
Depends on serial number but they average about $15.00 in very-fine.
I have a 1934 B $100.00 bill from the Ohio reserve (D00011390A).How much would it be worth?
1934 B $100.00 bill from the Ohio reserve (D00011390A).
This should be a 1934 not 1934-B.
It's about $120.00.
I found a 2004 $20 note with serial #00000006F. I have never seen anything this low before, do you have any idea how much it would be worth and/or can you tell me where I could find out more about these super low serial bills please?
2004 $20 note with serial #00000006F
About $90.00
I have a 1953 $5 silver certificate serial number C30545650A
Also I have a 1950C $10 bill serial number B29303188I and on the back the serial number bleed through a little bit and so didn't the little numbers.
1953 $5 silver certificate serial number C30545650A
About $10.00
1950C $10 bill serial number B29303188I and on the back the serial number bleed through a little bit and so didn't the little numbers.
The Offset error is very minor and in all it's about $12.50.
1934 B series fifty dollar bill - serial number E07168795A. Worn but corners and all are still in tact. has fold lines but ink not faded.
1966 A series one hundred dollar bill - red seal and serial number - serial number A00789341A. Treasurer of US - Dorothy Andrews ______ and Secretary of the Treasury - David M Kenedy. Very crisp bill. small tear (1mm) on top white portion of bill
thanks for your help.
i also have a one dollar bill that was cut incorrectly so i have the bottom portion on the top and the top portion on the bottom and the seal and serial number is stamped upside down.
1934 B series fifty dollar bill - serial number E07168795A. Worn but corners and all are still in tact. has fold lines but ink not faded.
About $90.00
1966 A series one hundred dollar bill - red seal and serial number - serial number A00789341A.
About $225.00
one dollar bill that was cut incorrectly so i have the bottom portion on the top and the top portion on the bottom and the seal and serial number is stamped upside down.
This is a Type II Inverted Overprint it's about $200.00.
Thanks for that last post. ebay had a 100 dollar bill with different signatures. thats why i added the names of the signatures.
I have a couple more for ya IF you dont mind...
I have 3 silver certificate dollars
Serial number D94601117J is a 1935 H series
Serial number Q93396637A is a 1957 A series
Serial number M30594230A is a 1957 A series
I have a 100 dollar bill wth red seal and number. Serial number A00870599A and it isa 1966 series. There is some numbers writen on it with blue pen.
1965 copper quarter?
1928 quarter
1917 dime
1943 dime
1945 dime
1940 dime
500 dollar bill - federal reserve note 1934 new york
serial number B00116429A
For 1966-A $100 Dorothy Andrews Elstonand and David M Kennedy
For 1966 $100 Kathryn O'Hay Granahan and Henry Fowler
3 silver certificate dollars
D94601117J 1935 H about $4.00
Q93396637A 1957 A about $2.50
M30594230A 1957 A about $2.50
100 dollar bill wth red seal and number. Serial number A00870599A and it isa 1966 series. There is some numbers writen on it with blue pen.
About $175.00
1965 copper quarter?
If you mean completely copper like a penny this is an error that needs to be weighed for true value. If you mean Clad then just face value.
1928 quarter about $3.50
1917 dime about $2.00
1943 dime about $1.50
1945 dime about $1.50
1940 dime about $1.50
500 dollar bill - federal reserve note 1934 new york
serial number B00116429A
About $1,000.00 in very-fine.
i have two 1966 series red seal 100 dollar bills one is 166 a and one ia 1966 what are those worth very good condition very crisp.
four 1935 E blue seal 1 dollar bills
one 1953 B red seal 2 dollar bill
two 1963 red seal 2 dollar bills
one 1963 red seal 5 dollar bill
one 1934 D blue seal 5 dollar bill
1966 A i mean for the 100 dollar red seal
Without serial numbers I'll just give the lowest value listed.
1935 E blue seal 1 dollar bill about $3.00.
1953 B red seal 2 dollar bill about $7.00.
1963 red seal 2 dollar bill about $7.00.
1963 red seal 5 dollar bill about $12.00.
1934 D blue seal 5 dollar bill about $10.00.
1966 A i mean for the 100 dollar red seal about $250.00.
1966 series red seal 100 dollar bills about $200.00.
1966 A red seal $100 - A00849546A perfect condition
1966 red seal $100 - A00332468A perfect condition
1935 E blue seal $1 - K21383963I not so good condition
1935 E blue seal $1 - T33050789G very good condition
1935 E blue seal $1 - F12642323H good condition
1935 E blue seal $1 - D81962151H good condition
1953 B red seal $2 - A68689030A very good condition
1963 red seal $2 - A13778220A very good condition
1963 red seal $2 - A14986300A perfect condition
1963 red seal $5 - A40029243A perfect condition
1934 D blue seal $5 - S32186990 A - good condition
1966 A red seal $100 - A00849546A perfect condition
About $1,700.00
1966 red seal $100 - A00332468A perfect condition
About $800.00
1935 E blue seal $1 - K21383963I not so good condition
About $2.00
1935 E blue seal $1 - T33050789G very good condition
About $3.00
1935 E blue seal $1 - F12642323H good condition
About $2.50
1935 E blue seal $1 - D81962151H good condition
About $2.50
1953 B red seal $2 - A68689030A very good condition
About $7.00
1963 red seal $2 - A13778220A very good condition
About $7.00
1963 red seal $2 - A14986300A perfect condition
About $30.00
1963 red seal $5 - A40029243A perfect condition
About $45.00
1934 D blue seal $5 - S32186990 A - good condition
About $10.00
It would be best to get the higher valued notes graded.
I have three one hundred dollar federal reserve notes Two are from 1934 series "L" and series "G" and the other one is from 1950 series "G" all of the notes are in great condition what are they worth today ?
one hundred dollar federal reserve notes Two are from 1934 series "L"
No such thing as series L you must mean Federal District Bank letter "L".
The true series is under the date. Depending on serial number it starts at $115.00 in very-fine.
1950 series ????
About $110.00 again depending on serial number and series.
5.00 bill with a star after serial number 2001 series
starts with CL
5.00 bill with a star after serial number 2001 series starts with CL
About $7.50 in very-fine.
Hi I have
a 10.00 gold certificate dated 1922 h85739717
certificates dated 12/12/1913
5.00 861802700d
10.00 A 67209755a
20.00 c7293879a
All In VERY mint condition
Also a 1828 2.00 bill d41427913a
and a savings bond fron LA dated 1879 for 5.00 128909 no 752
Can u educate me?
10.00 gold certificate dated 1922 h85739717
This is a United States Note, different from a federal note it's about $75.00.
certificates dated 12/12/1913
5.00 861802700d
10.00 A 67209755a
20.00 c7293879a
All In VERY mint condition
I can not find anything on these possibly fake or the date is wrong.
1828 2.00 bill d41427913a
Not possible you must mean 1928-F which is about $15.00.
savings bond fron LA dated 1879 for 5.00 128909 no 752
I don't collect bonds but the are generally $50.00 or less.
I have a $5 bill, series 1928, red seal on right side & serial #'s in red on both sides. (serial # H44407466A. Is this worth anything other than $5?
$5 bill, series 1928, red seal on right side & serial #'s in red on both sides. (serial # H44407466A.
It's a 1928-E about $20.00 but there is a rare variety that is known through it's back number.
I have a $5.00 bill with a blue stamp in good conditionserial number R87139838A and series 1934D any idea of it's worth?
Thank you
$5.00 bill with a blue stamp in good conditionserial number R87139838A and series 1934D
About $12.50
I have seen a 5 dollar note, from series 1988a, where the frontside is misalligned by around 2 cm You can actually see the next note on it. The serial number is H29460707B. What will such a note be worth? The note is appearantly unused, and in very good state. I have pictures of the note.
Thanks in advance!
5 dollar note, from series 1988a, where the frontside is misalligned by around 2 cm You can actually see the next note on it. The serial number is H29460707B
Minor Faulty Alignment error about $35.00.
I have a 1966 United States Note 100 Serial # A00228817 A With a red seal in Pretty good condition. Henry Fowler Sec. of Treasury
Treasurer Looks like Kathryn O something Raskan??
Has Has G1 in Lower Right G2 upper left. Small pencil mark on left side.
1966 United States Note 100 Serial # A00228817 A With a red seal in Pretty good condition
About $200.00 it's Kathryn O'Hay Granahan.
Dear sir/madam,
I have this 5 dollar bill, dated "AUTHORIZED BY FEDERAL RESERVE ACT OF DECEMBER 23, 1913"
6-F F54040751A WASHINGTON,D.C. with a blue stamp on the right side.
Besides, I also have this other 2 dollar bill dated "SERIES 1976" A 04987410 A WASHINGTON,D.C.
Both still look good but not new.
Would you be so kind and tell how much may I ask for each one? I need to sell them out.
Thank you.
(A man from Lima - Peru)
6-F F54040751A WASHINGTON,D.C. with a blue stamp on the right side.
About $50.00
Besides, I also have this other 2 dollar bill dated "SERIES 1976" A 04987410 A WASHINGTON,D.C.
Both still look good but not new.
About $2.00
1976 $2 bill. serial L00989738(green star). 47 on the back.
1976 $2 bill L00989738(green star) about $5.00
hi how much are the five dollar bills worth
1995 L16829252a cu
1988a B33594101d cu
1974 B51939802f cu
1995 k8133161a cu
1993 b69467944a very good
1985 b06561671c very good
1995 l65315556c very good
1990 b62872232h cu
five dollar bills
1995 L16829252a cu about $7.50
1988a B33594101d cu about $7.50
1974 B51939802f cu about $7.50
1995 k8133161a cu about $7.50
1993 b69467944a very good about $10.00
1985 b06561671c very good about $10.00
1995 l65315556c very good about $10.00
1990 b62872232h cu about $12.50
hi i just recieved a crisp 1963 two dollar billfor a present unfortunately is was stamped with wheres is it still worh anything
crisp 1963 two dollar billfor a present unfortunately is was stamped with wheres
It's about $7.00 if you can safely remove the ink it would be about $20.00.
i have 2 5 dollar notes the first is a federal note #g43960347d 1950c series. the second is red stamped united states note #c47283918a series 1953b. can you help me with a value?
5 dollar notes the first is a federal note #g43960347d 1950c series.
About $7.50
the second is red stamped united states note #c47283918a series 1953b
About $12.00
yes I have two 5 dollar bills 1950 they do not have in God we trust on them and one of them happens to be a star note is there anyway to find out what they are worth
5 dollar bills 1950 they do not have in God we trust on them and one of them happens to be a star note
Depends on serial number but they average about $75.00.
Hi, I have a 1950 5 Dollar bill, the front of the bill is centered but when you turn it over, the reverse printing is off. There is more space on the bottom then the top a lot more. anything special about it?
1950 5 Dollar bill, the front of the bill is centered but when you turn it over, the reverse printing is off. There is more space on the bottom then the top a lot more.
This is common no extra value for the Off-Center error.
It's about $12.00.
I have a $5 bill from 1934 and it is in pretty good condition. Is it worth anything?
$5 bill from 1934 and it is in pretty good condition about $15.00
Hi! I found a 2006 five dollar bill. The serial number on the left is in green ink, but the seal on the right of Abraham Lincoln is Teal blue, along with the serial number under it. At first I thought it was some how bleached, which I don't think so considering everything else is of normal color. And I am positive it is real. Is it worth holding on to? Do the different color serial numbers mean anything? Thanks!!
2006 five dollar bill. The serial number on the left is in green ink, but the seal on the right of Abraham Lincoln is Teal blue, along with the serial number under it...
This sounds like a solvent error which is similar to bleaching it has no extra value.
What would the value b on a 1966 100.00 bill w/red serial number & red seal *00008736 A
1966 100.00 bill w/red serial number & red seal *00008736 A
About $400.00
I hope you have not already answered this. We have two five dollar bills from The Presidents Bank signed June 14, 1852. The serial number is 6487 and they are printed all in blue(?) ink. I've searched but can not seem to find any information on the value - we need to know how safe to keep these...
five dollar bills from The Presidents Bank signed June 14, 1852. The serial number is 6487 and they are printed all in blue(?) ink
A real one would be about $45.00 but this sounds like a replica with no value. The serial number is a give away it is the one used in replicas.
The latest Brand new $5 bills, serial Ik44444571B
and how much (min to max range) would any brand new 5 or 10 dollar star note be over face value?
Brand new $5 bills, serial Ik44444571B about $15.00
how much (min to max range) would any brand new 5 or 10 dollar star note be over face value?
About $30-$75 for a $5.00 bill
About $50-$100 for a $10.00 bill
hi, i have a 1977 $5 bill is it worth more than $5?
PS: it's in very fine condition!
1977 $5 bill just $5.00
I have a 1977 $50 circulated with a bad cut (appx. 2mm border)on the front left and front top edges which isnt nearly as noticable on the back. It also has a slight bifold mark. Is it woth more than $50
1977 $50 circulated with a bad cut (appx. 2mm border)on the front left and front top edges which isnt nearly as noticable on the back. It also has a slight bifold mark
Minor Faulty Alignment error, no extra value.
Hi, Happy New Year. Hoping you can help me value 1934 c $20 bill Serial L27469180 B. Good condition - used but no tears or creases. Slight offset on front of bill- top shows about half inch of thin ink along edge above the "note". Back of bill is shifted toward the upper rt corner...margin on left almost double of the right. Margin on bottom almost double the top margin. thank you for any info you can give.
I have a penny with the date 1914 stamped on it, but it is not a wheat cent, so I believe that it is a miss-strike. It is larger than the 1914 wheat cent, and it has no mint mark. Can you tell me anything about this coin?
1934 c $20 bill Serial L27469180 B. Good condition - used but no tears or creases. Slight offset on front of bill- top shows about half inch of thin ink along edge above the "note". Back of bill is shifted toward the upper rt corner...margin on left almost double of the right. Margin on bottom almost double the top margin.
Minor Faulty Alignment error does not add value, about $45.00.
penny with the date 1914 stamped on it, but it is not a wheat cent, so I believe that it is a miss-strike. It is larger than the 1914 wheat cent, and it has no mint mark.
I don't understand, post a picture somewhere and drop a link here and maybe I can help.
Series 1963-1963 United States Note-$5-Red seal (on right side)and red serial numbers A33392048A-Backnumber 3-F4-Circulated.
Series 1928 F-1928 United States note-$5-Red seal (on left side)and red serial numbers I71751559A-Backnumber 1941-I645-Circulated.
Series 1929 B-1928 Federal Reserve Note-$5-Green Seal (on right side) and green serial numbers B55983047A-Backnumber 137-E3-Circulated
Series 1953 A-1953 Silver Certificate-$5-Black Seal (right side) and black serial numbers E36142272A-Backnumber 2373-H17-Circulated
(x2) Series 1934 D-1934 silver Certificate-$5-Black Seal (both on right) and black serial numbers S99467243A and S88322805A-Backnumbers 1847 and 1853-C2049 and K 2038-Circulated
Series 1934 A-1934 Silver Certificate-$5-Black Seal (right side) and black serial number H93717084-Backnumber 1033-L1259-Circulated
Series 1934 D-1934 Federal Reserve Note-On Left Side Reads on a Seal "Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Illinois" with a "G" in the middle.-Also on left side "This note is legal tender for all debts public and private and is redeemable in lawful money at the United States Treasury or at any Federal Reserve Bank"-Bottom reads "Will pay to bearer on deman."-Green seal (on right side) and green serial number G88932690B-Backnumber 1972-F263-Circulated
Series 1928 B-1928 Federal Reserve Note-On Left Side Reads on a Seal "Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York" with a "B" in the middle.-Also on left side "Redeemable in Gold on demand at United Staqtes Treasury or in gold or lawful money at any federal reserve bank"-Bottom reads "Will pay to bearer on deman."-Green seal (on right side) and green serial number B559830447A-Backnumber 137-E3-Circulated
Series 1963-1963 United States Note-$5-Red seal (on right side)and red serial numbers A33392048A-Backnumber 3-F4-Circulated.
About $12.00
Series 1928 F-1928 United States note-$5-Red seal (on left side)and red serial numbers I71751559A-Backnumber 1941-I645-Circulated.
About $17.00
Series 1928 B-1928 Federal Reserve Note-$5-Green Seal (on right side) and green serial numbers B55983047A-Backnumber 137-E3-Circulated
About $20.00
Series 1953 A-1953 Silver Certificate-$5-Black Seal (right side) and black serial numbers E36142272A-Backnumber 2373-H17-Circulated
About $10.00 must be blue not black
(x2) Series 1934 D-1934 silver Certificate-$5-Black Seal (both on right) and black serial numbers S99467243A and S88322805A-Backnumbers 1847 and 1853-C2049 and K 2038-Circulated
About $10.00 each not black but blue
Series 1934 A-1934 Silver Certificate-$5-Black Seal (right side) and black serial number H93717084-Backnumber 1033-L1259-Circulated
About $10.00 must be blue not black
Series 1934 D-1934 Federal Reserve Note-On Left Side Reads on a Seal "Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Illinois" with a "G" in the middle.-Also on left side "This note is legal tender for all debts public and private and is redeemable in lawful money at the United States Treasury or at any Federal Reserve Bank"-Bottom reads "Will pay to bearer on deman."-Green seal (on right side) and green serial number
G88932690B-Backnumber 1972-F263-Circulated
What denomination?
Series 1928 B-1928 Federal Reserve Note-On Left Side Reads on a Seal "Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York" with a "B" in the middle.-Also on left side "Redeemable in Gold on demand at United Staqtes Treasury or in gold or lawful money at any federal reserve bank"-Bottom reads "Will pay to bearer on deman."-Green seal (on right side) and green serial number B559830447A-Backnumber 137-E3-Circulated
What denomination?
Both are $5
Both are $5:
Series 1934 D-1934 Federal Reserve Note-On Left Side Reads on a Seal "Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Illinois" with a "G" in the middle.-Also on left side "This note is legal tender for all debts public and private and is redeemable in lawful money at the United States Treasury or at any Federal Reserve Bank"-Bottom reads "Will pay to bearer on deman."-Green seal (on right side) and green serial number
G88932690B-Backnumber 1972-F263-Circulated
About $12.00
Series 1928 B-1928 Federal Reserve Note-On Left Side Reads on a Seal "Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York" with a "B" in the middle.-Also on left side "Redeemable in Gold on demand at United Staqtes Treasury or in gold or lawful money at any federal reserve bank"-Bottom reads "Will pay to bearer on deman."-Green seal (on right side) and green serial number B559830447A-Backnumber 137-E3-Circulated
About $20.00
I have a Federal Reserve bank of Chicago One dallar with a blue seal, G-7, dated may 18, 1914. it says National currency federal reserve bank note on the back..all green on the back. is it worth more than a dollar?
Federal Reserve bank of Chicago One dallar with a blue seal, G-7, dated may 18, 1914. it says National currency federal reserve bank note on the back..all green on the back.
About $50.00
1966 RED SEAL 100 DOLLAR BILL #00023748A
fold marks in note
1966 RED SEAL 100 DOLLAR BILL #00023748A
fold marks in note
If a star note about $400.00
If a regular note about $200.00
I was given a 1950 five dollar bill as a tip from a little old lady today. It has no in god we trust and no letter after the year. The bill is in excellent condition, the serial #G 46992555 A. The ink looks unreal green its very cool. What is its value and i plan on keeping it for a long time.
1950 five dollar bill as a tip from a little old lady today. It has no in god we trust and no letter after the year. The bill is in excellent condition, the serial #G 46992555 A.
About $12.00
5 dollar bill
2003 series a
ff 00613823 *
5 dollar bill
2003 series a
ff 00613823 *
about $10.00
1966 red seal 100 dollar bill # A00489353A with one fold mark in note. 1963 red seal 2 dollar bill # A10032315A with 3 fold marks
1966 red seal 100 dollar bill # A00489353A with one fold
--About $200.00
1963 red seal 2 dollar bill # A10032315A with 3 fold marks
--About $7.00
1966 red seal 100 dollar bill #A00775786A. signers are David M Kennedy and Dorothy Andrews Elsten
1966 red seal 100 dollar bill #A00775786A about $200.00 in very-fine
1996 red seal 100 dollar bill #A00771113A has fold mark otherwise great condition
1996 red seal 100 dollar bill #A00771113A has fold mark otherwise great condition
About $200.00
hey was hoping you could ball park these for me they are uncirculated i dont have the serial numbers on hand at the moment
$1 1963 * Green
$2 1953 Red
$2 1953 A Red
$2 1976 Green
$2 1976 Green
$2 1976 ** Green
$5 1950 B Green
$5 1950 E Green
$5 1969 Green
$5 1969 A Green
$5 1969 C Green
$100 1966 A Red
$1 1963 * Green about $5.00
$2 1953 Red about $12.00
$2 1953 A Red about $12.00
$2 1976 Green about $3.50
$2 1976 Green about $3.50
$2 1976 ** Green about $7.00
$5 1950 B Green about $15.00
$5 1950 E Green about $15.00
$5 1969 Green about $10.00
$5 1969 A Green about $10.00
$5 1969 C Green about $10.00
$100 1966 A Red about $600.00
2006 $5 bill with a blue seal?
2006 $5 bill with a blue seal?
This may be a rue error caused by solvent while the note was printing.
Unfortunately it can also be done at home with bleach so they have no extra value.
Hi I have a 5 dollar bill in very good condition dated December 23, 1913 with a blue print in front right. Do you have an idea of what this bill is worth in great shape?? Thanks
5 dollar bill in very good condition dated December 23, 1913 with a blue print in front right.
About $65.00 depending on signatures and serial number.
Serial number is L29966810A 12-L Federal Reserve note
L29966810A... 5 dollar bill in very good condition dated December 23, 1913
About $100.00
1950 e series 10$ bill
No star.. Henry fowler
Two light folds, good condition
Serial # B 30003217 K
Any ideas?
1950 ten dollar bill series E
Henry Fowler serial#
B30003217K. Has two folds, otherwise in good condition
About $12.00 in good.
Hi. Nice Site,
I found a couple of $5 bills separated from the rest of the Could you please value and buy if worth
Rich I assume i can send pics after emailing me?
$5 with full vertical crease 1950
$5 w/RobertAnderson 1950
$5 with full vertical crease 1950
$5 w/RobertAnderson 1950
Depends on serial number and do you mean an error fold like with white space or just a wallet?
I work at an overseas bank. I collect small face $5.00 bills. My 1985 B11000790A $5 on the reverse has insuffcient ink. On my bill the stairs are completely white and not visible. The Lincoln Memorial itself has also insufficient ink and you can't read the State names on the building. The pillars are almost completely white and the bricks where the foundation are also white and non-existent. Any idea what this might be worth? The bill is in very good shape. Some light curves (probably was in a wallet), but no creases or bent corners.
$5.00 bills. My 1985 B11000790A $5 on the reverse has insuffcient ink. On my bill the stairs are completely white and not visible. The Lincoln Memorial itself has also insufficient ink and you can't read the State names on the building. The pillars are almost completely white and the bricks where the foundation are also white and non-existent. Any idea what this might be worth? The bill is in very good shape.
About $200.00
i have a 2001 $5 dollar bill which the serial number caught my attention CK 67353467 B with the end of being 67 in the middle being 35 and 34
2001 $5 dollar bill which the serial number caught my attention CK 67353467 B with the end of being 67 in the middle being 35 and 34
No extra value, not fancy enough.
I have an unusual $5 bill. Year 1995. Serial # B10528437F. Everything looks like a normal $5 bill but in the front, the bottom right corner the number is $1. Would you know where I can get it authenticated without spending a lot of money? Just curious to see if is worth anything or if it could be a counterfiet. But it has all the characteristics of an authentic $5 bill. Thank you for your time.
$5 bill. Year 1995. Serial # B10528437F. Everything looks like a normal $5 bill but in the front, the bottom right corner the number is $1. Would you know where I can get it authenticated without spending a lot of money?
As far as I know this type of error is not possible. Try showing it to local coins and currency dealers or collectors club and get several free opinions.
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