
Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Progressive Consortium

Do you have an odd note and want to know its value? Leave a comment

I've talked about those stamps you occasionally see on paper money. And I found a few but none that were very interesting until this one. It is large and just writing, no cartoons.

Can't quite make out the stamp? Well let me spell it out for you.

Apparently Progressive Grocers is a consortium of big shots in the food retail and related industry who go around the world buying up local grocery stores and chains based on research about new markets.
Yeah, sounds ominous.

Jamaica Limited, based in Jamaica, is a particular off-shoot of the parent company Progressive Grocers, I have forgotten everything I learned last semester about limited liability companies so do a Bing search if you want.

Westgate is a community once known for its Shoppers Fair supermarket until the consortium came into town. This all happened back in February of 2000.

I assume that this bill was used or exchanged at this Jamaican store, got stamped to verify authenticity, then used again probably by a bank, maybe by a Jamaican-New Yorker who then came to NYC and used it again until I got it.

Of course no extra value but an interesting trip/story.

Do you have note or currency and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.


  1. I recently had a dollar bill with a star stamped out of it. It caught my eye. I'm always on the look out for other stamps like the one you mention above, but our cash in Texas doesn't lead the same kind of life as it does on the east coast, I suppose.

  2. With Mexico so close I would expect a few odd stamps here or there.

  3. i have a 1981 twnety with stars next to the numbers. it also seemes to be off centerd. the back is centered on the paper but front is not. Where it says "TWENTY" over that department of tresurey symbol its also off compared to other 20's.. please help!

  4. 1981 twnety with stars next to the numbers. it also seemes to be off centerd. the back is centered on the paper but front is not. Where it says "TWENTY" over that department of tresurey symbol its also off compared to other 20's

    The off center does not any extra value, about $30.00.

  5. 1969C $20 b32494252c


  6. 1969C $20 b32494252c, just $20.00

  7. I have a series 2004 $20.00 bill with the stamp on the fronbt messed up. Do you think it is worth anything?

  8. 2004 $20.00 bill with the stamp on the fronbt messed up.

    Post a picture somewhere and drop a link here.

  9. Hello, My Aunt has a 1981 $20 bill where on the front the serial number is so far off center (downward) that it goes across the Washington DC and the number that is close to all 4 corners are way off also. I know in another post it was stated that off center does not change value but what if it covers up another print on the bill. Thanks!!

  10. 1981 $20 bill where on the front the serial number is so far off center (downward) that it goes across the Washington DC and the number that is close to all 4 corners are way off also. I know in another post it was stated that off center does not change value but what if it covers up another print on the bill.

    This is a Misaligned Overprint error it's about $125.00.

    The others I was talking about were Faulty Alignments or Off-Center and they are more common so have less value unless extremely off.

  11. Thanks you! But I re-read my post and want to make sure that when I said the number close the the corners I'm not referring the the currency amount but the Federal Reserve Numbers. Just wanted to clear that up.Thanks again and glad I found this site!

  12. want to make sure that when I said the number close the the corners I'm not referring the the currency amount but the Federal Reserve Numbers.

    I understood, your description was very clear.

  13. I have a $20 bill with the wrong face watermark on the right side. I have to get it checked to be 100% on who it is but I am about 80% sure it is Lincoln. I am 100% sure it is the wrong face. I checked it with a counterfeit pen and it is real. Is this worth anything?

  14. $20 bill with the wrong face watermark on the right side. I have to get it checked to be 100% on who it is but I am about 80% sure it is Lincoln. I am 100% sure it is the wrong face.

    What year?

    That asked this would be a Wrong Paper Stock error which is almost impossible.
    Th 1999-2003A series $5 used the Lincoln watermark and also the $5 security strip if both are there it maybe an error.

    All that said I suspect this is a fraud. Someone took a real $5 bill and bleached it and copied the $20 on top.
    This technique is popular in Columbia and Russia it is a crime to use this bill, careful.

  15. wow!! And that will pass the pen test? I will check the year when i get home.

  16. And that will pass the pen test?

    Yes, these counterfeiters invest in thousands of $5 from 1999-2003A because Lincoln is in the same position as $20/Jefferson.

    That is why the 2004-2009 $5 have the number 5 as the watermark. The American government realized the fraud and altered the $5 plus they made the right corner purple to make it "impossible" to bleach and copy.

  17. I have a 20 dollar bill SERIES 1963 A Star Note, A01680022* how much is this bill worth?

  18. I have four 10 dollar silver certificate SERIES 1953 B with A11736790-93A, how much is this worth?

  19. 20 dollar bill SERIES 1963 A Star Note, A01680022* about $35.00

  20. 10 dollar silver certificate SERIES 1953 B with A11736790-93A about $50.00 each

  21. I have a 1950 $50.00 series C star note G00774181* It's in pretty good shape with no rips bent corners or creases.Could you give me an idea of it's value.I also have 8 other 1950 $50. C series and 1 D series all about the same shape. Could you give me an idea of the value of these also. Thanks

  22. 1950 $50.00 series C star note G00774181* It's in pretty good shape with no rips bent corners or creases.
    About $75.00

    1950 $50
    C series about $60.00 on average
    D series about $60.00 on average

  23. Hello, I have a $20 series 1969 A. The back is centered but the front is printed up and to the left, leaving a big gap on the bottom and right side of the bill.

  24. I have a 1928 $50 series A. It is in great condition. It says on the front of the bill under the year and series "Redeemable in gold on demand at the United States Treasury or in gold or lawful money at any Federal Reserve Bank." I was wondering how much this bill might be worth?

  25. $20 series 1969 A. The back is centered but the front is printed up and to the left, leaving a big gap on the bottom and right side of the bill.

    Minor faulty alignment error, no extra value.

  26. 1928 $50 series A. It is in great condition. It says on the front of the bill under the year and series "Redeemable in gold on demand at the United States Treasury or in gold or lawful money at any Federal Reserve Bank." about $750.00

  27. Hi Man, I have the 1928 $50.00 Series A. Do you know where I could sell this? I live in a very small town and there isnt much I can do with it here. Is there a place online that would buy it?

  28. I have the 1928 $50.00 Series A. Do you know where I could sell this?

    As always eBay is good.
    Coin forums are also good, maybe Heritage auctions if the grade is high.

  29. Found a 20 today and really need a price.
    Misprint and miscut, print sits on the extreme bottom and 90% of the way to left of the note. Numbers and seals do not line up. Offset on reverse as well but not as bad as the front.
    Help please! How do I send you pictures on your site?


  30. 20 today and really need a price.
    Misprint and miscut, print sits on the extreme bottom and 90% of the way to left of the note. Numbers and seals do not line up. Offset on reverse as well but not as bad as the front.

    It is difficult to say without a picture.

    Use a free photo site and then drop a link in the comments.

  31. Here is the link to the photo's.
    Description: 1996 Withrow / Rubin $20.00
    Offset printing

  32. Here is the link to the photo's.
    Description: 1996 Withrow / Rubin $20.00
    Offset printing

    It is a very minor faulty alignment error and unfortunately it has no extra value.

  33. hi I have a 1981 uncirculated 100$ bill
    A07833167A thanks!

  34. 1981 uncirculated 100$ bill A07833167A about $130.00

  35. I have a $20 bill, series 2006, serial # ID00100101C. The serial # appears to be embossed rather than just printed as it is raised on the back. Is this normal? Also, any value to the S/N?

  36. $20 bill, series 2006, serial # ID00100101C. The serial # appears to be embossed rather than just printed as it is raised on the back.

    Maybe the ink is just a bit thicker but the entire note is inked the same way using intaglio which is pressing ink on paper.

    It's about $40.00 for the fancy serial number.

  37. I got a 1963B that's miscut and about 1/4 inch smaller than any other bill.

  38. 1963B that's miscut and about 1/4 inch smaller than any other bill.

    Minor cutting error, no extra value.

  39. i have a 1969 c $20 uncirulated b08212007* what is the value of that?

  40. 1969 c $20 uncirulated b08212007* about $75.00

  41. In your $20 Error comment of you state "If they are not there then you have counterfeit bills. Which also has value." How does one determine and/or sell a counterfeit bill? I thought that they are confiscated.

  42. How does one determine and/or sell a counterfeit bill? I thought that they are confiscated.

    This is one of the more difficult and least talked about parts of collecting.

    There is a group of collectors that can be found in certain forums who collect counterfeits.

    Older counterfeits like from the Nazis or 1900s and earlier are considered military/historical items a may be sold with little legal issues.

    Most fake $20 could never be sold as they are common and made by drug cartels.

    Passing fakes is illegal but if all parties know they are fake there is some legal protection. But most counterfeit collectors just keep sales private.

    The last of collectors of these types that I spoke to wanted certain 1950's fake, any new issue that were faked, low types like $1 and $2, and some that had secret signatures.

    I have no idea what happened to him since his counterfeit site went away, due to Yahoo closing group-sites nothing bad or scary.

    So check out currency forums to see what current market exist. Also be aware that if your new they may just not trust you even if they want to buy.

  43. Thank you for your amazingly fast reply. The bill in question is a Series 2004 $50 that looks like a fairly good fake, except as a collector, the paper did not feel right to me. When held up to the light there is no watermark or strip running through it. After having it in my shirt pocket, although nothing in the note was altered, a little of the ink bled into the edge.

  44. Series 2004 $50 that looks like a fairly good fake, except as a collector, the paper did not feel right to me. When held up to the light there is no watermark or strip running through it.

    This would be one of the bad ones. Unfortunately this kind can be made with a copier.

    The collectors want a fake that has watermarks and the strip. There is little you can do with this since a bank will confiscate it. Sorry.

  45. Since receiving this I have figured it will be going to the Secret Service. I am guessing they will contact the person that gave it to me. Hopefully they are not in the business of creating these.

    For what it is worth your comment, "Passing fakes is illegal but if all parties know they are fake there is some legal protection." leaves me wondering if there would be any real legal protection. Regardless thank you for your comments regarding this.

  46. "Passing fakes is illegal but if all parties know they are fake there is some legal protection." leaves me wondering if there would be any real legal protection.

    Artist J. S. G. Boggs has done this with succes sand is often cited when collectors buy/trade fakes. At least in the U.S.
    Also Hennings nickel are quite popular.

    The legal wording is clear if there is no utter to pass as the same, or intent to defraud then you are fine. The SS tends to leave them alone but every once in a while they like to make an example.

    Again the world of fakes is complicated.

  47. Hello, I have some bills from the early twenties, blue notes and silver notes, I also have a crisp 1950 $10 bill, the other notes are in fairly good condition some even have a star on them are they worth anything?

  48. I don't know where to find out how much my bills are worth, could you help me?

  49. Hello, I have some bills from the early twenties, blue notes and silver notes, I also have a crisp 1950 $10 bill, the other notes are in fairly good condition some even have a star on them are they worth anything?

    Yes, they're worth something.

    You need to list each with serial number.
    crisp 1950 $10 I08907420*
    fair 1928 $2 A01039302A

  50. I have a 1963 red seal 5 dollar bill with front numbers A1 and A3 and back plate number of 1....what is it worth?

  51. 1963 red seal 5 dollar bill

    About $12.00 in fine.


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