
Monday, March 15, 2010

Common Canada - Uncommon Barbados

Do you have any world coins and want to know its value? Leave a comment

I thought that I found more Barbados coins but a quick search of my recent records proved otherwise. This is only the second coin from Barbados I found since starting this blog. I guess in my mind I group all the Caribbean coins together.

Still none of these coins are rare but the grouping was odd. I got them in  change from the same place, from a person who knew I collected and graciously set them aside.

Here are the stats for this...
Type/Country: 1 Cent / Barbados
Year: 1980
Mintages: 14,400,000
Metal: Bronze
Value: $0.10 in XF

Type/Country: 1 Cent / Canada
Year: 1978
Mintage: 911,170,647
Metal: 98% Copper, 0.5% Tin, and 1.5% Zinc
Value: $0.02 in F

Type/Country: 1 Cent / Canada
Year: 2009 RCM Logo
Mintage: 419,105,000
Metal: 94% Steel, 4.5% Copper, and 1.5% Nickel
Value: $0.01 in F

Do you have any foreign coins and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.


  1. Hey Man,
    I won this at an online auction:
    $1 1957B Star Note 32047466
    Please tell me it's worth a good amount of money, pleeeeaassseee.

  2. Oh by the way, one question:
    Is one still able to trade them for silver??

  3. $1 1957B Star Note 32047466

    About $4.00 in very-fine.
    $15.00 in choice-crisp-uncirculated.

  4. Is one still able to trade them for silver?

    No, 1965 was the last year that trade was possible.

  5. I'm curious of the value of this nickel I have macro shot of the front and back attached. I want to believe it is a crazy mint error, but I'm not an expert.


  6. curious of the value of this nickel I

    The shots are not that clear but it looks like damage, no extra value.

    That said there is a small chance it is a lamination error but that can only be determined in hand by an expert, but would bring little extra value if it's an error.

  7. Hi there:

    I have a 2 Pfenning from West Germany: 1968

    1 New Penny GB: 1975

    1 Centavo from Guatemala: 1970

    1 Pfennig from East Germany: 1968

    1 Centavo from Columbia: 1969

    50 Centimes from Belgium: 1970

    1 cent Bahamas: 1969


  8. Assuming at least very-fine

    2 Pfenning from West Germany: 1968 about $0.25

    1 New Penny GB: 1975 about $0.10

    1 Centavo from Guatemala: 1970 about $0.10

    1 Pfennig from East Germany: 1968 about $0.25

    1 Centavo from Columbia: 1969 about $0.10

    50 Centimes from Belgium: 1970 about $0.05

    1 cent Bahamas: 1969 about $0.03

  9. Can you tell me how much is a proof set of Barbados coins in a set is $10 $5 $2 $1 25c 10c 5c 1c

  10. proof set of Barbados coins in a set is $10 $5 $2 $1 25c 10c 5c 1c

    What year?

  11. Can you tell me what this is? And a little about it possibly? Thank you!

  12. Can you tell me what this is? And a little about it possibly? Thank you!

    It's a modern day replica coin of an ancient Roman coin.

    Here is some info from

    Judaean, Bar Kochba, bronze, fantasy replicas
    Judaean Bar Kochba bronze, roughly 3/4 inch in diameter.

    Stylistically, a bit strange, but the dead giveaway that this is not a true ancient coin is in the lettering. This lettering is similar to modern Hebrew, and is nothing like the archaic style of Hebrew used on the real coins. Comes in dark reddish "bronze" and brighter brassy "orichalcum". Both from the same dies or from copies of the same dies.

  13. anything special for a barbados 1979 25 cent?

  14. barbados 1979 25 cent about $0.20


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