
Thursday, January 17, 2008

Welcome to the Bahamas

Do you have a coin form the Bahamas Island and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.

Continuing with some decent looking coins from the bag I bought is some from the Bahamas.

While half of the coins were normal circulated types they did include some proofs. Which is not all that great because the circulating issues were actual rarer then the proof. For example the 1972 10 Cents had 11,000 coins minted while the proofs numbered 35,000. It's harder to find a brilliant uncirculated than an untouched proof.

Obverse above.

Reverse below.
These coins were made by the Franklin Mint in the U.S.A. in matte, special uncirculated, and proof. The little stylized F on the reverse is the mark of the Franklin Mint. Matte is basically the circulated coins, special uncirculated is like proof but all completely mirrored. Proof has the background mirrored and frosted designs.

Starting from right to left.
Here are the stats for these Bahamas coins...
Type/Country: 10 Cents Proof/Bahamas
Year: 1972
Mint: Franklin Mint
Mintage: 35,000
Metal: Copper-Nickel
Value: $1.00 if untouched

Type/Country: 25 Cents Proof/Bahamas
Year: 1971
Mint: Franklin Mint
Mintage: 31,000
Metal: Nickel
Value: $1.50 if untouched

Type/Country: 50 Cents Proof/Bahamas
Year: 1973
Mint: Franklin Mint
Mintage: 35,000
Metal: 80% Silver
Value: $7.00 if untouched($1.00 in crease since 2008)

These were sold in sets but if they were less then perfect they were cut out and put into circulation by collectors.

Do you have a coin form the Bahamas Island and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.


  1. I love the coins. I don't have these yet.

  2. I have a 1966 25 cents Bahamas coin and I'm wondering how much that's worth?

  3. 1966 25 cents Bahamas coin

    About $0.30 in extra-fine condition.

  4. I have a 3$ bill from the Bahamas. It appears to be brand new - could you please tell me what the value of this would be

  5. 3$ bill from the Bahamas

    If before 1984 about $7.50 but if after 1985 just $3.00.

  6. I have a boxed set of 25 $20 coins from 1985 and wondering about their value.

  7. 25 $20 coins from 1985

    Assuming Bahamas if these are silver Columbus piece it's about $80.00 each.

    That's $2,000.00! for the box.

  8. I found a 50 cents bahamas coin, appears to be near mint condition. wondering the value

  9. 50 cents bahamas coin, appears to be near mint condition.

    What year?

  10. near mint 50 cent bahama coin it from 1969

  11. near mint 50 cent bahama coin it from 1969
    About $5.25 it's silver.

  12. Can you tell me the silver content/weight of a 1966 .50 cent coin?

    Thanks for your work

  13. Can you tell me the silver content/weight of a 1966 .50 cent coin?

    Bahamas 80% 0.2667oz
    U.S. 40% 0.1479oz

  14. uncirculated 1972 5 dollar bahamas 45mm dia & 650 grams sterling silver franklin mint...worth on the open market today? - thanks in advance

  15. uncirculated 1972 5 dollar bahamas 45mm dia & 650 grams sterling silver franklin mint

    You may be off with the weight, it should be 42.12grams.
    Either way it's about $25.00.

  16. I have a MINT $50 gold coin 1984 of the bahamas, sealed untouched with COA and a velvet box, contained in a white cardboard box. Can you please tell me the value of this coin, as some dealers are trying to rip me off. Thank you.

  17. MINT $50 gold coin 1984 of the bahamas, sealed untouched with COA and a velvet box, contained in a white cardboard box.

    About $50.00 but only $32.00 for metal value.

  18. I have a 1967 $10 gold coin from the Bahama islands that has Queen Elizabeth on one side & a palace with palm trees on the other & was wondering the value. Thanks for your help.

  19. 1967 $10 gold coin from the Bahama islands that has Queen Elizabeth on one side & a palace with palm trees on the other

    About $120.00

  20. I have a 1970 uncirculated set of 9 coins from the Franklin mint still in display card. One each $5, $2, $1, $.5, $.25, $.15, $.1, $.05 and $.01. What is the set worth and what is the silver contet.

  21. 1970 uncirculated set of 9 coins from the Franklin mint still in display card.

    The entire set is about $35.00.

    50 cents has 0.2667oz silver
    1 dollar has 0.4666oz silver
    2 dollar has 0.8662oz silver
    5 dollar has 1.2526oz silver

    In high grades the value doubles most people break up the set and try to get the silver coins graded. Because of this I don't know how many intact sets survived so the price may vary.

  22. I have an uncirculated complete set of 9 Bahamian coins dated 1966 w/ card from Ministry of Finance out of the Royal Mint of London - what is the estimated value of this set today?

  23. uncirculated complete set of 9 Bahamian coins dated 1966 w/ card from Ministry of Finance out of the Royal Mint of London -

    About $18.00

  24. I just bought a 1966 $5 silver piece with Queen Elizabeth II on the front and a coat of arms on the reverse. I'd say it's in nearly uncirculated condition. Any idea of its silver content and market value? I bought it for $12.50US.

  25. Oops... previous comment... I meant to say it is a coin of the Bahama Islands

  26. 1966 $5 silver piece with Queen Elizabeth II on the front and a coat of arms on the reverse. I'd say it's in nearly uncirculated condition. Any idea of its silver content and market value? I bought it for $12.50US. ... I meant to say it is a coin of the Bahama Islands

    About $13.00 it has 1.2526 ounces of silver this was the first $5 dollar coin made by the Bahamas so they made about 100,000 which is common.

  27. I have a$10 gold coin w/a date of 1972..Whats its value?

  28. $10 gold coin w/a date of 1972

    I assume from the Bahamas it's about $95.00.

  29. Hi, I have a 1970 $5 silver bahama Islands coin--Elizabeth II on front, coat of arms on the back. Could you tell me what the value would be today? thanks!

  30. 1970 $5 silver bahama Islands coin
    About $15.00

  31. Good Day, I have a coin and a medal,
    1- uncirculated Franklin Mint 2 dollar coin in plastic bag (sealed)

    1-Progressive Liberal Party 1978 silver jubilee medal in sealed acrylic case, in a blue velvet box .

    What would you estimate the value of these items to be? Thanks in advance for your assistance.

  32. I'll assume both are from the Bahamas ans 1978

    1- uncirculated Franklin Mint 2 dollar coin in plastic bag (sealed)
    About $20.00

    1-Progressive Liberal Party 1978 silver jubilee medal in sealed acrylic case, in a blue velvet box .
    About $10.00 if solid silver then about $45.00

  33. Thanks for the speedy response.

  34. Hi

    I have a 1973 set of 4 gold coins in a box(100,50,20,10) from the Bahamas and wondere what they are currently worth?

    Thanks in advance for your help

  35. 1973 set of 4 gold coins in a box(100,50,20,10) from the Bahamas

    There are two versions proof and mint.

    Proof set has a mirror like background and is about $500.00.

    Mint set has a regular background and is about $460.00.

  36. wow - thanks for that quick reply - I will get them out and check which one



    About $30.00 unfortunately these 9 piece sets have been one that lost value over time.
    Sold for $35.00 in 1971 they now commonly sell for $30 or less.

    The ones pictured in the post were broken out of proof sets and thrown in change because someone was looking for the best of the best coins and sending them to get graded. A perfect grade would make one coin worth ten times more then the original set.

  39. I have a 1966 Bahama Islands two dollar coin. Can you tell me if it was ever in circulation? Thanks. Marc

  40. 1966 Bahama Islands two dollar coin. Can you tell me if it was ever in circulation?

    They were initially released for circulation but from the few sources I've heard they stopped late the same year.

    Until 1970 the rest of the silver coinage were not meant to be circulated but had made there way into circulating through other ways.

  41. My husband has a Bahamas 50 dollar gold piece proof 1973 - do you know how much this would be worth now?

    Gill Chesney-Green

  42. Bahamas 50 dollar gold piece proof 1973

    If it is the one with the lobster it's about $175.00.

    If it is the one with the flamingos it's about $270.00.

  43. Thank you very much...and he's lucky - it's the one with the flamingos!

  44. a 1966 fifteen cent coin from the bahama islands with elizabeth the 2nd.
    how much is it worth?

  45. 1966 fifteen cent coin from the bahama islands

    About $1.00 in extra-fine.

  46. I have a fifteen cent 1969 Elizabeth II Bahama Island coin - do you know what it is worth?

  47. fifteen cent 1969 Elizabeth II Bahama Island coin

    About $0.20

  48. I have a 1974 Ten Dollar Silver Proof First Anniversary of Independence coin that was minted at the Franklin Mint. Any idea of the value?

  49. 1974 Ten Dollar Silver Proof First Anniversary of Independence coin

    About $32.50

  50. I have a ten dollar Jamaica, The RT. excellent George William Gordon national hero coin. Is it worth anything?

  51. ten dollar Jamaica, The RT. excellent George William Gordon national hero coin.

    About $1.50

  52. I have a one dollar coin similar to the ones at the top -- but different. On the obverse, there is a beautiful image of Elizabeth in the center. "Elizabeth II" is not at the bottom. "Elizabeth II" is on the left side. "Bahama Islands" is on the right side. On the reverse, there appears to be a conch shell in the center. Across the top is "ONE . DOLLAR . 1966"

  53. On the obverse, there is a beautiful image of Elizabeth in the center. "Elizabeth II" is not at the bottom. "Elizabeth II" is on the left side. "Bahama Islands" is on the right side. On the reverse, there appears to be a conch shell in the center. Across the top is "ONE . DOLLAR . 1966"

    This is normal for that year, it's about $10.00.

  54. I have a 1966 fifteen cent Bahama Islands coin with the top clipped off. Was someone trying to destroy this coin or was it on purpose? If have seen something like this on e-bay and they are calling it an error?

  55. 1966 fifteen cent Bahama Islands coin with the top clipped off.

    This may be an error called Clipped Planchet it generally bring $15 to $100.
    This error must be verified and graded to get the maximum value.

  56. Thank you so much for your quick response. I will take it over to the coin dealer for him to verify and grade. Very interesting!

  57. Any idea of the value of these individual coins and sets?

    $150 Gold BU 1975
    $150 Gold BU 1975
    $50-$100-$150-$200 Gold BU 1975
    $50-$100-$150-$200 Gold Proof 1975
    $100 Gold BU 1976
    $100 Gold Proof 1976
    $50-$100-$150-$200 Gold BU 1976
    $50-$100-$150-$200 Gold Proof 1976

  58. Assuming from Bahamas

    $150 Gold BU 1975 about $245.00
    $150 Gold BU 1975 about $245.00
    $50-$100-$150-$200 Gold BU 1975 about $800.00
    $50-$100-$150-$200 Gold Proof 1975 about $850.00
    $100 Gold BU 1976 about $160.00
    $100 Gold Proof 1976 about $165.00
    $50-$100-$150-$200 Gold BU 1976 about $800.00
    $50-$100-$150-$200 Gold Proof 1976 about $850.00

  59. Yes, all Bahamas.

    I appreciate very much your information.

    We're in the process of taking inventory of a collection that has been sitting around for decades.

    So, far, we've cataloged about 25% of it, and from that quarter we have additional coins from...

    Cook Islands
    British Virgin Islands
    Cook Islands
    Coop. Rep. of Guyana
    Fed. Of Malaysia
    Netherlands Antilles
    Papua New Guinea

    Would you have a suggestion as to where we could find values for those?


  60. Would you have a suggestion as to where we could find values for those?

    Because most of these will likely be proofs, sets, or special coins then they can't be found on any online site.
    Trying eBay may help on some values.

    What you need is the 1901-2000 World Coins book published by Krause even an older one is fine because it has pictures to identify non-circulating coins.

    If you have a list you can post somewhere online and I'll take a look.

  61. This list if pretty mangled within the confines of this box. This tho is pretty much the non-US coins we've listed so far.

    Panama 500 Balboa Gold BU 1975
    Panama 500 Balboa Gold BU 1975
    Panama 500 Balboa Gold Proof 1975
    Panama 500 Balboa Gold Proof 1976
    Panama 500 Balboa Gold Proof 1977
    Panama 500 Balboa Gold Proof 1978

    Panama 100 Balboa Gold BU 1975
    Panama 100 Balboa Gold Proof 1975
    Panama 100 Balboa Gold Proof 1976
    Panama 100 Balboa Gold Proof 1976

    Panama 150 Balboa Platinum Proof 1976

    Barbados $100 Gold BU 1975
    Barbados $100 Gold Proof 1975

    Belize $100 Gold BU 1975
    Belize $100 Gold BU 1975
    Belize $100 Gold Proof 1975
    Belize $100 Gold Proof 1976
    Belize $100 Gold Proof 1976
    Belize $100 Gold Proof 1977

    Bermuda $100 Gold BU 1975
    Bermuda $100 Gold Proof 1975

    British Virgin Islands $100 Gold BU 1975
    British Virgin Islands $100 Gold Proof 1975
    British Virgin Islands $100 Gold BU 1976
    British Virgin Islands $100 Gold Proof 1976

    Cook Islands $25 Silver Jubilee Proof 1977
    Cook Islands $100 Gold BU 1975
    Cook Islands $100 Gold Proof 1975
    Cook Islands $100 Gold Proof 1977
    Cook Islands $100 Gold QEII Jubilee Proof 1977
    Cook Isls $200 Gold James Cook Comm. Proof 1978

    Coop. Rep. of Guyana $100 Gold Proof 1976

    Fed. Of Malaysia 200 Ringgit BU 1976
    Fed. Of Malaysia 200 Ringgit BU 1976
    Fed. Of Malaysia 200 Ringgit Proof 1976

    Jamaica $100 Gold BU 1975
    Jamaica $100 Gold Proof 1975
    Jamaica $100 Gold Proof 1976

    Netherlands Antilles 25 Guilder Silver Proof 1976
    Netherlands Antilles 200 Guilder Gold Proof 1976
    Netherlands Antilles 200 Guilder Gold BU 1977
    Netherlands Antilles 200 Guilder Gold Proof 1977

    Papua New Guinea 100 Kina BU 1975
    Papua New Guinea 100 Kina Proof 1975
    Papua New Guinea 100 Kina Proof 1976
    Papua New Guinea 100 Kina BU 1977
    Papua New Guinea 100 Kina Proof 1977

    Trinidad & Tobago $100 Gold Proof 1976

  62. Panama 500 Balboa Gold BU 1975 about $1,500.00 there is a Matte finish worth twice as much.
    Panama 500 Balboa Gold BU 1975 about $1,500.00
    Panama 500 Balboa Gold Proof 1975 about $1,175.00
    Panama 500 Balboa Gold Proof 1976 about $1,175.00
    Panama 500 Balboa Gold Proof 1977 about $1,175.00
    Panama 500 Balboa Gold Proof 1978 about $1,175.00

    Panama 100 Balboa Gold BU 1975 about $225.00
    Panama 100 Balboa Gold Proof 1975 about $230.00
    Panama 100 Balboa Gold Proof 1976 about $230.00
    Panama 100 Balboa Gold Proof 1976 about $240.00 FDC

    Panama 150 Balboa Platinum Proof 1976 about $620.00

    Barbados $100 Gold BU 1975 about $100.00
    Barbados $100 Gold Proof 1975 about $110.00

    Belize $100 Gold BU 1975 about $120.00
    Belize $100 Gold BU 1975 about $200.00 if Matte
    Belize $100 Gold Proof 1975 about $110.00
    Belize $100 Gold Proof 1976 about $110.00
    Belize $100 Gold Proof 1976 about $110.00
    Belize $100 Gold Proof 1977 about $110.00

    Bermuda $100 Gold BU 1975 about $210.00
    Bermuda $100 Gold Proof 1975 about $220.00

    British Virgin Islands $100 Gold BU 1975 about $195.00
    British Virgin Islands $100 Gold Proof 1975 about $200.00
    British Virgin Islands $100 Gold BU 1976 about $195.00
    British Virgin Islands $100 Gold Proof 1976 about $200.00

    Cook Islands $25 Silver Jubilee Proof 1977 about $30.00
    Cook Islands $100 Gold BU 1975 about $275.00
    Cook Islands $100 Gold Proof 1975 about $270.00
    Cook Islands $100 Gold Proof 1977 about $270.00
    Cook Islands $100 Gold QEII Jubilee Proof 1977 about $2275.00
    Cook Isls $200 Gold James Cook Comm. Proof 1978 about $500.00

    Coop. Rep. of Guyana $100 Gold Proof 1976 about $90.00

    Fed. Of Malaysia 200 Ringgit BU 1976 about $200.00
    Fed. Of Malaysia 200 Ringgit BU 1976 about $200.00
    Fed. Of Malaysia 200 Ringgit Proof 1976 about $275.00

    Jamaica $100 Gold BU 1975 about $220.00
    Jamaica $100 Gold Proof 1975 about $225.00
    Jamaica $100 Gold Proof 1976 about $225.00

    Netherlands Antilles 25 Guilder Silver Proof 1976 about $45.00
    Netherlands Antilles 200 Guilder Gold Proof 1976 about $230.00
    Netherlands Antilles 200 Guilder Gold BU 1977 about $265.00
    Netherlands Antilles 200 Guilder Gold Proof 1977 about $230.00

    Papua New Guinea 100 Kina BU 1975 about $265.00
    Papua New Guinea 100 Kina Proof 1975 about $265.00
    Papua New Guinea 100 Kina Proof 1976 about $265.00
    Papua New Guinea 100 Kina BU 1977 about $265.00
    Papua New Guinea 100 Kina Proof 1977 about $265.00

    Trinidad & Tobago $100 Gold Proof 1976 about $70.00

    This is a great collection some may have a low mintage of 10 meaning never accept metal value because these are above bullion value. Same for insurance purposes some of these may be difficult to replace.

  63. Man, I really appreciate your help with this, and if you don't want to do anymore, I will completely understand, and feel nothing but gratitude for what you've done so far.

    I will post in case you're interested in how this entire collection unfolds.

    In addition to these, we're going to have a lot of American coins as well. Peace Dollars, some 1800 vintage halves and dollars, Carson Cities, etc.

    Today's yield.....

    Bahamas $5 Copper-Nickel BU 1976
    Bahamas $10 Indep. Day Silver Proof 1975
    Bahamas $10 Sterling Silver Proof 1977
    Bahamas $10 Sterling Silver Proof 1976
    Bahamas $2 Flamingo Day SS Coin Proof 1977

    Bahamas .01-.05-.10-.15-.25-.50-$1-$2-$5 Proof Set 1977

    Bahamas .01-.05-.10-.15-.25-.50-$1-$2-$5 BU Set 1977

    Bahamas .01-.05-.10-.15-.25-.50-$1-$2-$5 Proof Set 1976

    Bahamas .01-.05-.10-.15-.25-.50-$1-$2-$5 BU Set 1976

    Bahamas .01-.05-.10-.15-.25-.50-$1-$2-$5 Proof Set 1975

    Bahamas .01-.05-.10-.15-.25-.50-$1-$2-$5 BU Set 1975

    Barbados $10 Sterling Silver Proof 1975
    Barbados $10 Sterling Silver Proof 1976

    Bermuda $25 Sterling Silver Proof 1975

    Emirate of Fujairah Nixon 2 F. Riyals
    Silver 1970

    Emirate of Fujairah Nixon 25 F. Riyals Gold 1970

    Guyana .01-.05-.10-.25-.50-$1-$5-$10
    8 coin Proof set 1976

    Haiti - USA 1976
    Bicentennial Gold 1000 Gourdes Proof 1974

    Haiti - USA 1976 Bicentennial Gold
    25 Gourdes Proof 1974

    Jamaica Specimen Set
    .01-.05-.10-.25-.50-$1-$5-$10 BU 1976

    Jamaica Specimen Set
    .01-.05-.10-.25-.50-$1-$5-$10 BU 1977

    Jamaica $10 Sterling Silver Proof 1975
    Jamaica $10 Sterling Silver Proof 1976
    Jamaica $10 Sterling Silver Proof 1977

    Papua New Guinea
    1 Toea-2Toeas-5-10-20-1Kina-5Kina-10Kina BU Set 1975

    Papua New Guinea
    1 Toea-2Toeas-5-10-20-1Kina-5Kina-10Kina BU Set 1976

    Papua New Guinea 10 Kina Sterling Silver Proof 1975
    Papua New Guinea 10 Kina Sterling Silver Proof 1976

    Republic of the Philippines
    Proof Set 1976

    Republic of the Philippines
    50 Piso Sterling Silver
    Proof 1976

    Republica de Guinea Ecuatorial
    75 Pesetas Guineanas Silver 1970

    Republica de Guinea Ecuatorial
    500 Pesetas Guineanas Gold 1970

    Republique de Guinea JFK & RFK
    200 francs guineens Silver 1970

    Republique de Guinea JFK & RFK
    1000 francs guineens Gold 1970

    Republique de Guinea MLK
    100 francs guineens Silver 1970

    Trinidad & Tobago .01-.05-.10-.25-.50-$1-$5-$10 BU Set 1975

    Trinidad & Tobago .01-.05-.10-.25-.50-$1-$5-$10 Proof Set 1975

    Trinidad & Tobago .01-.05-.10-.25-.50-$1-$5-$10 BU Set 1976

    Trinidad & Tobago .01-.05-.10-.25-.50-$1-$5-$10 Proof Set 1976

    Trinidad & Tobago $10 Sterling Silver Proof 1975

    Trinidad & Tobago $10 Sterling Silver Proof 1976

    United Nations 5 Language Proof Set
    Issue #1-5 1976

    United Nations Medallic First Day Covers (5) 1976

    Franklin Mint Spec. Comm. Issues of 1976 1976

    Thanks Man,

  64. Not a problem it's nice to hear that these low-mintage coins are in good shape and still exist.

    Bahamas $5 Copper-Nickel BU 1976 about $10.00
    Bahamas $10 Indep. Day Silver Proof 1975 about $30.00
    Bahamas $10 Sterling Silver Proof 1977 about $35.00
    Bahamas $10 Sterling Silver Proof 1976 about $32.50
    Bahamas $2 Flamingo Day SS Coin Proof 1977 about $20.00

    Bahamas .01-.05-.10-.15-.25-.50-$1-$2-$5 Proof Set 1977 about $50.00

    Bahamas .01-.05-.10-.15-.25-.50-$1-$2-$5 BU Set 1977 about $75.00

    Bahamas .01-.05-.10-.15-.25-.50-$1-$2-$5 Proof Set 1976 about $42.50

    Bahamas .01-.05-.10-.15-.25-.50-$1-$2-$5 BU Set 1976 about $40.00

    Bahamas .01-.05-.10-.15-.25-.50-$1-$2-$5 Proof Set 1975 about $40.00

    Bahamas .01-.05-.10-.15-.25-.50-$1-$2-$5 BU Set 1975 about $35.00

    Barbados $10 Sterling Silver Proof 1975 about $22.50
    Barbados $10 Sterling Silver Proof 1976 about $25.00

    Bermuda $25 Sterling Silver Proof 1975 about $32.50

    Emirate of Fujairah Nixon 2 F. Riyals
    Silver 1970 about $30.00

    Emirate of Fujairah Nixon 25 F. Riyals Gold 1970 about $165.00

    Guyana .01-.05-.10-.25-.50-$1-$5-$10
    8 coin Proof set 1976 about $37.50

    Haiti - USA 1976
    Bicentennial Gold 1000 Gourdes Proof 1974 about $360.00

    Haiti - USA 1976 Bicentennial Gold
    25 Gourdes Proof 1974 about $45.00

    Jamaica Specimen Set
    .01-.05-.10-.25-.50-$1-$5-$10 BU 1976 are you sure this is an 8 coin set?

    Jamaica Specimen Set
    .01-.05-.10-.25-.50-$1-$5-$10 BU 1977 this should have the $0.20 cent coin. But I'll look in other places to see if this is just not listed.

    Jamaica $10 Sterling Silver Proof 1975 about $27.50
    Jamaica $10 Sterling Silver Proof 1976 about $17.50
    Jamaica $10 Sterling Silver Proof 1977 about $27.50

    Papua New Guinea
    1 Toea-2Toeas-5-10-20-1Kina-5Kina-10Kina BU Set 1975 about $22.50

    Papua New Guinea
    1 Toea-2Toeas-5-10-20-1Kina-5Kina-10Kina BU Set 1976 about $35.00

    Papua New Guinea 10 Kina Sterling Silver Proof 1975 about $10.00
    Papua New Guinea 10 Kina Sterling Silver Proof 1976 about $12.00

    Republic of the Philippines
    Proof Set 1976 about $30.00

    Republic of the Philippines
    50 Piso Sterling Silver
    Proof 1976 about $17.50

    Republica de Guinea Ecuatorial
    75 Pesetas Guineanas Silver 1970 about $21.50 but there are 8 version with different images on the front each slightly different values.

    Republica de Guinea Ecuatorial
    500 Pesetas Guineanas Gold 1970 about $200.00

    Republique de Guinea JFK & RFK
    200 francs guineens Silver 1970 about $20.00

    Republique de Guinea JFK & RFK
    1000 francs guineens Gold 1970 about $120.00

    Republique de Guinea MLK
    100 francs guineens Silver 1970 about $10.00

    Trinidad & Tobago .01-.05-.10-.25-.50-$1-$5-$10 BU Set 1975 about $20.00

    Trinidad & Tobago .01-.05-.10-.25-.50-$1-$5-$10 Proof Set 1975 about $22.00

    Trinidad & Tobago .01-.05-.10-.25-.50-$1-$5-$10 BU Set 1976 about $30.00

    Trinidad & Tobago .01-.05-.10-.25-.50-$1-$5-$10 Proof Set 1976 about $25.00

    Trinidad & Tobago $10 Sterling Silver Proof 1975 about $18.50

    Trinidad & Tobago $10 Sterling Silver Proof 1976 about $16.00

    United Nations 5 Language Proof Set
    Issue #1-5 1976, these are medals and are silver but I don't know the content but they sell for about $30.00.

    United Nations Medallic First Day Covers (5) 1976 about $25.00

    Franklin Mint Spec. Comm. Issues of 1976 1976 another medal about $10.00 but so many were made in 1976 they usually only have silver value.

  65. Hi Man,

    I think this about rounds out the foreign coin portion of this collection. I will mention that all of these have the original boxes, folders, sealed plastic, whatever they were issued in. All of the COA's, papers, etc., are intact also.

    Is there some standard grading for sealed coins? For example we have a number of Carson City Dollars in the original packaging, labeled BU. Not real sure about the brilliant part, as I've looked at hundreds of different coins this week.

    Anyway, would that rate an MS64 as they were minted, sealed and tucked away never meant for circulation?

    This is the hardest part of trying to assess all of this, and is going to make the US coins the most difficult.

    Proof Set 1975

    Proof Set 1976

    BU Set 1975

    BU Set 1976

    Proof Set 1974

    British Virgin Islands
    BU Set 1975

    British Virgin Islands
    BU Set 1976

    British Virgin Islands
    Proof Set 1975

    British Virgin Islands
    Proof Set 1976

    British Virgin Islands Royal Silver Jubilee Set
    .01-.05-.10-.25-.50-$1 Proof Set 1977

    Jamaica Specimen Set
    BU 1976

    Jamaica Specimen Set
    BU 1977

    BU Set 1975

    Proof Set 1975

    Proof Set 1977

    1 Balboa 5 Balboa 20 Balboa
    Proof Set 1975

    1 Balboa-5 Balboa 20 Balboa
    Proof Set 1976

    Papua New Guinea
    1 Toea-2-5-10-25
    Proof Set 1975

    Thanks again, and if you know anyone involved with stamps, we have a ton of them as well.

  66. Is there some standard grading for sealed coins?
    No grading coins involves breaking them out there package.

    Carson City Dollars in the original packaging, labeled BU
    These are true original packaging but for these types the package adds no value.

    Trying to find value of US coins is difficult even with a grading book so it's fine to assume a lower grade. The collection you listed is great I assume the US coins are also great and at the end if you decide to sell a higher auction site like Heritage could help. They even deal in stamps.

    I don't know any good stamp sites, sorry. Try a forum.

    Proof Set 1975 about $30.00

    Proof Set 1976 about $30.00

    BU Set 1975 about $22.50

    BU Set 1976 about $30.00

    Proof Set 1974 about $18.00

    British Virgin Islands
    BU Set 1975 about $8.50

    British Virgin Islands
    BU Set 1976 about $10.00

    British Virgin Islands
    Proof Set 1975 about $18.50

    British Virgin Islands
    Proof Set 1976 about $18.50

    British Virgin Islands Royal Silver Jubilee Set
    .01-.05-.10-.25-.50-$1 Proof Set 1977 about $40.00

    Jamaica Specimen Set
    BU 1976 about $30.00

    Jamaica Specimen Set
    BU 1977 about $30.00

    BU Set 1975 about $20.00

    Proof Set 1975 about $40.00

    Proof Set 1977 about $35.00

    1 Balboa 5 Balboa 20 Balboa
    Proof Set 1975 about $85.00

    1 Balboa-5 Balboa 20 Balboa
    Proof Set 1976 about $95.00

    Papua New Guinea
    1 Toea-2-5-10-25
    Proof Set 1975 about $27.50

  67. Well, I think we now have a pretty good idea of what we have. Still a lot of self educating to do in order to approach this from some sort of intelligent position, so we're diving into the books.

    Do you have an opinion on the software, Coin Manage?

    I cannot thank you enough for your willingness to dig out this great amount of information. This has really given us a baseline to work from in a lot less time than I think we could have accomplished on our own.

    I will monitor your blog to stay in touch. If an opportunity presents for me to return the favor, I will look forward to it.

  68. opinion on the software, Coin Manage?
    From what I here it is a fine software but I'm really old fashioned using ledger books and pencils.

    The Jamaican Specimen Sets are listed as 9-coin proofs but that should not change the value much.

    Thanks for kind words.

  69. The Jamaican Specimen Sets are listed as 9-coin proofs...

    I need to revisit, at some point, these sets. I spent last night going through the US coins and sets resolving a number of question marks there as well.

    Soon, I'm going to look back at your posts and resolve the issues we had there.

  70. I need to revisit, at some point, these sets.
    Not a big issue it could just be a name thing with Proof/Specimen.

    The Matte sets maybe be something more to look into.

  71. hi, I have a 7 piece coin set: the Bahamas quincetennial 1492 discovery 1992. i would like to know the value of it please to email me at ************** the set includes common obverse,fifty cents, one dollar, fifteen cents, ten cents, five cents, one cent and twenty-five cents.

  72. 7 piece coin set: the Bahamas quincetennial 1492 discovery 1992

    About $30.00

  73. Hi Man,

    Would you happen to know an on line source to derive the total weight and the AWG for gold coins?

    Mostly from the Caribbean, some from the South Pacific.

  74. Would you happen to know an on line source to derive the total weight and the AWG for gold coins?

    Mostly from the Caribbean, some from the South Pacific.

    Unfortunately none.
    You'll need the World Coin Book or just list them here and I can help.

  75. Thanks,

    I found a few (weights) at Tax Free Gold, but the remaining list is long.

    The list is actually posted above, the same you found the values for.

    Please don't trouble yourself with this tho. You have provided more than enough help and information already, and I did not post this to impose on you for more.

    I'll run over to the library tomorrow and hit the World book. I just thought if there was an online reference, I could do them tonight.

    Thank you very much again for all of your previous help, it really did help out a lot.

  76. I just thought if there was an online reference,

    If there was I would post it or if I were smarter I would start my own list but...
    I did not know of Tax Free Gold it is new to me.

    Still I can list them with not much of a bother.
    Since it has been a long time since I found anything good to post.
    I'll post weight(g) purity(Gold) and AGW(oz)

    For proof and BU they don't change.
    Bahamas 1975-1976
    $50 2.73g 0.917Gold 0.0805oz
    $100 5.46g 0.917Gold 0.1610oz
    $150 8.19g 0.917Gold 0.2414oz
    $200 10.92g 0.917Gold 0.3219oz

    Panama 500 Balboa Gold BU 1975-1979 41.7g 0.900Gold 1.2066oz
    Panama 100 Balboa Gold BU 1975-1980 8.16g 0.900Gold 0.2361oz
    Panama 150 Balboa Platinum Proof 1976 9.30g 0.9990Plat. 0.2987oz(APW)

    Barbados $100 Gold BU 1975 6.21g 0.500Gold 0.0998oz

    Belize $100 Gold BU 1975-1979 6.21g 0.500Gold 0.0998oz

    Bermuda $100 Gold BU 1975 7.03g 0.900Gold 0.2034oz

    British Virgin Islands $100 Gold All 1975-1982 7.10g 0.900Gold 0.2054oz

    Cook Islands $25 Silver Jubilee Proof 1977 48.85g 0.925Silver 1.4527oz(ASW)
    Cook Islands $100 Gold BU 1975-1979 9.60g 0.900Gold 0.2778oz
    Cook Islands $200 Gold James Cook Comm. Proof 1978-79 16.60g 0.900Gold 0.4803oz

    Coop. Rep. of Guyana $100 Gold Proof 1976 5.74g 0.500Gold 0.0923oz

    Fed. Of Malaysia 200 Ringgit BU 1976 7.30g 0.900Gold 0.2112oz

    Jamaica $100 Gold All 1975-76 7.83g 0.900Gold 0.2266oz

    Netherlands Antilles 25 Guilder Silver Proof 1976-77 42.12g 0.925Silver 1.2526oz(ASW)
    Netherlands Antilles 200 Guilder Gold All 1976-77 7.95g 0.900Gold 0.2300oz

    Papua New Guinea 100 Kina BU 1975-79 9.57g 0.900Gold 0.2769oz

    Trinidad & Tobago $100 Gold Proof 1976-82 6.21g 0.500Gold 0.0998oz

  77. I use Excel and it took less than 10 minutes If I missed any just let me know.

    Republica de Guinea Ecuatorial
    75 Pesetas Guineanas Silver 1970 15.00g 0.999Silver 0.4818oz(ASW)

    Republica de Guinea Ecuatorial
    500 Pesetas Guineanas Gold 1970 7.05g 0.900Gold 0.2040oz

    Republique de Guinea JFK & RFK
    200 francs guineens Silver 1970 11.70g 0.999Silver 0.3758oz(ASW)

    Republique de Guinea JFK & RFK
    1000 francs guineens Gold 1970 4.00g 0.900Gold 0.1157oz

    Copy and paste into Excel to read it better if you wish.

  78. Yes, Excel is my weapon of choice.

    Got anything for these?

    25 F Riyals Emirate Fujairah

    1000 Gourdes Haiti

    25 Gourdes Haiti

    I thank you again, and if I can help you with anything, let me know.

    I'm photographing these coins, could you use any of those for anything?

  79. 25 F Riyals Emirate Fujairah
    5.18g 0.900Gold 0.1499oz AGW

    1000 Gourdes Haiti
    13.0g 0.900Gold 0.3761oz AGW

    25 Gourdes Haiti
    8.375g 0.925Gold 0.2491oz AGW

    Thanks I would like to see the
    Jamaica Specimen Set or the Panama 500 Balboa Gold BU 1975 but it is not necessary.
    Just drop a link from a free photo site or where ever you choose to display them. Again only if it's not too much problem.

  80. Thanks Man,

    I haven't shot the Specimen Set yet, but will post it for you when I do.

    You can see the 1975 Balboa at the following link.

    I had posted there earlier with some image questions, so I just tagged them onto the end of that.

    I have to make each image less than 100k to post it there, so it loses a little something.

    And, just thought I'd mention the 'Numismaniac' link on your page, is a dead link.

  81. 1975 Balboa at the following link.

    That is a great coin less 3,000 made for the 1976 it is better than the image in the book which is black/white.

    Thanks for the dead link notice, I haven't kept up maintenance.

  82. Would the Bahama Islands 1971 - 5 dollar Silver Coin be worth anything?

  83. better than the image in the book which is black/white.

    ...and that's about all it's better than. This is my first attempt a getting images of these coins.

    Yours, at the top of this page are beautiful.

    I'm going to try a different lighting setup next. Looks like you bottom lit yours, for a great effect.

  84. Bahama Islands 1971 - 5 dollar Silver Coin

    About $25.00

  85. Yours, at the top of this page are beautiful.

    I'm going to try a different lighting setup next. Looks like you bottom lit yours, for a great effect.

    I used a scanner for those proofs because even with a coin forum helps my camera setup was bad.

    Apparently you need a two light set up and a black background plus a steady stand.
    It got complicated so I just scan them.

  86. Our scanner results are hit and miss. All of these being in plastic hampers that effort a bit.

    I have a camera stand, so that takes care of the steady hand thing. I use a black base with three lights.

    I still have to use white poster board, and sheets of paper placed strategically to get the right diffusion and something for the coin to reflect.

    Like you said, it gets complicated.

  87. I have a 1973 9 piece proof set of THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMA ISLANDS minted by THE FRANKLIN MINT. This set includes 5,2,&1 dollar coins along with 50,25,15,10,5,&1 cent coins; All of which I believe to be mirror silver, with the exception of the 1 cent coin. I also have a 1973 COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS- STERLING SILVER PROOF-INDEPENDENCE 10 DOLLAR COIN also from THE FRANKLIN MINT. Could you please tell me how much this beautiful set is worth?

  88. 1973 9 piece proof set of THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMA ISLANDS
    About $35.00

    About $32.50

  89. Approximately how much would it cost to buy a proof Bahamas 1972 gold 4-coin specimen set: $10, $20, $50, $100? Last set issued before independence from Britain.

  90. proof Bahamas 1972 gold 4-coin specimen set: $10, $20, $50, $100?

    In the original package it's about $900.00.

    Of the few sales I've seen over the last year it has been without the package and $750.00 and $1,000.00 for repackaged slab(can't remember the grade).

    Last year the prices went high with the gold prices now they're settling down but it has been months since I've seen a sale of older Bahamas Gold Sets.

  91. I have a Bermuda 1975 $100 gold coin commemorating Queen Elizabethh II royal visit. On the front is Queen Elizabeth and on the back there is a scepter connecting two emblems. It also says '900/1000 fine gold' in small print. It's in mint condition. How much would that be worth?

  92. Bermuda 1975 $100 gold coin commemorating Queen Elizabethh II royal visit

    About $210.00

  93. Hi Man,

    Ghost here with a follow up question.

    I don't think I mentioned that this list of coins you have been very helpful with are First Day Issue, all in their certified envelops and folders with seals intact.

    Does that make any significant difference in the value?


  94. First Day Issue, all in their certified envelops and folders with seals intact.

    Barely. Most collectors see First Day Issues as a scam, since what is truly wanted are coins that are perfect and unblemished.

    That said they still pay 1-10% extra for first day issues.

  95. What is value of boxed set of 4 gold coins issued 1974, $50, $100, $150, $200, in original case.
    What is the market for this?

  96. Hi,
    previous posting asking about 4 gold coins issued 1974 are from Bahamas. in original case with documentation, $50,$100, $150 and $200 Independence gold coins
    22 carat
    what is value and where is market for sale?

  97. 4 gold coins issued 1974 are from Bahamas. in original case with documentation, $50,$100, $150 and $200

    About $575.00 it is gold so virtually everywhere will be good to sell.
    Places like Ebay or Heritage are good auction sites.
    If you can find a local dealer then expect to sell in person for about $500.
    A private sale on a coin forum can get a good price with less hassle.

  98. Thanks for the speedy answer too above question,

  99. Hi Man,

    Just wanted to thank you for the last piece of information regarding First Day Issue.

  100. Hi Man

    I recently purchased a silver morgan dollar 1880 (s) but seem to get varying valuations, what would you consider it to be valued at.

    Thanks in advance

    Alan - Wales

  101. silver morgan dollar 1880 (s)

    About $22.00 in very-fine.

  102. Hi Man
    Looking for a value on a 1969 Russian Ruble (1r) equals 100 kopecks, garland shieves of wheat around a rising sun surround the hammer and sickel. with a stamp issued to publicize the 4th Congress for the study of Volatile Oils in Moscow, red roses and carbon rings first day issue 02-25-69...Thank You

  103. 1969 Russian Ruble (1r) equals 100 kopecks, garland shieves of wheat around a rising sun surround the hammer and sickel. with a stamp issued to publicize the 4th Congress for the study of Volatile Oils in Moscow, red roses and carbon rings first day issue 02-25-69

    About $3.00

  104. mike the digger10:20 AM, May 07, 2009

    hi, i have a 1978 franklin mint proof set of bahamas coins,with box and papers intact also a 1978 $2 flamingo coin in plastic holder untouched in box with paperwork intact any idea of the worth ? I'm liquidating my collection thanks mike

  105. 1978 franklin mint proof set of bahamas coins,with box and papers intact
    About $55.00

    1978 $2 flamingo coin in plastic holder untouched in box with paperwork intact
    About $25.00

  106. mike the digger10:09 AM, May 08, 2009

    Thanks Man, maybe i can throw them in with the collection to seal a deal ! cya

  107. I have a "The United States Constitution Founding Fathers Proof Set" in a blue velvet box. There are eight coins and they look like gold. The coins are Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, George Washington, Gouverneur Morris, Thomas Jefferson, Independence Hall, and Original Thirteen Colonies. Dated 1776 to 1987. Are they gold and what is there worth? Thank you!!

  108. I have two sets of 1970 Bahama Islands coin-of-the-realm set. One is in a red case with a certificate of Authenticity, the coins show some tarnish. the other is in a cardboard display, showing both side of coins all are untarnished except the two dollar piece where a crack has some tarnish on the coin. the pieces in each set are: one cent, five cent, ten cents, fifteen cents, twenty five cents, fifty cents, one dollar, two dollars, five dollars. Nine coins in each set. Can you tell me their worth? Thank you very much.

  109. I have a 1973 $50 gold coin with a lobster on the back, with the brown proof case. Can you tell me what this is worth?

    Thanks! :)

  110. "The United States Constitution Founding Fathers Proof Set" in a blue velvet box. There are eight coins and they look like gold.

    These are fakes coins made by a private mint and I think it is just gold-plated or gold colored. Either way they have no coin value and generally sell for about $20.00 for the entire box-set.

  111. 1970 Bahama Islands coin-of-the-realm set

    About $20.00.

  112. 1973 $50 gold coin with a lobster on the back, with the brown proof case.

    About $175.00

  113. I have 2 1976 $100 coins. 22ct. gold. flamingos one side, queen I guess on the other. Any ideas

  114. 1976 $100 coins. 22ct. gold. flamingos one side, queen I guess on the other.

    About $160.00

  115. Hi,

    I've got a 1969 Bahamas Proof set from Royal Mint (9 Coins from .01 to $5) still in the plastic with box and original card. Could you tell me if they're silver and the approximate value? Thanks!

  116. 1969 Bahamas Proof set from Royal Mint (9 Coins from .01 to $5) still in the plastic with box and original card.

    50 cents and above are silver the package is about $30.00 if uncirculated. They tend to get spots over time but if they are spot free it may double the value.

  117. Thanks so much for the quick informative answer. Guess I'll keep the set to look at for now - they have no spots and are neat looking, especially the Flamingo coin.

  118. I have the Cook Islands $100 gold coin with Queen Elizabeth issued in 1977, 25th anniversary along with the $1.00 Stamp. Does having the stamp along with the coin add value to the collection? It is FDC issue? My grandmother had this and now I have it and she has passed away.

  119. Cook Islands $100 gold coin with Queen Elizabeth issued in 1977, 25th anniversary along with the $1.00 Stamp.
    Just for the coin about $275.00.

    Does having the stamp along with the coin add value to the collection?
    I'm not into stamps but these sets usually do add a few dollars to the overall value.

    It is FDC issue?
    I'm not sure.

  120. It is First Day Cover Issue. In a blue case. Regardless of the price it is very exciting. How does one know where to go to get an actual value on such things, even stamps. And thanks for the quick response.

  121. "It is First Day Cover Issue

    This is more of a novelty and this would be sold as a coin collectible. Most buyer would rip out the coin for grading and sell the stamp for $3.00.

    A little research shows the stamp is common and worth at most $3.00, it is a FDC issue.

    With packaging your set is at most $300.00.

    The value depends on the collector. It has no set value it depends on the auction.

    Ebay is the best place to check for price, now 4 are being auctioned from $369-$399, but none have been sold meaning they are overpriced.

  122. HI
    I have a 1974 Coins of the Bahamas
    Uncirculated specimen set ( Franklin Mint).
    any silver content?
    and what is the difference with the proof set ?
    and why different issues ( confusing )?

    Thank you


  123. 1974 Coins of the Bahamas
    Uncirculated specimen set ( Franklin Mint).

    About $32.00

    any silver content?
    No silver content, all copper-nickel.

    what is the difference with the proof set ?
    The proof set has a mirror finish. Plus it contains the silver version of the coins.

    why different issues ( confusing )?
    For collectors.

  124. HI! I have a 1969 one cent Bahamas coin in great condition (with Q.E. II and the star fish). Can you tell me how much t's worth?

    Ps-Also I have many (and I mean MANY) coins whose value I need to to know soon. Do you think you can help me? If so email me at ******_******

  125. 1969 one cent Bahamas coin in great condition

    About $0.10

    Do you think you can help me?

    Yes, put the list anywhere in the comments since I rarely check the email.

  126. hi

    re Louis ( june 28 )specimen coin:

    What about the july 10th 1975 , 2nd anniversary of independence Bahamas , one hundred dollar specimen coin .
    There is one on e-bay advertised as
    18.1045g of 500/1000 Fine gold for an AGW of 0.291...
    Is it really gold ?


  127. What about the july 10th 1975 , 2nd anniversary of independence Bahamas , one hundred dollar specimen coin .
    There is one on e-bay advertised as
    18.1045g of 500/1000 Fine gold for an AGW of 0.291...
    Is it really gold ?

    Yes it is real gold.
    50% gold the remainder is likely silver or copper. It is about $290.00.

  128. you post: april 7th 2009:

    $100 5.46g 0.917 Gold 0.1610oz

    two 100$ gold coin issue in 1995 with different gold content?

  129. april 7th 2009:
    $100 5.46g 0.917 Gold 0.1610oz
    two 100$ gold coin issue in 1995 with different gold content?

    For that issue I was talking about a 1975 not 1995.

    1995 no golds were issued.

    In 1975 two types did exist.
    $100 5.46g 0.917 Gold 0.1610oz flamingos
    $100 18.01g 0.500 Gold 0.2896oz parrot

  130. i have a 1975 bahamas 100 dollar SPECIMEN coin that i believe has gold content. the mint card does not state gold anywhere however. there is a parrot like bird on one side and the bahamas symbol with a fish and flamingo on the other. any idea of the agw? thanks, ed.

  131. 1975 bahamas 100 dollar SPECIMEN coin that i believe has gold content. the mint card does not state gold anywhere however. there is a parrot like bird on one side and the bahamas symbol with a fish and flamingo on the other. any idea of the agw?

    This is Independence Anniversary coin it has...
    0.5000 Gold
    0.2896 oz AGW
    It's about $300.00.

  132. Greetings Man,
    I have a 1973 Coins of the Bahamas, uncirculated specimen set struck by the Franklin Mint that looks like it is in near perfect condition. Can you tell me how much this is worth?
    Much appreciated,

  133. 1973 Coins of the Bahamas, uncirculated specimen set struck by the Franklin Mint that looks like it is in near perfect condition.

    About $30.00 if it's the 9 piece set.

  134. Hi!
    I have a 1984 25 centimo Bahamas coin with the Graphium Idaeoides butterfly design. Proof like.
    Can you tell me what it's worth?

    Rach C.

  135. 1984 25 centimo Bahamas coin with the Graphium Idaeoides butterfly design. Proof like.

    What you are describing is a Philippines 25 Sentimo and in high grade is about $2.00.

    It should say REUBLIKA NG PILIPINAS on the front.

    If not take a picture of both sides and put a link of it in these comments.

  136. I have a set of three Bahamas $100 gold coins, dated 1987, 1988 and 1989. All three coins are in proof condition and are still in the plastic cases and presentation boxes.

  137. Sorry, should have clearly stated in my previous post that I would appreciate your help in establishing a value for the three coins. Thank you so much for your help!

  138. All three coins are in proof condition and are still in the plastic cases and presentation boxes.

    Bahamas $100 gold coins
    1987 about $200.00
    1988 about $200.00
    1989 about $195.00

    The 1987 and 1988 have a mintage of 849 and 854 respectively which makes them somewhat rare so I don't have full auctions values to draw from.
    I gave the lowest possible value.

  139. Hi

    There are some listings on eBay for 4 bahamas gold coin (Item number: 370238091194 and 3 more from same seller ).
    On each coins there are 2 different dates , 1974 on the front - 1973 on the back .
    No mistake from seller , says that is so
    What do you make of it?
    Thank you. Louis

  140. 4 bahamas gold coin...On each coins there are 2 different dates , 1974 on the front - 1973 on the back

    It is listed correctly.

    From 1974 to 1977 these $50 dollar gold dove coins had 1973 on the front and the real date on the back.

    It's about $80.00.

  141. Wait the 1973 Bahamas 150 Dollars is listed incorrectly it should be a 1974.

  142. Unless I missed it reading your very impressive answers, I would like to know the first year the Bahamas put the coat of arms on their coins. I know it was due to declaring independence in 1973. But were the coins struck in 1973 or 1974? Thanks for the information.

  143. were the coins struck in 1973 or 1974?


    1973 is part of the design not the date they were struck.

    It is like America's 1776-1976 coins.
    Made in 1976 but with the independence date of 1776.

  144. I have two 1973 Bahamas Sterling Silver $10 coins in good and mint condition. Can you tell me the silver content or coin wieght and the estimated value of these coins.

  145. 1973 Bahamas Sterling Silver $10 coins in good and mint condition. Can you tell me the silver content or coin wieght and the estimated value of these coins.

    There are two versions:
    Proof with a mirror-like finish.
    Uncirculated with a regular coin appearance.

    Both weigh 49.75 grams.
    Both are 92.5% silver at 1.4795 oz ASW.
    Both are about $32.50.
    Both are Franklin Mint issues.

    Uncirculated mintage: 28,000
    Proof mintage: 63,000

  146. i live in the bahamas and is got a 1969 coin from the movies and i was wonderin how much it was worth

  147. bahamas and is got a 1969 coin

    What denomination?

  148. Hi. I have a 1969 bahamas coin $5 with Elizabeth II face and words on front with coat of arms on back in mint condition. I was wondering how much it is worth

  149. 1969 bahamas coin $5 with Elizabeth II face and words on front with coat of arms on back in mint condition.

    About $25.00

  150. Have a Frankln Mint Two-Dollar Flamingo Day Coin (sterling silver proof) w/certificate of authenticity dated Aug. 2, 1974 minted for Commonwealth of Bahamas. Want to sell it. What is likely value? Where/how to best sell it?

  151. Frankln Mint Two-Dollar Flamingo Day Coin (sterling silver proof) w/certificate of authenticity dated Aug. 2, 1974 minted for Commonwealth of Bahamas

    These are very common and sell for about $18.50.

    Since they are so common lots of place buy them based on silver value of about $13.00.

    Your best bet is eBay.

  152. I have a set in perfect condition in box of 1984 Commonwealth of The Bahamas proof set minted at the franklin mint.... can you give me your idea of value please.

  153. set in perfect condition in box of 1984 Commonwealth of The Bahamas proof set

    About $60.00

  154. I have a complete 25 piece set of $20 (face value) silver proofs 1985 Virgin Islands Teasure Coins of the Carribean. Perefect condition in original felt lined case. Could you give me an idea what the value is?

  155. complete 25 piece set of $20 (face value) silver proofs 1985 Virgin Islands Teasure Coins of the Carribean. Perefect condition in original felt lined case.

    As far as I know the Virgin Island Proof sets for 1985 totaled 12 pieces for about $185.00.

    You may have an unofficial set that may be worth more or less depending on what is there.

  156. Hello,

    The Government of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas presented my wife with a $25 silver coin in 1985 in appreciation for her environmental work there. It has a coat of arms on one side and 2 flamingos on the other. It is in it's original presentation case. We'd appreciate learning what it might be worth.

    Thank you!

  157. The Government of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas presented my wife with a $25 silver coin in 1985 in appreciation for her environmental work there. It has a coat of arms on one side and 2 flamingos on the other. It is in it's original presentation case.

    The coin itself is about $85.00 only 1,000 were made.

    But this one maybe worth more as a collection if you had photos, newspaper articles, a plaque or certificate of her achievement and if it was presented by a high ranking official.

    Still unless Queen herself presented the coin or your wife is famous then any extra value above $85 would be small.

  158. Super--thank you so much for this information. We appreciate your sharing your knowledge so generously.

  159. I have a (proof coin) 22 carat gold coin 150 Bahamian dollars minting year 1975. What is it worth. Front has Elizabeth II 1973, back has lobster 1975.

  160. (proof coin) 22 carat gold coin 150 Bahamian dollars minting year 1975

    About $240.00

  161. I have an uncirculated specimen set from the Franklin mint. It's an eight piece set ranging from one cent to a $10 silver...

  162. uncirculated specimen set from the Franklin mint. It's an eight piece set ranging from one cent to a $10 silver...

    What year?

  163. I'm thinking about buying a 1974 Bahamas $150 lobster gold coin. What is it worth in uncirculated condition? Great resource your site is.

  164. 1974 Bahamas $150 lobster gold coin. What is it worth in uncirculated condition?

    Fair prices are about $250.00 maybe a little more if certified MS-60.

  165. I have a $5 coin. It say 'Commonwealth of the Bahamas Island Elizabeth II' in a circle on the front surrounding a potrait of Elizabeth the II. On the back it says 'Five dollars 1972' over what looks like a coat of arms. It appears to be 45 MM in diameter in a clear plastic case. Looks to be silver. Is it? If so how pure? What is it worth?

  166. $5 coin. It say 'Commonwealth of the Bahamas Island Elizabeth II' in a circle on the front surrounding a potrait of Elizabeth the II. On the back it says 'Five dollars 1972' over what looks like a coat of arms. It appears to be 45 MM in diameter in a clear plastic case. Looks to be silver. Is it? If so how pure?

    It is 92.5% silver it's about $25.00.

  167. I have a 1988 Bahama coin. On the front is Queen Elizebeth ll and says "Commonwealth Of The Bahamas. On the back is San Salvador. Mint condition. Can you tell me the value?

  168. 1988 Bahama coin. On the front is Queen Elizebeth ll and says "Commonwealth Of The Bahamas. On the back is San Salvador. Mint condition.

    What denomination?

  169. $10.00. I apologize for not inculding that.

  170. 1988 Bahama coin. On the front is Queen Elizebeth ll and says "Commonwealth Of The Bahamas. On the back is San Salvador. Mint condition...$10.00

    About $35.00 it is silver 92.5% pure.

  171. Thanks for your help in advance. You are a kind individual.
    I have a 1980 10yr anniv. Bahamas/Caribbean Development Bank $10 proof. I just would like to know, or make sure, that it is silver in content. I guess value would be nice as well. Thanks again!

  172. 1980 10yr anniv. Bahamas/Caribbean Development Bank $10 proof. I just would like to know, or make sure, that it is silver in content.

    50% Silver
    0.4867 oz. ASW
    About $25.00

  173. I have a set I have not been able to find information about. It is from 1972, $20 and $10 gold coins in a brown leather case. It says Commonwealth of the Bahama Islands inside the case with a crest in the outside. Lighthouse on the $20 coin and building with two palm trees on the $10 coin. Do you know it's value or gold content?

  174. Wow, there is so much information on this site. Thanks for your efforts.

    I have several items and would greatly appreciate information regarding their value.

    -Commonwealth of the Bahamas Sterling Silver Proof-Independence Ten Dollar Coin, 10 July, 1973

    -Cook Islands 20th anniversary of Elizabeth II coronation two dollar coin. Appears to be sterling silver proof. 1973

    -Uncirculated 1966 Canadian silver dollar

    -Two Franklin Mint medals from 1967. One is the "Peace Medal" and the other is "Christmas Carolers". Both are uncirculated.

    Your help is greatly appreciated.

    Longshots in Tennessee

  175. I'm interested in buying a 1975 matte finish 1975 ten dollar Belize coin. The guide says there were only 117 made. Are there any counterfeits being made? What are they worth? thanks in advance,

  176. 1972, $20 and $10 gold coins in a brown leather case. It says Commonwealth of the Bahama Islands inside the case with a crest in the outside. Lighthouse on the $20 coin and building with two palm trees on the $10 coin.

    These sound like the proof coins.
    $20 1972 is 91.7% Gold 0.1910 oz. AGW it's about $200.00.
    $10 1972 is 91.7% Gold 0.0942 oz. AGW it's about $110.00.

  177. -Commonwealth of the Bahamas Sterling Silver Proof-Independence Ten Dollar Coin, 10 July, 1973
    About $37.50

    -Cook Islands 20th anniversary of Elizabeth II coronation two dollar coin. Appears to be sterling silver proof. 1973
    About $17.50 yes 92.5% silver.

    -Uncirculated 1966 Canadian silver dollar
    About $11.00

    -Two Franklin Mint medals from 1967. One is the "Peace Medal" and the other is "Christmas Carolers". Both are uncirculated.
    About $20.00 but that depends on silver content and weight but these sound like average silver 1 ounce rounds.

  178. 1975 matte finish 1975 ten dollar Belize coin. The guide says there were only 117 made. Are there any counterfeits being made? What are they worth?

    Yes there are fakes mostly from China. They are actually very convincing.

    They are about $40.00 but last time I saw one on sale was years ago it was $65 and ungraded. I have not seen any more on sale so be careful if the shipping is from China.

  179. Regarding the 1975 matte finish Belize ten dollar, what is an authentic worth? And how can you tell the difference from the fakes?

  180. I have a gold coin which has Queen Elizabeth the second on one side and christopher columus on the other side. Its a $500 dollor coin. Dated 1492-1992. can you help with the value.

  181. 1975 matte finish Belize ten dollar, what is an authentic worth?
    About $40.00

    And how can you tell the difference from the fakes?
    Most cast fakes have tiny drops of extra metal around the rim and on the field of the coin.

  182. gold coin which has Queen Elizabeth the second on one side and christopher columus on the other side. Its a $500 dollor coin. Dated 1492-1992.

    I never heard of this did you mean $5 or from another country?

  183. My 1981 world coins guide said that the 1975 matte finish ten dollar belize coin was worth $175 XF and 250 UNC. Did something happen between then and now on the value of these coins? Only 117 made.

  184. 1981 world coins guide said that the 1975 matte finish ten dollar belize coin was worth $175 XF and 250 UNC. Did something happen between then and now on the value of these coins?

    Recent World Book Prices $10 Belize 1975(Matte)
    2000 XF=$12.50 UNC=$45.00
    2003 XF=$12.50 UNC=$45.00
    2004 XF=$12.50 UNC=$45.00
    2005 XF=$5.00 UNC=$22.50
    2006 XF=$12.50 UNC=$45.00
    2007 XF=$12.50 UNC=$45.00
    2008 XF=$12.50 UNC=$45.00
    2009 XF=$12.50 UNC=$45.00
    2010 XF=$12.50 UNC=$45.00

    Starting in 2006 they adjusted the categories to add BU at $55.00.
    The reason is although they are low mintage all of survived and most have been graded.
    They all graded very high BU or above so they lost most of their value.

    If you grade yours and it grades VF or less the others will become more valuable.
    If your grades BU or better the value may even lower.

    Unless Perfect-70 it would not be worth much, for now.

  185. To add something...
    today low mintage for non-U.S. coins is 10 or less.
    More than 100 only adds a slight premium.

  186. I have 1 20$ gold coin Bahamas, 1973, Indpendence with flamingos.
    3 100$ gold coin Bahamas, 1973, independence, with coat of arms.
    What are they worth. I appreciate your answer. Thank you

  187. what would a 1992,1991 & 1990 $100.00 gold Discovery of the New World coins (6.5 grams) from the Bahamas be valued at
    Thanks in advance

  188. 20$ gold coin Bahamas, 1973, Indpendence with flamingos
    About $55.00

    100$ gold coin Bahamas, 1973, independence, with coat of arms.
    About $275.00

    For each their are two versions:
    One that says .585 fine
    One that does not
    I listed the value for the first about 50% if no ".585 fine" anywhere on the coin.

  189. Whoops I meant 50% more valuable.

  190. $100.00 gold Discovery of the New World coins (6.5 grams) from the Bahamas
    1992 about $200.00
    1991 about $250.00
    1990 about $250.00

  191. Hi. I have a Two-Dollar Flamingo Coin (Obverse is the National Coat of Arms) of the Bahamas, dated 1974. It's in a plastic baggie with a Franklin Mint explanatory flyer that says "UNCIRCULATED SPECIMEN." But the holder the coin is in says "STERLING SILVER PROOF." Any idea about the appararent discrepancy (is it proof or UNC? --looks PROOF to me), the silver content of the coin, and its current value. TIA. Armin

  192. Two-Dollar Flamingo Coin (Obverse is the National Coat of Arms) of the Bahamas, dated 1974. It's in a plastic baggie with a Franklin Mint explanatory flyer that says "UNCIRCULATED SPECIMEN." But the holder the coin is in says "STERLING SILVER PROOF." Any idea about the appararent discrepancy (is it proof or UNC? --looks PROOF to me), the silver content of the coin, and its current value.

    I've seen this before and it is normal just a language difference.
    It is a proof $18.50.

  193. i have a 1966 fifty cent piece from bahamas. exactly like one you have pictured except elizabeth splits the words on the front. is there any difference in value than the one you have pictured? it's circulated but still fine.

  194. 1966 fifty cent piece from bahamas. exactly like one you have pictured except elizabeth splits the words on the front. is there any difference in value than the one you have pictured? it's circulated but still fine.

    About $5.00

  195. The 1973 British Virgin Islands proof set that I just bought for 15.00 is poorly sealed in the plastic laminate and the coins have begun to discolor. Should I set them free or leave them in their semi-sealed state?
    Thanks again,

  196. 1973 British Virgin Islands proof set that I just bought for 15.00 is poorly sealed in the plastic laminate and the coins have begun to discolor. Should I set them free or leave them in their semi-sealed state?

    It was originally $15.00 in 1973 and still is $15.00 if in the original package and in high grade.

    Unfortunately yours is becoming damaged and worth maybe $10 or less.
    Yes take them out and place them in a safe holder this will slow down the damage.

  197. Hello,
    I have found one complete and untouched set of 9 coins from Bahamas, printed 1974. From 1cent to 5 dollars. Where can I find value of them to sell ? Thanks for hel

  198. one complete and untouched set of 9 coins from Bahamas, printed 1974. From 1cent to 5 dollars.

    About $34.00


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