
Sunday, August 07, 2005

Error Quarter

Do you have an error coin and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.

Statehood quarters are the most collectible current coins in the market. Error coins are the newest of the collectible trends. Combine them both and you got something special but is it valuable.

I found this in my change about a 2 years or more back. It is a South Carolina quarter 2000P with an off-center error.



When I first found it the only reference I had was the back of the U.S. Coins Red Book which at the time listed it at $150, today's Red Book has it for $175 but this is for 20% off center. I bought a guide book on errors and it showed how to measure your off-centerness. I estimated this coin at no more then 15% without being 100% sure.

Recently I stumbled upon a site that I could ask better experts than me to evaluate this and a copper dime. The site admin said this...
The South Carolina quarter looks to be about 10% off-center. It's worth around $50.
I trust this judgment.

The copper dime is still an unknown error so I'll blog about it later when I can weigh it.

Back to error quarters there are 8 common types of error and depending on the state and rarity affects the value. If I chose to sell this the same time I found it I could have gotten more due to low reporting but as more are found the value went down. This always something to think about with error coins.

Here's the stats for a normal South Carolina P quarter....
Year: 2000P
Metal: 91.67% Copper 8.33% Nickel
Mintage: 742,576,000
Value: AU-50 $0.35 (AU=about uncirculated)


  1. it's a 1998P Dime that is off-center about 50%

    Would like to know value.

    Have pictures but I don't know how to attach them here.

  2. To post pictures just host them on a free site like and then just copy and paste the link.

    1998P dime 50% off-center
    It should go for about $50.00 in uncirculated. If it gets certified at MS-64(near perfect) or better it can go for $200 or more.

    Let's say it has lots of scratches and looks circulated then no more then $20.00.

  3. "Error indian head penny"

    I have a 1890 indian head penny that has 28 pressed on the head side and "1892" and Of America pressed backward like in a mirror on the tail side. I would like to know if it was an error or someone did this themselves. Also I would like to know if it is woth any thing.

  4. here is the other picture of the indian head penny. The top is the reflection. you might have to flip it upside down.

  5. These are not true errors and were probably done to promote something.

    During fairs in the 1800's coins were pressed with other symbols and sold as souvenirs but I don't recognize these.

    No extra value, sorry.

  6. Error Penny

    I have a 1953 s penny. Is ther such thing as an s penny?

  7. 1953 S is a real cent and worth $0.10 in very fine.





    They maybe some coins from the 1800s are worth anywhere from $0.01 to thousands.

  11. I have a buffalo nickel(VG condition) that looks with the naked eye like a very tiny crack down the length of the buffalo. Is it a die crack error?
    Is it very valuable?

  12. I have a buffalo nickel(VG condition) that looks with the naked eye like a very tiny crack down the length of the buffalo. Is it a die crack error?
    Is it very valuable?

    This is an error but it is a common error. Unless the die crack is from rim to rim and big or 4 or more little cracks then it has no extra value.

  13. I Have a 2000 (south carolina) Quarter, Is it valuibule.

  14. 2000 (south carolina) Quarter, Is it valuibule

    If it's normal it will be just $0.25.

  15. Hi, I have a 1987 Quarter, if you look at it straight on, the L in Liberty is visable the rest of the letters are only visable when tilting the coin. Also the 9 in 1987 is completly gone. I don't think it's due to wear as the coin still has a perfect edge rim. Any help on it. Thanks

  16. 1987 Quarter, if you look at it straight on, the L in Liberty is visable the rest of the letters are only visable when tilting the coin. Also the 9 in 1987 is completly gone. I don't think it's due to wear

    This is a Struck through grease error. It is a common error and rarely worth more then a few cents over face value.

  17. I have a canadian quarter with no date on it. one side has a moose and the other side has queen elizabeth with 1952-2002 on it. is it common to have a quarter with no date on it and if not, how much is it worth

  18. canadian quarter with no date on it. one side has a moose and the other side has queen elizabeth with 1952-2002

    It has a date 2002.

    It's about $0.30

  19. I'm 100% positive i have a error quarter, the date is covered by a blotch of extra metal(i dont know what a quarter is made of), it doesnt look wore or scratched, you cant see a date at all, what do you think that whould be worth, i'll attach a photo tomorrow, Mikinugana

  20. 100% positive i have a error quarter, the date is covered by a blotch of extra metal(i dont know what a quarter is made of), it doesnt look wore or scratched, you cant see a date at all,

    This is a Die Break Error if this is a regular quarter then it would start at $5.00 and goes up to $75.00.

    If this is a state quarter it starts at $20 and and goes up to $150.00.

    Value depends on how big the metal is and lowers if the date is covered.

    These are also known as cud.

  21. I have a 2000 South Carolina D Quarter that is completly copper colored on the back side. Can anybody help me with some info on it.

  22. 2000 South Carolina D Quarter that is completly copper colored on the back side.

    Missing Clad Layer error it happens when the nickel layer comes off then it gets stamped. It should weigh less than a normal quarter.
    It's about $250.00 in mint state-60.

  23. I found a completly red quarter (missing nickel layer front and back) 2000 P South Carolina. wondering about possible value and best way to clean it as it is dirty. Also where is the best place to send for grading and such.

  24. completly red quarter (missing nickel layer front and back)2000 P South Carolina. wondering about possible value and best way to clean it as it is dirty.

    Do not clean it at all.
    If your sending it for grading no cleaning is recommended. You may want to email the grading company and tell them about the dirt and if there is something they can do but it's best to leave it alone.

    PCGS is the best company for these errors. It should be about $1,000.00 in fine.
    As far as I know missing both layer is very rare and most have been faked. Most people believe it's impossible so that is why I said no cleaning. Any little mark me be considered a tampering mark.

    Let the grading company decide but before then you may want to weight it. It should be 4.7 grams or less if real.

  25. Thank you for the advise on the double red quarter. It is much appreciated. Will weigh it soon and e-mail grading company. Thank you again.

  26. hello i am a iranian young people
    i have some erors and a good collection .
    you can see my site that is a shopm for coins and paper money.
    i have some coin from 1400 years ago
    you can talk whit me whit this email


    thank you.

  27. i have some erors and a good collection .
    you can see my site that is a shopm for coins and paper money.
    i have some coin from 1400 years ago

    That is nice if you leave a link I'll be sure to visit.

  28. thank you
    it is my site .please go to this part at right of that pageپول قديمي
    but my best coin arn not in that site if you give me your email I will send you .

  29. excuse me
    i am usually in online support we can cammunicate whit this way ,too

  30. i am usually in online support we can cammunicate whit this way ,too

    That is okay but I'm not looking to buy anything now.
    I looked at the site and the prices are fair but my knowledge of the language is limited to a few small words like تومان if you had a translator it might be easier.

    Good luck with everything.

  31. i have a canadian quarter year 2002, the tails side only has the date and writing, but nothing else on that side it is blank.. whats it worth?

  32. canadian quarter year 2002, the tails side only has the date and writing, but nothing else on that side it is blank..

    There are some collectors editions but none like you described. What exactly does the writing say?

  33. hi, i have a 1971 penny and it has a red tint to it on both sides is it worth anything if so what is it worth.

  34. 1971 penny and it has a red tint to it on both sides

    If mint state about $0.10 anything less no extra value.

  35. i have a quarter and the one side were the eagle is its not there is smooth like it wasnt stamped

  36. quarter and the one side were the eagle is its not there is smooth like it wasnt stamped

    This sounds more like damage. If it was unstamped it should still have the outline of the eagle. Not completely blank.

  37. there isnt anythin on it its a n good condition it is brand new what is it worth

  38. there isnt anythin on it its a n good condition it is brand new what is it worth

    Assuming damage it has no extra value.

  39. i dont know i think your wrong

  40. i dont know i think your wrong

    It's possible.
    One thought is a Lamination error where the entire front falls off but there still is an outline. Weighing it will confirm this type of error.

    If you can take a good photo of both sides that may help.

    If two coins were stamped at once then one side would be blank but very distorted.

    Trust your gut and keep the coin safe until someone can review it in hand.

  41. Anonymous I Have A South Carolina Quarter that has a good rim lettering under washintons head and on the back states name is not there.

  42. South Carolina Quarter that has a good rim lettering under washintons head and on the back states name is not there.

    I'm not sure what you are trying to say.

    If you mean the coin is cut or stamped wrong or off-center it's about $50.00.

    If you mean the coin is normal but the words are missing it is a Struck Through Grease error no extra value.

  43. I have a South Carolina Quarter that seems to be stamped on-center... the rim seems normal thickness (in depth) maybe a little exaggerated... but some wording very faint as well as the designs. It's almost impossible to read the word America. Any value?

  44. South Carolina Quarter that seems to be stamped on-center... the rim seems normal thickness (in depth) maybe a little exaggerated... but some wording very faint as well as the designs. It's almost impossible to read the word America.

    This is either a Weak Strike or Die Adjustment either way it has little to no extra value. Only if 95% of the design is missing does it have real value.

  45. meaning that 95% of the design/wording is not visible or that 95% of the design/wording is affected?

  46. meaning that 95% of the design/wording is not visible or that 95% of the design/wording is affected?

    That 95% is not visible.
    Check this EXAMPLE.

  47. I have a penny (unsure of year... but I think it is less than 15 yrs. old) that is completely silver in color (both sides). I got it back in change... but it is in great condition (to have been in circulation). Any idea why it is silver or what it may be worth?

  48. I have a penny (unsure of year... but I think it is less than 15 yrs. old) that is completely silver in color (both sides). I got it back in change... but it is in great condition (to have been in circulation). Any idea why it is silver or what it may be worth?

    There are several possibilities like fake, Off-Metal, or Missing Clad-Layer.

    The only way to know what you have is to weigh it. If it is 2.5 grams it is a fake silver-plated cent with no value.
    Any other weight has to double checked by an expert in person.

  49. I found a South Carolina P quarter that has no red metal sandwiched between the two regular outer layers. (It the solid white metal.) It also seems to be a tiny fraction thicker than a regular South Carolina P quarter, and the letters and pictures seem to be a tiny bit bolder, like it was struck harder than the rest. It also seems a tiny bit heavier than the regular quarter. Is it a real quarter or counterfeit, and if real, how much do you think it would be worth? It is in good condition.

  50. South Carolina P quarter that has no red metal sandwiched between the two regular outer layers. (It the solid white metal.) ...It also seems a tiny bit heavier than the regular quarter.

    You need to get an exact weight.

    If it is a Silver Quarter it would have an S not P and weigh 6.25 grams. Any silver error would be worth thousands.

    A regular quarter weighs 5.67 grams and if plated with silver (by an outside company) would stay the same weight and bring no extra value.

    Other possibilities are off-metal errors but the only way to know is getting the exact weight.

  51. Hi, I have a canadian penny but a quarter is printed on it. We can see the A D A from Canada, the date 1985 and a moose. On the back, we see Elizabeth's face. Some of the letters from the D G REGINA are missing due to the penny being too small. I wanted to know if it's worth anything.

  52. canadian penny but a quarter is printed on it. We can see the A D A from Canada, the date 1985 and a moose. On the back, we see Elizabeth's face. Some of the letters from the D G REGINA are missing due to the penny being too small.

    This could be a Double Denomination that could be worth thousands but it must be verified in person.

    If the Quarter design is indented it maybe a fake made by squishing a quarter into a cent.

  53. i have a 2006 colorado quarter that seems to weigh less and it doesnt sound likw a normal quarter when jingled in my hand with other change. is this an error coin? if it is is it worth nemore than a quarter?

  54. 2006 colorado quarter that seems to weigh less and it doesnt sound likw a normal quarter when jingled in my hand with other change. is this an error coin?

    It is possible but you need to get the exact weight.
    A normal quarter weighs 5.67 grams.

  55. so if it weighs less then what should i do?

  56. so if it weighs less then what should i do?

    Post the weight either here or at coin forum to see what type of error you have.
    After that you may want to have it graded to have it authenticated.

  57. i have a kansas quarter that the bison look like a kangaroo but with the bison head its front legs look like they are not there....Is this quarter any value?

  58. kansas quarter that the bison look like a kangaroo but with the bison head its front legs look like they are not there...

    This sounds like a weak strike or struck through grease error. Either way it has no extra value.

  59. hello, i have a Canadian 25 cent piece. One side has the Queen, the other side is smooth polished with only the denomination and date at bottom (2007). And C A N A D A at the top. Wheres the elk? Is it worth much?

  60. Canadian 25 cent piece. One side has the Queen, the other side is smooth polished with only the denomination and date at bottom (2007). And C A N A D A at the top. Wheres the elk?

    This sounds like on of the Colourised Series where the back should have a painting of either a hockey team or some kind of Occasion. The paint is very easily rubbed off.
    Were it intact with one of the 14 designs it would be about $20.00.
    But since it is damaged it would be about $2.00 maybe more if is in great condition.



    These start at about $150.00 in fine but if graded Mint State or higher the price will double or triple.

  63. Hi. I have what I'm sure is a U.S. Quarter, but it is not printed on either side - both sides are smooth. Nor does it have the ridges on the edge around the quarter. It is all completely smooth - as if it missed printing all together. You can see that it is slightly wearing down to the copper, but it is still in good condition. Worth anything? Thanks.

  64. U.S. Quarter, but it is not printed on either side - both sides are smooth. Nor does it have the ridges on the edge around the quarter. It is all completely smooth - as if it missed printing all together. You can see that it is slightly wearing down to the copper, but it is still in good condition.

    It is a Blank Planchet if it has a slight rim it is $5.00.
    If there is no sign of a rim it's about $6.50.
    This is in mint state, of course less if worn.

    Check out mine Blank quarter.

  65. do 1974 quarters have ridges>?

  66. I have a 2000 South Carolina quarter. It's about 20% off center by my calculations...smooth edges..
    Is it worth anything?

  67. do 1974 quarters have ridges>?


  68. 2000 South Carolina quarter. It's about 20% off center

    About $40.00 in circulated, of course if uncirculated it would be more.

  69. How about this circulated double struck 2000 New Hampshire?

    Hard to get a good picture of it.

  70. How about this circulated double struck 2000 New Hampshire?

    That is not a double struck it is a Struck Through Greases error with Dropped Letters.

    I've never seen one like this.
    Usually a dropped letter is just one letter not the entire motto.

    A single dropped letter quarter sold for $500 this one is ten times better.
    Please contact either for grading or to have the coin evaluated and possible value.

    It is a remarkable coin if confirmed.

  71. Please Sir, look again specifically at the words "Live free or Die" on the obverse ( ).

    Could grease cause this?

    It looks like the coin was struck then turned 10-15 degrees and struck again.

  72. Please Sir, look again specifically at the words "Live free or Die" on the obverse
    Could grease cause this?

    Yes, what happens is grease fills the coin and die, then it picked up and dropped on the coin.

    This is a great thing.

    Here are some great links...
    LINK 1
    LINK 2

  73. Wow, I would have never guessed something like that could happen.

    After looking closely at the coin it look like the grease fell out of the die in a big clump and had 3 stars and the motto. Also more dropped letters that are hard to see in the pics H,A,M, 1,7,8 at the top of reverse.

    Not bad for change from lunch.

  74. Not bad for change from lunch.

    I would invest some money to have it graded.

  75. I have a 2005 Kansas (state) quarter that is double stamped. Does this increase the value? What are the determining aspects?

  76. 2005 Kansas (state) quarter that is double stamped. Does this increase the value? What are the determining aspects?

    Double Struck coins are based a lot on eye appeal.
    Currently at Fred Weinberg's site there is a Idaho 2007-D double struck quarter graded at MS-65 and 60% off-center 2nd strike that is $2,250.00.

    You should have yours graded to get max value and full error description.

  77. Hello.

    Thank you for the service you provide.

    I have a 2000 D South Carolina quarter with the clad missing from the obverse side.

    Weight: 0.15 ounces.

    I found a picture of it online, but no estimated price to go with it. Here is what it looks like:

    Thank you!

  78. 2000 D South Carolina quarter with the clad missing from the obverse side.

    About $400.00 depending on grade it may go up or down by $200.

  79. My husband found a 2002 P mint Mississippi Quarter with no copper collar, so the entire coin is silver in color. The weight feels off, but we are going to weigh it to be sure, and it is magnetic. What should the weight be for a quarter such as this, and why would it be entirely silver in color? We can't seem to find any helpful information on any other site. Thank you in advance.

  80. 2002 P mint Mississippi Quarter with no copper collar, so the entire coin is silver in color. The weight feels off, but we are going to weigh it to be sure, and it is magnetic. What should the weight be for a quarter such as this, and why would it be entirely silver in color?

    It should weigh 5.67 grams.
    It could be either a off-metal quarter or a fake.

  81. Good Day I seem to have come across a 1985 p washington quarter with an missing "I" in IGWT. There is no scratch. Its more like a tiny bump where there "I" should be. Caused by grease perhaps?

  82. 1985 p washington quarter with an missing "I" in IGWT...Caused by grease perhaps?

    Yes, a Struck Through Grease error it has no extra value.

  83. Massive Dropped Letters/Numbers for sale on Ebay

  84. Massive Dropped Letters/Numbers for sale on Ebay

    Nice let's see how much it will actually go for, I predict $125. Hopefully it will be much more.

  85. a 2003 penny on reverse has a small P on top of the L in the E - PLURIBUS with the circle of the p sitting right on the very top of the top of the L and what looks to be a smaller R above the R and below the E in STATES. its very odd

  86. also a 1976 penny with either a strong doubling of D mint mark or a faint S in front of it

  87. 2003 penny on reverse has a small P on top of the L in the E - PLURIBUS with the circle of the p sitting right on the very top of the top of the L and what looks to be a smaller R above the R and below the E in STATES. its very odd

    Sounds like a dropped letter error or maybe double struck either way it can be an error the starts at $30 but it needs to be verified.

  88. 1976 penny with either a strong doubling of D mint mark or a faint S

    As far as I know no D/S exist and the few D/D average about $1.00.

  89. I have a 2005 Kansas P quarter and the obverse side is copper colored and the reverse side is normal. Is there anything special about this quarter? Thanks

  90. 2005 Kansas P quarter and the obverse side is copper colored and the reverse side is normal

    Sounds like a Missing Clad Layer error it would be about $400.00.

  91. WOW! Thanks, not a bad considering I got it as change.

  92. WOW! Thanks, not a bad considering I got it as change.

    Yes, that's why I collect.
    Still it should be verified, try weighing to make sure.

  93. How much shoud it weigh? Also, could I take it to my local coin shop to get it verified?

  94. How much shoud it weigh?
    It should weigh less than 5.67 grams.

    Also, could I take it to my local coin shop to get it verified?
    Unless they are PCGS certified they probably can't help.
    Either look here
    or at for official grading.

  95. Ok I weighed my quarter and it weighs 4.7 grams. I think that means it's real. Do you think so? Also, Thank you for your help with this quarter it's very nice of you.

  96. Ok I weighed my quarter and it weighs 4.7 grams. I think that means it's real.

    That is the exact weight of this type of error.

    While it still is possible to fake this error the next step would be grading, even if you plan to keep for insurance purposes.
    Again you don't have to since it is expensive and may return a low grade but that is part of the hobby.

  97. Hi I have a 1982 quarter is really shiny no copper no ridges on sides. The eagle on the back also looks slightly different.

  98. 1982 quarter is really shiny no copper no ridges on sides. The eagle on the back also looks slightly different.

    It could be some sort of fake try weighing it and getting a good picture and post it somewhere.

  99. i have a 2002 mississippi quarter with only the back side printed and the heads part not printed on it could u help me out

  100. 2002 mississippi quarter with only the back side printed and the heads part not printed

    This type of error is not really possible, it sounds like a altered coin.

    Weigh it to make sure.

  101. 1--quarter questions

    1st.--1995 quarter, the back has a copper look and the quarter when droped on the counter sounds just like a silver quarter

    Is it valuable

  102. 1995 quarter, the back has a copper look and the quarter when droped on the counter sounds just like a silver quarter

    The sound means it does not weigh the same as normal quarters.

    The copper back sounds like it is a Missing Clad Layer error it would be about $50.00 in circulated condition.

    Here is a high quality link of one that is similar...
    1995 Missing Clad layer

  103. hello i found a 1965 dime with the initials js on it. is it worth anything?

  104. 1965 dime with the initials js on it just $0.10 the initials John Sinnock are the coin's designer.

  105. i have 1987 quarter 25 cents ., whith cooper on the face ,Is it anything?

  106. 1987 quarter 25 cents ., whith cooper on the face

    If the face is not fully copper less than 100% coverage it's about $15.00 for 20% or more.

  107. it is full face cooper 1987 25 cents.,.,

  108. it is full face cooper 1987 25 cents about $150.00

  109. Thank you for your help with this quarter it's very nice of you.1987 25 cents

  110. I have A 1985 double-headed quarter.What is it worth ?

  111. 1985 double-headed quarter

    Not possible, it is a magician's coin sold at novelty shops for $4.00.

    No collectors value.

  112. I have a 1988 quarter that is slightly offcentered with no ridges on the edge

  113. 1988 quarter that is slightly offcentered with no ridges on the edge

    Minor off-center does not add value and the no ridges is typically damage.

    This is most likely a uncentered broadstrike error about $15.00.

  114. I have a 1995 quarter circulated, the D in DOLLAR is barely there, all the letters around it are very strong. Any Ideas.

  115. 1995 quarter circulated, the D in DOLLAR is barely there, all the letters around it are very strong

    Struck Through Grease very common, no extra value.

  116. I have a 1985 quarter that was struck off center one side just barely has a rim the other is noticably larger also i have a circulated silver bicentenial quarter are either one worth anything?

  117. 1985 quarter that was struck off center one side just barely has a rim the other is noticably larger
    If less than 15% without any words missing or cut-off it has no extra value.

    circulated silver bicentenial quarter
    About $6.50 mostly for metal value.

  118. I have a Georgia state quarter, on the obv. the only thing visible is washingtons face, and IN GOD. Is this a filled die or maybe adjustment strike ????

    Also, a 2010 penny that looks like a copper penny on both sides.


  119. I have a 1776 - 1976 D , variety 2 ike clad dollar, that was struck off center missing small part of the rim was this common.


  120. Georgia state quarter, on the obv. the only thing visible is washingtons face, and IN GOD. Is this a filled die or maybe adjustment strike ????
    If just the front the filled die error with no extra value, if the back is also weak it may be a die adjustment strike worth more but it depends on eye appeal to get value, generally $50 or less.

    Also, a 2010 penny that looks like a copper penny on both sides.
    Sounds normal.

  121. 1776 - 1976 D , variety 2 ike clad dollar, that was struck off center missing small part of the rim was this common.

    Yes, no extra value.

  122. hi i have a cdn 1989 25 cent coin that has completly smoth edges the scratches on the rim look like they are as old as the coin was wondering if its real and if so how much can it be worth thanks.

  123. cdn 1989 25 cent coin that has completly smoth edges the scratches on the rim look like they are as old as the coin was wondering if its real

    Just worn our damaged, no extra value.

  124. I have a weak d 1922 penny with weak back I think not sure how to post a pic but would love to have ur opinion u seem to know alot!!

  125. weak d 1922 penny with weak back

    About $30.00 in good pictures are not necessary since it is widely fake only an expert seeing it in hand could tell.

    If you have excellent images then you can always try using a free photo site and dropping a link here.

  126. Thanks for info its been put up for over 30 years in shoe box so I'll have someone look at it... Also I have all 7 of the different pennies copper and zinc large and small d and p what would that be worth if anything at all?? Thanks for the quick response ur a good man for doing all this for

  127. 7 of the different pennies copper and zinc large and small d and p

    I don't understand.
    List the year, the country, U.S. cents do not have a P on them.

  128. I have 3 possibly valuable coins. One is a Canadian 5 cent coin from 2006 that doesn't have the maple leaf mintmark but rather a couple of lines crossing each other.The second one is a almost mint state 1959 P cent from the US. The third one is a 2001 P dime. The 1 is barely visible. I wanted to post pictures but my camera makes the coins look fuzzy

  129. Sorry there the 1982 ones there were 7 differet ones wjen Rey changed in October o 82 to the zinc formula so I have all the 82 pennies in a set is it worth anything??

  130. Canadian 5 cent coin from 2006 that doesn't have the maple leaf mintmark but rather a couple of lines crossing each other.
    Don't know either it should be blank, P or the logo.
    I think it is damaged but if you can take a good image try and post them somewhere and drop a link here.

    The second one is a almost mint state 1959 P cent from the US.
    About $0.05

    The third one is a 2001 P dime. The 1 is barely visible.
    Struck through grease error, no extra value.

  131. I have all the 82 pennies in a set

    Assuming at least mint state about $0.80 for the set.

  132. I have a 1954 quarter which has a head on both sides of the coin. How much is it worth? I also have a 1937 liberty half dollar which the eagle on the back is stamped upside down. Is this worth anything. I have 3 buffalo nickels which have the same type of defect.

  133. 1954 quarter which has a head on both sides of the coin.
    Not possible, probably a magician's coin they are common and have no extra value above silver content.

    1937 liberty half dollar which the eagle on the back is stamped upside down. Is this worth anything. I have 3 buffalo nickels which have the same type of defect.
    I suspect these are either altered or you may be confused about coin alignment.
    If these are true rotated reverse errors the would start at $250.00 each.

  134. I have A georgia states quarter 1999 has no copper in it can you tell me what its worth

  135. georgia states quarter 1999 has no copper in it

    You would have to weigh it to know what type of error it is.

  136. georgia state quarter 1999 P it has no copper in it I did weigh it weighs 5.7 grs is it worth anything

  137. georgia state quarter 1999 P it has no copper in it I did weigh it weighs 5.7 grs

    If you had a more accurate scale it would help.
    A normal quarter weighs 5.67 grams.

    A modern silver weighs 5.75 grams.

    I suspect yours is a plated normal quarter with no extra value.

  138. I A 2001 dale earnhardt.1oz.fine silver dollar its uncirculated its a standing Liberty

  139. I have A 2001 dale earnhardt its A 1oz.fine dollar they made 201 I have189 .its A standing Liberty .23kt gold plated.I have the gold plated card its 23kt also could you please tell me what its worth

  140. 2001 dale earnhardt its A 1oz.fine dollar they made 201 I have189 .its A standing Liberty .23kt gold plated.

    About $40.00 for silver content. The rest is considered damage, the amount of gold is too little to raise value.

    These coins are novelty and not true collectibles.

  141. Hi I have a 2009 H canadian quarter im pretty sure its a error on the side with the moose in a exact half circle that gose across the neck of the moose (giving it a perfect coller) and continues throug the date to the right side antler are a set of lines les then 1 millemeter apart and only on the raised part of the coin. I have examined under a 10x jeweler loop and as far as i can tell its one single strike that made this mark there is no scratchs on the quarter to indicate it being done after minting there is no protursion on the opisite side of the coin like there would be if it was done by a punch. Is this a true error coin, is it rare? what would be the value on something like this

  142. Hi I hope you can help me. I have 6 bills I would like to know about how much they might be worth. $2 bill red seal red letters series 1953B S#A 64721504 A. $5 bill red seal red letters immaculate shape series 1963 Ser# A 23869483 A. $5 bill lg red seal lg red letters series of 1928 E ser# H09542622A. $5 bill Silver certificate series 1953 blue letters Ser# C 16258288 A. $10 bill lg seal lg letters Series of 1934 D ser# C92029622B. $20 bill lg seal lg letters very fine shape Serie of 1934 B ser# F49468195A. I hope you can help me. Thank you for the time.

  143. 2009 H canadian quarter im pretty sure its a error on the side with the moose in a exact half circle that gose across the neck of the moose (giving it a perfect coller) and continues throug the date to the right side antler are a set of lines les then 1 millemeter apart and only on the raised part of the coin. I have examined under a 10x jeweler loop and as far as i can tell its one single strike that made this mark there is no scratchs on the quarter to indicate it being done after minting there is no protursion on the opisite side of the coin like there would be if it was done by a punch.

    To me it sounds like damage, the closest error I can imagine is a Die Clash error which would be part of the design when the die smashes into each other. Then later every coin gets a piece of this error design.
    Even if Die clash it has no extra value.

    Try taking a picture of it just in case it is something else.

  144. $2 bill red seal red letters series 1953B S#A 64721504 A
    About $7.00

    $5 bill red seal red letters immaculate shape series 1963 Ser# A 23869483 A
    About $30.00

    $5 bill lg red seal lg red letters series of 1928 E ser# H09542622A
    About $20.00

    $5 bill Silver certificate series 1953 blue letters Ser# C 16258288 A
    About $10.00

    $10 bill lg seal lg letters Series of 1934 D ser# C92029622B
    About $15.00

    $20 bill lg seal lg letters very fine shape Serie of 1934 B ser# F49468195A
    About $30.00

  145. My Son found a 2010 Yosemite Quarter that is missing the L in Liberty. The iberty is very pronounced and so is the edge of the Quarter. It has been circulated but is still in very good condition. How much would you say it's worth?

  146. 2010 Yosemite Quarter that is missing the L in Liberty. The iberty is very pronounced and so is the edge of the Quarter. It has been circulated but is still in very good condition.

    Sounds like a Struck Through grease error, no extra value.

  147. i have a 1957 d wheat cent in about au-50 to au-58 condition it has a filled in nine and a extra blob of copper at the top of the one making it look like a back wards one or possibly a seven is this rare dose these kind of errors happen often is it worth anything

  148. i have a 1980 d dime with nothing missing,But has a large grease smear accross the face on the dime! Is worth any thing?

  149. I have a 2000 north carolina state quarter with wording missing on the back of coin with like a goudge in it and cracked cladding on other side in the same area as the missing word e.pluribus is this worth much?

  150. I have A 1956 Gold dime.and a 1945 nickel with the d on the back.and a 1937 nickel buffalo mint F

  151. 1957 d wheat cent in about au-50 to au-58 condition it has a filled in nine and a extra blob of copper at the top of the one making it look like a back wards one or possibly a seven

    About $0.20, the die breaks do not add any extra value.

  152. 1980 d dime with nothing missing,But has a large grease smear accross the face on the dime!

    Struck Through Grease error, no extra value.

  153. 2000 north carolina state quarter with wording missing on the back of coin with like a goudge in it and cracked cladding on other side in the same area as the missing word e.pluribus

    Odd. First it should be 2001 if N.Carolina.

    This could be damaged, no extra value.
    If this was a Struck Through error the other side would be normal but if someone to a hammer to one side the other gets bent also.

    If you still think it is a true error place a picture online somewhere and link it here.

  154. I have a 2000 p virginia state quarter with the shinney cladding missing and copper coming thru the dull silver looking finish what is something like that worth?

  155. i have a 1993 d quarter with a strong doubbling of the 3 in the date is something like that worth much? I also have a 1967 no mint quarter with a straight clip on the front side but not visible when looking at the reverse side of the coin ! what would that be worth if you were to guess?

  156. I have a 1997 d quarter with indents like a clipping mark on the outter edge of the coin only on the frt side rim of the coin theres like 3 different marks on it?And the coin is off struck a little bit to were there is no rim on part of it?

  157. 2000 p virginia state quarter with the shinney cladding missing and copper coming thru the dull silver looking finish

    Partial Missing Clad Layer error about %$5.00 in low grade.

  158. 1993 d quarter with a strong doubbling of the 3 in the date
    About $2.00 in fine

    1967 no mint quarter with a straight clip on the front side but not visible when looking at the reverse side of the coin
    Must go through the coin to be a true clip error, damaged no extra value.

  159. 1997 d quarter with indents like a clipping mark on the outter edge of the coin only on the frt side rim of the coin theres like 3 different marks on it?And the coin is off struck a little bit to were there is no rim on part of it?

    Minor misaligned die error, no extra value.

  160. I have a 1998 p dime and on the rev side of the dime along the left side leafs theres a extra leaf that you can see very well it has the outline ansd so on ! whats something like that worth?

  161. 1998 p dime and on the rev side of the dime along the left side leafs theres a extra leaf that you can see very well it has the outline ansd so on !

    Could be a Doubled Die error at a few bucks.

    Most likely it is a hub doubling or die clash or even a die break error, all no extra value.

    To be sure find a local dealer who can give you an opinion. It is not worth spending money to grade. You can try taking a good picture posting it somewhere and linking it here also.

  162. where is the best place to post pics with out the hassel of singing up for some bs site that wants to charge the **** out of you?is there a way to just email pics dirrectly to the web site?

  163. where is the best place to post pics with out the hassel of singing up for some bs site that wants to charge the **** out of you?

  164. i have a missprint north carolina quarter that says first flight instead of first in flight... or it might be the other way around... its opposite of what it should be..

  165. missprint north carolina quarter that says first flight instead of first in flight... or it might be the other way around... its opposite of what it should be..

    A normal N.C. quarter should say "FIRST FLIGHT".
    If yours says something different it has been altered and has no extra value.

  166. from what i read the first batch that came out had first in flight, which was wrong and they recalled them.. but of course some didnt get back to them so collectors are wanting them.. i have a first in flight one... so no value that is a bummer

  167. from what i read the first batch that came out had first in flight, which was wrong and they recalled them.. but of course some didnt get back to them so collectors are wanting them..

    Not true.

    I have book, magazines, and links to every possible variety the one you mentioned is not listed.

    If you have read this online please share the link.

    That said all state quarters have been found with errors but the most valuable is from Wisconsin that had an "extra leaf". But none ever had extra words.

  168. Also if you can take a picture and post it somewhere it may be something else, like a pattern or fanatasy piece.

  169. hi i have a 2001-p canadian dime and underneath the elizabeth II in between the writing and the rim there is a set of what looks to be tiny squares there is no damage to the rim of the coin. i took this coin to several diffrent coin dealers and all they could tell me was it was done at the mint. do you know anything about this type of error thank you very much

  170. 2001-p canadian dime and underneath the elizabeth II in between the writing and the rim there is a set of what looks to be tiny squares there is no damage to the rim of the coin. i took this coin to several diffrent coin dealers and all they could tell me was it was done at the mint.

    Sounds like a Struck Through error.
    These have to be graded to be certain. While most Strike Through error are caused by grease some are struck through fabric leaving odd patterns.
    If that is yours it starts at $100 in high grade. But a lot depends on eye appeal.

  171. hi I have a 2008 canadian olympic quarter with the bobsled on it im pretty sure it has a mint error on it but wanted a second opinion here is a link to the photo. The error is labled

    Thank you

  172. 2001-p canadian dime and underneath the elizabeth II in between the writing and the rim there is a set of what looks to be tiny squares there is no damage to the rim of the coin. i took this coin to several diffrent coin dealers and all they could tell me was it was done at the mint.

    Sounds like a Struck Through error.
    These have to be graded to be certain. While most Strike Through error are caused by grease some are struck through fabric leaving odd patterns.
    If that is yours it starts at $100 in high grade. But a lot depends on eye appeal

    here is a link to a picture of the error

    thank you

  173. 2008 canadian olympic quarter with the bobsled on it im pretty sure it has a mint error on it but wanted a second opinion here is a link to the photo.

    The picture is not clear and to me it looks like damage.

    The only thing it might be is a Struck Through error but the angle is not good enough to confirm. This would be no extra value to maybe a few dollars.

    Sorry, I couldn't help more in needs to be seen in hand but does not appear to be a rare error.

  174. 2001-P canadian dime and underneath...
    here is a link to a picture of the error

    Ok these are a common die deterioration error seen a lot on that exact dime.
    It may be caused by a bad die or a bad coin plating but either way as of now it has no extra value.

    Nice link explaining the possibilities...

  175. I have a kansas state quarter that seems like it was strangely squished during printing. It is very hard to read anything on it and the copper later seemed to have oozed out, and formed a thick smooth ring around the edge. It is also smaller than a regular quarter. Any idea what this might be worth.

  176. kansas state quarter that seems like it was strangely squished during printing. It is very hard to read anything on it and the copper later seemed to have oozed out, and formed a thick smooth ring around the edge. It is also smaller than a regular quarter.

    Sounds damaged, no extra value.

    But it could be an off-metal error, can you weigh it?

  177. To man. It can't be damaged, its too smooth, and in really good shape. I don't really have means to accurately weigh it. The best way to describe it is, that when it was being printed, the copper layer was forced out of the edges and encapsulated the rim. And the faces of the coin are almost blank.

  178. It can't be damaged, its too smooth, and in really good shape. I don't really have means to accurately weigh it. The best way to describe it is, that when it was being printed, the copper layer was forced out of the edges and encapsulated the rim. And the faces of the coin are almost blank.

    It can be damaged either by being smashed or a technique called spooning. I have seen it before and it leaves everything very smooth.

    I understand about the scale problem I had a odd coin and it took me 2+ years before finding a good scale. Keep the coin safe and wait to get access to a useful scale.

  179. I have a 2003 D Mint Maine State Quarter. There is a raised perfectly round ring inside the tail of the coin. I cannot find anything about this "error". Can you help me?

  180. 2003 D Mint Maine State Quarter. There is a raised perfectly round ring inside the tail of the coin. I cannot find anything about this "error".

    I cannot figure out what this could be.
    Can you try and post a picture on a free photo site and drop a link here.

  181. I have a 2007 D nickel that I beleive is a clad error. It is a bronze color on both sides. Is it worth more than a nickel?

  182. 2007 D nickel that I beleive is a clad error. It is a bronze color on both sides.

    Not possible clad error since no nickels are made of clad metals.

    It could be one of two errors:
    1) Off-Metal error, weigh it to find out
    2) Copper-wash or improperly sintered error, this has to be verified by an expert.

    Weighing it is the best place to start.

  183. Shane, I would also add it might be a plated fake which happens a lot.

  184. I have a 1929 s wheat cent with a large crack showing on both sides i was wondering if this is a die crack error and if so what its worth i Know the bigger the crack the higher the value but im not sure i need a second opiion here is a link to some photos thank you

  185. 1929 s wheat cent with a large crack showing on both sides i was wondering if this is a die crack error

    Not a Die Crack error.
    This is a Lamination error or Cracked Planchet.

    It can also be damage but let's assume it is an error.
    The problem is that the cent looks harshly cleaned which leaves it at little to no value.

    If it wasn't cleaned it would start at $15.00 and depending on eye appeal it could go higher.

  186. Here is a link to the picture you asked for.
    Thanks for looking at this for me.

    I do not have a magnifying glass, and I said the ring is raised. my daughter, whose eyes are younger thinks it is inset not raised.

  187. no really here is the link.

    Sorry, I am not so hot on this internet.

  188. I do not have a magnifying glass, and I said the ring is raised. my daughter, whose eyes are younger thinks it is inset not raised.

    The picture is not clear but it looks damage when a coin gets stuck in a counting machine. It does look inset.

    No extra value.

  189. Got two coins (both in circulated condition): Connecticut state quarter 10-15% off struck. and the other is a waffle dime from the 90's I have no idea on an estimated value of either but I have a guy wanting to do some silver trading who collects these kinds of coins? Ballpark value ideas?

  190. Connecticut state quarter 10-15% off struck about $10.00 at most these usually have no extra value

    waffle dime from the 90's
    --not possible waffle coins did not start until 2003, fakes are made easily

    Anything you can get for these coins is good.



    Weigh it to find out what type of error, if any.

  193. I have a 1942 D Washington Quarter that has an extra piece of metal stamped where the E in LIBERTY is. Would there be any extra value in keeping it or is it just worth the weight in silver. If you can email me back at

  194. 1942 D Washington Quarter that has an extra piece of metal stamped where the E in LIBERTY is. Would there be any extra value in keeping it or is it just worth the weight in silver.

    About $6.50 or whatever the current silver value is.
    The die break does not have any extra value.

  195. I have a 2002 Missippi Quater. It is very thin and is missing the ribbed portion around the edges. Its like someone tried to cut it in half almost but not the easy way. Any ideas on the worth or what its called when this happens?


  196. Wow! Sorry for the grammar above. Its a Mississippi Quarter. I wish I could describe it better. It isnt off center nor s anything scuffed it just very thin and is missing the ribbed adges around it with a groove between the two sides. Any info would be appreciated.

  197. 2002 Missippi Quater. It is very thin and is missing the ribbed portion around the edges. Its like someone tried to cut it in half almost but not the easy way...with a groove between the two sides.

    Sounds damaged the groove is a sure sign.

    That said try weighing it, mybe it is an off-metal error.

  198. Hi. I have a 1977 D washington quarter, the weight is normal and it's weakly struck. But the funny thing is it has no trace of any ridges and the nickle plating covers almost the whole thing (there are a few places where the copper shows through above the word LIBERTY). Any help? Thanks

  199. 1977 D washington quarter, the weight is normal and it's weakly struck. But the funny thing is it has no trace of any ridges and the nickle plating covers almost the whole thing (there are a few places where the copper shows through above the word LIBERTY).

    Sounds like wear damage. No extra value.
    Were this s plating error it would weigh less. Were this a weak strike the copper would not peek through.

  200. I have a state quarter...with no stamp on the that anything? I could only tell it was a state quarter because the date is not on the front...


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