
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

1999 South Korea 100 Won

Do you have a Korean coin and want to know its value? Leave a comment

Where were we in the vault? Oh yes K countries. Although it is known as South Korea it is listed in most coin books as Korea-South. I guess they are assuming a reunification will happen one day making it just Korea.

1999 above 100 above 한 국 은 행(Bank of Korea)
 백(100) bust of Yi Sun-sin 원(Won)
It is not that odd to find some type of Korean coin in your change around these parts. There is a large Korean community not to mention the tourism between Korea and New York is strong. The first time I found one was in the early 1980s. It was years before I knew it was Korean mostly because I was young and finding information about a foreign language was difficult.

Here are the stats...
Type/Country: 100 Won / Korea-South
Year: 1999
Mintage: Unknown
Metal: Copper-Nickel
Value: $0.10 in Fine

Do you have a coin from Korea and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you


  1. I have a 1990,Loren coin with 100 on the other side.what is it worth if someone wants to buy it.

  2. 1990,Loren coin with 100 on the other side

    About $0.10

  3. I have a 100 won coin. can u help me were can i exchange it.

  4. 100 won coin. can u help me were can i exchange it.

    You cannot exchange coins that are this low value.

    It is about $0.10, try eBay to sell.

  5. Have one 1999 100 coin. How much can I get for it? Is eBay a good way to sell it? Will banks take it?

  6. 1999 100 coin. How much can I get for it? Is eBay a good way to sell it? Will banks take it?

    About $0.10, eBay is fine but it is a common coin.
    Banks probably would not take it.

  7. I have 1999 100 coin can u give me some idea and value of the coin

  8. i have 1974 100 coin in korea

  9. i have 1973 1974 1975 1976 100 coin in korea how much the value for that

  10. I have 100 rupees coin of Korean of year 2001 how much i will get if I sold it

  11. I have 100 rupees coin of Korean of year 2001 how much i will get if I sold it

  12. I have a 2002 coin with 500 on it how much is it worth

    1. I have a 1995 coin with 100 on it how much it's value in india

  13. I have a 2001 south korea coin with 100 on it how much is it worth in utah.

  14. I also have this coin
    Who like to buy?

  15. বাংলাদেশের কত টাকা

  16. i have 1999 sout coria won value

  17. I have 2coins 1999 and 2001

  18. لدي عمله 1 100وان


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