
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

2009 Canada Cross Country Skiing Quarter

Have Canadian quarter and want to know its value? Leave a comment

Sure the Canadian cent will soon be mostly gone from everyone's change but there still are other Canadian coins to enjoy. Got this shiny but linty coin yesterday it features a cross country skier. This was one of many Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic commemorative coins that were made so none are truly special.

This is one of the rare examples of a dual dated coin where the early date is the true date. Since 2007 they made Olympic coins that had the "vancouver 2010" and it confused some non-collectors. Future dating a coin is not something countries do often. Sure some coins are made before the date on them but they are generally not released until after that specific date.

I guess the Royal Canadian Mint (RCM) are such experts in collectible coins that selling them three years before the event was a good idea. There are colored version of each of these but I never got any. As for now the RCM is making glow in the dark colored coins so imagine what the future holds.

Here's the stats...
Type/Country: 25 Cents / Canada
Year: 2009 Olympic Logo
Mintage: Not yet known
Metal: 94% Steel, 3.8% Copper, 2.2% Nickel
Value: $0.25

Please excuse the RCMs use of coloured instead of colored they will one day lose the extra u to save money.

Do you have a quarter from Canada and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.


  1. Hey, these coins look quite precious. Are they commemorative coins?

    From a call girl

  2. Are they commemorative coins?

    Not really precious and these are commemorative coins.

  3. I've been waiting forever to find these commemorative coins in my change, but I have had no luck. I did find a bunch of the 1999/2000 ones.

  4. I did find a bunch of the 1999/2000 ones.

    Those were nice, I use to find them a bunch then they just suddenly stopped.

  5. Do you know what american coins are minted the year before the one they're dated?

  6. Do you know what american coins are minted the year before the one they're dated?

    As far as I recall not really.

    All the bicentennial coins were minted in 1975 and 1976. I think they were released in 1975 so these may count. But by 1977 they were all just 1976 coins.

  7. In terms of finding Canadian currency, here's a ranking.

    1. Pennies - Canadian pennies are everywhere

    2. Quarters

    3. Nickels - Lately I've been finding a lot more Canadian nickels than quarters

    4. Dimes - I find a Canadian dime once every couple of months.

  8. In terms of finding Canadian currency, here's a ranking.

    Just by looking at my blog posts:
    Canadian Cent (48)
    Canadian Dime (15)
    Canadian Dollar (1)
    Canadian Nickel (15)
    Canadian Quarter (16)

    That does not include the many repeats, usually cents and nickels.

    We pretty much have the same rankings.

  9. I haven't found many canadian coins at all (I am significantly farther away from canada than you [california]) but here's what I've received in change/found:

    Canadian penny: about 4
    Canadian nickel: 3
    Canadian dime: 2
    Canadian quarter: 0
    Canadian dollar 0

    I did get a 2 euro cent coin (spain) on tuesday though

  10. I haven't found many canadian coins at all (I am significantly farther away from canada than you [california])...

    Still not bad Canada finds.

    I was wondering since you are close to Mexico do you find Mexican coins in your change.

    I mean I have and I'm in NYC.

  11. There was only 1 time where I gotten Canadian dollars in change. A lady gave me 7 dollars back in Canadian dollars. She thought they were American Dollar Coins (I Think).

  12. There was only 1 time where I gotten Canadian dollars in change. A lady gave me 7 dollars back in Canadian dollars. She thought they were American Dollar Coins (I Think).

    Not bad unless you have to trade them out pocket and can't each lunch that day.

    Luckily exchange rate is about the same and you always take a short trip to Canada.

  13. I have twice gotten Mexican coins in change. 2 of their ten cent pieces I think. I also found some sort of mexican coin on top of a parking meter.

  14. I have twice gotten Mexican coins in change. 2 of their ten cent pieces I think.
    -Not bad I would expect more the closer you get to the border.

    I also found some sort of mexican coin on top of a parking meter
    --Haha, guessing someone tried to scam the meter with it and probably got rejected.


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