
Friday, December 30, 2011

Year In Review: 2011

Do you have a coin and want to know its value? Leave a comment

Books: Time to upgrade, whether you have older books or are new to collecting get the 2012 or 2013 versions. If you can, get the e-books they are cheaper.

Equipment: Cameras/phones are still getting better and cheaper, scales have not changed much but still a good investment. Get a caliper with in/mm.

Change Finds: The graph below shows 44 world coins found from 18 countries which is less finds than last year but from more unique countries. Canadian finds still lead but have also fallen short compared to last year. With the U.S. finds the total is 81 which barely beats out last year and is a new record for significant finds.

The United States, Canada, Great Britain, Bermuda, and Trinidad & Tobago are my constant finds. Except this year I found no Trinidad & Tobago (T&T) coins, for nearly a decade in a row I always found at least a T&T cent. I have a few Trinidadian friends but I did not push them for some free change and none went to visit the homeland so I guess 2011 will be the year without T&T. Last year I did not get any British coins but then this year I got 5 so I have hope for 2012.

Oldest United States Find
1920 Cent

Oldest Foreign Find
1943 Canadian Cent

Most Valuable Find (above face value)
2006 $1 dollar star note in CU about $25.00

Most Valuable Foreign Find

2006 10 Meticais in VF about $0.75

Most Valuable Coin Find Overall

2006 10 Meticais in VF about $0.75

Yet again the most valuable find was a note not a coin. Notes are quickly becoming the hotter collectible.
No silver coins found this year, I blame roll hunters.
As for trying to complete my collection of one of every coin ever made I got a little closer but then they announced all new coins for next year so I am back to 0.000000000001% complete.

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year and change for all


  1. Is Redbook the best book out there for U.S. coins?

    My thinking is that since Canada is right above us, we are bound to get loads of their coins. If we lived near the Mexican border, I'm sure that they find Pesos and mexican change more frequent than Canadian change.

    I did get a Trinidad and Tobago cent, but I had to look it up because I never heard of that country before.

    This was my first year collecting and I started late August, so I'm surprised about the coins I received this year.

    My oldest American find was a very nice 1904 Indian Cent.

    My oldest foreign find was an old German coin from around 1943.

    I need 2009 Nickels and Dimes to complete my collecting as well as '70s S-Minted pennies and 1992 D penny as well as 2 2009-D pennies to complete my collection. I need a lot of wheat pennies to complete that collection, and I receive at least 5 a day and most are duplicates, which I still save.

    Did they make 2011 proofs for Presidential $1 coins? I got one yesterday that is extremely shiny and looks brand new.

  2. Is Redbook the best book out there for U.S. coins?
    --Yes, the pictures and info are great. The values are a good guide but not perfect thanks to eBay.

    My thinking is that since Canada is right above us, we are bound to get loads of their coins. If we lived near the Mexican border, I'm sure that they find Pesos and mexican change more frequent than Canadian change.
    --Logical, but from the people I know in Texas they hardly ever see a Mexican coins and still get some Canadian coins. I think size and shape also help. Mexico does not issue 1 or 25 cent coins.

    I did get a Trinidad and Tobago cent, but I had to look it up because I never heard of that country before.
    --I've been friends with Trinidadians since I was a kid so that sounds funny to me.

    I need 2009 Nickels and Dimes to complete my collecting as well as '70s S-Minted pennies and 1992 D penny as well as 2 2009-D pennies to complete my collection.
    --Yes those 2009 are a pain, hoarders are really messing up the natural flow. They went to banks bought up hundreds of rolls and are sitting on them until they go up in value or 2019.

    Did they make 2011 proofs for Presidential $1 coins? I got one yesterday that is extremely shiny and looks brand new.
    --Yes, Proof dollars have an S mint mark on the edge.

  3. I went to Barns n Noble and I thought about getting the Redbook, but I went with the Warman's field guide to World Coins and the Warman's field guide to Modern U.S. coins.

    That's true about the Mexican coins. The shape prevents them being put into rolls for banks.

    It's ridiculous about the 2009 coins. Why would they go up in value?

    The dollar coins I got has the P mint mark, but I'd say it's in uncirculated state even though I found it in circulation. It has no dirt or scratches and it is extremely shiny.

  4. I went to Barns n Noble and I thought about getting the Redbook, but I went with the Warman's field guide to World Coins and the Warman's field guide to Modern U.S. coins.
    --I'm not a fan of Warman's butI think I have the Kindle versions, although I have never used them.

    It's ridiculous about the 2009 coins. Why would they go up in value?
    --They probably will not but people tend to overreact.

    The dollar coins I got has the P mint mark, but I'd say it's in uncirculated state even though I found it in circulation. It has no dirt or scratches and it is extremely shiny.
    --Nice keep it aside they tend to turn bad after a few years if handled too much.

  5. From 1965 to 2011, the only quarter I am missing is the 1973. I have found 1973-D, but can't find 1973. I have all P minted state quarters and I'm ordering a new quarter book that features both the P and D mint marks, as well as the Territories quarters.

    I'm willing to bet that people are going to hoard the 2012 new coins, so if I see one, I am definitely not going to spend it.

  6. the only quarter I am missing is the 1973.
    --Such a simple coin, I am missing 1971 from circulation.

    I'm willing to bet that people are going to hoard the 2012 new coins,
    --Possibly especially if they decide to change the composition.

  7. The early '70's quarters were hard to find. I have finally found the ones I need and now I have every quarter in all mint marks from 1964-1999. I have every quarter with the P mint mark from 1999-2011. I have a few D marks on the States and Territories quarters.

  8. The early '70's quarters were hard to find. I have finally found the ones I need and now I have every quarter in all mint marks from 1964-1999. I have every quarter with the P mint mark from 1999-2011. I have a few D marks on the States and Territories quarters.

    Wow, that's nice you are finding them faster than I ever did.

  9. Quarters, nickels, and dimes are the easiest ones to find. Pennies are the most difficult to find. I find the same pennies everyday, but I find different types of quarters, nickels and dimes every couple of days.
    I did get a 2009 P dime today. Someone forgot to hoard it..

  10. I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this; so I apologize if I'm on the wrong thread.
    I have a 1953 Canadian nickel that is (according to '', the strap far-leaf kind. According to him, this is the one that is not worth much, however, I saw a post by you that said that this is the rare kind

    "Man said...

    Ooh the 1953 Canadian nickels comes in 4 varieties. In MS-60(mint state=no marks and some luster).

    without strap.......$3.00
    without strap, near leaf..$1,300.00
    with strap, far leaf...$1,000.00
    with strap...$3.50

    The strap is on the Queen's shoulder and looks like two parallel lines.

    I'll see if I can find some pics of each.
    5:10 PM, January 02, 2006 "

    Did you get them mixed up, or did the guy at AllExperts get them mixed up? Let me stress that I don't mean this as an insult or complaint to either of you. I appreciate what you both do, and understand that everyone makes errors. I just want to clarify if my coin is worth $1000... I would post a picture, but I don't know how to do it in this style of thread.
    Thank you,


  11. Did you get them mixed up, or did the guy at AllExperts get them mixed up?
    --They maybe mistaken.

    Below is a link that list all the varieties...
    Second Opinion Website
    I think there values are a bit high but they are Canadian so there is an exchange rate difference.

    Pictures may help but since these varieties are so valuable in hand verification is best.

  12. Oh to post pictures you need to find your own frre photo site and then copy and paste the link they give you.

  13. This is the picture of my 1953 nickel from the other site where I asked this question. It's not the greatest quality though.

  14. It seems to be near leaf (contrary to what the guy at allExpert said), however, I also noticed that the leaf has a different shape on my coin than it does in the site you pointed me to. Further, the edge seems to be different. I don't know how different two coins can be and still be considered the same.

  15. 1953 nickel from the other site where I asked this question...

    In my opinion it is a Shoulder Fold and Near Leaf.

    The DEI are clearly not flared meaninf Shoulder Fold.

    The leaf is almost touching the denticle meaning Near Leaf.

    About $0.10 in that shape.

  16. OK, Thank you for the help!

  17. It seems to be near leaf (contrary to what the guy at allExpert said),

    I also noticed that the leaf has a different shape on my coin than it does in the site you pointed me to. Further, the edge seems to be different. I don't know how different two coins can be and still be considered the same.
    --Well every coin cannot be identical, yours seems to have a Minor Misaligned Die error, a slight shift when pressing the coin.
    This does not increase value.

    Minor varieties are normal only big ones like Shoulder folds add value.

  18. I have A 2006 Alexander Bustamante coin that I found at my last job, it's an Jamaican 1 it worth anything? I've been holding it for 2 years now!

  19. 2006 Alexander Bustamante coin that I found at my last job, it's an Jamaican 1 Dollar

    About $0.40

  20. Ok, what about 2004 Queen Elizabeth II back says East Caribbean States 1 Dollar & Elizabeth II D.G. REG F.D. 1982 Twenty Pence?

    Thank you for your help!

  21. 2004 Queen Elizabeth II back says East Caribbean States 1 Dollar
    --About $1.00

    Elizabeth II D.G. REG F.D. 1982 Twenty Pence
    --About $0.30

  22. How much is a 1969 NY 5 dollar bill?

  23. 1969 NY 5 dollar bill just $5.00 unless a star note.

  24. I found a sir alexander bustamante one dollar note . It has 1.1.90 on it can you tell me the worth please?

  25. sir alexander bustamante one dollar note . It has 1.1.90

    About $2.50 in uncirculated.

    If circulated or folded then just $1.00.


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