
Monday, December 12, 2011

Kwangtung Province 10 Cash

Do you have a Chinese coin and want to know its value? Leave a comment

It took a long time to identify this coin, mostly because some versions of world coin books reference this coin but never actually show it. In the Krause books this one is referred to as Y# 193 but in the 2010 World Coin Book it is not shown. 

Also there are mule versions where Y#192 and Y#193 have their reverses switched. Yes, confusing especially when you do not know the language.

Kuang-tung Sheng Tsao,  Kuang-hsü Yuan-pao around Board of Finance and Copper Coinage 10 Cash 
 光緒董事會財務硬幣十個現金 (pardon the translation)

Kwang-Tung is the province in China and ten cash is equivalent to one cent. The back of this one seemed to have something spilled on it. It has since turned into a powder and is falling off. I am sure it is a real coin so this is not casting residue. I hope one day to use distilled water to clean it off but that is not a priorty since the whole coin has verdigris damage.

Here's the stats...
Type/Country: 10 Cash (1 Cent) / China-Kwangtung Province
Year: 1900-1906
Mintage: 1,211,487,000 for the Y# 192 and I assume this Y# 193.
Metal: 95% Copper, 4% Lead, 1% Tin
Value: Fine about $2.00 but only if I can safely remove the powdery thing.

Oh yeah and varieties exist in the lettering and spacing.

Do you have a coin from China and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.


  1. I found a Chinese coin and it took forever to find out what it was. It is a Chinese coin with a hole in it, from around the 1600's. I found it in a pile of coins on top of a Coin Star machine.

  2. @Tylers, so true. I use this site a lot if when trying to ID Chinese cash

  3. I just saw this what would you do? Get rid of the dollar bill?

  4. what would you do? Get rid of the dollar bill?

    No, I think cutting back on the dollar coins is the best. As a New Yorker I understand that it was our subway Metrocard vending machines that uses the most of these dollar coins but they are a pain to carry and reuse.

    Despite the fact that dollar coins are more efficient we are Americans and the dollar bills rules.

    The scenario where stopping the printing of dollar bills will lead to acceptance of dollar coins is wrong. In these modern times what would likely happen is the rapid explosion of e-commerce. Some smart person will invent a debit card and accompanying phone app that big stores will give for free loaded with your change. Eventually it will become more widely accepted than dollar coins especially among the young.

    I love dollar coins but unless the are dime size the will always fail.

    P.S. In 1975 the metric system was introduced as law in the U.S., how's that going?

  5. Hello, can I buy this coin for 10$? I've started collecting Chinese coins.


  6. Hello, can I buy this coin for 10$?

    Not from me but maybe on eBay.

  7. I have one same as above but written one cent


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