
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

1979 Cambodia 5 Sen

Do you have a Cambodia coin and want to know its value? Leave a comment

Found it! Temporarily mislabeled this coin in the unknown envelope the last time I went through my foreign coins. Since I only have this one Cambodian coin I often forget about it. There are no recognizable symbols or designs that I associate with Cambodia.

Royal emblem.
5 Sen 1979
It is a nicer piece in hand but you can clearly see splotches. This is typical among aluminum coins that are exposed to water droplets. Honestly with all the problem zinc, aluminum, and silver coins are giving me because of this New York City humidity I am liking gold more everyday.

Here's the stats...
Type/Country: 5 Sen / Cambodia
Year: 1979
Mintage: Unknown
Metal: 100% Aluminum 
Value: $1.25 in Extra-Fine

Do you have a coin from China and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.


  1. That's a pretty amazing coin, when you think about it. In 1979, the Khmer Rouge was in its death throes (good riddance). If I recall the Khmer Rouge wanted a society that had no money - I don't think they coined any money & it wouldn't have surprised me if they managed to kill anybody who knew how mint coins. A 1979 coin means that it was one of the first minted during the aftermath.

  2. That's a pretty amazing coin, when you think about it...

    Yes, it was an interesting time. The Khmer Republic did have one circulating coin issued by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). The rest were silver and gold I think for special presentations. Always limited to less than 1,000.

    After 1979 they did not mint any until 1988.

    Thanks for the info.

  3. Is it me, or do I see almost no 2009 US pennies in circulation? why is that?

  4. Is it me, or do I see almost no 2009 US pennies in circulation? why is that?

    Slightly less were made but thanks to hoarders many are just sitting in drawers or in rolls. There is a false belief that they will be worth much more in the future.

  5. 1 mao 2009 ? very shiney whats its value please?

  6. 1 mao 2009 ? very shiney about $0.10

  7. I have a 5 chinese coin. It is from 1983 an a picture of it is in the link here on the bottom of the comment.

    How much is this coin worth in America? In pennies or dollars.

    What is it called in china? I saw on the internet jen, and yuan, and i dont know what one or what is the difference.

    What does it say on the back and on the front?

    Finally, what can you buy in china with one of these?

    Email me at if you have ANY answers please!

    Picture of coin: (Both sides),r:0,s:0,i:71,r:1,s:0,i:74

  8. 5 Fen from China

    How much is this coin worth in America? In pennies or dollars.
    --About $0.15 in very fine

    What is it called in china?

    What does it say on the back and on the front?
    "People's Republic of China"
    "5 Fen"

    Finally, what can you buy in china with one of these?
    --It is $0.05 in currency exchange and is no longer in use in China.
    Anything sells for 5 cents in China, which is probably not much candy or grains.


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