
Monday, October 03, 2011

2002 Italy 5 Euro Cents

Do you have an Italian Euro and want to know its value? Leave a comment

Almost a year to the day I found my last Italian euro find. This one was found on the floor in front of a Coinstar machine. Apparently many people tried to pass it through until someone got so upset they threw it on the ground with furious anger. I may have exaggerated the details for effect.

The third most common euro coin behind the Italian 20 Cents and 1 Cent coins of the same year. I guess Italy wanted to go all in when they switched to euros. Recently I have read no one uses the 1, 2, or 5 euros cents much in Europe so it is getting rejected everywhere.


Notice a dark blob on the coin. Again this is guess but I think it is ink. People often carry pens and coins in the same place so it could possibly be a leaky pen. This is a case where pure acetone wold help since it is a low value coin it may be worth the experiment one day.

Here's the stats...
Type/Country: 5 Euro Cents / Italy
Year: 2002
Mintage: 1,341,742,204
Metal: Copper Plated Steel
Value: $0.06 in Fine

Do you have a Euro from Italy and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.


  1. Hey Man,
    I have a rolled set of uncirculated italy euros from 2002 .01 to 2 euros I'd like to know the value of them, if you know?


    Nick dawg

  2. set of uncirculated italy euros from 2002
    1 Euro cent about $0.25
    2 Euro cents about $0.25
    5 Euro cents about $0.25
    10 Euro cents about $0.25
    20 Euro cents about $0.30
    50 Euro cents about $0.80
    1 Euro about $1.60
    2 Euro about $7.00

    2002 was the most common so each has fairly low value compared to other years.

  3. I have an Italian 10 cents, year 1955. wonder how much it's worth?

  4. Italian 10 Lire, year 1955 about $0.10

  5. I have one that has an error on it extra metal does that make it more valuable?

  6. I have one that has an error on it extra metal does that make it more valuable?

    If the Die Break is small than it usually does not have extra value.

    If it goes from the rim and takes away some design elements it may add a few dollars in value.


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