
Friday, June 10, 2011

2004 $20 Star Note EJ-*

Do you have star note and want to know its value? Leave a comment

Sure it is great to find a star note but this one is less than stellar.

Many harsh folds, blunted corners, a tear, red bank ink on the corner, and a foreign bank counter stamp all takes away from any real value. Add to that it is a common star note and it is debatable whether it is worth keeping.

See the counter-stamp it is a circle with an I in the center and above it a six petal flower. I suspect an Asian country but it literally can be anything.

Here's the stats for this bill...
Type/Federal Bank: $20 Star Note Fort Worth / Kansas City
Year: 2004
Printings: 3,200,000
Printed: February 2004
Run: 1st and only from EJ00000001* - EJ03200000*
Value: $22.50 VF(this one is less)

I have a choice either keep it knowing it will never gain any value over the years or go see Super 8 knowing that J.J. Abrams and Spielberg will ruin the ending.

Do you have currency and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.


  1. Packing up to move, I stumbled on a wedding gift that has always had me curious. It is an uncut sheet of 16 2004 series star notes with sequential numbers ranging from EA 00166828 star to EA 00316828 star. The upper right (mint?) designation varies from A20 through G20. I have the feeling there is serious value here just knowing the habits of the giver. I'm sure he would be tickled to hear that I finally discovered that it was worth much more than (16) $20 bills. If you can help, great! I can email a picture if you think it would make it easier. Thanks, Peter.

  2. uncut sheet of 16 2004 series star notes with sequential numbers ranging from EA 00166828 star to EA 00316828 star...$20 bills

    About $750.00 but I have not seen a recent auction these notes are a bit more scarce than most so they often are not on sale. I expect to see them sell for more but no guarantees, this was a great gift.

  3. Wow, thanks a lot for looking into that so quickly. I'm inclined to hang on to them for a while unless you think they might lose value as the dollar inflates. I don't know, maybe they will be worth more? I relic of the Federal Reserve? Anyway, what do you figure would be the best way to help them find the person who wants them the most? Ebay auction? Private collector? Thanks again, your site is awesome!

  4. they might lose value as the dollar inflates.
    --These are collectibles even if the Fed collapses they would not only retain value but gain more. Most likely the Federal Reserve will outlast most everything.

    what do you figure would be the best way to help them find the person who wants them the most?
    --The best place is Heritage auctions, second a private buyer in a coin forum, third eBay.

  5. I have a new New York City $20 star bill I received at my CU it is flat and look to be in excellent condition. What is it worth? should I hold it.
    JB02123844* series 2009

  6. $20 star bill I received at my CU it is flat and look to be in excellent condition. What is it worth? should I hold it.
    JB02123844* series 2009

    About $22.50 it is fine to spend.

  7. Thank you for the fast reply. How large was the run? How many $20's in the run. Was it printed in 2009? Was it printed in New York or for New York, where was it printed? Is there a online resource or a book to look it up?
    JB02123844* series 2009

  8. JB02123844* series 2009

    How large was the run?

    Was it printed in 2009?
    --No, January 2010

    Was it printed in New York or for New York, where was it printed?
    --No, Washington, DC
    Bills are only printed at Washington, DC or Fort Worth, TX the New York meant it was sent to the Federal Reserve bank in NY, one of 12 banks that can order money.

    Is there a online resource or a book to look it up?
    --Yes but without values...

  9. I have a 1934 A $20.00 bill with an alignment error. The number and the green seal stamp are off set. The numbers on the bottom are part covered by the signature. They seem to be set low and a little to the right. I can email a picture or two if it would help. It is in circulated condition, but really only shows a few fold marks. I bought it out of a till at the place I worked about 11 yrs ago, but not sure about the value or if it is that rare of a bill. Thanks for your time.

  10. 1934 A $20.00 bill with an alignment error. The number and the green seal stamp are off set. The numbers on the bottom are part covered by the signature. They seem to be set low and a little to the right. I can email a picture or two if it would help. It is in circulated condition, but really only shows a few fold marks.

    About $100.00 depending on serial number for this Minor Misaligned Overprint error.

  11. The serial number on it is L32744830A I don't know what the other numbers are called, but there is a 12 in the corners and a D37 in small print. Thank you so much for your time. =)

  12. 1934 A $20.00 bill with an alignment error...L32744830A

    Oh, this one is the most common so it is about $75.00.

  13. I have a Series 1950B $20 E 05462637* note that I just got from an ATM. It has a short horizontal line in the border above the "Federal Reserve Note" and a larger border on the top than the bottom, not too dramatic but noticeable. I bill has a few marks and what looks like a mark from a stamp but not legible. I would hate to spend it and find it was worth something to someone. I would also hate to hang on to it if it is worth $20.

  14. 1950B $20 E 05462637* note that I just got from an ATM. It has a short horizontal line in the border above the "Federal Reserve Note" and a larger border on the top than the bottom, not too dramatic but noticeable. I bill has a few marks and what looks like a mark from a stamp but not legible.

    About $70.00 the slight Faulty Alignment does not add value.

  15. I just found 5 $20.00 2004 EB and EC series. One $50 2004 EK series with a star by the shoulder of Grant.

  16. I have 1963 $5 with a red seal A series how much is it worth?

  17. I have a 1935F $1 bill with a blue seal and couple from 1957 $1 with a blue seal.

  18. $20.00 2004 EB and EC series about $22.00 each if you mean star notes in very-fine

    $50 2004 EK series with a star by the shoulder of Grant.
    No extra value if not a star note.
    About $60.00 if a star at the end of the serial number.

  19. 1963 $5 with a red seal A series about $12.00

  20. 1935F $1 bill with a blue seal about $4.00
    1957 $1 with a blue seal about $2.50

    But it depends on serial number.

  21. I have a 2009 $20.00 bill where the seal on the left side in black is very dark. the seal on the ride side is very dark and has so much ink on it you can't make out the words. The seal on the left is the same way. The bill looks like too much ink was used on it. I had the bank check it and also checked in the light for the water mark and so far it appears that it is real. I looked at all the other 20's in my wallet and none have this much contrast. Is this a common mistake with 20.00 bills?

  22. 2009 $20.00 bill where the seal on the left side in black is very dark. the seal on the ride side is very dark and has so much ink on it you can't make out the words. The seal on the left is the same way. The bill looks like too much ink was used on it.

    Minor Ink Smear error about $35.00

  23. I have eleven 1999 consecutive $1 star notes serial L10444201* thru L10444211*, the first one has a small ink smudge by the Federal Reserve Seal. Can you tell me what they would be worth?
    Thank you!

  24. 1999 consecutive $1 star notes serial L10444201* thru L10444211*, the first one has a small ink smudge by the Federal Reserve Seal.

    Ink Smear errors don't add value unless they are 10% coverage.

    Otherwise about $2.00 in uncirculated.

  25. Hi I would like to know the value of these stars.

    1 2003a B03448949*
    1 2003a K03628672*
    I think there short runs also.

  26. On the post above the stars are in Almost Crisp condition.

  27. Almost Crisp condition
    1 2003a B03448949* about $15.00 run 320,000
    1 2003a K03628672* about $15.00 run 640,000

  28. I have a few different star notes I am wondering if any of them are worth keeping around.

    $1.00 - 2006 - K02782276
    $100.00 - 2006 - HL17194544
    $1.00 - 2003 - J00051838 -in rough condition
    $20.00 - 2004 A - GF03059178 - f6
    $20.00- 2004- EF02662651
    $1.00 - 2003 a - J00915011

    All are in good condition except for the one noted. Thank you very much

  29. notes...

    $1.00 - 2006 - K02782276 about $2.50
    $100.00 - 2006 - HL17194544 about $115.00
    $1.00 - 2003 - J00051838 -in rough condition about $1.00 should be 2003-A
    $20.00 - 2004 A - GF03059178 about $22.50
    $20.00- 2004- EF02662651 about $22.50
    $1.00 - 2003 a - J00915011 about $2.00

  30. Hi, I have an old $50 note, and I am curious whether or not it is worth more than $50. It's been in circulation with noticeable creases, and I received it out of an ATM last year. I really don't know what condition to call it, but I could send you a picture if that would be helpful.

    It is a $50 1934 series, number H00422800A. Thanks!

  31. $50 1934 series, number H00422800A about $65.00

  32. Could you tell me the value of a $1 2009 series A03332248* note?

    It's not in the greatest condition, it has a few bends, and a fold in the middle.

  33. $1 2009 series A03332248* note?

    It's not in the greatest condition

    About $1.25


  35. $20 STAR BILL, SERIAL NUMBER EA07246826, SERIES 2004

    About $22.00 in very fine

  36. would any body be able to tell me how much an uncut sheet of 16 - 2004 $20 is worth with number starting @ 000000850 from GA series?

  37. uncut sheet of 16 - 2004 $20 is worth with number starting @ 000000850 from GA series

    About $800.00 assuming star notes and ungraded.

  38. Thank you soo much!
    Yes they are star notes and they are in perfect condition roles up in the origional tube I purchased them in from the BofP&E.

  39. I have a Series 2004 $20 Star note in excellent condition, crisp, never folded, no defects serial # EK00075259. Additionally, it is misaligned at the top with extra space at the bottom. I guess you could call it a star/error note. I haven't seen anything like it before. Can you estimate its value for me?

  40. 2004 $20 Star note in excellent condition, crisp, never folded, no defects serial # EK00075259. Additionally, it is misaligned at the top with extra space at the bottom

    Minor Misalignment does not add value, about $35.00.

  41. Thank you very much! That was helpful.

  42. Hello I have a 1934 20 dollar star note with a bright green seal. Its pretty worn. Was wondering approximate value.Thanks

  43. 1934 20 dollar star note with a bright green seal. Its pretty worn.

    About $25.00 depending on serial number.

  44. more details for 1934 star note,bright green serial numbers and seal...from the bank of new york
    serial number B00065447*

  45. 1934 star note,bright green serial numbers and seal...from the bank of new york
    serial number B00065447*

    About $110.00 even very worn.

  46. Hello, I came across a $100 series 2003A FG00061315* It's got minor staining, and a crease in middle of bill. I was able to find that there was 1,280,000 printed in the first run but can't find the value. could u help me out please. it also has a faded pink stain/mark on bottom that shows through both sides.

  47. $100 series 2003A FG00061315* It's got minor staining, and a crease in middle of bill

    About $105.00 in that condition unless it's crisp-uncirculated the value is low because it is very common.

    The full run was 1,920,000 notes generally have rreal value if they are 320,000 or less.

  48. I have a sheet of 16 $50 star notes series 2004 Anything more than face value?

  49. sheet of 16 $50 star notes series 2004 about $1,600.00

  50. I was wondering how much these are worth:
    $10 IG00108807* 2006
    $10 GL10891035* 2004
    $5 IA03080207* 2006
    $1 L00156191* 2006
    $1 J00395918* 2006
    also I have a 1907 liberty back nickel and a 1944 wheat back
    All of these are in good condition.

  51. never mind that last one, didn't noticed you answered me already, thanks!!

  52. No problem I'll amswer twice.

    1907 Liberty Nickel in decent condition about $2.00
    1944 Wheat back in good condition about $0.05
    $10 Star Note, series 2006 serial: IG00108807* about $25.00
    $10 star note, series 2004 serial:GL10891035* about $12.00
    $1 star note, series 2006 serial: J00395918* about $25.00
    $1 star note, series 2006 serial: L00156191* this has a small tear on the left side about $10.00
    $5 star note, series 2006 serial: IA03080207* about $7.50

  53. Thanks.

    Today I found a bunch:
    $20 EJ00303538* series 2004
    $20 GE02788549* series 2004 A
    $5 IF02062624* series 2006
    $1 F14382517* series 2003A
    $1 G04528558* series 2006
    $1 E03951968* series 2003A
    $1 F14753534* series 2003A
    I also have a little head $5 G60017194A series 1995 in very fine condition
    Also, I was wondering where I could go about selling these?

  54. $20 EJ00303538* series 2004 about $22.00
    $20 GE02788549* series 2004 A about $22.00
    $5 IF02062624* series 2006 about $10.00
    $1 F14382517* series 2003A about $1.25
    $1 G04528558* series 2006 about $1.25
    $1 E03951968* series 2003A about $1.50
    $1 F14753534* series 2003A about $1.25

    $5 G60017194A series 1995 in very fine condition about $5.00

    Also, I was wondering where I could go about selling these?
    --Most are too common to sell but eBay is your best bet.

  55. $20 EJ02451486* series 2004
    $10 IG00533361* series 2006
    $5 IA01533431* series 2006

  56. $20 EJ02451486* series 2004 about $22.00
    $10 IG00533361* series 2006 about $25.00
    $5 IA01533431* series 2006 about $7.00

  57. i have a 20 dollar bill series 2004 EK00043031 star note whats it worth

  58. 20 dollar bill series 2004 EK00043031 star note about $22.00

  59. it is a miscut and the back is not lined up

  60. it is a miscut and the back is not lined up

    Unless you see a bit of another bill it does not add value.

  61. i have a 20 dollar bill series 2004 EK00043031* the front is miscut and the back isnt lined up whats it worth

  62. 20 dollar bill series 2004 EK00043031* the front is miscut and the back isnt lined up

    I'll guess a third time is needed, about $22.00

    Unless this "Miscut" can be described better.

  63. it dont have any top border and the back is small at top thick at the bottom

  64. it dont have any top border and the back is small at top thick at the bottom

    Very Minor Faulty Alignment error it does not add value.

  65. Hello,

    I've been collecting start notes over the last few months and I was wondering if maybe I could find out their value. I've had no luck in town so here I am online! They are all in okay condition, nothing new or crisp...well except maybe a few.

    $100 1996 AA01537038
    $100 1996 AA00231527
    $50 2009 JG01260017
    $50 2009 JG00679020
    $20 2004A GB00086398
    $20 2004A GB03971233
    $20 2004 EG01072643
    $20 2006 IG00455043
    $20 2004A GE00824759
    $10 2003 DJ00971316
    $10 2004 GL08548627
    $10 2004 GB00052420
    $5 2006 IF03073250
    $5 2006 IA00672752
    $5 2006 IA00311484
    $1 2003 G01130141
    $1 2003 J01297607
    $1 2006 F00304221
    $1 2006 K00812099(this one is crisp)
    $1 2006 B04445824
    $1 2006 J00248772
    $1 1995 G00733333(pretty worn)
    $2 2003 I00755078 (crisp and new looking)
    $2 2003 I02573830

    Really I need advice on what to look for and what is worth keeping around. I've just ended up with a bunch of bills that I don't know what to do with.

    Thank you!!!


  66. Star notes...

    $100 1996 AA01537038 about $110.00
    $100 1996 AA00231527 about $110.00
    $50 2009 JG01260017 about $55.00
    $50 2009 JG00679020 about $55.00
    $20 2004A GB00086398 about $30.00
    $20 2004A GB03971233 about $22.00
    $20 2004 EG01072643 about $22.00
    $20 2006 IG00455043 about $25.00
    $20 2004A GE00824759 about $22.00
    $10 2003 DJ00971316 about $15.00
    $10 2004 GL08548627 about $12.00
    $10 2004 GB00052420 about $25.00
    $5 2006 IF03073250 about $10.00
    $5 2006 IA00672752 about $7.00
    $5 2006 IA00311484 about $7.00
    $1 2003 G01130141 about $1.25
    $1 2003A J01297607 about $2.00
    $1 2006 F00304221 about $10.00
    $1 2006 K00812099(this one is crisp) about $5.00
    $1 2006 B04445824 about $2.50
    $1 2006 J00248772 about $2.00
    $1 1995 G00733333(pretty worn) about $1.25
    $2 2003 I00755078 (crisp and new looking) about $5.00
    $2 2003 I02573830 about $2.50

  67. Really I need advice on what to look for and what is worth keeping around. I've just ended up with a bunch of bills that I don't know what to do with.

    Except for buying a currency book to use as a reference there is not much to say except try to get the most crisp and keep an eye out for anything odd.

    I would also say like the 2 1996 $100 bills which ever is better condition keep, the other just use. There is a thin line between collecting and hoarder.

  68. $50 star note from 1996-AB 05414053 (circulated)

  69. Are the old bills worth keeping? Old as in the ones they used to print before they came up with the new colorful design i guess in 1996.If not how about in years down the line like if i kept them for my kids? My husband loves to keep every old bill he recieves and i always thought its a waste.

  70. $50 star note from 1996-AB 05414053 (circulated) about $60.00

  71. Are the old bills worth keeping? Old as in the ones they used to print before they came up with the new colorful design i guess in 1996.If not how about in years down the line like if i kept them for my kids?

    Not really.
    Right now you can buy a 1934-A $20 bill for $25.00.
    So a 1996 $20 will be just $20 for another 50 year then at most it'll be $30 if circulated.

    That said if he can keep crisp-uncirculated examples then they may double face value. But this is good hobby since the notes he collects will never lose value. Plus they take up little space.

  72. I have a $20 star note serial number If04981996 and i was wondering the value if you could tell me, thanks.

  73. $20 star note serial number If04981996 about $22.50

  74. Man,
    I am looking to see if my find is worth anything more than face value.

    I have a strap of 10's from 2004 GA 02407800 - GA 02407900 all of which are star notes. Never circulated.

  75. 10's from 2004-A GA 02407800 - GA 02407900 all of which are star notes. Never circulated.

    About $50.00 each.

  76. I have a 20 dollor start note, serial number EE03288134. I was wondering what the value is?
    Thank you.

  77. 20 dollor start note, serial number EE03288134 about $22.00

  78. I have a 1990 100 dollar note j01173590*. What would the value be

  79. 1990 100 dollar note j01173590* about $130.00

  80. I have the following

    100 2006 HL18851809*
    50 2009 JG03184565*
    20 2009 JB03028823*

    any value

  81. 100 2006 HL18851809* about $115.00
    50 2009 JG03184565* about $60.00
    20 2009 JB03028823* about $22.00

  82. I have two 20 dollar bills with small amounts of color shifting ink smeared on the top right of the bill and on the (united states of america)sign.its visible to see as dots changing from yellow to red. these bills came from a stack of 100 bills and are in sequence in the serial number the last three digits are 398d and 399d. just wanted to know if they had any value because i still have them for 4 months now.

  83. 20 dollar bills with small amounts of color shifting ink smeared on the top right of the bill and on the (united states of america)sign.its visible to see as dots changing from yellow to red. these bills came from a stack of 100 bills and are in sequence in the serial number the last three digits are 398d and 399d.

    Either Minor Ink Smear error or Minor Offset Transfer error, either way no extra value.

  84. Seeking approx value for following star notes:
    $50 2004A GE 02467925
    $1 2003A C 01049600
    2006 K 01277088
    2006 B 04482012
    2003A E 03543511
    2006 F 05224500

    Thanks in advance for the info

  85. star notes:
    $50 2004A GE 02467925 about $60.00
    $1 2003A C 01049600 about $2.50
    2006 K 01277088 about $2.50
    2006 B 04482012 about $2.00
    2003A E 03543511 about $1.50
    2006 F 05224500 about $2.50

  86. I have a $20 Bill that is missing the green Department of Treasury symbol on the front right under the word TWENTY - is this worth anything?

  87. $20 Bill that is missing the green Department of Treasury symbol on the front right under the word TWENTY

    Partial Missing Overprint error about $150.00 in very-fine.

  88. $20 star note EJ01192496 * has good fold in half mark and someon wrote 1000 with a circle around 1000 in purple ink this is on the left side of bill left of the united states rederal reserve system symbol. how much is it worth?

  89. $20 star note EJ01192496 * has good fold in half mark and someon wrote 1000 with a circle around 1000 in purple ink

    About $22.00

  90. I found a $10

    IG 00067776 *

  91. $10 IG 00067776 * about $35.00

  92. 20 dollar bill gk00065702* could you tell me the value

  93. 20 dollar bill gk00065702* about $22.00

  94. I have twenty-five $20 star notes I got from the ATM at the bank, what are they worth? The numbers are in sequence starting with #IG04819275* through #IG0489299* Any information you can give will help. Many Thanks in advance, Joyce L. Axen

  95. twenty-five $20 star notes I got from the ATM at the bank, what are they worth? The numbers are in sequence starting with #IG04819275* through #IG0489299*

    If crisp-uncirculated about $35.00 each.

    These are the most common star notes for this series so they would difficult to sell if less than perfect.

  96. 20 bill 2004A serial GK70809081 worth?

  97. 20 bill 2004A serial GK70809081C just $20.00

  98. 1969 10 dollar bill A36876919

  99. 1969 10 dollar bill A36876919A about $11.00

  100. 1948 nickle
    1919b wheat penny

  101. 1948 nickel about $0.10

    1919b wheat penny
    --No such thing either S or D or blank, recheck.

  102. 1919 wheat penny its real old so hard to see but it has to be a 'd' it sure doesnt look like a 's' thats why I thought it was a b

  103. 1919 wheat penny its real old so hard to see but it has to be a 'd' it sure doesnt look like a 's' thats why I thought it was a b

    About $0.50

  104. I just looked im pretty sure its a b if so that would be a misprint so how much would it be worth! Whats the value of both s and d

  105. I just looked im pretty sure its a b if so that would be a misprint so how much would it be worth!
    --Not possible only D or S were made. What you have is a damaged D cent, which would lower the value to $0.10.

    Whats the value of both s and d in Good?
    D is about $0.50
    S is about $0.20

  106. i have a $20 from 1950 series c the front looks to be cut wrong and closer to the right side of the bill and the back is further to the left but neither line up to one another..... and the front seems to be a larger print then the back... the front is closer to edges then the back. i could take pics not sure how to post them tho.. all the printings seem to be correct just off center. any idea if it has value or not?

  107. $20 from 1950 series c the front looks to be cut wrong and closer to the right side of the bill and the back is further to the left but neither line up to one another..... and the front seems to be a larger print then the back... the front is closer to edges then the back

    Your describing a Minor Faulty Alignment error, no extra value.

  108. Hello Thank you for your assistance!
    20 Dollar EE45830749A
    2004 Series
    E5 under serial number in upper left corner if that matters.
    Perfect condition has been in book since 2004
    Thank you!

  109. 20 Dollar EE45830749A
    2004 Series
    E5 under serial number in upper left corner if that matters.
    Perfect condition has been in book since 2004

    About $25.00.

  110. Thats a nice surprise ... thank you so much!

  111. Thats a nice surprise ... thank you so much!

    That is because you said it was perfect which is the highest grade a bill can be.

    Trying to sell it if it has not been official graded will be difficult.

  112. Yeah not sure where to have that done around here but Im just going to stick it back in a book for now. :)

  113. Yeah not sure where to have that done around here but Im just going to stick it back in a book for now. :)

    Probably at a great grading company but it is not worth the service fee.

    Yes keep it safe and as the years pass it may grow in value.

  114. I called a local coin dealer today about a 1950 A series 20$ bill Serial E 04182359*(Star Note), My question to him was should I spend it or could it have any value. Being a full time college student and fairly broke I was hoping he would say it is worth more than face value but no, he said just spend it. Its in pretty good circulated condition for its age and seems to be printed offset just a little to the right, maybe by a millimeter or more. I figured before I went and gassed up I would ask someone online, and I saw your blog and was very impressed. Seems like you help a lot of people with questions like this. Any input on this would be greatly appreciated. If its need I can get a picture but figured I would ask before photographing it.

  115. 1950 A series 20$ bill Serial E 04182359* pretty good circulated condition

    About $35.00.

    On eBay they are going for $50, which is a bit overpriced but I guess that is the point of eBay.

    Unfortunately in circulated condition no dealer will give you anything over $25, if that.

    If you have any friends who collect I would offer to sell for $30 and let them try and resell it for $35+.
    But if not then use it. This is too common to deal with the hassle of trying to get a profit.

  116. 1950 A series 20$ bill Serial E 04182359* pretty good circulated condition

    Thanks for letting me know so fast. I really appreciate you helping me out and I will be visiting your blog again.

  117. @Brad, no problem.

    May I suggest since your in college that you find the coin collectors there. When I was in college I would buy or trade coins and currency from fellow students, mostly foreign.

    Maybe through Facebook or campus groups. I'm an engineer so I can say this but science guys usually like to collect and have money to buy.

  118. Hi. I'm having trouble finding any information on a 1930 B $20 bill. I also have a 1934 $20 bill, but that seems to be more prevalent. Please advise.

  119. Assuming American...

    1930 B $20 bill, no such thing the years were 1928, 1934, and 1950.
    You probably have a 1950-B the signatures are Ivy Baker Priest and Robert B. Anderson about $22.00

    1934 $20 bill, about $25.00

  120. Hello, I have two consecutive $20 star bills, serial #'s EK 0016785*
    and EK 00167853*. They are both misaligned in print but are not missing any of the print itself. They are series 2004 with the upper left fw F 132 & fw F 125. Are these worth holding onto?

  121. $20 star bills, serial #'s EK 0016785*
    and EK 00167853*. They are both misaligned in print but are not missing any of the print itself.

    About $22.00 each they're common and the slight error does not add value.

    Unless you're a collector or these are perfect no big loss if you use them.

  122. I have a $20 bill, 2004-A, GK00450699*..... can you tell me the value?

    Also a $10 bill, 2004-A, GL09299875*.....

  123. $20 bill, 2004-A, GK00450699* about $22.00

    $10 bill, 2004-A, GL09299875* about $12.00

  124. I have three star notes and were wondering what there value is.

    $1 F05918577* 2006
    $2 G00913347* 1976
    $20 GK01248585* 2004 A

  125. $1 F05918577* 2006 about $2.50
    $2 G00913347* 1976 about $10.00
    $20 GK01248585* 2004 A about $22.00

  126. Seeking approx value for following star note

    $20 probably VF -no tears, middle crease some circulation wear


    Thanks again for your help


  127. $20 probably VF -no tears, middle crease some circulation wear


    About $22.00

  128. $20- JD 00124277* series 2009 about $25.00 in very-fine

  129. $10 GL 08617756* 2004 A
    $20 GK 00713787* 2004 A
    $20 IG 04449761* 2006 ?
    $20 H 79612107 A 1950 C

    Slight crease in center of all and 1950s bill seems cut wronge or off center

  130. $10 GL 08617756* 2004 A about $12.00
    $20 GK 00713787* 2004 A about $22.00
    $20 IG 04449761* 2006 ? about $25.00
    $20 H 79612107 A 1950 C about $27.00

    Slight crease in center of all

    1950s bill seems cut wronge or off center
    --Common for these bills, no extra value

  131. Wow thanks for such a fast reply on those four bills. :)

    I just noticed a black marker? Mark on the top left corner of 2006 bill does this drop the value?

  132. I just noticed a black marker? Mark on the top left corner of 2006 bill does this drop the value?

    Not really these mark are common and tend to fade over tome.

    That said it's common and low value so that does not change much.

  133. I have a 1996 $20 bill that is missing the seal over the twenty. It has never been folded and in mint condition. How much is it worth?

  134. 1996 $20 bill that is missing the seal over the twenty. It has never been folded and in mint condition

    Partial Missing Overprint error about $300.00

  135. I have some star notes i would like to have valued:
    $1 2006 F 05918577* (okay condition)
    $2 1976 G 00913347* (crisp)
    $20 2004A GK 01248585* (okay)
    $20 2006 IF 04949797* (okay)

  136. $1 2006 F 05918577* (okay condition) about $2.50
    $2 1976 G 00913347* (crisp) about $20.00
    $20 2004A GK 01248585* (okay) about $22.00
    $20 2006 IF 04949797* (okay) about $22.00

  137. I have a 2004A $20 GF 00567829* bill, not in the best of condition.
    Is it worth anything other than $20?

    Great blog I enjoy reading it at work :)

  138. 2004A $20 GF 00567829* bill, not in the best of condition but also appears to be misaligned. The top margin is noticeably thinner than it should be.

    About $22.00 the minor Faulty Alignment does not add value.

  139. I received a 20.00 dollar bill that is a star note, dated 2008, serial # IG03489545*. Is it worth more than $20.00?

  140. 20.00 dollar bill that is a star note, dated 2008, serial # IG03489545*

    It should be 2006 about $25.00

  141. okay i have a few bills and 2 coins im looking for a price on please and thanks you

    $2 Series 1953 *01724817A (good)
    $2 Series 1953B A69796073A (good)
    $2 Series 1953 A21341036A (bad)
    $1 Series 2006 B01415316* (good)

    $1 both 1979 (great con)

    Thanks again for your time...

  142. $2 Series 1953 *01724817A (good) about $20.00
    $2 Series 1953B A69796073A (good)) about $7.00
    $2 Series 1953 A21341036A (bad)) about $4.00
    $1 Series 2006 B01415316* (good)) about $2.00

    $1 both 1979 (great con)) about $1.00 each

  143. hey man, love the site. I had some star notes I was wondering about?

    $20 series 2006 IE01957591*
    $10 series 1999 BC00301801*
    $10 series 1999 BD00430204*
    $5 series 2006 IF02502504*
    $1 series 2006 j02664701*
    $1 series 2006 G03948122*
    $1 series 2003-A C01188651*
    $1 series 2003-A E05773566*

    Thanks for info you can give!!

  144. $20 series 2006 IE01957591* about $22.00
    $10 series 1999 BC00301801* about $15.00
    $10 series 1999 BD00430204* about $15.00
    $5 series 2006 IF02502504* about $7.00
    $1 series 2006 j02664701* about $2.50
    $1 series 2006 G03948122* about $2.50
    $1 series 2003-A C01188651* about $2.50
    $1 series 2003-A E05773566* about $1.50

  145. I just found a $100 star note. series 2006 HA 00360655*
    About how much do you think its worth?

  146. $100 star note. series 2006 HA 00360655* about $105.00

  147. Seeking approx value for $50 Star note:
    Serial EG02162358*

  148. $50 Star note:
    Serial EG02162358* about $55.00

  149. Hey! I found a

    1981 $100 E 00061295*

    Wondering what it is worth?

    Thank you

  150. 1981 $100 E 00061295* about $500.00 in very-fine this is a key star note.

  151. Hi,

    Love your site! I found two star notes today:

    $100 2006 series HL 26569633*
    $20 2006 series IF 06340012*

    Any idea on their value?

    Thanks so much!

  152. $100 2006 series HL 26569633* about $110.00
    $20 2006 series IF 06340012* about $22.00

  153. I have a series 2004 20 dollar star note EK 00116364 very good condition and it is cut uneven (more blank paper on bottom than on top) its a 1st run and they did 384,000 of this series, how much is it worth?

  154. 2004 20 dollar star note EK 00116364 very good condition and it is cut uneven (more blank paper on bottom than on top)

    About $22.00 the minor Faulty Alignment does not add value, neither does the first run.

  155. I have a 2006 $20 bill that's little longer. It's about 3mm longer. Normal bill measure 156 mm, mine measure 159. It's a noticeable difference when comparing it to a regular bill. It not in the best shape. Is this mis-cut or cutting error? And is it worth anything?

  156. 2006 $20 bill that's little longer. It's about 3mm longer. Normal bill measure 156 mm, mine measure 159.

    Minor cutting error, no extra value.

    Just in case what is the full serial number.

  157. The serial # for 2006 $20
    Serial # IB49215186E

  158. 2006 $20
    Serial # IB49215186E...Cutting error

    Okay that does not change the value, as far as I know this group is not listed in any auctions.

  159. In the past 2 days I received 2 star notes

    $50.00 GE01385721*
    $100.00 CE00805039*

    Both not crisp but not too bad

    Thanks a lot!

  160. $50.00 GE01385721* about $60.00
    $100.00 CE00805039* about $110.00

  161. Thanks for all you help and sharing your knowledge! I just got a $20.00 in ok condition series 2006 IE01843403*

  162. $20.00 in ok condition series 2006 IE01843403* about $22.00

  163. Seek approx value of $1 * note:
    Serial A05686547* series 2009


  164. $1 * note:
    Serial A05686547* series 2009 about $2.50

  165. Just found a $20 star note, series 2004, serial # EK00051715*
    Wondering how much it's worth?

  166. $20 star note, series 2004, serial # EK00051715*

    About $25.00

  167. Hello,
    My husband and I found a 20 dollar star bill
    ( 2004 series EK 00212461*), the top edge is miscut right at the top of the Federal Reserve Note line and the bottom has a larger space. i have never seen this and apparently neither has the cashier and manager at Walgreens who at first declined it. I have been looking all over the internet and have found different values. Can you please give me it's estimated worth? I can include a picture if that would help:)
    Thank you!!!

  168. 20 dollar star bill
    ( 2004 series EK 00212461*), the top edge is miscut right at the top of the Federal Reserve Note line and the bottom has a larger space.

    Minor Faulty Alignment error about $30.00, the bill is common and the error is too minor to add big value.
    Also assuming very-fine condition.

  169. Hello. I found a $20 star note. It is a series 2009 JG 00187306*. This bill seems to be a miscut. The cut seems to be at a slant and it grazes a little over the 20 on the right side.The bill is in fair condition, it has a fold down the middle. How much do you think this is worth?

  170. $20 star note. It is a series 2009 JG 00187306*. This bill seems to be a miscut. The cut seems to be at a slant and it grazes a little over the 20 on the right side.The bill is in fair condition,

    Not sure what "graze a little" means but minor Faulty Alignment errors are common no extra value unless you see a bit of another bill.
    About $22.00

  171. I have some notes and starnotes that I'd like to get valued:
    $1 2006 G 04786844 * (crisp)
    $1 2006 F 05918577 * (okay)
    $2 1976 G 00913347 * (crisp)
    $20 2006 IF 04949797 * (crisp)
    $20 2004A GK 01248585 * (crisp)
    $2 1976 G 84413632 A (okay)
    $2 1976 F 51314890 A (okay)
    $5 1985 G 31386385 D (okay)


  172. $1 2006 G 04786844 * (crisp) about $5.00
    $1 2006 F 05918577 * (okay) about $2.50
    $2 1976 G 00913347 * (crisp) about $20.00
    $20 2006 IF 04949797 * (crisp) about $5.00
    $20 2004A GK 01248585 * (crisp) about $25.00
    $2 1976 G 84413632 A (okay) about $2.00
    $2 1976 F 51314890 A (okay) about $2.00
    $5 1985 G 31386385 D (okay) about $5.00

  173. Figured we try this out. Best easter egg hunt ever.

    Both 20's, both have folds

  174. excuse me, should be EF02050259*

  175. Both 20's, both have folds

    EC00235687* about $22.00

    EF02050259* about $22.00

  176. I came by a few Star Notes

    $100 1974 B 01485325 *
    $100 1969A L 00506885 *
    $100 1969C L 01295674 *
    $20 1963A L 02160433 *

    Just wondering what they could be worth.

  177. $100 1974 B 01485325 * about $140.00
    $100 1969A L 00506885 * about $160.00
    $100 1969C L 01295674 * about $150.00
    $20 1963A L 02160433 * about $25.00

  178. Hey
    $50 AB 05071247 * 1996
    $50 C 04954096 A 1950 B
    $50 IA 00518161 * 2006
    $100HF 00112038 * 2006
    $20 G 08355808 * 1977
    $20 L 06335310 * 1977
    $20 J 01987771 * 1977
    $20 I 02467739 * 1974
    $20 L 03116565 * 1977
    $20 H 00334132 * 1977
    $20 L 01201204 * 1963
    $20 G 08900210 * 1977
    $10 A 06552778 * 1974


  179. $50 AB 05071247 * 1996 about $60.00
    $50 C 04954096 A 1950 B about $55.00
    $50 IA 00518161 * 2006 about $75.00
    $100HF 00112038 * 2006 about $125.00
    $20 G 08355808 * 1977 about $22.00
    $20 L 06335310 * 1977 about $25.00
    $20 J 01987771 * 1977 about $25.00
    $20 I 02467739 * 1974 about $30.00
    $20 L 03116565 * 1977 about $25.00
    $20 H 00334132 * 1977 about $30.00
    $20 L 01201204 * 1963 about $50.00
    $20 G 08900210 * 1977 about $22.00
    $10 A 06552778 * 1974 about $25.00

  180. Is

    2003 E 05522299 *


    Worth anything?


  181. 2003 E 05522299 *

    $1 about $1.25

  182. I found a few star notes and was wondering the value, and if any are worth saving?

    100 - 2006 HB13493957
    50 - 2009 JG00372548
    20 - 2009 JB00597959
    20 - 2004 EA081555715
    20 - 2004 EF012667479
    20 - 2004 EA09307518
    20 - 2009 JB02427575
    20 - 2009 JB01165794
    20 - 2004 A GK00420220
    10 - 2004 A GL09501200
    5 - 2006 IG00510792
    1 - 1993 K05530550
    1 - 2009 G00202136
    1 - 2003 A E00120318
    1 - 2006 K00267342
    1 - 2003 A C03515089

    Thank you

  183. star notes and was wondering the value, and if any are worth saving?

    100 - 2006 HB13493957 about $115.00
    50 - 2009 JG00372548 about $60.00
    20 - 2009 JB00597959 about $22.00
    20 - 2004 EA081555715 about $22.00
    20 - 2004 EF012667479 about $22.00
    20 - 2004 EA09307518 about $22.00
    20 - 2009 JB02427575 about $22.00
    20 - 2009 JB01165794 about $22.00
    20 - 2004 A GK00420220 about $22.00
    10 - 2004 A GL09501200 about $12.00
    5 - 2006 IG00510792 about $10.00
    1 - 1993 K05530550 about $2.50
    1 - 2009 G00202136 about $2.50
    1 - 2003 A E00120318 about $7.50
    1 - 2006 K00267342 about $2.50
    1 - 2003 A C03515089 about $7.50

  184. Hey I found a

    $20 D 02695515 * 1990

    Worth anything?

  185. $20 D 02695515 * 1990 about $25.00

  186. dk07294446* 2003 100.00 bill

  187. dk07294446* 2003 100.00 bill about $110.00

  188. 2004 20$ bill star note/miscut.on the front print goes clear up to the very top edge with big space at bottom. and back side is also not centered. Ek00235816*

  189. 2004 20$ bill star note/miscut.on the front print goes clear up to the very top edge with big space at bottom. and back side is also not centered. Ek00235816*

    The minor Faulty Alignment does not add value about $22.00.

  190. HI :o)I have a 2006 $20 bill the front is stained red. I would estimate over 90% of the front is red, some much darker than the rest. The # is IE68372628C. Is it worth more than 20? (fingers crossed) I took a photo but unsure of how to load it onto here.
    Thank you, Samantha

  191. 2006 $20 bill the front is stained red. I would estimate over 90% of the front is red, some much darker than the rest. The # is IE68372628C.

    That red is not from printing it was probably an accident at the bank.

    Damaged, no extra value.

  192. Hi, I have 2 2004 star notes with numbers EF00033196 and EF00033197, how do you tell what they are worth, I looked at a site that said you need the series , all mine say are "series 2004" I got them from the safe at work, they're in really good condition too, no wrinkles or anything.

  193. 2004 star notes with numbers EF00033196 and EF00033197, how do you tell what they are worth, I looked at a site that said you need the series , all mine say are "series 2004" I got them from the safe at work, they're in really good condition too, no wrinkles

    Value is based on condition and serial numbers, the number and series tells collectors how many were printed.

    Both your notes are from a short printing of 320,000 notes.

    In very-fine they are about $25.00 each.

  194. Hi, I have a series 1977 $50 star note. G00973242. Entire bill is very crisp with a couple small imperfections and three creases where someone bent it into fourths. All four corners very sharp. Was wondering if it is worth more than face value. Thank's.

  195. 1977 $50 star note. G00973242. Entire bill is very crisp with a couple small imperfections and three creases where someone

    About $60.00

  196. 20$ Star Bill EK00011357
    Worth Anything?

  197. 20$ Star Bill EK00011357 about $22.00


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