
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

1962 Canada Cent

Do you have Canadian cent and want to know its value? Comment

Last of trio of Canadian cents found all at once. Started with a 2011 then 1978 finally 1962 that is a 49 year span of Canadian goodness. As usual half way through the year and Canadian finds are dominating all other foreign coins.

Tell me this does not look like the photos by Moyra Davey.

Should have saved this for Canada Day on July 1 but that is still a bit far.

Here's the stats...
Type/Country: 1 Cent / Canada
Year: 1962
Mintage: 227,244,069
Metal: 98% Copper, 0.5% Tin, 1.5% Zinc
Value: $0.03 in AG

Do you have a cent from Canada and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you


  1. You could be the American Moyra Davey, doing something similar with Canadian cents.

    What books is that, by the way? You've piqued my interest.

  2. You could be the American Moyra Davey, doing something similar with Canadian cents.
    --Too lazy, plus film is always better and I do not have a film camera. She is very anti-digital cameras.

    What books is that, by the way?
    --Do you mean my background? It was just a credit card ad.

  3. You do not have a film camera? I forgive you.

    Yeah, I meant your background. Again, I forgive you. :)

  4. Hi there, well you inspired me to dig through my canadian change collection! The oldest Canadian cents that I found dated 1942, 1955 & 1958... Are they pretty common? Thank you! Btw I love your site, I have collected wheat pennies and various change over the years and my friends and family think its odd but I see I am not alone haha :)

  5. You do not have a film camera?

    Technically I have an old Kodak but they no longer sell film, batteries or the flash cube for it so it is dead to me.

  6. Canadian cents that I found dated 1942, 1955 & 1958
    --All common but still about $0.10 each.

    ...but I see I am not alone haha :)
    --Thanks I think these coins are cool and I don't mind that they are common. Keep collecting.

  7. Hi, I have A LOT of coins and no idea the value for well any of them.
    I have almost all the state coins except delaware, mississipi, california, and wiisconsin, i have amercan samoa quarter im counting as part of that set.

    also these:
    1921 american silver dollar, very little wear
    1964 canadian silver dollar that says charlottetown quebec on it, also little wear
    1966 canadian silver dollar with canoe on it,
    1984 canadian silver dollar, jaques cartier, smaller size then others
    1963 canadian 50 cent piece
    1912 canadian quarter, quite worn first "an" in "canada" non existent and no sharp featuers on the king but still has ear and nose, jaw and collar defined
    two 1962 canadian quarters, can still see wreat in hair
    1963 canadian quarter very good condition except for a dent in the queens head, otherwise its like mint, still see every hair detail
    1944 and 1948 canadian quarters, circulated for sure.

    i also have two 1938 german coins with the eagle holding a wreath with the swastica on them, on is a 2 reichs pfennig like a cent and the other is a 2 reichs mark with paul von hindenburg on the reverse

    ill stop with that for now, i have hundreds of coins.

    if you could answer that for me that would be great, thankyou :D

    oh and for that one that your stumped on i believe it is a arcade token for somewhere in china or taiwan. proly china as the ones ive gotten are from taiwan and have some english on them.

  8. oops i mean from taiwan becasue of the english on it.

  9. state coins except delaware, mississipi, california, and wiisconsin, i have amercan samoa quarter im counting as part of that set.
    --Each quarter is just $0.25

    also these:
    1921 american silver dollar, very little wear about $29.00

    1964 canadian silver dollar that says charlottetown quebec on it, also little wear about $22.00

    1966 canadian silver dollar with canoe on it about $22.00

    1984 canadian silver dollar, jaques cartier, smaller size then others about $1.00

    1963 canadian 50 cent piece about $11.00

    1912 canadian quarter, quite worn first "an" in "canada" non existent and no sharp featuers on the king but still has ear and nose, jaw and collar defined about $5.50

    1962 canadian quarters, can still see wreat in hair about $5.50

    1963 canadian quarter very good condition except for a dent in the queens head, otherwise its like mint, still see every hair detail about $5.50

    1944 and 1948 canadian quarters, circulated for sure about $5.50 each

    1938 german coins with the eagle holding a wreath with the swastica on them
    2 reichs pfennig about $0.20
    2 reichs mark about $2.50

    oh and for that one that your stumped on i believe it is a arcade token for somewhere in china or taiwan. proly china as the ones ive gotten are from taiwan and have some english on them.
    I have figure out it is a Pachinko token but not where specifically.

  10. just made own blog.

    Thank you for telling me.

  11. just made own blog.


  12. okay, so I know this is WAY off topic here, but I need to know something.. I have a Republic of Texas 5 dollar bill, that was printed in 1842,,, about 3 years before Texas became a actual state in 1845, there is no serial number on it like there is for mordern day bills, so my question is this, How much is this 5 bill worth ?

  13. Republic of Texas 5 dollar bill, that was printed in 1842

    Average in extra-fine is about $200.00 if cut or canceled.

    That said there are so many varieties, grades, and replicas that it is beyond my expertise.

    This site has many examples and may be willing to help...

    If not try a local dealer or coin club.

  14. I have $1 star note 2003A J02615307* its pretty worn. Also I have a $1 thats printed off set were as normaly there is a frame around it there is no frame part if you will at the bottom at all and it is shifted to the left its in pretty good condition other then a faint fold down the middle and some put a staple hole in it.I'd send a picture but I don't know how to link it to here :)

  15. $1 star note 2003A J02615307* its pretty worn about $1.50

    $1 thats printed off set were as normaly there is a frame around it there is no frame part if you will at the bottom at all and it is shifted to the left its in pretty good condition other then a faint fold down the middle and some put a staple hole in it.
    --Minor Faulty Alignment error no extra value unless you see a piece of another bill.

  16. Hello! I would like to ask, what is today's value of a 1936 Canadian Penny?

    And could you please enlighten me with what most home coin collectors use to store all there older coins in?

    Looking forward to your response. Thank you.

  17. 1936 Canadian Penny about $0.15

    what most home coin collectors use to store all there older coins in?
    Most use tins, felt lined boxes, coin tubes, or archival safe envelopes.
    For very little money a lot of collectors use 2x2 coin holder, you can buy a 100 for a few dollars.

    The main point for amateur collectors is to keep them in a cool, dry, dark place. Away from cheap plastic and bad paper. Keep checking the coins for tarnish or other changes and if that occurs try spending more for a better/safer coin holder.

  18. I have a 1950 and 1945 canadian penny. And two 1867 to 1967 Canadian pennies. I also have a 1958 American penny? Are they worth more than their face value?

  19. 1950 and 1945 canadian penny about $0.10 each
    1867 to 1967 Canadian pennies about $0.02 each
    1958 American penny about $0.05

  20. I found what I think was a penny in my change. It's the same size as a penny and has a green tarnish that would make it copper but it also has a good amount of rust on it. Any idea why it would rust like this?

    I put the Canadian penny beside just for scale.

  21. Any idea why it would rust like this?

    This is verdigris, copper reacts with water and "salts" to form copper(II) acetate. It is why the Statue of Liberty is green.

    The inside of a penny from Canada is zinc or steel.
    Zinc reacts with water/oxygen and turns into a white powdery rust.
    Steel of course reacts with water/oxygen and turns into the rust you see.

  22. hey im 14 years old and a few years ago your blog got my attention, a few days later i had started my collection. here i am now with about two hundred coins, most are canadian or just older american coins so yeah, but i just wanted to say thanks. my collection is worth about a hundred and fifty dollars now but when im old and in need of money, my old us coins oughta be worth a bit more. so in other words, thank you.

  23. hey im 14 years old and a few years ago your blog got my attention, a few days later i had started my collection.

    You're welcome and thanks for the kind words.

    That is great to hear and wish you the best of luck. If there is any other way I can help just let me know.

  24. I got 1959 canada $0.01 just wandering

  25. 1959 canada $0.01 about $0.05

  26. Hi,I just wonder cuz I have one from1962 one cent and two from1949 ,five cent from1986(2) and one from 1988 ,and ten cent from198t

  27. one cent
    1962 about $0.03
    1949 about $0.15

    five cent
    1986 just $0.05
    1988 just $0.05

    ten cent
    198t just $0.10 no matter what the year from thhw 1980s.

  28. What is the value of a Canadian penny missing the year on it?

  29. What is the value of a Canadian penny missing the year on it?

    Just $0.01 because this type of error is considered damage. Unless you meant something else like a dual-date.

  30. What about a 1948 Canadian penny???

  31. 1948 Canadian penny about $0.10

  32. I have a 1952 Canadian penny. Any worth 2 it by chance??

  33. Adam: The Coined For Money Finds (2022)2:50 PM, May 28, 2022

    Moyra Davey Born in 1958 at Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    OK, i got my camera, just i filming or i not filming?...

    1842, then 180 Years...

    in 2002, 1952 was only 50 Years.


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