
Tuesday, January 04, 2011

1953-A $5 Star Note

Do you have a bill  and want to know its value? Leave a comment

This was my last find of last year but I thought I should move it to the front of the line while I have a bit of time. It also happened to be my best find of 2010. Got some last second gifts at a gift shop and the lady on line paid with this bill not caring to spend it on junk gifts. While the cashier did not even check if it was real but quickly passed it on to me. I was surprised no one else cared that this was a blue seal older note.

This is a silver certificate from the 1953-A it is also a star note. One more thing some sharp eyes may notice is on the obverse at the top left and center are some black line. On the reverse on the top right is a green line. Those are the positioning or alignment marks. These marks were used to line up the original 12-subject sheet to be cut to the exact dollar dimensions. This bill is slightly off-center so the marks are visible. Go ahead click each image and see for yourself, I will wait for you to comeback...see told you.

Although it has a slight faulty alignment this was common in these types of notes, from what I understand it does not add much value.

Here's the stats...
Type/Country: 5 Dollars / United States
Year: 1953-A
Date Printed: July 1957 - January 1961
Printings: 12,960,000
Run: *15120001A - *2808000A
Value: $55.00 in this shape

The condition is crisp and without bends or folds. Unfortunately the scanner did some auto correction and took out all the stains and yellowness. I am using a new scanner not my older-better model. To make sure this bill was not ironed I held it up to a strong light and checked every inch for thin light-lines that would indicate it was folded once. Pressing a bill is fine while iron is considered deceptive and possible destructive.

Do you have a note and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.


  1. Had a couple of questions. First what is the story of an inverted flag on the back of 1950's 10 dollar bills, was it truly a mismade plate? And secondly could you please tell me what my bill is worth?
    I have a 1950A ten dollar bill with the serial number G61924115D.
    Thanks for any information and help :)

  2. First what is the story of an inverted flag on the back of 1950's 10 dollar bills, was it truly a mismade plate?

    No the person who designed the back of the bill wanted to make the flags wave in the wind. While the design on the plate looked great when it transferred to the paper money it looked to some people that it was upside down. It was just to much ink in the shadows of the waving flag.
    After some people, at the time, complained the design was modified and made less wavy so you can clearly see less shadows and more flag.

    It is an optical illusion that some people see and some do not. At times anti-government groups latch on to this and then with internet conspiracy nuts joining in it has gone wild.

    1950A ten dollar bill with the serial number G61924115D about $12.00

  3. Thank you for the information, I must say since finding your site I am paying much closer attention to the money that passes through my hands both in change and as my job as a cashier :)

  4. I have another strange question for you. On the back of the one dollar bills to the right and under the shadow of the E in the word one is a small number. Could you tell me what that number is supposed to be for?

  5. On the back of the one dollar bills to the right and under the shadow of the E in the word one is a small number. Could you tell me what that number is supposed to be for?

    That is the back plate number which is used to identify what plate was used to print the back. Since each plate gets used to print hundred of thousands of bills they are closely replaced often. Each plate must be accounted for to prevent counterfeiting or theft and so they are numbered.
    The front and back plates that print the dollars must be numbered in a certain way for each printing.

  6. Hi I can NOT believe you do this!!
    THANK YOU in advance.
    I have an uncut sheet of $2 series 1976 H all numbers ending in 525 Hoo --- 525.The sheet is CLEAN and CRISP the Dept of Treasury frame is rough ripped in three places.I guess so someone could remove the sheet?
    Again THANKS McMillan968

  7. uncut sheet of $2 series 1976 H all numbers ending in 525 Hoo --- 525.The sheet is CLEAN and CRISP the Dept of Treasury frame is rough ripped in three places

    Value depends on full serial number, just need one of them.
    Also what size is the sheet 4, 16, or 32 uncut notes.

  8. what would a 2 dollar bill with the serial number C50368098A in red be worth? It is a 1928 D?

  9. 2 dollar bill with the serial number C50368098A in red be worth? It is a 1928 D?

    About $15.00

  10. Hi, can you tell me what the value of the following would be?

    Denomination, series, quantity
    $1 1935 D - 40
    $1 1935 C - 4
    $1 1935 E - 5
    $1 1935 F - 1

    $1 1957    - 6
    $1 1957 A - 1
    $1 1957 B - 1

    Do you have any advice on how to go about getting the highest value for these?


    $2 1953 B - 1

  11. Oops, that $2 line was supposed to go above with the other bills! It's hard to write comments on a phone.

    Thanks again!

  12. Denomination, series
    $1 1935 D about $3.00 each
    $1 1935 C about $3.00 each
    $1 1935 E about $3.00 each
    $1 1935 F about $4.00 each

    $1 1957 about $3.00 each
    $1 1957 A about $3.00 each
    $1 1957 B about $3.00 each

    $2 1953 B about $12.00

    quantity is not necessary only exact serial number would be important so I must assume none of these are star notes an all are common.

  13. Need the value of a 1934 E $5 bill.
    Serial #E04423336A

  14. 1934 E $5 bill Serial #E04423336A

    No such thing as a 1934-E $5 it must be a 1934, about $15.00.

  15. what is the value of...$1...5....10....20 and 100 star bills??i have more than 1000 dollars of star value....they all are in condition...some are near to uncirculated......

  16. $1...5....10....20 and 100 star bills??i have more than 1000 dollars of star value....they all are in condition...some are near to uncirculated.

    On average 5 times face value.

    The problem is that it depends a lot on serial number and year.
    Maybe make an excel or other type of list and post it somewhere then I or someone else can review it.

    Good categories would be...
    Denomination, Series, Serial #, Condition
    $1, 1935-E, *08089034A, VF
    $5, 1969, D95848393*, UNC

    Just one way or buy a currency book.

  17. i am going to buy 9 silver proof set.......from 1956 to 1964.... coins r in plastic holders.....can u tell me the buying price of these sets???

  18. 9 silver proof set.......from 1956 to 1964.... coins r in plastic holders

    Assuming U.S....
    1956 about $75.00
    1957 about $35.00
    1958 about $55.00
    1959 about $30.00
    1960 about $35.00 Large date
    1961 about $30.00
    1962 about $30.00
    1963 about $30.00
    1964 about $30.00

  19. i paid $490.00 for 2 x 59 to 64 silver proof set in holders......and $65 for 2009 silver proof 18 coin set...........and $71 for 1798 good to very good drapped bust large cent .....

  20. i paid $490.00 for 2 x 59 to 64 silver proof set in holders......
    That's good even at least years prices that is great deal, now with above $40 an ounce and headed twoards $50 by summer you have a great deal.

    $65 for 2009 silver proof 18 coin set.......
    Good again expect them to hit $70 in th next book listing.

    $71 for 1798 good to very good drapped bust large cent .....
    Great bargain these are going for twice the amount.

    Congrats you are good at this.

  21. thank u very much my next target is....wisconsin low leaf or high leaf coin.......i have one but planing to buy 2 or 3 more........i think one will have the same value like......3 leg buffalo nickel....

  22. I just received a 1969 A series 5 dollar bill. It has a green stamp on it. is it worth anything or even just keeping around?

  23. 1969 A series 5 dollar bill about $7.50 depending on serial number.

  24. i have just checked my star bill collection...i have.....50 one dollar bill....17 five dollar bills...7 ten dollar bills...22 twenty dollar bills and 7 hundred dollar 400 dollars of web notes....... I have a there any comomorative coin as......1969 oil comomorative series coin??

  25. star bill collection...i have.....50 one dollar bill....17 five dollar bills...7 ten dollar bills...22 twenty dollar bills and 7 hundred dollar 400 dollars of web notes.......
    That's nice.

    I have a there any comomorative coin as......1969 oil comomorative series coin??
    Possibly, what country?

  26. I just found a $5 star note serial #IF01018745*
    It isn't folded really and it feels pretty crisp. I think it could be flattened to look better. Oh and it is 2006. Could you tell me it's value?

  27. $5 star note serial #IF01018745*
    It isn't folded really and it feels pretty crisp. I think it could be flattened to look better. Oh and it is 2006

    About $25.00

  28. I have 1928 e $5 star note ser. # *08177937a do u know what its worth?

  29. 1928 e $5 star note ser. # *08177937a about $200.00

  30. I also have .......
    1928a $50 h00488519a with 8 on four corners and its federal reserve bank of st Louis .....
    $10 1934 c .. b34463428a
    $5 1928e ..g67998143a
    $5 1934 c ..m08862100a
    $5 1934d ..q68031024a
    $5 1934 d ..s38570010a
    $5 1953 a ..e92431893a
    $1 1957b v17612121a has ..a777 bottom right
    $1 1957 b. X97117981a. Has h 777 bottom right
    $1 1928 b funny back h49758925b

  31. 1928a $50 h00488519a about $90.00
    $10 1934 c .. b34463428a about $20.00
    $5 1928e ..g67998143a about $20.00
    $5 1934 c ..m08862100a about $50.00
    $5 1934d ..q68031024a about $10.00
    $5 1934 d ..s38570010a about $10.00
    $5 1953 a ..e92431893a about $10.00
    $1 1957b v17612121a about $2.50
    $1 1957 b. X97117981a about $2.50
    $1 1928 b funny back h49758925b about $40.00

  32. I have a 1974 d penny with a small head do u know if it has any value?

  33. 1974 d penny with a small head

    Don't know of any variety of "small head", must be damage, no extra value.

  34. Hey I have a $1 41151010b star any value?
    It's a 1957 b. Thank u

  35. $1 41151010b star any value?
    It's a 1957 b

    About $4.00

  36. I have a series 1969 A five dollar bill that is a misprint and cut. The front of the bill at the bottom cut a little in to the left circle around the 5 and the right side is below the circle around the 5. The back of the bill is normal nothing wrong.
    L 38613412 B
    I can email to you a photo if you like.

  37. 1969 A five dollar bill that is a misprint and cut. The front of the bill at the bottom cut a little in to the left circle around the 5 and the right side is below the circle around the 5. The back of the bill is normal nothing wrong.
    L 38613412 B

    Unless you see a bit of another bill then it has no extra value, if you want to upload a picture somehwere like your blog and link it here that would be fine.



    Only 1934A were yellow, the one you mention must have been bleached in some way.
    Unfortunately it only has face value since it is damaged.

  40. $5 bill - 1950 B - # B77472316D Very Good Condition ??????

  41. $5 bill - 1950 B - # B77472316D Very Good Condition about $7.00

  42. Hi there I found two 1950 5 doller bills are they worth more then 5 dollers. They are in ok condition.

    1950 C # D63332504B
    1950 D # L72941736C

  43. 1950 5 doller bills are they worth more then 5 dollers. They are in ok condition.

    1950 C # D63332504B about $7.00
    1950 D # L72941736C about $6.00

  44. Hi I found a folded 10 dol. GL07293638* and a folded 50 dol. EK00680942* what are they worth and how much value will they go up each year. Are they worth holding on to. THANKS!

  45. 10 dol 2004A with folds in it, GL07293638* about $12.00
    50 dol 2004 with folds, EK00680942* about $55.00

    how much do they go up each year in value
    --About $0.10 on average but mostly it takes 40+ years to double in value.

  46. Hi, I would like to know if you have or could find any information on a

    1953 Series A Red Seal $5 bill

  47. 1953 Series A Red Seal $5 bill

    About $12.00

  48. I have several notes whose value I cannot determine.
    -1957A silver certificate
    -1935D silver certificate
    -2 1976 two-dollar bills
    -1934A ten-dollar bill
    -1950D fifty-dollar bill

  49. Without serial numbers I can only give the lowest average value...

    -1957A silver certificate about $2.50
    -1935D silver certificate about $3.00
    -2 1976 two-dollar bills just $2.00 each
    -1934A ten-dollar bill about $11.00
    -1950D fifty-dollar bill about $55.00

  50. i have a $5 error note that has a cut error. everything is shited to the top and is slightly rotated clockwise. the serial # is IK 76028403B. i have pics I can send you if you can provide me with an email address

  51. $5 error note that has a cut error. everything is shited to the top and is slightly rotated clockwise. the serial # is IK 76028403B.

    Unless you see a bit of another bill or part of the design is cutoff then it has no extra value.

  52. the design is slightly cut off at an angle

  53. the design is slightly cut off at an angle

    In Fine shape about $25.00 but a lot depends on eye appeal.
    This is a Faulty Alignment error.

    If you can post a picture somewhere and link it here that may help.

  54. I have two $5 bills both in circulated condition(folds etc.) but rather old.
    A 1963 Red Seal and Serial Number note. Serial: A36692144A

    A 1934D Green Seal and Serial Number Note. Serial: B88503008C

    Any information?

  55. $5 bills both in circulated condition(folds etc.)

    1963 Red Seal and Serial Number note. Serial: A36692144A
    --About $12.00

    1934D Green Seal and Serial Number Note. Serial: B88503008C
    --About $12.00

  56. Hello, I have a 1969 star note with the serial number G04049850 . What is it worth? It is fairly crisp with a few folds down the vertical middle and one horizontal fold.

  57. 1969 star note with the serial number G04049850 . What is it worth? It is fairly crisp with a few folds down the vertical middle and one horizontal fold.

    Assuming $1.00 note about $2.00

  58. Hello, I have a 1969 star note with the serial number G04049850 . What is it worth? It is fairly crisp with a few folds down the vertical middle and one horizontal fold.

  59. 1969 star note with the serial number G04049850 . What is it worth? It is fairly crisp with a few folds down the vertical middle and one horizontal fold.

    Assuming $1.00 note about $2.00

  60. Oops, forgot to mention it is a $10 bill.

  61. $10 bill...1969 star note with the serial number G04049850...

    About $12.00

  62. i have a $5 bill from the year of 1934 its in very good shape how much is it worth?

  63. $5 bill from the year of 1934 its in very good shape

    About $15.00 depending on serial number.

  64. have two &5 1999 series and they both have letters missing from the federal rserve system stamp on the left side face. One has the E missing in states and the other has S MISSING FROM BEGINNING STATES AND MISSING LAST S, ALSO A IS MISSING AND THE M FROM SYSTEM

  65. 5 1999 series and they both have letters missing from the federal rserve system stamp on the left side face. One has the E missing in states and the other has S MISSING FROM BEGINNING STATES AND MISSING LAST S, ALSO A IS MISSING AND THE M FROM SYSTEM

    Very minor missing ink error, no extra value.

  66. i Have a 5 dallor bll it it datted in 1995 sooo its 16 yeas old today and i know it aint old but i still wana now if i can get enyting for it its not in best of shape but i still whanna know if i can get something for it if possible retch me at

  67. 5 dallor bll it it datted in 1995 sooo its 16 yeas old today and i know it aint old but i still wana now if i can get enyting for it its not in best of shape

    Just $5.00, but I would need the full serial number to be more accurate.

  68. Hey There,
    I have a 1953, US $2 "Star" note, which seems to have been printed with a yellow seal/stamp. As I understand these should have a red seal/stamp, I assumed it had been washed. However, when comparing this note to other 1953 (appropriately RED-stamped) $2 bills, I notice that each of the other two bills I have are also marked with a letter beneath the series date - one with an "A", the other with "B" - while my yellow-stamped bill has no letter at all. Here is the (now rather hard to read) serial number: star-01553300A (also, in the upper left and lower right corners of the bill are printed the letter "F").
    I realize this may be a long-shot, and probably of little value, however out of strict curiosity, I'd appreciate any insight you may have.
    Thank you.

  69. 1953, US $2 "Star" note, which seems to have been printed with a yellow seal/stamp...while my yellow-stamped bill has no letter at all. Here is the (now rather hard to read) serial number: star-01553300A

    1953 is a normal series the lack of letter does not make a difference.

    The yellow is likely result of sun-bleaching or chlorine washing.

    Damaged, no extra value just $2.00.

  70. I have a $5 1928F bill that has a yellow serial number and seal. The serial number is I74644431A. Any idea what it is worth? I can't seem to find any information on it anywhere except for Hawaii silver certificates, but it doesn't say anything about Hawaii on the bill.

  71. $5 1928F bill that has a yellow serial number and seal. The serial number is I74644431A

    This is a red seal note but apparently been bleached by the sun.

    Most of the value is lost but maybe about $10.00 if still crisp.

  72. 1950 $5 Serial G55229965A Ef condition

  73. 1950 $5 Serial G55229965A Ef condition about $12.00

  74. I have an interest in old money, as a cashier it seems to be easy for it to fall into my hands. A few months back I came cross a $5 dollar bill from 1953. I immediately bought it. When Igot home and began looking at closer, relaized it was more than old, however attempts to find answers on if it worth anything more have been unsuccessful, if you could help i would greatly appreciate it. the condition is fair, seems as if it was folded in half and then again, like people fold to put it in their pockets. 1953 silver certificate star note serial number *26327899A

  75. $ was folded in half and then again, like people fold to put it in their pockets. 1953-A silver certificate star note serial number *26327899A

    About $20.00

  76. Hi, I have a 1969 $5 bill where the reverse side is upside down - what would that be worth? Not very good condition. B06012563C, Series 1969A.

  77. $5 bill where the reverse side is upside down - what would that be worth? Not very good condition. B06012563C, Series 1969A

    Inverted Back error is about $1,500.00 but I cannot find any records for this note.

    That said if real then it might have more value. It should be graded as fakes do exist.

  78. I have a $5 dollar silver certificate with a star *00155227 A. Blue A and Blue stmp, it also says at the bottom in silver payable to the bearer on demand its 1953, no letters after date.

  79. $5 dollar silver certificate with a star *00155227 A about $25.00 in very fine.

  80. I got a 1953 five dollar bill,blue stamp, code is A 71714604 A, don't know if it matters but the right A on the code is a little bit darker than the other( More in used for that a). At bottom right of front says D1. On back at the bottom right is # 2172. Look over this lemme know if you know a price thank you. Sincerely, Annonmous

  81. 1953 five dollar bill,blue stamp, code is A 71714604 A

    About $10.00 in very-fine.

  82. I have a five dollar bill that has the seal printed in TEAL ink. Not blue. I have never seen it before and I went to a couple of people that said that haven't seen it before either but that it may have been "bleached". Is there any information that you could give me? It is a 2001 series CE23567914A. Or know of anywhere that I can have it looked at.
    Thank You

  83. five dollar bill that has the seal printed in TEAL ink. Not blue. I have never seen it before and I went to a couple of people that said that haven't seen it before either but that it may have been "bleached"...

    Correct, it may have been exposed to some type of detergent.

    When the government cleans money press the solvent used is often left behind and the notes are printed with missing ink or odd colors. They are supposed to be destroyed.

    Solvent Smear errors are common and this type that turns the seal teal is not considered collectable.

  84. I just found three silver certificate blue $5 bills serial numbers: E62064127A/H 45 : E37049473A/Q54 : E62041603A/G66 all AU/UC can you give me a value of these. Thanks

  85. Have a $5 bill a series blue series silver certificate blue seal on right is off about quarter inch...

  86. silver certificate blue $5 bills serial numbers:
    E62064127A about $25.00
    E37049473A about $25.00
    E62041603A about $25.00

    all AU/UC

  87. $5 bill a series blue series silver certificate blue seal on right is off about quarter inch...

    Common, no extra value.

  88. series 1950 oddly cut $5 bill in 1965

    Gutter fold on a star note about $2,500.00 in high grade.

  89. i have a 1953A $5 silver certificate star note. the serial number is (star)17636074A. it has the letter R under the 5 on the top left and R17 next to the 5 on the bottom right. could you let me know what the value is? Thanks

  90. 1953A $5 silver certificate star note. the serial number is (star)17636074A

    About $20.00

  91. 5 dollar note g53620138a one fold in middle corners flat what is the value

  92. 5 dollar note g53620138a one fold in middle corners flat

    What year?

  93. I have a $5.00 silver certificate the serial number is U31375554A it's not crisp but still in good shape. Can you tell me what its worth? And it has a blue seal and the number 5 on it.

  94. $5.00 silver certificate the serial number is U31375554A it's not crisp but still in good shape.

    What year?

  95. Got a 1953 A 5 doller silver Note Star Note in very fine condition or better serial # *27000270A can you help me out with the value


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