
Friday, February 01, 2013

2012-P Denali Quarter

Have a quarter and want to know its value? Leave a comment

The last of the quarters for 2012 released on November 5, 2012. The Denali quarter is also one of the most common of the entire America The Beautiful series. Including both Philly and Denver mints the total of 302 million marks a 4 to 6 time larger mintage than average.

A final increase of quarters at the end of the year is not uncommon. Several factors including the seasonal economy, updated low circulation numbers, and mint speculation for the upcoming months causes the boost every year. Apparently as the economy gets better so does the minting of coins.

Denali is an Alaskan park formerly known as McKinley National Park before its expansion. It is famous for McKinley Mountain and huge herds of caribou over large seemingly barren landscapes. Of course they are not barren instead they are a cold climate adapted rich habitat. Denali is also famous for its alleged oil reserves. There maybe up to ten years worth of oil under the park and talks are constant on the best way to access the oil. As other quarters have lost their icon images I hope this one does not suffer the same fate for a several years worth of oil.

Here's the stats...
Type/Country: 25 Cents-Denali / United States
Year: 2012-P
Mintage: 135,400,000 (estimated)
Metal: 91.67% Copper 8.33% Nickel
Value: $0.25 in F-12

Do you have a quarter from America and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.


  1. The mintages go up as the economy goes up because of two reasons:

    1) More money is being used, since people have more money.

    2) Less coin jars are emptied. If unemployment is high, the people that lose their jobs will go into their attics and cash their coin jars that they kept to get the money from them.

    About the ATB series, the Hawaii Volcanoes is the best looking one.

  2. The mintages go up as the economy goes up because of two reasons...
    --True, but this happens each year whether or not the economy is falling or rising.

    About the ATB series, the Hawaii Volcanoes is the best looking one.
    --I've yet to see it in hand but it does look cool.

  3. I have 2 of these but ones in MS-67, and one in MS-65. Any value?

  4. I have 2 of these but ones in...
    MS-67 about $4.00
    MS-65 about $1.00

  5. I have a Denali quarter but it feels different than other quarters.... Almost softer. Did the mint 999 silver quarters that are the size of a regular quarter and not the 3 inch diameter? What is this coin worth (minted in Philly)
    Thanks, Scott

  6. Denali quarter but it feels different than other quarters.... Almost softer.

    They minted 90% silver, 10% copper for all the quarters. But they have an S mint mark for San Francisco.

    It could be that your coin was heated or could be impure. Try weighing it with a 0.01 gram scale.

  7. What does MS-65 & 67 represent? How do you determine looking at quarter? I'm a new coin collector and learning.. Thanks

  8. What does MS-65 & 67 represent?
    --MS = Mint State
    Grading on coins goes from 1 to 70, where 70 is perfect and flawless.
    MS-65 is a Gem Uncirculated grade and maybe lightly toned and have a few bag marks.
    MS-67 would be better and have either light toning or one or two bag marks on the rim.

    How do you determine looking at quarter?
    --It should have strong luster and eye appeal. Only one non-distracting contact or bag mark.

  9. I have a denali quarter that is silver on the front and copper on the back what does this mean?

  10. a denali quarter that is silver on the front and copper on the back what does this mean?

    Possible missing clad layer error, about $150.00.

  11. Denali coin with 2011 date
    Any info?

  12. Denali coin with 2011 date

    Not possible for US quarters, ore details or an image may help.


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