
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Coined For Money: Round-Up Jan. 14-20, 2013

Customizable is this week's keyword. I made this blog to talk about the low value coins I often find. Now the world is catching up with ATMs that dispense more than just $20s and popular shows talking about small change. Before all that goodness I made a custom heat map of my world coins finds which I hope to upload for everyone to use, eventually.

Heat map of coins I own, the darker green shows the most and white means none or less than 1% were found.

Heat map not including the U.S. or Canada, the percentages change so more countries are visible. Still Africa has the most gaps.
A Chloropeth map is a shaded map that shows the most and least of stuff. In my case I used Microsoft Excelto alter an existing map with the amount of coins I own.Since the amount of U.S. and Canadian coins are so large it throws off the map so removing them properly shows every country in my collection. A useful visual tool I hope to perfect and share.

Finally the banks are rolling out ATMs that give out $1 and $5 bills and soon will also give out coins. I have been needing this for years and hopefully this will improve my currency finds.

Great quote from 2 Broke Girls sums up why I started blogging:
Caroline: Max, have you seen my phone? I wanna take a picture of this bad tip and put it on Instagram. Getting loose change used to be so depressing, but now I can share it with strangers.
Now if you can find an ATM that spits out $10 bills then keep an eye out for this key 1999 $10 star note.


  1. I just wanted to point out that you seem to have mistook Greenland as part of Canada on your map.

  2. ...seem to have mistook Greenland as part of Canada on your map.

    That was not me, it was the map maker.

    That is why I stated there some mistakes and I need to tweak it.

    I currently do not know how disassociate Greenland from Canada without erasing all of Canada.

    Luckily I have no Greenland coins which makes the second map more accurate.

  3. Where do I find out if my money is worth something

  4. Where do I find out if my money is worth something

    Here, coin sites and forums, also most large bookstores have a collecting section.

  5. 1985 10$ bill serial number E24878666B


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