
Monday, December 03, 2012

1950-C $20 Bill, A-A

Have any $20 bill and want to know its value? Leave a comment

This is the oldest twenty dollar bill that I own. Despite the 1950 year on it these were actually printed between February 1961 and March 1963. The C beneath the date was added because the design change was minor. The signatures of Smith and Dillon replaced Priest and Anderson.

Not much is different from most other notes of the 1950 series. They were common and the serial numbers continued from the previous series. The runs went into the hundreds so despite being old they became common and hold little extra value if circulated. It is safe to assume this bill is 50 years old despite the alleged short lifespan of notes this one fared well. I think I got it less than ten years ago.

Here's the stats for this bill...
Type/Federal Bank: $20 Note - D.C. / New York
Year: 1950-C
Printings: 7,200,000
Printed: February 1961 to March 1963
Run: 149th of the 134-153 from A53280001A - A53640000A
Value: $25.00 in EF

Unless the ATM spits out something cool this is the last $20 of interest I own. Since I hardly use the ATM it may take a while to see another.

Do you have currency and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.


  1. Have a 2004 Fifty dollar bill with star. Very good condition. EG 02485778* Worth anything? Thanks!

  2. 2004 Fifty dollar bill with star. Very good condition. EG 02485778*

    About $55.00

  3. I have a 10 dollar bill 1950 a series but in the upper right corner on the back the ink is missing. Was wondering if it was worth anything. Its circulated condition.

  4. 10 dollar bill 1950 a series but in the upper right corner on the back the ink is missing. Was wondering if it was worth anything. Its circulated condition.

    Possible Folding error about $100.00 depending on eye appeal.

  5. I have a Series 1950 B Twenty Dollar Bill serial number G 67121097 B that's signed by Ivy Baker Priest and Robert B. Anderson. It says Washington D.C. And "Will pay to the bearer on demand". The top margin is slightly smaller than the bottom margin, it seems like out of circulation because it has a crisp crease horizontally as if it was framed for a long time that way, but other than that it's in perfect condition. I have no idea the value of this but I've been saving it for a long time and I'm considering parting with it. Thank you for your time!!

  6. 1950 B Twenty Dollar Bill serial number G 67121097 has a crisp crease horizontally as if it was framed for a long time that way, but other than that it's in perfect condition

    About $25.00 very common even in high grade.

  7. I have a 1985 $20 bill, Dallas,Tx. k94602766a. I've tried to search for other currency with same s/n. Verified its not counterfeit, does it have value?

  8. 1985 $20 bill, Dallas,Tx. k94602766a

    This is a common note.
    K-A through K-B were common for 1985.
    Just $20.00

    That said many counterfeits were made in the 1980s so you may need to go to a bank to verify. But most likely if you got it in your change recently then it is fine an real.

  9. Thank you. What other info can you give me on this s/n, I can't seem to find anything on it?

  10. What other info can you give me on this s/n, I can't seem to find anything on it?

    That is because no other information exists.

    Serial numbers are used for printing and not tracking.

    Once printed it is not followed. Unless the FBI marked this money for tracking serial numbers are only important to track printing amounts.

    So K-A is all that is important since they printed a full run of notes.

  11. I have a $20 it was series in 1990. Washington.D.C
    B 66251345 H
    Is it worth more than 20$

  12. $20 it was series in 1990. Washington.D.C
    B 66251345 H

    Just $20.00, it is common.

  13. I have a question I have a 2004 20$ bill that is missing the green seal. I have brought it to s shop he looked at it under a light he didnt see it inbrotated in it the was nothing there. He did say it is in extra fine condition and offered me 40 for it I had too of them so I sold him 1. What is the value of the bill I have left and how bad did I screw myself?

  14. 2004 20$ bill that is missing the green seal...extra fine condition

    Partial Missing Overprint error about $75.00 it would cost $50-$100 to verify by PCGS. But a verified bill may double the value.

    It is up to you to accept the $40 or ask for more.
    You can try selling on eBay or have it graded and wait until the value increases.

  15. I want to add to the last post.. Ive just recently discovered fingerprints on the back 3 of them n they look like they were printed in it

  16. Ive just recently discovered fingerprints on the back 3 of them n they look like they were printed in it

    Common it does not add value.

  17. I received a 1950 twenty dollar bill from the bank. It says 1950 series, but there is nothing else (A,B,C, etc). what is the value of this bill?

  18. 1950 twenty dollar bill from the bank. It says 1950 series, but there is nothing else (A,B,C, etc).

    Depends on serial number but the average is about $30.00.

  19. I have a series 1969 A twenty dollar bill, only one crease in the middle. Ho much is it worth?

  20. 1969 A twenty dollar bill, only one crease in the middle

    Just $20 depending on serial number.

  21. Could you tell me the dollar value of a 2004 20 dollar bill printed: EJ02904920 J10 with signatures Marin & Snow. And how might one determine to find the value in star notes?
    Thank you

  22. 2004 20 dollar bill printed: EJ02904920 J10 with signatures Marin & Snow. And how might one determine to find the value in star notes?

    About $22.00 value is based on printings.

    If 640,000 or less it has the most value.

    Look at the printings on...
    the lower the printings the better.

  23. I have a 1950 c series serial number g 40270852 c it was signed by Elizabeth russel smith treasurer of the united states and c. douglas Dillon secretary of the treasury it has a p227 on the front by the twentyon the back bottom right of picture there 969

  24. 1950 c series serial number g 40270852 c...twenty...

    About $22.00 in very-fine.

  25. I just got back from the bank and out of the ATM I got two twenties that are misprinted. The entire bill is shifted up, so there is ant a top boarder and the bottom border is twice as big. Also, it is a star note with a cereal # ek00256812. Is this worth any more than face value?

  26. two twenties that are misprinted. The entire bill is shifted up, so there is ant a top boarder and the bottom border is twice as big. Also, it is a star note with a cereal # ek00256812

    The Minor Faulty Alignment does not add value, the bills are about $22.00 each if circulated.

  27. I have a 1996 $20.00 bill. On the reverse side, It is misprinted black ink on the green. I can see part of the front of the bill printed on the back side of this bill. Jacksons name, "Jacks" on the lower side of the bill (reversed)and the black ink is angled to the top right
    where the word in reverse reads
    Fede, part of the word federal. I would say the misprint is about 40% on the back of the bill. What would this be worth?

  28. 1996 $20.00 bill. On the reverse side, It is misprinted black ink on the green. I can see part of the front of the bill printed on the back side of this bill....I would say the misprint is about 40% on the back of the bill.

    Partial Offset Printing about $75.00.

  29. I have a $20 that was miscut and folded during printing. I don't see how to attach the image here,but I'm curious what its value might be.

  30. $20 that was miscut and folded during printing.

    About $100.00 for this apparent Gutter Fold error.

    Use your Google+ page to upload pictures and share a link here.

    Or imgur is a good free photo site that you can share pictures.

  31. I posted a question about consecutive 1990 20 dollar bills. Where do I look for the answer?

  32. I posted a question about consecutive 1990 20 dollar bills. Where do I look for the answer?

    You find it where you wrote it.

    I think it is here:

    Here was the response:
    a banded pack of 100 1990 20 dollar bills uncirculated and consecutive numbered. They are federal reserve bank of san Francisco. Starting serial number L04521425c

    Assuming all are CH-CU grade then about $40 each but ungraded they are $25 each.

    The consecutive and band do not add any significant value.

  33. I have 5 sequentially numbered $20 bills issued 2004 in mint condition EF06319853C - EF06319857C - are they worth anything more than face value? Will they be in the future if I hang onto them?

  34. 5 sequentially numbered $20 bills issued 2004 in mint condition EF06319853C - EF06319857C

    At most $25.00 each but they are so new and common it would difficult to sell if not graded.

  35. i have a 1950 20 dollar bill, g54671676c. is it worth anything

  36. 1950-D 20 dollar bill, g54671676c about $22.00

  37. I have a 1969 C series twenty J69581958A signatures:Romana Costa Banualos(sp?) And George Shults. Curculation condition. Is it worth anything? Thank you in advance.

  38. 1969 C series twenty J69581958A signatures:Romana Costa Banualos(sp?) And George Shults. Curculation condition

    About $25.00

    It's Banuelos and Shultz

  39. Have a $100 bill from 1950, circulated. Serial is E06788001A, top left has a "C" & fed reserve in circle on left says "B" if that matters. The series is 1950 "B" signed by Robert B Anderson. Also has a "C24" on the bottom right. I see all sorts of prices and I really just want to get rid of it but held onto it for so long that I feel like I have to get a little extra for it.

  40. $100 bill from 1950, circulated. Serial is E06788001A...

    About $150.00 if circulated.

  41. I have a 1985 $20 bill and maybe I was just too poor to remember these, but I have never in my life seen one of these. I know it is only worth $20 but still. Cool to find something like it

  42. 1985 $20 bill and maybe I was just too poor to remember these, but I have never in my life seen one of these.

    They are still common but I also noticed that they are not circulating as much. I guess the color stands out so bank pull them from circulation easier.

  43. Hi, I have a $20 bill Series 1950 D serial number G85964545C. Is it worth anything? Thanks in advance

  44. $20 bill Series 1950 D serial number G85964545C

    About $22.00

  45. Hello,

    I have a $20 bill 2009 series with 2 odd markings on the "White House" side of it. Not sure if it is a special code or what. I have a picture but not sure how to add. Please let me know if it is worth anything other than face value. In the meantime, I will try posting a picture.

  46. Hello, I have a 1950 series C $20 bill with a Star Note. It is circulated in good condition with a crease down the center. I'm having trouble finding a good answer. Thank you very much.

  47. $20 bill 2009 series with 2 odd markings on the "White House" side of it. Not sure if it is a special code or what. I have a picture but not sure how to add.

    Minor Ink Transfer error, no extra value.

  48. 1950 series C $20 bill with a Star Note. It is circulated in good condition with a crease down the center

    About $75.00 depending on serial number.

  49. I have a 1950 $20 bill series c, star note, seriel #: k02041036* in pretty good condition, just a crease in the middle. How much would this be worth?

  50. 1950 $20 bill series c, star note, seriel #: k02041036* in pretty good condition, just a crease in the middle.

    About $200.00

  51. I have a 1950 20 dollar bill in great condition nothing wrong with it. How much is it worth. B83669636B

  52. 1950 20 dollar bill in great condition nothing wrong with it. How much is it worth. B83669636B

    About $25.00

  53. I have a 1985 $20 bill that doesn't glow green under black light. Is this counterfit? It says L27244311H on it, if that helps.

  54. Hi there! I happened across a 1950 series B that seems to be improperly aligned or miscut on the front only. The top boarder os very thin, almost not there, yet the back and the rest of the bill seems to be proportionate. I'm just curious if I should hold onto this or not. Thanks! (If you link me somewhere where I can send a picture I'm more than happy to!)

  55. I have 3 20$ bills mint condition
    One is a series 1985 J.Baker III

    A Series 1950D D.Dillion
    G 80931131 C

    And another a Series 1950C D.Dillion
    I 30812522 A
    I also have 5-6 1$ bills each have stars on their serial numbers
    What are possible values of the 20$ Bills

  56. I have a 1985 $20 misprint bill. The district seal and numbers are shifted down. The seal is centered just above the signature. The serial number is G55928501D

  57. 1985 $20 bill that doesn't glow green under black light. Is this counterfit? It says L27244311H

    Not necessarily, the security thread that glows was not added until 1990.

  58. 1950 series B that seems to be improperly aligned or miscut on the front only. The top boarder os very thin, almost not there, yet the back and the rest of the bill seems to be proportionate.

    Minor faulty alignment error, no extra value.
    About $12.00

  59. 20$ bills mint condition
    series 1985 J.Baker III
    E88101946G about $25.00

    Series 1950D D.Dillion
    G 80931131 C about $30.00

    Series 1950C D.Dillion
    I 30812522 A about $35.00

    1$ bills each have stars on their serial numbers about $5.00 depending on year and condition

  60. 1985 $20 misprint bill. The district seal and numbers are shifted down. The seal is centered just above the signature. The serial number is G55928501D

    Minor Alignment Overprint, one color error, about $40.00 but maybe more depending on grade and shift.

  61. I have a 1950 b series $20 serial J02522235 with a star at the end and the paper is miscut.

  62. 1950 b series $20 serial J02522235 with a star at the end and the paper is miscut.

    About $100.00
    What is the miscut? Depending on type it may add some or no value.

    1. One end has about a quarter inch of paper instead of the normal amount. Thank you

  63. One end has about a quarter inch of paper instead of the normal amount

    Very minor faulty alignment error, no extra value.

  64. Hiya again. I came across a 1981 Star Series $5. In all the corners where the 5s are,about 1/4" kiddy-corner is the # 7. Serial number G 00358310*
    Know anything about these?

  65. 1981 Star Series $5. In all the corners where the 5s are,about 1/4" kiddy-corner is the # 7. Serial number G 00358310*

    About $30.00 in very-fine condition.

  66. Thank you! It's been circulated so I don't know if I'd call it very fine condition! LoL! Also my Mom recently passed away and while going through her folders of documents, in with her birth certificate was a Series 1957 Silver Certificate Dollar Bill, some creases but it has the blue seal on the right side under the serial number "I 01750995 A" other than the creases from being in with her birth certificate it seems to be in pretty decent shape. I'd like to have an idea of its value. It's going back into the folder but I'll probably get something to put it in to help preserve it for mu son or something of that nature.

  67. Series 1957 Silver Certificate Dollar Bill, some creases but it has the blue seal on the right side under the serial number "I 01750995 A"

    Sorry for you loss, I can't imagine how tough this is.

    As for the note they are very common about $3.00 in very-fine.
    Very-fine is the same as circulated in most cases.

  68. Thank you very much for the condolences, it means a lot!

    What would you recommend for something to store it in to preserve the bill for my son?


  69. What would you recommend for something to store it in to preserve the bill for my son?

    Any currency holder or sleeve from a collectors shop in your area, if not online but you may have to buy in bulk.

    Example: Air-tite

  70. I have this exact 20 dollar from the 1950s but under the series 1950 symbol it has the letter B. The secretary of treasury is signed in cursive and I can't read the first name but the last name is Anderson. Is this dollar bill worth anything ?

  71. this exact 20 dollar from the 1950s but under the series 1950 symbol it has the letter B

    About $40.00

  72. We have 2 1950 $10 bills, not too many differences between the two, but on one (#1) we noticed the Treasurer of the United States was listed as Georgia Neese Clark, and on the other (#2) it has Elizabeth Rudel Smith as the one listed. Also, the Secretary of Treasury on one (2) was listed as John W Snyder and on the other (1) it was listed as C. Douglas Dillon. Besides that the only differences we could really notice was that on the one (2) -the one with Elizabeth Smith as Treasurer- had a C under the 1950, and the other one (1) didn't. Well, other than the one I call (#1) it has a small J in the top left and bottom right corner, the one in bottom right corner technically says J10, and the one I call (#2) has a K in the same places, K461 being the number in the bottom right. (#1) serial number is K07351084A, and (2)'s is K96339849A. Also may have noticed slight differences in the sizing on the faces and main number 10s it seems, but not for sure on that part....has us puzzled. Do we possibly have a counterfeit? (Or maybe even a misprint?) Thanks in advance for any advice/help given!!!

  73. I have a 1950 B $20 bill H68170522A Robert Anderson on right side and troy priest on left side

  74. i have a 20 dollar bill 1950 series e. It has a serious black ink miss aliment.does someone know how much it worth ?

  75. 1950 c series #L09810524 what's it worth

  76. 1950 series serial # L53044113A no letter under the 1950 series quote will pay to bearer on demand

  77. have a 1950 $20 bill sn #27345254C that has alignment error on front and back.

  78. I have a 1950 20 dollar bill A17245544A and would be thankful to know any info.

  79. My 1950 c 20$ bill serial number starts
    D47853238 B

  80. My 1950c 20$ Bill series c serial number starts with D47853238 B number 4

  81. My 20$ bill serial number starts with D47853238 B is also a miss print

  82. 1950 A series 20$ bill G95330930A 7


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