
Sunday, October 07, 2012

Coined For Money: Round-Up Sept. 24-Oct. 6, 2012

Let us see what is new in this lost week. After a week of no internet I decided to scale back on daily postings because the cable service is not reliable and it is birthday season among my friends and that means less time on the web. Back to the coin news not much around so I will showcase the odd.

New Zealand is making expensive Hobbit gold coins just in time for the movie premiere.

Have not played Super Mario Bros. in years but their newest offering seems to be a gold coin frenzy. I still remember that sound of getting a coin in that game.

The Tuscarawas County Coin Club will be issuing wooden "coins" to promote their club. Nice to see they ae still be made.

Found a Double Clip Planchet error in my change and finally got to show it off.

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