
Friday, October 12, 2012

2005 China 10 Yuan Bill

Do you have a Chinese bill and want to know its value? Leave a comment

Trade with China must be good. Just a couple months after finding a 2012 Chinese coin I have now was given a 10 Yuan bill by a happy Chinese tourist. I work close to a tourist trap in New York City and during lunch I keep my eye out for foreigners who may need help. After helping some guy from China I noticed his 10 Yuan and said it was cool. Yes, he was nice enough to let me have it.

This note is mainly slate blue but also has many multicolored parts. Mao Tse-tung is on the front with his lifespan of 1893-1976. A flower is near the center and also serves as a watermark.

The back has the Three gorges of Yangtze river. The entire bill has the typical security features like micro printing, watermarks, metal security strip, back and front matching images, texture, and more.

In this very used shape all the value will come from currency exchange and seeing how China likes changing that it may change a lot over the coming years.

Here's the stats for this note...
Type/Country: 10 Yuan / People's Republic of China
Year: 2005
Printings: Unknown
Value: $1.60 in Good

Do you have Chinese money and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.


  1. I have a 1925 Serbia 1 Anhap/Dinar coin, do you have any idea how much it's worth??

  2. 1925 Serbia 1 Anhap/Dinar coin about $1.00 in very-fine

    This is actually listed under Yugoslavia in most books.

  3. Hi, We have 2 ER JIAO ZHONGGUO RENMIN Y. BILL, and 5 WU JIAO bill.and two forein bank of china certificates the TEN FEN 0.10 and we don't know how much it's worth? can you help us. Tnko.

  4. 2 ER JIAO ZHONGGUO RENMIN Y. BILL, and 5 WU JIAO bill.and two forein bank of china certificates the TEN FEN 0.10

    Depends on year but if modern then 1/10 face value.

  5. Hi my name is rene and i jave a japanies gpverment one peso from wwll and i have some stamps from wwll of mao zedongs headshot people of the republic i have one that says 200,500,2000,and two that have 1000 on themdp u knew what there worth and were i can sale th

  6. japanies gpverment one peso from wwll and i have some stamps from wwll of mao zedongs headshot people of the republic i have one that says 200,500,2000,and two that have 1000 on themdp u knew what there worth and were i can sale th

    japanies gpverment one peso about $3.00

    The stamps are about $10.00 for all of them together.

    That said there are varieties and uncirculated types worth more.

    I do not know about stamps so I cannot say with any certainty.

  7. The 2005 yuan 10 bill!! What's the worth???

  8. 2005 yuan 10 bill!

    Still about $1.60.

  9. Hello. I have 3 zhongguo renmin yinhang $1 bills year 1999. I have 3 zhongguo renmin yinhang $10 bills year 2005. I have 1 zhongguo renmin yinhang $5 year 2005 .
    And I have 1 zhongguo renmin yinhang WU JIAO $5 bill year 1980.

  10. zhongguo renmin yinhang $1 bills year 1999.
    --About $0.50 each

    zhongguo renmin yinhang $10 bills year 2005.
    --About $4.00 each

    zhongguo renmin yinhang $5 year 2005 .
    --About $2.00 each

    zhongguo renmin yinhang WU JIAO $5 bill year 1980.
    --About $0.50

  11. I have a 10 shi yuan 1980, 5 WU JIAO 1972,5 WU JIAO 1980,2 ER YUAN 1980,A total of four 1 YI JIAO 1980, 1 YI YUAN 1960,A total of three 1 YI JIAO 1962,TEN FEN, And one small paper with no number but has a truck on oneside on the right and on the other side in the center has a big star with four smaller stars cradling under it. can you tell me a total value?

  12. 10 shi yuan 1980 about $2.00
    5 WU JIAO 1972 about $0.50
    5 WU JIAO 1980 about $0.50
    2 ER YUAN 1980 about $1.00
    1 YI JIAO 1980 about $0.50
    1 YI YUAN 1960 about $0.50
    1 YI JIAO 1962 about $0.50
    TEN FEN about $0.10

    One small paper with no number but has a truck on oneside on the right and on the other side in the center has a big star with four smaller stars cradling under it.

    --Sounds like 1 Fen from 1953 about $0.50.

  13. Thank you so much

  14. 1999 Yuan 10 Bill about $2.50

  15. Hi, I am Rod from the Phils., i have a 16pcs paper bills of Shi Yuan 1965.may i know the current value?

  16. I have a 10 yuan much is it worth in dollars

  17. .Hi, I have a 1990 bill stating zhongguo renaming yinhang 50, what is its worth

  18. 16pcs paper bills of Shi Yuan 1965

    About $2.00 each

  19. 10 yuan note

    Depends on year but most are $2.00 or less

  20. 1990 bill stating zhongguo renaming yinhang 50

    About $8.00

  21. I am heading back to China this year and have some old notes, one is a Zhongguo Renmin Yinhang 10 with 1999 on it, can l still use this and approximately how much is it worth, please. Thanks

  22. I am heading back to China this year and have some old notes, one is a Zhongguo Renmin Yinhang 10 with 1999 on it, can l still use this and approximately how much is it worth, please. Thanks

    All notes after 1987 are still legal tender.
    Collectors value about $2.50 in high grade.
    Just face value or exchange value if low grade, about $1.50

    1. Hi how much amount for 2 eryuan 1980 and 1990. Mack

    2. Hi how much amount for 2 eryuan 1980 and 1990. Mack

  23. Hello i have some paper money of zhongguo renmin yinhang i have(2) 100 (6) 10with date on it 1893-1976 (2) 5 year 1893-1976 on it can u please tell me how much everything worth

  24. Hi
    I have 7 (1)'s 1999
    1 (5) 2005
    3 (10)'s 2005
    1 (20) 2005

  25. Hi I have10 YUAN note for 2005 how much is worth

  26. I have a 1893-1976 $10 bill how much is it worth?

    1. Tờ này đổi thành tiền việt nam là được bao nhiêu

  27. How much value for Philippines money?

  28. Hm the value of 10 yuan 2005 in philippine peso


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