
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

1983 Canada Nickel

Have Canadian nickel and want to know its value? Leave a comment

This is why I am not too worried that the Canada cent has stopped being minted. Just found a Canadian nickel in my change and of course it was not the first time. So the possibility of finding Canadian coins will continue just the denomination will change. The nickel will become the most common coin used and found until they either stop production or go completely electronic.

This on is a bit beat up but still holds up well. It is just shy of thirty years old and will get a rest sitting in my collection.

Here's the stats...
Type/Country: 5 Cents / Canada
Year: 1983
Mintage: 72,596,000
Metal: 75% Copper, 25% Nickel
Value: $0.05 in Fine

Do you have a coin from Canada and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.


  1. Where in the US are you? Nice blog. I found a wheatie on the sidewalk here in New Brunswick this month!

    Oh, it will be a long time before cents aren't found in circulation here in Canada, so I imagine they will still trickle down your way too.

  2. Where in the US are you? Nice blog. I found a wheatie on the sidewalk here in New Brunswick this month!

    Thanks for the kind words.

    I'm in NYC so yes I think Canadian cents will be around for another decade but each year less are being found so it will go away quickly.

    Nice wheatie find, what year?

  3. Interesting. We are finding more and more (the last roll I opened in-store had 14!) US cents with the US dollar worth less than the Canadian.

    The wheatie was 1949... nothing special, but not something you pick up every day from the sidewalk.

    Hope you didn't fare too badly with Sandy. I lived in Halifax when Juan hit the city directly.

  4. US cents with the US dollar worth less than the Canadian.
    --I suspect many Canadians are traveling to the US for cheaper milk and stuff and getting their change back in US money.

    Hope you didn't fare too badly with Sandy.
    --Thanks, my place is fine but trying to travel to work is impossible.

  5. i got a 1983 canada five cent need help


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