
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Honor The Rebuilders

As always on September 11 it is time to talk about and remember the events on that tragic and evil day back in 2001. It has been 11 years and 8 times I posted something about it while most everyone else moved on.

At least 20 Muslims conspired to kill as many Americans as they could on 9-11-2001. They brought terror and destruction based on their extremist views. Yet we rebuilt and as a working engineer I can gladly say WE and mean it.

I opposed a park or large memorial since all current memorial parks are places where the homeless, children, and the people who just don't care like to hang out. The memorial plaza was opened as a reservation only place. School trips started coming and despite the signs that say no throwing coins into the pool they did. They also threw garbage like bottles and paper. It is typical that time passes and the hurt is less, well not for me.

This year the remembrance ceremonies begins at 4:30AM eastern time and will mostly just be the reading of the names. I will pause many times to remember. The new tower is nearly complete and hopefully many more to come.


  1. I am enjoying your blog about coins, bills and such. And when I reached your remarks about 9/11 I wanted to mention to you that you might very much enjoy the magnificent abstract mural that was painted by a marvelous young artist. It truly touches the heart and inspires the soul! If you have not seen it, you must. i hope you will love it as much as I do. I was deeply impacted and traumatized by what occurred on that tragic day. Only this painting healed me enough to allow me to consider going down to that place again. That, for me, is reslly something significant. Margo

  2. @Margo Have not seen it but if I do I'll let you know.


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