
Saturday, September 08, 2012

1997 Russia 10 Roubles Bill

Have a Russia note and want to know its value? Leave a comment

This has been featured before but that was six years ago back when I first got it from a nice tourist. Since then the value has not grown but I did learn about all its great security features.

Nice note it has a bridge across the Yenisey river and a chapel tower of Krasnoyarsk. On the reverse is the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric station dam.

 Some micro printing of the number 10 and ЦБР10, each in normal and negative print.

Held up to the light you clearly see the metallic security strip which is partially visible on the reverse. Then the two watermarks, one of the number 10 and the other of the chapel again.

Yet that is still just a a fraction of the security features which include micro-printed designs, see through designs that match up elements to the front and back, fibers, UV and IR light designs, holographic ink, embossed writing, raised  ink, and hidden tilt shift designs. For a more detailed summary check out this great Russian site

U.S. notes also use many of these security features and like the Russian notes still are highly counterfeited. Knowing how silver and gold circulating coins were often faked when they were in use it is no surprise the paper money also faces that same problem. What I do not know is plastic money faked in countries where it is common?

Type/Country: 10 Rouble / Russia
Year: 1997(2004)
Printings: Unknown
Run: Unknown
Value: $1.25 in XF

Do you have bills from Russia and want to know their value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.


  1. I think I'm telling it for the umpteenth time now: it's series 2004 (well, modification 2004 anyway).
    Many of these security features (e.g. the metallic strip) were only added in the 2004 modification actually (the original 1997 version and the 2001 modification didn't have them).
    I don't know where did you get the 1998 date from, by the way.

    January First-of-May :-)

  2. EDIT: Also, question says ""bills frm Bangladesh"... pretty sure it's supposed to be Russia.

  3. I don't know where did you get the 1998 date from, by the way.

    Books, the 1997, 2001, and 2004 modifications were not clear.


  4. Okay this post has been updated, thanks to my eagle eyed followers.

  5. Oh, just noticed another error :-) the description says "1 rouble". It's of course actually 10 roubles.
    I wonder if you were really tired when making that post... even discounting the 1997/1998/2004 confusion (which doesn't appear to be your fault... not of 2012-you anyway, as it comes from the original 2006 post), there's still two major errors in a single post (denomination and Bangladesh).

    January First-of-May (and thanks for calling me "eagle-eyed", but if I was I would've noticed this error on the original read-through).

  6. I wonder if you were really tired when making that post...

    Yes, I have less and less time everyday. I use to write them before hand but no time to that so I write them 5 minutes before I post.

    The majority of errors are copy and paste errors. I use the last post as a template for the next.

    Still no excuse for sloppy work. Maybe I'll cut back from daily to 3 times a week.

  7. Question

    What does "January First-of-May" mean?

    Are you a Bee Gees fan?

  8. I have a copper dime from 1970 that is approximately half as thick and as heavy as a normal dime. Any guess as to how rare it is and how much it is worth? Thanks!

  9. copper dime from 1970 that is approximately half as thick and as heavy as a normal dime.

    Sounds like a Missing Clad Layer error on both sides is about $300.00 but it should be verified.

  10. Ok thank you! How would I go about verifying it?

  11. How would I go about verifying it? has a submission process cost about $50 and if faked you lose the money.

    Look over PCGS dealers section and maybe there is one in your area that can confirm the error.

    That said with a little acid this type of error can be faked and those of course are worthless.

  12. This I found strange! I recently received a tip after driving the Bride and Groom on their wedding day. The tip was given to me by the Bride's mother who said it was a special note from her home town in Russia. Well, its was a 1997 10 Roubels Note which at face value is worthless! Can anybody please tell me if it has a any other value to a collector perhaps?


  13. Yes I have 10 rubles my friend gave it to me as souvenir.. I want to know how much the price today..


  14. Really, This is a wonderful post. I enjoyed the information lot. I will bookmark this page. Thanks for sharing this important information.

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