
Friday, September 14, 2012

1974-D Eisenhower Dollar

 Have an Eisenhower dollar and want to know its value? Leave a comment

The Eisenhower dollar was a short series of coins that lasted only eight years from 1971-1978. The front was designed to honor President Dwight D. Eisenhower and the back commemorated the Apollo 11 mission. The size was the same as the Morgan Dollar except slightly lighter since it has no silver in this copper-clad version meant for circulation.

This one is a bit worn on the back so the eagle appears to be eyeless. You may also notice that on the Earth the United States is very large so accuracy was not a priority even when using the Apollo 11 badge as a template. Also eagles cannot live on the moon

There are some famous Doubled Die varieties for the entire Eisenhower series but this one does not look like the 1974-D Master Die Doubling. Instead it looks like a strike doubling but it if you think different leave a comment.

There were a few errors made from the 40% silver composition blanks so if you do have a 1974-D dollar check the edge for that copper streak..

Here's the stat for this coin...
Type/Country: 1 Dollar / United States
Year: 1974-D
Mintage: 45,517,000
Metal: 91.67% Copper, 8.33% Nickel
Value: $1.00 in VF-20 (about $0.20 in metal value)

Oh let me add I got this and another as change about 10-15 years ago, they were given to me as fifty cent pieces. I tried to explain they were dollars but apparently she already got them as half dollars so she was fine in paying them forward as halves since the register would balance at the end.

Do you have a dollar and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.


  1. Cool blog, just found it today.
    I have a 1972-D Eisenhower Dollar. After reading your story, I doubt it's worth anything. My grandma left me a few coins before she died and I've been researching their value on your blog. I don't plan on selling them (sentimental reasons) but it'd be nice to know if they're even worth holding onto as an investment, something to pass onto family in the future.

  2. 1972-D Eisenhower Dollar just $1.00 it will probably never go up in value unless it is perfect.

  3. I have 4 1776-1976 dollar coins. What are they worth?

  4. 1776-1976 dollar coins just $1.00 each.

  5. hello i have a 1971 dollar coin its color is different from the regular ones its not silver but the edge is white and the coin looks chrome it looks brighter than the regular coins.

  6. 1971 dollar coin its color is different from the regular ones its not silver but the edge is white and the coin looks chrome it looks brighter than the regular coins.

    Most likely plated but weigh it to make sure.

  7. I have an 1878 trade dollar liberty on one side and a seated liberty eagle on the other. I can't find anything about this coin

  8. 1878 trade dollar liberty on one side and a seated liberty eagle

    Fake, could be made from real coins but still damaged, just metal value.

  9. hi i have a limited edition coin not in casing anymore it looks gold in the centre and theres a 100 on the side then theres the numbers1319 at the bottom but the three is backwards it looks like arabic numbers hoe much is it worth?

  10. I have a liberty 1974 one dollar coin how much is it worth

  11. Tengo una moneda de dólar de 1974


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