
Saturday, July 14, 2012

1991 France Franc (Coin Alignment)

 Happy Bastille Day

To celebrate the French National Day I will showcase the classic franc. This franc lasted 42 years in this form and was very popular before the euro came upon the scene. Although many countries issued "francs" people still associate the word with France, for obvious reasons.


The lady on the front of the coin is the classic seed sower. She is dropping seeds at day break. Oscar Roty (O.Roty) was the original designer of the Sower back in the 1800s and that became an iconic symbol of France which is why it was selected for coins.

The back has a laurel branch which is symbolic of triumph and classic Greek stuff. To the right of 1991 is the cornucopia privy mark of the director of the mint. To the left of 1991 is dolphin privy mark of the engraver general, Rousseau.

To be clear mint marks are for locations and privy marks represent people.

Varieties exist that have normal coin alignment and abnormal medal alignment. Coin alignment means when the front of the coin is facing up and you turn it around left or right the back is upside down. Medal alignment would have both sides readable (facing up) when turn the coin left or right. I think medal alignment is slightly more scarce but not any real extra value, but I am not sure.

Here's the stats...
Type/Country: 1 Franc / France
Year: 1991 (Coin Alignment)
Mintage: 54,988,000
Metal: 100% Nickel
Value: $0.10 in Very-Fine

Sidenote: Nightline repeated their slightly skewed story about penny hoarding.

Do you have a Franc and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.


  1. I love French coins! Especially those that came before the Euro introduction! Anyways, because of you, I've started my own blog on here, you were my inspiration and I owe it to ya!

    If you want to add me, please feel free to add the following link (I already added yours, if you don't want it up there, let me know, should've asked first, but I was too "into the moment".)


    Canadian coin dumper!

    1. Hi, not sure Iam typing in the right place, I have a 1972 5 francs with the seed sower upside down, could you tell me anything about this coin please, many thanks

  2. Nice blog I added you to my links and good luck.

  3. I think I have more of that coin than any other foreign one. I wish I could spend them!

  4. I think I have more of that coin than any other foreign one.
    --Aside from the U.S. and Canada the third is Great Britain for me.

    I wish I could spend them!
    --Too late February 17, 2012 was the last day to exchange francs for euros. Since then the francs is officially dead.

    But you can melt them and do whatever you wish as they are no longer legal tender anywhere.

  5. Have in my possession as follow:
    5 francs upside down 1868
    20 francs " " 1933
    100 francs " " 1992
    10 francs " " 1947
    " " " " 1948
    " " " " 1949
    All of them are upside down. Is it any value? I will apriciate very much if you give me some information concerning those coins. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! M. Antic


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