
Monday, June 04, 2012

2002 Italy 50 Euro Cents

Have a coin from Italy and want to know its value? Leave a comment

As Italy talks earthquakes, eurobonds, and other disasters we can reflect on the first fifty euro cent they made. Like other 2002 Euros this is the most common of its type. Made in the billions they quickly dropped to less then five million a year by 2004. Look I am not saying the Euro is dead but gravely ill is not a stretch.

Sculpture of Marcus Aurelius on horseback is on the front with the first map of the Euro zone on the back..

Here's the stats...
Type/Country: 50 Euro Cent / Italy
Year: 2002
Mintage: 1,136,718,000
Metal: 89% Copper, 5% Aluminum, 5% Zinc, and 1% Tin
Value: $0.62 in Extra-Fine

Do you have a Euro from Italy and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What is the current difference between one euro and one U.S.?

    If you mean exchange rate 1 Euro = $1.24 U.S.

    It changes a lot these day but it is still doing better than the dollar.

    1. I have 50cent euros 2002 hoh much is it

    2. I have lots of 2cent euros,10cent euros,50cent euro,1 cent euro,5cent euros,Liberty coins lots how much the value.

  3. It's kind of a surprised seeing it better than the dollar because all of the economic problems in Europe.

  4. i have a 50 euro much the value of this coin? is this a gold?

  5. 50 euro much the value of this coin? is this a gold?

    About $0.60 in the U.S.
    No gold.

  6. I have 50cent euro 2002 how much does it worth in rands

  7. 50cent euro 2002

    About $0.65 depending on country.

  8. I have a euro 50 cent 2000 how much is it worth

  9. euro 50 cent 2000

    Most are just $0.50

  10. I have the 50 cent Euro cent 2003

  11. 50 cent Euro cent 2003

    Depends a little on country but on average just $0.50

  12. 50 cent Italian euro. Im in the USA.

  13. what is the value of this coin in rs

  14. What's the price for the 50cent Euro

  15. What is the price for 50cent Euro Italy?

  16. Hi i have a euro 50 cent piece and i would like to no the valuw

  17. I have euro 50 cent one piece i want to exchange in indian rupees so how many value of this

  18. I have a 2000 it's 50 euro cent coin on how much is it worth

  19. I have a 50 cent euro 2002 what is the value?

  20. I have a 50cant euro 2000 what is paraej

  21. J'ai 2 pièces comme celles-ci,combien valent-elles (2002)

  22. I have two
    50 can't euro 2002 what is paraej

  23. I have 2 coins 50 Euro cents 2001 and 2002 both

  24. I have 2002 50 cent euro. How much is it worth?

  25. I have a 2002 50 cent euro. How much is it in zar

  26. Hi I have 50cent Euro coin how much it worth and is it a really gold?

  27. How much 50cent euro coin from 2002 and is the coin really a gold

  28. I have 1 50cent year 2002 what is the value of it in philippines?

  29. I have a ERUO 50 CENT COIN 2002 HOW MUCH IS IT WORTH

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Hi i have a 50cent euro coin from italy i want to sell it how much its cost??

    1. my side 2002 50 Euro cent avlible what value in India

  32. Hi i have a 50cent euro iwant to sell how much 2002

  33. I have 50cent euro made in Italy in 2002 IWant to sale how much Indian currency I exchange

  34. i have 50 euro italy how much wort?

  35. I have 50 euro cent in 2004 how much worth aed

  36. 50 euro cent convert to Indian rupees

  37. 50 euro cent coin value in 2020 in Pakistan

  38. I have a 50 euro cent of golden color of 2002 . I want to sell and know its value.

  39. How much 50 euro cent 2002 goldrn color in philippines??

  40. How much 50euro cent 2002 value

  41. I have 10 eur cent coin (2002)that he still walks in your country
    And what value on those day's in pakistan

  42. 50 euro cent where to sell in south Africa

  43. i have 1pcs of italy 50 EURO CENT 2002

  44. this is my fb account jayson chavez

  45. I have a italian 50cent euro coin from 2002,for how much i can sel it

  46. Wish I found this post at its time of origin. I could have queried u 9 years ago as to why a currency's curbed growth rate is indicative of a "sickly" economy (or maybe just a "sickly" currency as stated, if economy and currency resource are somehow separable).

    First they had to convert all their previous currency to the new standard currency, namely "Euros". Thus, it should be obvious why the initial production rate was so high.

    And keep in mind consistent growth of an economy is simply impossible on our spherical rock with limited resources.

  47. I have this 50 Euro, I have theEuro1 with the D and eagle, the 2001 2 Beatrix and I have, get back at me and then I will send more and I want to get rid of all for the low.

  48. Rare Finds 2022-20238:06 PM, February 16, 2023

    Stealing The Tips Prank!!!.
    Season 1. Episode 1. (February 1, 2023). The first of Italian Coins. | Somewhere, I've found a Rare Italy 50 Euro Cents 2002 and a 1 Euro Coins ITALIA 2002 / Italian to taken at Souvlaki bar at Vaudreuil-Dorion, Quebec, Canada.. And that's a wrong year.. Becomes to found a 2010 Canadian Nickel (5 Cents)...
    Suffical named: Mont Rigaud by Tapis AM [Unknown] Lucas Martinez / Prix: $11.30 / Code: RFID [Unknown] / ORD_TZ6B8W. (01-1614 7133 5350 4752 9339-6). For their jobs.. Published since Season 1: April 19, 2021 / Ends on December 7, 2022. | Season 2: Released: February 16, 2023 Ends before 2024...

  49. Rare Finds 2022-20238:11 PM, February 16, 2023

    La présente carte est émise en considération de votre engagement à respecter le code de conduite en montagne ainsi que tous les règlements, consignes et règles de conduite en vigueur à la station. En cas de défaut, la carte pourra être résiliée et confisquée sans avis ni remboursement. Le participant reconnaît et accepte les risques inhérents aux sports de glisse et il assume l'entière responsabilité pour tout dommage matériel résultant des dits risques ou dangers. Soyez vigilants et respectez le code. Le détenteur de la présente carte convient: (1) D'élire dimicile au Québec qui sera le forum de toute réclamation et (2) que les lois du Québec s'y appliqueront. Non transférable. Revente interdite. Frais de remplacement applicables: An english version is available upon request... Carte rechargeable à

  50. hi ငါ့မွာ႐ွိတယ္ ဝယ္ေသးလား


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