
Thursday, June 28, 2012

1952 Lao 20 Cents

Have a Lao coin and want to know its value? Leave a comment

Or is it Laos? Well I guess back in 1952 it was Kingdom of Laos. Today it is the Lao People's Democratic Republic. Since this is my only Laotian coin I will go with the coin books version of Lao.

This is the most common of all kingdom standard coins granted they were only made in 1952, 1971, and 1975. After that "The People" took over and changed all the coinage.

ROYAUME DU LAOS ພະຣາຊະອານາຈັກລາວ 1952
໑໙໕໒  ໒໐   ອັດ  20 CENTS  1952
Around the date are the privy or mint marks from the Paris mint. France issued these coins and put a hole in all 1952 issues probably over concerns that the native Laotians would string the money instead of pocket it. Slightly ignorant, yes, but now you know why older colonial coins have holes. Modern coins use holes to save metal or make them distinct but there is a darker and seedier side to coins.

Kind of a shame they decided to hole the coin the trio-elephants are a very cool design. It is Hindi in style but holds no religious meaning instead it honors the local elephants.

Here's the stats...
Type/Country: 20 Cents / Lao
Year: 1952
Mintage: 3,000,000
Metal: 100% Aluminum
Value: $0.75 in Extra-Fine

Do you have a Laos and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you


  1. Hey there,
    Just a side note, while it is true that elephants are highly regarded in Lao and Thai society, the trio of elephants that you speak of are part of the Royal Seal/Standard. If the coin was in color, the elephants would be white as white elephants are sacred to Southeast Asians living in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Burma (Myanmar). They are a symbol of justice and power for the monarch, and a symbol of peace and prosperity for the Kingdom. They are also a religious symbol as they are linked with the birth of The Buddha. White elephants are so highly regarded in Southeast Asia, for instance, the Thai King (Bhumiphol Adulyadej aka Rama IX) is the only one who may possess them (unless he formally gives one away, or allows someone to keep them), and thus, they are kept on the royal palace grounds in Bangkok and Hua Hin.

    Also, if you look at the tip of the elephants trunk, the tip is curved up, that would be a superstitious thing as it is bad luck to have artwork portraying an elephant with it's trunk pointing directly towards the ground.

    And why would I know all of this... lived in Thailand for a considerable amount of time, and my close family friends are part of the now exiled Laotian Royal Family. =)

    Guy who dumps Canadian coins into US circulation!

    1. What is the value I found it in my backyard

  2. Ah, one other thing, do you accept coin donations by mail? I'd like to send you some Thai coins if you're interested? To keep the blog rollin' ya know!

  3. And why would I know all of this...
    --Thanks for the info, as you may also know it is only an official Royal Seal if the image is complete. The hole makes this less than a honorable symbol.

    do you accept coin donations by mail?
    --No, thanks for the offer but I have 34 Thailand coins but I'm only up to the L countries from my vault so it may be a while.

  4. Oh and I have featured Thailand coins before, just look around the sidebar bar and you'll see them.

  5. I've seen the Thai coins that you posted, pretty interesting stories! Just thought that you might appreciate the donation from one collector to another! Lol.. no worries though, you've got to maintain your privacy somehow right?

    I probably have a few thousand Thai coins, as would be expected from a numismatist living in such an exotic place. Maybe one of the Thai coins that I placed in those tip jars will reach you in NY sometime... although I highly doubt it, but you never know!

    Take care!

  6. I probably have a few thousand Thai coins
    --With your knowledge and background you should start a Thailand coin blog.

    you've got to maintain your privacy somehow right?
    --Yes I picked the name Man for that reason.

  7. Man,
    You know I've thought about it, but I just don't think there are too many collectors who would find it interesting enough to follow. Your blog has plenty of interesting tidbits with great commentary, while info on Thai coins would likely be dry and uninteresting.

    It was worth the thought though, thanks!

  8. You know I've thought about it, but...

    Well, blogging can get dull if you're not 100% in then it is not worth it.

    Today on the subway steps I found a Dominican quarter and was so excited but my co-worker looked at me like I was nuts. So this is the only place I can share it without the strange looks.

  9. Lol, I would probably do the same thing! I think that's why I enjoy your blog so much. Besides my father, none of my friends or family find the same joy that I do when finding collectible coins in pocket change, or in other random coin finding areas. To find a Dominican coin in NY probably isn't as rare as it would be out in MI. Great find, and I share your enthusiasm in finding free collectible coins!

  10. I want to thank you for the great information on the Lao coin I'm just a beginer coin collecter but found your site informative and easy to follow . Do you a site on Arabic coins I find I'm having a a lot of trouble find which country they come from.

  11. Do you a site on Arabic coins I find I'm having a a lot of trouble find which country they come from.

    For identifying try World Coin Gallery.

    Identifier Page

    Look all around World Coin Gallery they have great images.


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