
Monday, May 21, 2012

2012 Lincoln Shield Cent

Do you have a cent and want to know its value? Leave a comment

Well almost half way through the year and I have found my first 2012 cent. The 2012 El Yunque quarter was easy to get back in early February. Since then no other 2012 coins have made their way to me. From all the articles I read and other bloggers the 2012 coins are circulating well.

Best part is that I found this new cent at a bus stop, of course waiting for a bus. It was just on the ground all shiny and new while people just passed it by.

Bus stops are good places to find coins since people may run for the bus and drop their change all the time. I have found many coins at bus stop and other transitional places. Hint for all you coin hunters. A transitional place is where one place meets another like doorways, street curbs, and under a car door.  People tend to drop stuff from these spots and usually do not pick up the pennies...or used tissues so be careful.

Here's the stats...
Type/Country: 1 Cent  / United States
Year: 2012
Mintage: 2,532,000,000 (estimated to date)
Metal: 97.5% Zinc, 2.5% Copper
Value: $0.01 in EF-40

Do you have a cent and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.


  1. I love reading about your coin finds and the information you have about them, but I REALLY like it when your humor shows through. ...Hopefully what I'm perceiving as humor is actually so! ;)

  2. ...but I REALLY like it when your humor shows through.

    How dare you! This is serious business!

    Just kidding, thanks it is just coin collecting anyone taking it serious needs to sell their collection and buy a Chris Rock DVD.

  3. Congratulations on finding a 2012 cent! I have just been finding tons of 2012 quarters lately. Every time I get a chance to get the carts, I always find change outside. One time I found a Sacajawea One Dollar Coin laying in the parking lot.

  4. Every time I get a chance to get the carts, I always find change outside. One time I found a Sacajawea One Dollar Coin laying in the parking lot.

    That is definitely a transitional place, I suspect around the customer lane at the register is also a good place to find coins.

  5. I find money all the time in a number of "transitional" places: bus stops of course, but by parking meters, carwash parking lots, checkout lines at grocery store, planting strips, escalators both at the floor edge and even the railing, inside the bus under seats and sometimes even in between the seat and the wall. Anywhere where there is a pocket (car is pocket equivalent), cash, and a distraction.

    In Seattle, g*d love them, even rain is a distraction...:)

  6. I find money all the time in a number of "transitional" places:

    In NYC there is the subway and doors generally open at the same place. But it is dangerous.

    I've see dimes, nickels, and pennies at the edge of the platform all the time but refuse to get them.

    Also on the train itself sometimes a bunch of quarters are in the middle and everyone sees them but no one picks them up. Eventually some elderly lady is usually the only one to stop and get them.

  7. Usually people who come through the lanes drop their change or when they get change out or receive it, they drop it and don't pick it up. I even told one guy that he dropped his change, and he said he didn't care.

  8. i have what i believe is a 1984 cud error penny. (
    I say i believe because the 'error' is positioned on the date as well as near the date of the coin. Now one thing i know matters in terms of price value is (correct me if i am wrong) POSITION. what is better position for an error than on the date am i right?

    Looking forwards to your reply,

    thanks in advance,
    coin lover

  9. 1984 cud error penny...what is better position for an error than on the date am i right?

    There is no "best" position as long as the date can be identified it has extra value.

    The size of the cud is important.

    That said it's about $5.00 there is some verdigris damage so it may be less.

  10. So is it a joke that the 2012 shield error penny is only worth a penny?

  11. So is it a joke that the 2012 shield error penny is only worth a penny?

    Depends on type of error. Most error pennies have no extra value.

  12. I found a 2012 shield penny only at first it didn't look like a penny because it is silver. Any ideas I've been trying to research to see if they made a goof but so far can't find anything..

  13. 2012 shield penny only at first it didn't look like a penny because it is silver.

    First weigh it with a 0.01 gram scale.

    A real error will have a weight other than 2.50 grams

    It is most likely plated and worth no extra value.

  14. I have the same looking penny BUT it’s half silver and half copper. It’s looks like no other penny as far as color goes. Some kind of errror I hope lol

  15. I have two 2012 shield pennies. One is a D penny and the other is plain. One is a little dirty and the other has some kind of stain on it making it a two tone in color. I also have an 1874 indian head penny but is in poor shape and has a dent in it.

  16. We have a 2016 D Lincoln Penny,That has the 2000 Massachusetts States Quarter The Bay State all in backwards print, That appears all over this penny in great details, haven't seen anything like it.need EXPERIENCE HELP. IS THIS POSSIBLE????.

  17. Tengo un cebtavo del año 1942 letra s, otro del año 1969 ,1968 y 1980 color rojo y uno de 1988 color negro


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