
Friday, February 03, 2012

2005-P Ocean in View Nickel

This coin has been corrected for the complainers.

"Ocian in view! O! The Joy!" was the original quote that William Clark wrote around October 08-December 07, 1805. The mint was fully aware of the original spelling but chose to go with the common spelling to prevent constant questions about the word Ocian. As some may have noticed they did not correct O! which should be Oh!

Granted spelling variations due exist in Old English, this was likely just a mistake since the Lewis & Clark logs are packed with multiple spellings of the same words. (Back in the days spelling was not a priority.)

Second mistake overlooked was when Clark wrote "Ocian in view! O! The Joy!" he was actually twenty miles and three weeks away from the ocean. It was actually just a large open water plain that he found. Upon reaching the actual pacific ocean he wrote more but those quotes would not fit neatly on a coin..

Here's the stats for this coin...
Type/Country: 5 Cents / United States
Year: 2005-P / Ocean in View
Metal: 75% copper 25% nickel
Mintage: 394,080,000
Value: $0.05 at F-12

Do you have a recent nickel and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.


  1. This is my least favorite Wesward Journey nickel because I see it EVERYWHERE. I hardly see the others in change now.

    Last night, I got a 1979 Susan B Anthony Dollar Coin. Someone thought it was a quarter.

  2. Sorry for a nearly-completely-non-coin-related post :-)
    It's "spelling variations do exist", not "due". And it doesn't really have anything to do with Old English, which got obsolete centuries before L&C's expedition (and indeed centuries before the idea of standard spellings, which for the English language dates to the first half of the 18th century - only decades prior to the expedition).
    IMHO the reason for the sheer amount of "misspelling" is that L&C were too busy with the whole "expedition" thing to care about spelling - and for that matter, I'm not even sure that they really expected so many people to actually read their personal diary. But that's, of course, only my own opinion :-)

    Oh, and so that it's at least a little coin related - the Ocean In View was for about a year the only commemorative US nickel in my collection. I've since also got the Keelboat; both were given to me by visiting Americans from their own pocket change, BTW (a nice and easy way to get cool new coins for one's collection - I've got about thirty that way (from various countries), the oldest being an 1968 cent).

    Okay, now that was an awfully long post here :-) Sorry.
    January First-of-May

  3. This is my least favorite Wesward Journey nickel because I see it EVERYWHERE. I hardly see the others in change now.

    It was the last in the series and I guess people stop hoarding them by the time this came out.

  4. It's "spelling variations do exist", not "due".

    Haha, you are the first person to get the joke, I want to see how many people will notice that.

    I thought it would take a year for anyone to notice.

  5. tyler--really? I hardly ever see this coin, usually more the pervious ones. Are you in P or D territory, maybe that has something to do with it.

  6. Anonymous - I live in Vermont, so I only see mostly the P mint marks. Although, the buffalo Westward Journey nickel is hard to find where I live. I almost never see that one.

  7. ok, here are some notes I have and would like to know the value of:
    JB 01170564* 20$ note 2009
    1$ bill I though had an interesting serial number, series 2006 F30306040N
    $20 dollar note EA69839396E appears to have white on the back (no ink from after "GOD" to flag pole and from the bottom of the "A" in states to "STATES" to the top of the triangle on roof of white house)
    1 dollar crisp B 07983735 T series 1988 A


  8. JB 01170564* 20$ note 2009
    --About $22.00

    1$ bill I though had an interesting serial number, series 2006 F30306040N
    --About $1.00 they number is not fancy enough

    $20 dollar note EA69839396E appears to have white on the back (no ink from after "GOD" to flag pole and from the bottom of the "A" in states to "STATES" to the top of the triangle on roof of white house)
    --About $25.00 sounds like a minor Insufficient Ink error but a lot depends on eye appeal

    1 dollar crisp B 07983735 T series 1988 A
    --About $1.50

  9. Two more questions; what do you consider a low serial number and do you think I should save small face bills (1995 and earlier)?

  10. what do you consider a low serial number?
    --Anything 1000 or less, so 00005489 would be common.

    do you think I should save small face bills (1995 and earlier)?
    --If you can get them in crisp uncirculated yes, if not then do not bother even 1 fold will make it just face value for the next 45 years.

  11. i have the same coin but a 2005 D. VF condition, also i have a 1951 jefferson nickel that is wrapped in copper band or something like a penny. very strange

  12. same coin but a 2005 D. VF condition just $0.05

    1951 jefferson nickel that is wrapped in copper band or something like a penny. very strange
    --Sounds like toning or some kind of heat damage, no extra value. About $0.10

  13. I have a 2005P Ocean In View nickel that does not seem to have a finish on the ocean view side. Is this a common error and does it add any value to the coin? If so, what would you estimate it to be worth.

  14. 2005P Ocean In View nickel that does not seem to have a finish on the ocean view side.

    Probably just a late stage die where the finish has been polished off.

    No extra value.

    Still keep it aside and maybe take a picture and place it online for a second opinion.

  15. I have a 2005 nickel were the 5 is missing and the we in, (in god we trust.

  16. 2005 nickel were the 5 is missing and the we in, (in god we trust

    Struck Through Grease error, no extra value.

  17. I have an off color 2018 penny not like any other i i ha seen does this have any value

  18. I also have a quarter that has no date is that worth anything also

  19. i have a 1927 Indian/Buffalo nickel with the s under Buffalo.the 2005 Buffalo nickel with what looks like to say men oR mex,nen idk.under the Buffalo front foot on dirt mound.on the other side looks like a P not a D.and the 2004 louisanna purchase (1803)nickel.has a men or nen under shaking hands and other side has the es under the man's neck.1968 Canadian dime.with an H or N at the front of the ship.and an American 2013 dime D with a US under man I have anything worth any value????

  20. Tengo la moneda exacta de la publicacion.
    ¿Tendria algun valor?

  21. I have a 1983 penny and the reverse word cent on the t it looks like the crucifixion with Jesus on the cross

  22. Are ugly beat up looking coins of any value

  23. Hi im coins hunter on hands my coins how much or value liberty?

  24. Combien vo cette pice très jolie


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