
Wednesday, February 08, 2012

1984 Egypt 10 Piastres

Do you have an Egypt coin and want to know its value? Leave a comment

The vault is filled with multiple repeats of the same coins. In this case I found two of them then I bought a coin lot and it had ten more. There is no hint at production figures for this coin but apparently it is large since they give them away like candy.

This coin lacks any western symbols and often takes a while to identify. It looks Arabic, the building on the back has minarets, and the numbers could be Persian or Arabic or Islamic. All that can narrow it down to few countries, further research will lead you to Egypt.

  ١٩٨٤ (1984) ١٠ قرش( Piastres 10)  ١٤٠٤ (1404)  Mohamed Ali Mosque on reverse

Check out all twelve they make a lovely pattern.

This is a cool coin and with the current unrest in Egypt I expect it to climb in value. If we would go by exchange rate it is at $0.01 and falling. That happens a lot when countries have troubles if the government does not drastically change the value will level, plus it would be better for the people.

Here's the stats...
Type/Country: 10 Piastres / Egypt
Year: 1984
Mintage: Not yet known.
Metal: Copper-Nickel
Value: $0.25 in Very-Fine

Update: Thanks to Handini for pointing out the following...
The writing at the top of the reverse accurately translated says: State Egypt The Arabic.
Above the value is a stylized مصر ودولة عربية.

Do you have coin from Egypt and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.


  1. Hi.
    I think I have a bi-metalic egypt 1 dollar coin. May I know how much is the value?

  2. bi-metalic egypt 1 dollar coin.

    No such thing.
    Use your blog to put up a picture.

    Share the picture linkand maybe I can tell what it really is.

  3. The writing at the top of the reverse accurately translated says: State Egypt The Arabic.

  4. The writing at the top of the reverse accurately translated says: State Egypt The Arabic.

    Thanks I will add that to the post.

  5. Nice coin. I got a few as souvenirs when I went a few years ago.

  6. i have an very fine 1937 sixpence from britan. how much is it worth?

  7. very fine 1937 sixpence from britan about $1.60

  8. I believe that the coin is an Egypt 10 PIASTRES (KM# 556). The building is the Muhammad Ali mosque in Cairo, commissioned by Muhammad Ali Pasha in the early 1800's. He is also the leader that brought about an important coinage reform. The structure sits on a steep hill and thus is visible from various point in the city. (If the air is clear enough anyway).

  9. ... Egypt 10 PIASTRES (KM# 556). The building is the Muhammad Ali mosque in Cairo, commissioned by Muhammad Ali Pasha in the early 1800's. He is also the leader that brought about an important coinage reform. The structure sits on a steep hill and thus is visible from various point in the city. (If the air is clear enough anyway).

    Thanks very cool to know.

  10. I have a coin/medallion and I know nothing about it. I was wondering if you could help? It has what looks like Egyptian writing on it. Can I send you a photo?

  11. I have a coin/medallion and I know nothing about it. I was wondering if you could help? It has what looks like Egyptian writing on it. Can I send you a photo?

    Post the photo on a free photo site and then send me the link in the comments here.


    Here is the page for that coin or medallion. I hope you can help me to identify it. Thanks for your time. You have. Great site here

  13. Here is the page for that coin or medallion. I hope you can help me to identify it. Thanks for your time. You have. Great site here

    Tough one, unfortunately I cannot identify it, I made need a little more time.

  14. from malaysia..and i have this coin..just wan to know the latest value for this coin..thanks


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