
Monday, December 19, 2011

2001 Panama Cent

Do you have a coin from Panama and want to know its value? Leave a comment

So far this has been my only change find for December. Apparently gift cards and debit cards will be the down fall of this blog. Well at least I still have a box full of old coins to share.

The ninth Panamanian coin I found most of them are common. All modern coins from Panama are a fraction of the Balboa. So this one is 1/100th of a Balboa.

URRACA (Urracá, indigenous freedom fighter of colonial Panama) 2001

Two weeks left in the year and if all I find is more Panamanian coins I am fine with that. Still there is one foreign coin I need to make my yearly list complete but let me not speak of it until the year is over.

Here's the stats...
Type/Country: 1 Centesimo / Panama
Year: 2001
Mintage: 160,000,000
Metal: Copper Plated Zinc
Value: $0.07 in Extra-Fine

Made at the Royal Canadian Mint although it has no mintmark.

Do you have a Panamanian coin and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.


  1. This is a very cool coin. I've never seen one before.

  2. I've never seen one before.
    --It's the second type this of coin I found, the metal is the same but the weight is about 0.06 grams less. It looks so much a U.S. cent when they are bunched together.

  3. I saw the Panama dime post, and the design looks good on it, too. This picture makes the coin look bigger than what it is. Cool find nonetheless!

  4. This picture makes the coin look bigger than what it is.

    Yes, I thought of making the pictures more size accurate but I like to see details. If I ever turn this blog to proper website I will resize the pictures.

  5. The detail is good. It's nice to see the coins up close.

  6. I was going through all your "Star Note" posts and that got me searching my wallet and I found a 2004 series Twenty with a star note. Do you know anything about it?

  7. 2004 series Twenty with a star note

    What is the serial number?

  8. 2004 series Twenty with a star note E J00490061

    About $22.00 it is one of the more common star notes with 3,200,000 printed.

  9. I never knew what a star note was until I read the posts on your site, thanks! I'm going to go through my other bills and I'll let you know if I find another one.

  10. I never knew what a star note was until I read the posts on your site,

    Yeah they are just replacement notes if the normal printing gets ruined. All star notes have extra value, most just a couple dollars but some are very valuable.

  11. I received one in change today. 2006 series one dollar bill with the serial number B 01470068.

  12. 2006 series one dollar bill with the serial number B 01470068*

    About $2.00

  13. What makes certain star notes have extra value than other star notes?

  14. What makes certain star notes have extra value than other star notes?

    The amount printed, any printing 640,000 or under is considered scarce.
    Average is 3,200,000.

  15. With the end of the year only a few days away, I'm curious as to what coin you need to complete your list- and if you'll find it. Do keep us posted!

  16. I'm curious as to what coin you need to complete your list- and if you'll find it.

    I will do a year end round up on Friday.

  17. I found one of the Panama coins today. It is just like the one you picture, except it is 1996. I have never seen one of these and I consider it a great find! I like your site.

  18. I found one of the Panama coins today. It is just like the one you picture, except it is 1996

    Congrats, that is a neat find and worth about $0.05 in very-fine.

  19. i have the same coin 1974. do you have any idea what it is worth?

  20. i have the same coin 1974

    About $0.10 in very-fine

  21. How much is a 2001 panema coin? From Gloria bell

  22. 2001 panema coin

    What denomination?

  23. I found a 2001 panama penny, how much is it worth?

  24. 2001 panama penny about $0.07 in extra-fine.

  25. My coin the 2 years why 1958 2006 sides how much is it worth it's Big like the a quarter

  26. My coin the 2 years why 1958 2006 sides how much is it worth it's Big like the a quarter

    What country?
    What denomination?

  27. I have one of these coins from 1953. Do you know the price for it?

  28. I have one of these coins from 1953. Do you know the price for it?

    Assuming you meant the Panama cent it is about $0.10 in fine condition.

  29. I have this coin but it's a 1993... Does that mean anything?

  30. I have this coin but it's a 1993... Does that mean anything?

    About $0.10

  31. Panema un cent from 1986. What is the value?

  32. Panema un cent from 1986

    About $0.10

  33. I have gotten a penny I've never seen before it says urraca 2001 wit a native person on front then on back republica de panama wit words the centesimo de balboa u may send me an email at if it is thank you

  34. urraca 2001 wit a native person on front then on back republica de panama wit words the centesimo de balboa

    Just a normal Panamanian cent about $0.05.

  35. I have a penny 2001 of the urraca its worth $0.07 cents?

  36. penny 2001 of the urraca its worth $0.07 cents

    Around that yes.

  37. I have 2 medio balboa 1973 coins, 2 1966 vn cvarto de balboacoins, 1vn cvarto de balboa 1975. 2- 1973, 1-1966, 3-1968, 1-1970 cinco centesimos de balboa. 2-1968, 1-1968, 2-1970 vn-decimo de balboa coins. What is their value, are any collectible?

  38. 2 medio balboa 1973 coins about $1.00 each
    2 1966 vn cvarto de balboacoins about $0.75 each
    1vn cvarto de balboa 1975 about $0.75 each

    cinco centesimos de balbo
    2- 1973 about $0.10 each
    1-1966 about $0.15 each
    3-1968 about $0.10 each
    1-1970 about $0.10 each

    vn-decimo de balboa coins
    2-1968 about $0.50 each
    1-1968 about $0.50 each
    2-1970 about $0.25 each

  39. i have one that is the 2001 Urraca and was wonder how much its worth

  40. one that is the 2001 Urraca about $0.05

  41. To the one searching for the Centesimo, I've found one. Let me know how to get it to you.

  42. I found a copper coin i thought was a penny but it says 1996 Urraca it needs to be cleaned though. If someone wants it i can mail it to you. My name is Annette and my number is 540)398-7002

  43. Aren't you all just helpful.

  44. I found a 2001 Urraoa penny today!!

  45. Yes its beautifulbeautiful,wanted to know how it got here.and how much its worth. Thank you kindly Monique

  46. I was recently given a 2001 un centesimo change at Macy's.

  47. I have a Panamanian penny from the 1990 s can you tell me how to go about finding out what it's worth. My name is Phil Banks my best email address is emmara Magic 373 at

  48. I have a urraca 2001 coin and also a plan 1944 penny 1956 d penny 1959 d penny 1964 quarter 1967 quarter are any of those worth any money and also a 1979 nickle

  49. I got one.if interested call 2563907092 or email

  50. Hello, Today I received 2008 urraca back with change at get-go thought it was pretty unique first time I've ever seen one before.

  51. How do I know if the 2001 arraca penny have any value to it


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