
Friday, December 23, 2011

1985 $1 Dollar Bill

Do you have an old bill  and want to know its value? Leave a comment

The big debate over coin versus dollar is based on some efficiency model. The projection is that over 30 years coins will be cheaper to produced. Some might notice that thanks to e-commerce notes are used less and less. 

This note was printed in February 1986 and despite the fact it is almost 16 years old it has survived well. Modern notes are estimated to last about 40 months, the old estimate of 18-22 changed as people use notes less.

Sure the bill is very folded it still is machine readable.

While year end predictions are awful I will say that 15 years from now the amount of circulating cash will be less than now. I can also guess that a note will last 80 months on average.

Here's the original stats...
Type/Country: 1 Dollar / United States
Year: 1985
Date Printed: February 1986 (190 months ago)
Printings: 422,400,000
Run: 4th from Group/Block CA, C00000001A - C416000000A
Value: $1.00 in this shape

Do you have a currency bill and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.


  1. How can you tell what year the bill is printed?

    1. It’s near the bottom right side next to signature

  2. How can you tell what year the bill is printed?

    The government puts it on their website.
    Monthly Production Report.html.

  3. Oh for older notes, their are other sites that give that info.

  4. Thank you for the information!

  5. Is this 1990 $10 Federal Reserve Note worth any more than $10? I have seen these listed on eBay as being an alignment error.

    1990 Federal Reserve $10 Edge Shift

  6. Is this $10 bill with its decreased edge worth any more that $10? I

    Faulty Alignment erros only have value if a piece of another bill can be seen.

    As for eBay I can sell broken Bic pen on eBay for $1,000 that does not mean it is worth that much.

    No extra value.

  7. Is this 2006 $20 Federal Reserve Note double edge shift worth any more than $20? I have seen these listed on eBay as either an alignment or cutting error.

    2006 Federal Reserve $20 Double Edge Shift

  8. I erred in the words errors.

  9. 2006 $20 Federal Reserve Note double edge shift worth any more than $20?

    Again a very minor Faulty Alignment error, no extra value.

    It is common most notes are not perfectly centered.

  10. Your answer to the $10 hit just as I was posting the $20. By the way there is an imprint on the $10 that goes all the way around the edge of the actual note on the first side printed [monument side].

  11. By the way there is an imprint on the $10 that goes all the way around the edge of the actual note on the first side printed [monument side].

    Yes a Minor Offset Transfer error, again no extra value especially in that condition.

  12. Thank you. Somewhere I do have a very interesting bill that I found in circulation quite a few years ago. I believe it is a $10 note. The entire back [portrait side] is upside down.

  13. $10 note. The entire back [portrait side] is upside down.

    In extra-fine an Inverted Back error is about $1,000.00, a picture is not necessary to confirm since most of the serial numbers are listed in currency error books (unless it is recent).

  14. I have a 1950 ten dollar bill. Looking to find out its worth. The series A. Serial number is b20248111c. Let me know if you need more information.

  15. 1950 ten dollar bill. Looking to find out its worth. The series A. Serial number is b20248111c

    About $12.00 in very-fine.

  16. I have two one-dollar bills that are uncirculated and in pristine condition. They are from 1985 and missing serial numbers and seals. Thanks.

  17. one-dollar bills that are uncirculated and in pristine condition. They are from 1985 and missing serial numbers and seals.

    About $450.00 each

  18. I have a 2003 dollar bill with a star behind the serial number, is it worth anymore than usual? And I have a 1935B dollar that says Silver Certificate on top with one written on both side of in and on both sides of the bottom writing that say one dollar in silver payable to the bearer on demand. It also has one written above the 1 and on each side. Is that worth anything?

  19. 2003 dollar bill with a star behind the serial number, is it worth anymore than usual? And I have a 1935B dollar

    On average both are around $2.00 each but serial numbers are needed to get a more accurate value.

  20. well the star one is B03354168☆ and the other is I44743294D.

  21. 2003 $1 B03354168☆ about $5.00
    1935B $1 I44743294D about $4.00

  22. I have a 1985 Dollar bill that is printed on 2 pieces of paper. It is in good shape as it has been in a plastic sleeve. Wanting to know if it is worth anything.

  23. 1985 Dollar bill that is printed on 2 pieces of paper. It is in good shape as it has been in a plastic sleeve.

    I do not understand.

    Either describe it better.
    Or take a picture and put it online then copy & paste the link here.



    Although the picture is a bit blurry that seems to be a Gutter Fold error.

    The bill also looks crisp and if there is an unprinted in the fold it is about $50.00. A lot depends on eye appeal.

  26. I have a 2009 series dollar that looks like it was folded while the ink was wet. On the right side, you can see (faintly) the black ink federal reserve seal, overlapping the green department of treasury seal. Additionally, to the right of that, you can see a reversed "10". The left side of the bill looks fine, the black seal is clear, with no evidence of bleed or smudging. Worth anything, or just an interesting novelty?

  27. 2009 series dollar that looks like it was folded while the ink was wet. On the right side, you can see (faintly) the black ink federal reserve seal, overlapping the green department of treasury seal. Additionally, to the right of that, you can see a reversed "10". The left side of the bill looks fine, the black seal is clear, with no evidence of bleed or smudging.

    Offset Transfer error happens when the equipment that moves the paper get ink on them and transfer it to other notes often in reverse.

    Yours is very minor and add little to no extra value.

  28. $1 Series 1988 A Serial G43917469L CU condition

  29. $1 Series 1988 A Serial G43917469L CU condition about $2.00

  30. I have a $10 1985 bill serial number I26217918A that has been folded and in my wallet for all the years since I got it. I kept it because the back side has a green ink line misprint on it. It goes from the top of the bill to just past the middle and is solid and about 1/8" wide. Any worth to misprints like this?

  31. $10 1985 bill serial number I26217918A that has been folded and in my wallet for all the years since I got it. I kept it because the back side has a green ink line misprint on it. It goes from the top of the bill to just past the middle and is solid and about 1/8" wide.

    Possible Ink Smear error about $25.00.

  32. What do you think of this CU Binary Radar Note with a possible minor cutting/printing error on the reverse side at the very bottom right corner?

  33. What do you think of this CU Binary Radar Note with a possible minor cutting/printing error on the reverse side at the very bottom right corner?

    Minor Cutting or Faulty Alignment error either way on a $1 note it is very common. The top does look interesting.

    Still with the radar $40 is an accurate value.

  34. Okay thank you very much! I'm just curious, what do you mean by the "top" looking interesting? Thanks again.

  35. what do you mean by the "top" looking interesting?

    I thought I saw a piece of another bill coming in under what appears to be an ink stain.

    But it could be my imagination.

  36. i have got a one dollar from 1985
    serial F62265759B good shape

  37. one dollar from 1985
    serial F62265759B good shape just $1.00

  38. I have a 1985 1 dollar bill G*********L good shape

  39. 1985 1 dollar bill G*********L good shape just $1.00

  40. 1985 1 dollar bill from San Francisco w/ Serial Number L20558278S

  41. 1985 1 dollar bill from San Francisco w/ Serial Number L20558278S

    Just $1.00

  42. 1985 10 dollar bill D91223095C good shape

  43. 1985 10 dollar bill D91223095C good shape about $11.00

  44. 1985 1$ U.S bill, star note, good condition, Serial number E00105884✩

  45. 1985 1$ U.S bill, star note, good condition, Serial number E00105884✩

    About $3.00

  46. I have a book of 50 uncirculated numbered sequentially 1986 one dollar bills. They used to call it mad money thirty years ago. What do you think they are worth. Please email me at

  47. 50 uncirculated numbered sequentially 1986 one dollar bills

    No such series year check the date again.

  48. I have one dollar bill seri number G06817084 how much is that

  49. one dollar bill seri number G06817084

    What year and is it a star note?

  50. 100 dollar bill from 1985 B50239546B new York some folds, how much is it worth now and how long would I need to hold on to it before it increases value?

  51. 100 dollar bill from 1985 B50239546B new York some folds, how much is it worth now and how long would I need to hold on to it before it increases value?

    Just $100.00, it would take another 100 years before a common bill like this has value. Possibly $150.00 at that point.

  52. I found a dollar bill from the 1985 series that was dog eared during printing and so it is misprinted, could you please estimate a value for it and reply when you can.

  53. I just found a 1985 1$ bill.Its E series Richmond Virginia.Serial number is E75065657L..

  54. I found a Series 1985 $1 Note, it is a B Series, New York Seal Serial number B32694875R

  55. dollar bill from the 1985 series that was dog eared during printing and so it is misprinted

    About $25.00 in fine

  56. 1985 1$ bill.Its E series Richmond Virginia.Serial number is E75065657

    Just $1.00

  57. 1985 $1 Note, it is a B Series, New York Seal Serial number B32694875R just $1.00

  58. Big F on the left in some sort of circlpe stamp thing, Washington DC seal, 1985, F15002610B, same as the image above... Let me know the value to the rand,

  59. Big F on the left in some sort of circlpe stamp thing, Washington DC seal, 1985, F15002610B, same as the image above... Let me know the value to the rand

    About 13 rand

  60. Hello i fouded some 1$, 10$ and 50$ from 85 and 81 series.
    1$ 1985 serial number H31474632D
    1$ 1985 serial number G60366126G
    1$ 1985 serial number L31365229H
    1$ 1985 serial number F91267565L
    1$ 1985 serial number C32729135A
    1$ 1981 serial number L77768589D
    1$ 1985 serial number A21066136D
    1$ 1985 serial number F74084190C
    1$ 1985 serial number L70860871I
    1$ 1985 serial number K02022832A
    10$ 1985 serial number D84477765A
    10$ 1985 serial number A09029484A
    10$ 1985 serial number C60015977A
    50$ 1985 serial number B47403403A
    50$ 1985 serial number L33943621A

  61. 1 doller bill serl nomber B57797081k

  62. 1$ 1985 serial number L90922171N


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