
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

2010 Mount Hood Quarter

Do you have a quarter and want to know its value? Leave a comment

Finally got the one 2010 quarter I was missing from my change. Granted it is not the nicest looking America the Beautiful quarter but it has been almost a year since it came out. So as 2012 quickly approaches I am still missing the following 2011 quarters...

Hopefully I will find another soon in better condition so I can upgrade.  As for the design itself I think it look decent. Not too fancy. The best part are all the trees they look very realistic. Never been to Mt. Hood but hopefully the trees are still there.

Here's the stats...
Type/Country: 25 Cents-Mount Hood / United States
Year: 2010-P
Mintage: 34,400,000 (estimated)
Metal: 91.67% Copper 8.33% Nickel
Value: $0.25 in F-12

Do you have a quarter from America and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.


  1. It took forever to find the Gettysburg Quarter, but I finally found two. The Chickasaw is the only one I'm looking for.

    Do you have all the ones for the Territories series?

  2. Not about a quarter, but I have a question about an error bill that I have come into. I have a 2006 $20 bill that the front is misaligned on. It seems to be a pretty substantial misprint, you can see enough of the bill that was printed on top of it to read the "JACKSON" nameplate clearly. Also, as you would expect, there is a considerable amount of the bottom border design of the top bill visible as well. The back is off-centered in the same way, but no evidence of the top bill is visible.

    I handle a lot of money on a daily basis, and there is no doubt that this is a "real" bill. The serial number reads "IA42190199B" if that helps at all. I am no collector, and have no interest in holding on to this thing, just wanted to see if you could shed some light on it for me. If you can provide me with an email address I can send pictures as well.



  3. Do you have all the ones for the Territories series?

    No, missing Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

    Of course I have mostly P.
    If you count D quarters I'm still missing some a bunch even from 2002 states series.

    Luckily I can afford to buy mint sets but still trying to complete an album from change alone is difficult.

  4. 2006 $20 bill that the front is misaligned on. It seems to be a pretty substantial misprint, you can see enough of the bill that was printed on top of it to read the "JACKSON" nameplate clearly. Also, as you would expect, there is a considerable amount of the bottom border design of the top bill visible as well. The back is off-centered in the same way, but no evidence of the top bill is visible...The serial number reads "IA42190199B"

    In uncirculated this Faulty Alignment error is about $250.00

  5. It's definitely circulated, has a center fold and some wear that you would associate with being used. Not in bad condition by any means, though. It's actually in a plastic protector also, was that way when I got it.

    Where might I start looking in trying to get rid of this thing? Like I said, I have no use for it and don't have the slightest interest in collecting money. But I wouldn't mind making a few extra bucks out of it. Is Ebay a viable option? I've heard different things about them. If you could put me in touch with someone that may be interested in it that would be great!

    Thanks again,



  6. It's definitely circulated, has a center fold and some wear that you would associate with being used. Not in bad condition by any means, though. It's actually in a plastic protector also, was that way when I got it.

    Where might I start looking in trying to get rid of this thing? Like I said, I have no use for it and don't have the slightest interest in collecting money. But I wouldn't mind making a few extra bucks out of it. Is Ebay a viable option? I've heard different things about them. If you could put me in touch with someone that may be interested in it that would be great!

    About $50.00 in very-fine.
    You can try local coin shops but expect to get less.

    Since it is not graded or in high condition then eBay is best. Of course you should be comfortable with eBay and know how to sell but have good pictures and start low.

  7. The Guam quarter was hard for me to find. For the fifty state ones, I was surprised when I opened a quarter roll. Half of them were "D" state quarter coins.

    I got (from my change) a 1984 penny that looks almost uncirculated. It has no marks or dirt on it at all. It is also shinny red (the color of the new coins).

  8. I got (from my change) a 1984 penny that looks almost uncirculated. It has no marks or dirt on it at all. It is also shinny red (the color of the new coins).

    That's nice, the other key is the steps in the back they should all be clear an unscratched.

    You'll see as you go through more cents that even red cents from the 1950s are in circulation.

  9. Do you know where you can get BEP straps at face value? Can one ever order them directly from the fed?

  10. Do you know where you can get BEP straps at face value?
    --Ask your local bank.

    Can one ever order them directly from the fed?

  11. It was great to see old coins in good condition in change. I have seen some pretty damaged coins, though.

  12. On a side note of damaged coins, my teacher, during Thanksgiving break, found a mercury dime and was going to pick it up for me, but someone paved it in the ground.

  13. my teacher, during Thanksgiving break, found a mercury dime and was going to pick it up for me, but someone paved it in the ground.

    Nice of that teacher, with the price of silver these are about $2.40 I may think of going back with a Swiss army knife and scooping. Although it would have to be secretly.

  14. I'm located in the San francisco federal reserve district yet when I went to the bank the gave me some crisp, new 1 dollar bills from the chicago fed. I have also gotten cleveland and st. louis bills that are straight from a bep stack. Why is this? shouldn't there only be sf fed bills around here? how are the bills actually distributed? thanks

  15. I'm located in the San francisco federal reserve district yet when I went to the bank the gave me some crisp, new 1 dollar bills from the chicago fed. I have also gotten cleveland and st. louis bills that are straight from a bep stack.

    Why is this? shouldn't there only be sf fed bills around here?
    --No, your local bank gets bills from other banks and it easier to transfer between banks.
    San Francisco has a large need than other cities so often unused notes in smaller cities gets shipped off.

    how are the bills actually distributed?
    --Each Federal District has to have a certain amount of notes in their vaults and when the run low they call the gov't and have more printed.
    Each local bank orders notes from the Fed. Dis. when needed but again they find it easier to use their own private networks.

  16. Thanks, i'd been wondering about that for a while.

  17. I have a 2006 Nebraska "P" quarter that is entirely silver in color (not an actual silver coin) but it doesn't have any copper running through it at all. Also I have 1992 penny that is also entirely silver in color (also not actually silver) just curious if they are error coins and if they have any value.

  18. 2006 Nebraska "P" quarter that is entirely silver in color (not an actual silver coin) but it doesn't have any copper running through it at all. Also I have 1992 penny that is also entirely silver in color (also not actually silver) just curious if they are error coins and if they have any value.

    I just posted about these types of coins in my newest post.
    Most likely it is silver-plated and has no extra value.

    But to be sure you have to weigh them with a 0.01 gram precision scale. They may be valuable errors.

  19. I am new to this site and I have posted 3 times, but I can't find my posts. So I will try again on this thread, but my question is about a $20 bill. Series C 1969 that seems to be printed wrong( too much space at the top/front) back seems normal. thanks! :)

  20. Now that I see my comment above I will ask another question. I have a 1936 buffalo nickel, a 1944 mercury head dime, a 1975 eire 1/2 penny, i think 1974 canadian 1/2 penny? , and a 1942 quarter. any value?

  21. I am new to this site and I have posted 3 times, but I can't find my posts.

    Yes I've answered each time. When theree are more than 200 comments just click the link that says "Newest".
    Also on the side of this blog "Coined For Money Recent Comments" will show link to them.

    $20 bill. Series C 1969 that seems to be printed wrong( too much space at the top/front) back seems normal.
    --Unless you see a bit of another bill peeking in from the blank space it has no extra value.

    1944 dime about $2.50
    1936 buffalo nickel about $1.00
    1942 quarter about $6.50
    5 cent piece from jamaica 1969 about $0.05

    looks like a penny, but has the word "eire" and a harp (1975) on one side and then what appears to be a bird wrapped on the other side with "1/2" and the letter "P"
    --Ireland 1/2 penny about $0.05

  22. NJ state quarter that was minted off-center on the reverse far enough that part of the edge isn't "raised." There also seems to be another error on that side. There's a .25" circle in the left side of the design (takes in the lower half of Washington's body and then some) that seems to be of another material. I originally thought it was dirt or somesuch. But no, the design is just as clear as it is on the rest of the coin--it's just a darker color.

    I cannot wuite picture this coin, from what you describe it could be a minor Misaligned Die error with no extra value.

    The .25" circle sounds like damage but without a picture I cannot say.

    If you can use a free photo site to upload good images and drop a link here that would be helpful.
    If not I can only say it is damaged but hold on to it until a coin expert can see it in hand.

  23. classicalguitargrrl2:51 PM, January 04, 2012

    Here's that NJ state quarter:

  24. Here's that NJ state quarter:

    Great picture, it is a Minor Misaligned Die error.

    If just the one side it is about $5.00 but these tend to be less desirable, I have not seen any good auction trends that suggest they will grow in value.

  25. classicalguitargrrl1:48 PM, January 06, 2012


  26. mound hood oregon quarter doubled ring.. whats it worth

  27. mound hood oregon quarter doubled ring

    Not sure what you mean by doubled ring but it sounds like a die clash or machine doubling error. No extra value.

    If you can place a picture online somewhere and copy & paste the link here it may clear things up.


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