
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

1995 Canada Nickel

Do you have Canadian nickel and want to know its value? Leave a comment

Apparently this coin want its own 15 minutes in the spotlight since I keep finding it every few months. Yes I have posted about it before but here it is on its own.


Done. Now let me find something cool.

Here's the stats...
Type/Country: 5 Cents / Canada
Year: 1995
Metal: 75% Copper, 25% Nickel
Value: $0.05 in Fine

Do you have a coin from Canada and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.


  1. Hey there,
    I'm thinking of selling some of my coins and banknotes, but I wanted to know whether or not anything is actually worth something before I do. A friend of mine told me you could take a look at the list and see if any of this is actually worth anything:

    10 groschen, 1953

    1c, 1990
    1c, 1981

    10c, 1971

    $2 coin, 1996 (5)
    $1 coin, 1988 (2)
    $1 coin, 1990
    5c, 1987 (2)
    25c, 1972
    10c, 1979
    $1 coin, 1991
    $1 coin, 1987
    25c, 1975
    25c, 1959
    1c, 1991
    5c, 1996
    10c, 1984
    1c, 1986
    25c, 1985
    10c, 1987
    1c, 1998
    1c, 1992 (2)
    1c, 1982 (2)
    10c, 1993
    10c, 1998 (2)
    5c, 1999
    1c, 1999
    1c, 1979
    1c, 1994
    1c, 1969
    1c, 1955
    10c, 1992
    1c, 1979
    10c, 2001
    10c, 1999

    Cayman Islands
    10c, 1990
    $1 note, 1996 series
    5c, 1992 (2)
    25c, 1992
    10c, 1992
    1c, 1987 (2)
    1c, 1992 (2)

    10c, 2000
    25c, 1994
    5c, 1996

    1 krone, 1962
    5 øre, 1955
    2 krone, 1956

    20c Spanish, 1999 (5)
    20c Spanish, 2002
    5c Spanish, 2004
    5c Spanish, 1999
    10c Spanish, 2003 (2)
    10c Spanish, 2005
    10c Spanish, 2004

    5 francs, 1945
    2 francs, 2000
    10 centimes, 1997
    5 centimes, 1966

    100,000 mark note, 1923
    1 mark coin, 1959

    1d coin, 1942 (2)

    L.100 coin, 1968
    L.50 coin, 1967
    L.1000 note, 1990 series (2)
    L.100 note, 1979 (has seen better days)
    L.50 note, 1976 (has seen better days)
    L.50 coin, 1961
    L.500 coin, 1983
    L.50 coin, 1977
    L.5 coin, 1953
    L.10 coin, 1973
    L.20 coin, 1992

    1 peso coin, 1993
    1c coin, 1995
    2 peso coin, 1993
    1 peso coin, 1998

    50 øre, 1962
    10 øre, 1981 (2)
    50 øre, 1968
    1 krone, 1981
    10 kroner note, 1982 series
    5 kroner coin, 1979
    25 øre, 1975
    50 øre, 1969
    25 øre, 1972
    50 øre, 1976
    25 øre, 1980
    10 øre, 1973

    San Marino
    L.1000 coin, 1999

    Soviet Union
    1 ruble note, 1961

    1 mark, 1973
    50 öre, 1981 (2)
    25 öre, 1978
    10 öre, date unknown
    10 öre, 1981

    Trinidad and Tobago
    25c coin, 1975
    1c coin, 1976 (2)
    5c, 1972
    25c, 1972
    10c, 1972
    10c, 1976
    1c, 1977

    United Kingdom, post decimal
    10p, 1976
    20p, 1989
    1p, 1974
    £1, 1993
    2p, 1978
    £1, 1984
    20p, 1983
    20p, 1996
    5p, 1990 (2)
    2p, 1975
    2p, 1971
    10p, 1992 (2)
    10p, 1969
    1p, 1990
    1p, 1971
    2p, 1977
    ½p, 1971
    20p, 1987 (2)
    1p, 1991

    United Kingdom, pre-decimal
    1d, 1963
    2s, 1961
    Ha’penny, 1963 (2)
    2s, 1948
    3d, 1934

    United States
    FDR commemorative coin, date unknown

  2. Austria
    10 groschen, 1953 about $0.10

    1c, 1990 about $0.05
    1c, 1981 about $0.05

    10c, 1971 about $0.10

    $2 coin, 1996 about $2.00
    $1 coin, 1988 about $1.00
    $1 coin, 1990 about $1.00
    5c, 1987 about $0.05
    25c, 1972 about $0.25
    10c, 1979 about $0.10
    $1 coin, 1991 about $1.00
    $1 coin, 1987 about $1.00
    25c, 1975 about $0.25
    25c, 1959 about $5.50
    1c, 1991 about $0.01
    5c, 1996 about $0.05
    10c, 1984 about $0.10
    1c, 1986 about $0.01
    25c, 1985 about $0.25
    10c, 1987 about $0.10
    1c, 1998 about $0.01
    1c, 1992 about $0.01
    1c, 1982 about $0.01
    10c, 1993 about $0.10
    10c, 1998 about $0.10
    5c, 1999 about $0.05
    1c, 1999 about $0.01
    1c, 1979 about $0.01
    1c, 1994 about $0.01
    1c, 1969 about $0.01
    1c, 1955 about $0.05
    10c, 1992 about $0.10
    1c, 1979 about $0.01
    10c, 2001 about $0.10
    10c, 1999 about $0.10

  3. Cayman Islands
    10c, 1990 about $0.15
    $1 note, 1996 series about $1.00
    5c, 1992 about $0.07
    25c, 1992 about $0.30
    10c, 1992 about $0.15
    1c, 1987 about $0.03
    1c, 1992 about $0.03

    10c, 2000 about $1.00
    25c, 1994 about $1.50
    5c, 1996 about $0.50

    1 krone, 1962 about $0.50
    5 øre, 1955 about $0.10
    2 krone, 1956 about $2.00

    20c Spanish, 1999 about $0.40
    20c Spanish, 2002 about $0.30
    5c Spanish, 2004 about $0.10
    5c Spanish, 1999 about $0.10
    10c Spanish, 2003 about $0.15
    10c Spanish, 2005 about $0.15
    10c Spanish, 2004 about $0.15

    5 francs, 1945 about $0.20
    2 francs, 2000 about $0.35
    10 centimes, 1997 about $0.05
    5 centimes, 1966 about $0.05

  4. Germany
    100,000 mark note, 1923 about $0.15
    1 mark coin, 1959 about $2.00

    1d coin, 1942 about $0.25

    L.100 coin, 1968 about $0.15
    L.50 coin, 1967 about $0.20
    L.1000 note, 1990 series about $2.00
    L.100 note, 1979 ???Not listed???
    L.50 note, 1976 ???Not listed???
    L.50 coin, 1961 about $0.50
    L.500 coin, 1983 about $0.40
    L.50 coin, 1977 about $0.10
    L.5 coin, 1953 about $0.10
    L.10 coin, 1973 about $0.10
    L.20 coin, 1992 about $0.10

    1 peso coin, 1993 about $0.50
    1c coin, 1995 ???Not Listed???
    2 peso coin, 1993 about $1.00
    1 peso coin, 1998 about $0.50

    50 øre, 1962 about $0.10
    10 øre, 1981 about $0.05
    50 øre, 1968 about $0.10
    1 krone, 1981 about $0.20
    10 kroner note, 1982 series about $2.00
    5 kroner coin, 1979 about $0.50
    25 øre, 1975 about $0.05
    50 øre, 1969 about $0.10
    25 øre, 1972 about $0.05
    50 øre, 1976 about $0.10
    25 øre, 1980 about $0.05
    10 øre, 1973 about $0.10

  5. San Marino
    L.1000 coin, 1999 about $4.00

    Soviet Union
    1 ruble note, 1961 about $0.25

    1 mark, 1973 ???Not listed???
    50 öre, 1981 about $0.15
    25 öre, 1978 about $0.10
    10 öre, date unknown average $0.10
    10 öre, 1981 about $0.10

    Trinidad and Tobago
    25c coin, 1975 about $0.10
    1c coin, 1976 about $0.10
    5c, 1972 about $0.10
    25c, 1972 about $0.20
    10c, 1972 about $0.10
    10c, 1976 about $0.10
    1c, 1977 about $0.05

    United Kingdom, post decimal
    10p, 1976 about $0.10
    20p, 1989 about $0.20
    1p, 1974 about $0.05
    £1, 1993 about $2.00
    2p, 1978 about $0.05
    £1, 1984 about $1.75
    20p, 1983 about $0.20
    20p, 1996 about $0.20
    5p, 1990 about $0.05
    2p, 1975 about $0.05
    2p, 1971 about $0.05
    10p, 1992 about $0.10
    10p, 1969 about $0.15
    1p, 1990 about $0.02
    1p, 1971 about $0.05
    2p, 1977 about $0.05
    ½p, 1971 about $0.05
    20p, 1987 about $0.20
    1p, 1991 about $0.02

    United Kingdom, pre-decimal
    1d, 1963 about $0.10
    2s, 1961 about $0.20
    Ha’penny, 1963 about $0.05
    2s, 1948 about $0.20
    3d, 1934 about $1.00

    United States
    FDR commemorative coin, date unknown
    --Only a gold type from 1997 exist at $500 for proof and $1,250 for mint.

  6. 1986 uncirculated nickel

  7. Assuming Canadian...

    1986 uncirculated nickel about $0.20

  8. canadian nickels 1974 and 1965

  9. canadian nickels 1974 and 1965

    About $0.06 each.

  10. Whats the value for:

    Canadian 5 cent 1922
    Canadian 25 cent 1939, 1937
    Canadian silver dollar 1867-1967

  11. Canadian 5 cent 1922 about $0.50
    Canadian 25 cent
    1939 about $6.50
    1937 about $7.00
    Canadian silver dollar 1867-1967 about $26.00

  12. Do you know anything about The British Columbia, Canada Haida dollar series?

  13. Do you know anything about The British Columbia, Canada Haida dollar series?

    A little, most of these are just $1.00 to $1.50. None of them stand out or are special in any way.

  14. I've got a bunch of coins that i don't know the value of. Hopefully you could help me out.


    1 cent: 1963, 1953, "1867-1967"
    5 cent: 1949, 1952, 1947, 1962, "1867-1967", 1964, 1975
    10 cent: 1964, "1867-1967"
    25 cent:1965, 1968, "1867-1967", "1873-1973"
    50 cent:1973, 1976, "1867-1967 (silver)"


    Half Dollar: 1967, 1983, 1972, 1973, 1967, "1776-1976"

  15. Canadian:

    1 cent:
    1963, "1867-1967" about $0.03 each
    1953, about $0.05

    5 cent: 1949, 1952, 1947 about $0.20 each
    1962, "1867-1967", 1964, 1975 about $0.05 each

    10 cent: 1964, "1867-1967" about $2.60 each

    25 cent:1965, 1968, "1867-1967" about $6.50 each
    "1873-1973" about $0.25

    50 cent:1973, 1976 about $0.50 each
    "1867-1967 (silver)" about $13.00 each


    Half Dollar: 1967, 1967 about $6.50 each
    "1776-1976", 1983, 1972, 1973, about $0.50 each

  16. I was wondering about somalia coins i have 5 and 10 and i was also wondering about a 1968 half dollar
    and a 2 cents copper penny 1865 is the year

  17. somalia coins i have 5 and 10
    --What years and denominations?

    1968 half dollar
    and a 2 cents copper penny 1865

    --What countries?

  18. I have a one cent Canadian coin from 1995, how much is it worth?

  19. one cent Canadian coin from 1995

    Just $0.01


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