
Monday, October 11, 2010

1967 not 1867 Cent

Do you have a Canadian cent and want to know its value? Leave a comment

I get a lot of questions about this particular cent. Apparently when most people see a commemorative they forget that although the design is new the production stays virtually the same. These coins are made for amateur collectors and it keeps the future value low.

Confusion also sets in with the dual dates. Since Canada never made an 1867 cent when people tell me they found an 1867 cent I must explain over and over again how that is not possible.

The front has the tiara portrait version of Queen Elizabeth II but this one is damaged so all the words are almost scraped off.
The reverse has the centennial design with the dual date (1867-1967) and a rock dove in flight.

Here's the stats...
Type / Country: 1 Cent / Canada
Year: 1967
Mintage: 345,140,645
Metal: 98% Copper, 1.5% Zinc, 0.5% Tin
Value: $0.03 in G-4

I would add that it has been years since I found this particular coin and within two weeks I found two in my change. Along with that I found a another 1944 U.S. cent, a 2004-P Canada dime, and a 1947 U.S. nickel all of them are so common that I am finding them every few months. I refused to take pictures of them again.

Do you have a cent form Canada and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.


  1. I was board and just happened to look at the $200.00 in 20s I pulled out of the ATM. When I looked closer at one paticular twenty I found a second halographic image on the "In God we trust" side. The exact area would be through the outer wing of the Bald Eagle. The Halographic image is seen from both sides with a face. I haven't ever seen this before, and did not see it on any of the other nine twentys... Any thoughts?

  2. one paticular twenty I found a second halographic image on the "In God we trust" side. The exact area would be through the outer wing of the Bald Eagle. The Halographic image is seen from both sides with a face.

    Sounds like an Offsset Transfer error this one would be minor and maybe have a $35 value but I would have to see it to make sure.

  3. HEY MAN!!

    I got some more bank notes, and I would love if you could tell me their value.
    Here are the videos:
    1934 10 dollar bill.
    Russian 1909 Bank Note

    If you prefer, I can scan the notes and give you links to the scans.

  4. 1934 10 dollar bill at most $20.00

    Russian 1909 Bank Note at most $1.50 if signature of Shipov.
    If signature is Konshin it's about $12.50.

  5. Whew!! It appears to be Konshin.

  6. I've a China's Ching Dynasty 10 dollar coin, what's it's worth?

  7. China's Ching Dynasty 10 dollar coin

    What year?

  8. China's Ching Dynasty 10 dollar coin 1900

    I can not find any specifics on this coin 10 Cash Chinese coins are based on province and there are so many varieties, the average is about $2.50.

    Try here...

  9. hi,
    i have two coins both 1969 $1 singapore.
    one is colored nickel, the other colored gold.
    have you any info on them.all i can find is info on the nickel one
    many thanks.

  10. 1969 $1 singapore.
    one is colored nickel, the other colored gold.
    have you any info

    Normally it is a $0.65 coin and only the copper-nickel version was made.

    It think your gold was plated outside the mint.

    Weigh it to make sure they normally weigh 16.85 grams.

  11. I have many Canadian coins and a few old american coins, can you check the list of dates for anything that stands out:
    Canadian quarters Centenial 1868-67
    Canadian quarters:
    canadian dimes:
    Centenial 1867-1967
    1942 W liberty US dime?
    1921 silver dollar?
    1923 silver peace dollar?
    1943 liberty half dollar
    1954 half dollar
    Thank you for your good work,

  12. Canadian quarters Centenial 1867-1967
    80% silver about $4.50
    50% silver about $2.75

    Canadian quarters:
    About $4.50 each
    There is a 1947 version with a dot after the date worth $35.00
    1968 about $2.75

    canadian dimes:
    Centenial 1867-1967
    80% silver about $1.75
    50% silver about $1.05

    About $1.75 each

    1942 liberty US dime about $2.25
    1921 silver dollar about $22.00
    1923 silver peace dollar about $22.00
    1943 liberty half dollar about $10.25
    1954 half dollar about about $10.25
    1959,1960,1964 about $10.25 each
    1966,1967 about $4.25

  13. Dear Man,
    Can you kindly tell me the values for:
    American quarters:1934-64?

    American five cent coins:
    1895, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1903, 1909?

    Newfoundland 50 cent coin 1919?
    " 25 cent coin 1919?
    " 20 cent coin 1882?
    Last a Newfoundland coin same size as 50 cent coin but with VICTORIA DET GRATIA REGINA instead of George V on the face?
    Thank you,

  14. American quarters:1934-64?
    About $5.25 for most
    All 1930s D or S mint have a $10 extra value on average.

    American five cent coins:
    1895 about $6.00
    1899 about $2.25
    1900 about $2.00
    1901 about $2.00
    1903 about $2.00
    1909 about $2.50

    Newfoundland 50 cent coin 1919 about $5.00
    " 25 cent coin 1919 about $3.00
    " 20 cent coin 1882 about $10.00

    Last a Newfoundland coin same size as 50 cent coin but with VICTORIA DET GRATIA REGINA instead of George V on the face?
    If no year or denomination then it is some type of medal.
    Maybe a picture would help?

  15. first of all, thanks for giving me to write something from me for this site! lot of thanks to you all this site team member.
    I am euro coins,UK coins,US coins,Chinese coins,Japanese coins,Malaysian coins collector from Nepal. I would like to collect another item as if, flower seeds,antiques goods,crystals,minerals, I would like to help for collecting other friend as if our mint stamps,used stamps,postcards,cover,much more if you all want to get from Nepal. so please don't hesitate to send your comment or letter or email.thanks

    your new collector friend
    laxmi prasad shahi
    house no.163,lakhgalli,
    ward no.19,damai tole

    note: I have picked your email from

  16. laxmi prasad shahi - Okay good luck with all that.

  17. How much would a

    1867-1992 penny be
    Also how much would a 1961and1968 Penney
    Be worth as well

    Also I have a looney from 1994 looney that is a war memorial looney it is in good condition and is a little bit worn out
    How much would all this stuff be

  18. Canadian cents...
    1867-1992 about $0.02
    1961 about $0.03
    1968 about $0.03

    1994 looney that is a war memorial looney it is in good condition and is a little bit worn out
    Just $1.00

  19. I have a 1867-1967 1 cent piece with the dove on it.. The only thing is the coin is actually printed on what it looks to be a nickel .. It is silver in colour and it a bit larger then a penny.. But it has 1 cent written on it .. I'm curious to what I have stumbled upon.

  20. 1867-1967 1 cent piece with the dove on it.. The only thing is the coin is actually printed on what it looks to be a nickel .. It is silver in colour and it a bit larger then a penny

    It needs to be weighed, but sounds like a plated fake.

  21. Find it in my freind truck. He said I took it from his not worth anything here we not in Cannda. We still fussing about it.

  22. THE CANADIAN DIRT DIGGER9:10 AM, June 20, 2021

    The Centennial Ones for 1867-1967 In Canadian Penny but it sure.... cool stand for over and out!


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