
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Summer of George

Do you have a dollar bill and want to know its value? Leave a comment

Last time I found a Where's George note I kind of went on a rant. To recap it is a site where people stamp notes in order to track them, which I found slightly offensive.

At this point I will not say much but this note I found it typical of Where's George note. Meaning it is fairly
new yet in horrible shape. I do not know if the stampers only doing this to old notes or people tend to manhandle the note more when they try to identify the stamp.

This stamp is says:

With boxes around the series year and serial number. Again I partially blocked the number to keep the game going, yes even though I am not a fan I do not feel like ruining someone's fun.
Original page.

The bill was first entered in Illinois back in March of 2008 later that same year it ended up in Vermont then almost two years of travel it ended up here with me, which I will pass on. The bill has traveled about 1,000 miles so far but I doubt it will last another three years.

From the initial user profile here is Blimey's stats:
Bills Entered:  4,222  Hit Rate: 13.48%
Bills with Hits:  569  Total Hits: 684
Days of Inactivity:  0George Score: 941.87
Wilds Found:  13Overall Rank: 2,973
State Rank (Illinois)  115State Percentile : 97.98

This guy is not as obsessed with stamping notes as others on the site.l

Here's the original stats...
Type/Country: 1 Dollar / United States
Year: 2006
Date Printed: June 2007
Printings: 96,000,000
Run: 4th from F19200000C - F25599999C
Value: $1.00 in this shape

Do you have a currency bill and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.


  1. I have a circulated 1995 Dollar Bill that is misaligned on the front by about 1/2 inch. Part of the next bill is showing on the right side. The back of the bill is normal. Has the seal of Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Virginia.

  2. circulated 1995 Dollar Bill that is misaligned on the front by about 1/2 inch. Part of the next bill is showing on the right side.

    About $75.00

  3. $100 1996 New York treasury seal and serial number on back PMG 64 , overprint on back error

  4. $100 1996 New York treasury seal and serial number on back PMG 64 , overprint on back error

    About $2,000.00

  5. hi! i have a 1977 5 US dollar bill that the serial number is on the back of any idea of worth?

  6. 1977 5 US dollar bill that the serial number is on the back

    About $300.00

  7. tnicknish@yahoo.com10:07 PM, August 23, 2010

    we have two bills to check on.
    1950 $10 bill No letter under date. serial #=I14707174A

    Series 1957 B $1 bill X59736609 A

  8. 1950 $10 bill No letter under date. serial #=I14707174A
    About $12.00

    Series 1957 B $1 bill X59736609 A
    About $2.50

  9. awesome, i never new you could make money from misprinted money like this. I have never looked at it that closely, but i will do in future!

  10. I have a 1950 ten dollar bill, serial#C43253169A. It's in pretty crisp shape, a little faded in color?

  11. 1950 ten dollar bill, serial#C43253169A. It's in pretty crisp shape, a little faded in color

    About $17.50

  12. 2001 $5 note with Blue Ink Seal - serial CL64789025A, pretty crisp. Any idea on the value?

  13. 2001 $5 note with Blue Ink Seal - serial CL64789025A, pretty crisp

    No extra value the blue seal is considered damage.

  14. Thanks for the heads up. Quick follow-up: Why is the blue seal considered damage?

  15. Why is the blue seal considered damage?

    From the few that people have sent to be graded they came back as a Solvent error.
    This is when a cleaning fluid gets on the ink at the printing but this can be recreated at home so it is damage. It is an after printing error so no extra value.

  16. I have a dollar bill that has half of one bill and half of another. Different serial numbers on both halves. From the 1985 series. Is it worth anything?

  17. dollar bill that has half of one bill and half of another. Different serial numbers on both halves. From the 1985 series.

    What are the serial numbers?

  18. I have a 2006 $5.00 bill. The serial number HG 42420520 A @ upper left, the third number from the left(4)is higher then the rest of the numbers.
    is it worth anything?

  19. 2006 $5.00 bill. The serial number HG 42420520 A @ upper left, the third number from the left(4)is higher then the rest of the numbers

    Slight Stuck Digit error about $15.00.

  20. I have 4 successive uncirculated $100 bills 1990 E series (with Bank of Richmond, VA) and they have excess ink (like bleed) in The United States of America and along the bottoms where it says Dollars and a couple of the 100's in the corners. On the back you can read Federal reserve note and the Washington DC from the front can be somewhat seen. Would you know anything about these?

  21. 4 successive uncirculated $100 bills 1990 E series (with Bank of Richmond, VA) and they have excess ink (like bleed) in The United States of America and along the bottoms where it says Dollars and a couple of the 100's in the corners. On the back you can read Federal reserve note and the Washington DC from the front can be somewhat seen.

    SOunds like a minor Offset Printing error about $115.00 for each.

  22. Hi, I have a 1974 one dollar bill that is missing the federal reserve seal, as well as the treasury seal. Does this have any value?
    Thanks, Man!

  23. 1974 one dollar bill that is missing the federal reserve seal, as well as the treasury seal.

    Missing Overprint error about $200.00.

  24. I have a 1917 dollar bill, I was wondering the value of it. Its not in good condition its been folded, has some small tares and the right side of it is torn off, on the front the "One" at the top is missing torn so far the E is missing, part of the serial number is missing, and the "One Dollar" at the bottom most of the E is gone and the R is gone. Is it worth anything?

  25. 1917 dollar bill, I was wondering the value of it. Its not in good condition...

    About $10.00 at most

  26. Wow, great blog!
    I have several $100, $50 and $10 bills all from 1950, a $20 from 1934 and a $5 silver certificate from 1953, all in fair worn condition, some with writing on them. What, if any, value over face value do they have? Do you need to know serial #'s for these?
    I also have an 1888 silver dollar, also fair condition. What might that be worth?

  27. $100, $50 and $10 bills all from 1950, a $20 from 1934 and a $5 silver certificate from 1953, all in fair worn condition, some with writing on them.
    Serial numbers would be helpful if you want more accurate values, but generally in low grades they are just $2.00 above face value.

    1888 silver dollar, also fair condition about $35.00

  28. I have a 2006 $1 note with a signature ontop of the Secretary of the Treasury signature. The signature is partially covered by the green Dept. of Treasury stamp. Serial # e34030998h. Could an employee sign these bills as they are being printed.

  29. 2006 $1 note with a signature ontop of the Secretary of the Treasury signature. The signature is partially covered by the green Dept. of Treasury stamp. Serial # e34030998h.

    If you mean the signature is under the seal it would be a rare error.

    When notes are defective someone at the press takes and signs the notes and they are taken to be burned. If they escape burning then it is possible.

    That said I suspect this was done by someone outside the mint and is not special in anyway. A photo would be helpful.

  30. How can I post a Pic ?

  31. How can I post a Pic ?

    Use a free photo site like flickr, imageshack, tinypic and then drop a link here.

  32. Can you please tell me about this dollar
    it is a 1995 series and has what seems to be a portion of the front printed on the back left corner but the front is complete

  33. 1995 series and has what seems to be a portion of the front printed on the back left corner but the front is complete

    Very minor Offset Printing error about $15.00 it happens when the wet ink from the front gets transferred to the back plate. Then for a few notes the back plate has two images until the ink is used up.

  34. I have a 1 dollar silver certificate Funnyback. 1928b Serial number I99833728B. The reverse side is slightly misaligned and it's in fare condition with no tears or holes. Is it worth anything?

  35. 1 dollar silver certificate Funnyback. 1928b Serial number I99833728B. The reverse side is slightly misaligned and it's in fare condition with no tears or holes.

    About $35.00

  36. Hi, I have a silver certifricate that I would like to know the value on, please. It's a 1928A with a blue seal.The numbers are "N67650144A". on the back, in the lower left, hand corner there is the number 2024. The bill itself is in overall pretty good condition. The details of the ink are still sharp.However, there is a bad bend down the middle and a horizontal bend that's hardly there and two smaller bends on the sides of middle bend that aren't bad either. I'm sorry I can't take a picture, but I hope the details are clear. Thanks in advance.

  37. silver certifricate that I would like to know the value on, please. It's a 1928A with a blue seal.The numbers are "N67650144A". on the back, in the lower left, hand corner there is the number 2024. The bill itself is in overall pretty good condition

    Assuming a $1.00 bill about $30.00

  38. Hello, I just found a 2009 one dollar bill that is missing the green stamp on the front of it that usually covers the work "one". Any ideas?


  39. 2009 one dollar bill that is missing the green stamp on the front of it that usually covers the work "one".

    Partial Missing Overprint error about $150.00

  40. I have a 0ne dollar bill that is missing the federal reserve seal. Is it worth anything? 1ts a 1963 with a star.

  41. 0ne dollar bill that is missing the federal reserve seal. Is it worth anything? 1ts a 1963 with a star.

    Partial Missing Overprint error about $300.00 in extra fine.

  42. Thank you for responding. I really messed up, I stuck it on e-bay for 15.00 right before I got your post back. Some one is going to get a good deal.

  43. stuck it on e-bay for 15.00

    You have a link maybe I can confirm if it is really something special.



    Ok I'm not saying it is a fake but it looks suspicious.

    Generally when that seal is missing portions of the other black elements are also missing, the picture is not great so I can not tell if it was bleached but I would not bid on it.

    The cost to have it graded first would probably be more than it's worth especially if fake.

    Hopefully the auction will pick up, good luck.

  46. Thank you for you advice and taking time to look at my link. The auction ended at $49.50. :)

  47. Nice, probably $100 for the guy to grade and everyone can make a little profit.

  48. I have a bit of uncirculated money that is in successive order when it comes to the serial number. I want to start by asking about the 1990 series $10 bill there are 14 of them in order from G 01627615 * to G01627629 * The last part of the number is a star which I understand to mean it is a replacement bill, because there are 14 of them (all have stars) in order and they are uncirculated, are they worth anymore than face value?

  49. 1990 series $10 bill there are 14 of them in order from G 01627615 * to G01627629 *...uncirculated

    About $30.00 each

  50. I have a series 1985 bill with the Treasury Seal and serial numbers stamped, but no ink. I received this in change at a bar around Christmas 1985 - the corners have 10 stamped in them - the numbers are not easliy read any more.

    Any idea on the value? By the way, the note had just been removed from a fresh banded stack in the register - the barmaid wouldn't give us any more - she got spooked and took them back to the manager to keep - OUCH!

  51. 1985 bill with the Treasury Seal and serial numbers stamped, but no ink. I received this in change at a bar around Christmas 1985 - the corners have 10 stamped in them - the numbers are not easliy read any more.

    I'm not sure what "stamped, but no ink" means.

    Sounds like some type of Insufficient Ink error around $25 to $50 but without a picture or better description it is just a guess.

    Feel free to drop a link to the image here.

  52. Sir,

    Thank you for the prompt reply - by stamped, I mean that you can read the J code, serial number, and US Treasury seal, but it does not have ink - is this what you call a missing the third printing? I am attaching a picture for your review and comment.

  53. Sorry, can't load pic of 1985 dollar - please advise so I may send the picture.

  54. you can read the J code, serial number, and US Treasury seal, but it does not have ink - is this what you call a missing the third printing?

    If you read it then it has ink?

    Missing Overprint error has no 3rd printing meaning no serial number, or seals.

    Insufficient Ink would have the 3rd printing faded.

    Missing Front Printing means the serial number and seals are visible but the 1st design including the portrait and everything is gone.

    Use a free photo site to upload the picture and drop a link here.

  55. Man,

    Thanks for sparking my curiosity - I had a 3rd missing overprint in good enough condition that Midwest Money in St. Louis said $100 - $150 wholesale - said it was worth $175-$225 retail.

    I truly appreciate your time - other coin shops wanted to offer me between $20-$ rock!

  56. I had a 3rd missing overprint in good enough condition that Midwest Money in St. Louis said $100 - $150 wholesale - said it was worth $175-$225 retail.

    I truly appreciate your time - other coin shops wanted to offer me between $20-$50

    Nice, all the prices you listed sound right. Coin shops and pawn shops offer 20% - 50% value so even if they're your only choice you can always do the math.

  57. i have a 1985 five dolla bill but put it to the light had it check its real but no serial numbrs when you look at it like when you go to a store or any where else 4 exmpale like when they check large amount bills just seeing how much it could be worth

  58. 1985 five dolla bill but put it to the light had it check its real but no serial numbrs

    Sounds like a Missing Overprint error about $200.00.

  59. HI I have a 2009 One Dollar Bill that is missing the green Department of the Treasury Seal over the word "ONE" on the front of the bill.

  60. 2009 One Dollar Bill that is missing the green Department of the Treasury Seal over the word "ONE" on the front of the bill

    About $150.00

  61. I have an uncut sheet of 4 $5 bills the serial #s are IB99765142A, IB99775142A, IB99785142A, IB99795142A. What are they worth?

  62. uncut sheet of 4 $5 bills the serial #s are IB99765142A, IB99775142A, IB99785142A, IB99795142A.

    About $45.00

  63. I have a 1969 Cleveland 20 dollar Star Note. It is in pretty good condition. Crisp but with one very small, almost unnoticable crease in the middle. I havent been able to find any values searching the internet. Please help.

  64. 1969 Cleveland 20 dollar Star Note. It is in pretty good condition. Crisp but with one very small, almost unnoticable crease in the middle.

    About $35.00


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