
Sunday, August 01, 2010

It's a Blog! Enjoy!

On Tuesday, July 12, 2005 I started this blog because so few coin sites existed online. Now it has been over five years and as you see in my links page many great resources are out there. 

As of today this little blog has reached over 640,000 unique visitors, thanks for that. Also over 267 posts brought over 10,000 comments. And yes I responded to all.

The business side has also been good here is a graph on advertising income, plus it is in 3-D.

I will not retire off this blog but it does show what is possible if you post something new at least once a month. Granted that first year was rough but then again I am not doing this for profit.

Hobby Fun
That is why I do this. Even if I only have a common everyday Canadian cent I will post it (hint, hint on the next post). Even if I stop getting odd change I will just start posting on common finds.
There is something special about finding coins older than yourself or from another land or just shiny and new.

My favorite find was an Off-Center Georgia State quarter worth about $50.00. Not because of the value instead it just showed what was possible from your change.

There were many more bloggers that I linked to but most fellow bloggers give up after a few months or worse the go crazy. Apparently these crazies encountered people who are not of their same mindset and it drives them insane so they dedicate their time fueling internet rage.

I continue to update and change stuff around and the ideas I have sometimes exceed my computer skills but feel free add suggestions or tips and of course keep those questions coming in.


  1. That Georgia quarter is a neat find!

    Gosh, you've been blogging more than five years...and busy blogging, too. 10000 responses to so many comments?! Makes me feel a little guilty for bothering you when I do :)

    But, in all seriousness, the fact that you respond to questions about coins and finds and whatnot, it makes you unique. Like a live, coin-edition of Ask Jeeves, back when he still existed. I appreciate your knowledge and the fact that you share it with us common folk.

  2. Congratulations for the 5 years anniversary!

  3. Kelly-Thanks but I also consider myself an amateur collector. Oh I didn't here Jeeves passed away that is sad.:(


  4. know, now it is just ask dot com

  5. My son has a 2006 dollar bill with 2 george washington faces on the front side. Is it worth anything? George is in the middle as usual then to the right hand side is Georges face only again.

  6. 2006 dollar bill with 2 george washington faces on the front side. Is it worth anything? George is in the middle as usual then to the right hand side is Georges face only again.

    Sounds like a fake made by a copying machine. This type of error is not really possible.

  7. They checked it with a money pen and it appears to be original.

  8. They checked it with a money pen and it appears to be original.

    Yes the bill is real but the error can be faked by running the bill through a printer.

    If you want take a good scan and post it somewhere then drop a link here.
    Just by look most collectors can tell if it is a real error or not.


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