
Monday, June 21, 2010

Mermaids & Pirates

Do you have a fake coin and want to know its value? Leave a comment

I went to Coney Island on Saturday to the 28th Annual Mermaid Parade and while most of pictures I took are not proper for this venue I did get a neat souvenir.

One group of marchers were dressed as pirates and were throwing out pirate coins. I wanted to get some but there was a little kid next to me running out and grabbing them by the fistful. I manage to get one that got run over by several cars, so it is not uncirculated.

The only difference between each side is one has an added CHINA after the AVAG CO BEPSIG. The picture is some generic roman guy, I assume it may be Neptune. The edge is reeded but I saw a few that were not. As for the AVAG CO BEPSIG it means nothing officially but again I think it is some sort of anagram.

Here's the stats...
Type/Country: AVAG CO BEPSIG / Pirate Fake Gold Coin
Year: (No date)
Mintage: Millions upon Millions
Metal: Plastic of some type.
Value: $0.06

I could not find the specific retailer but they seem pretty common.

Do you have an odd coin and want to know its value? Leave a comment/question and I will do my best to find out the price and history for you.


  1. Thanks it's still not quite the way I want it.

  2. hi how much is this coin worth?
    it is from sri lanka
    1995 it has a big number 2 on it and a small number 50 to. it says food for all

    more info

  3. sri lanka 1995 it has a big number 2 on it and a small number 50 to. it says food for all

    This is 2 Rupees it's about $2.00.

    The 50 is for the F.A.O. 50th Anniversary.
    It's copper-nickel and 40,000,000 were minted.

  4. Avag Co Bepsig = Avagnanian Coishousness of Bepsigosity

  5. Avag Co Bepsig = Avagnanian Coishousness of Bepsigosity

    Yes I read that but I'm not sure if that is from the coin maker or from one seller.

    The true origin is not clear.

  6. I have an "avag co Bepsig" looks like the one pictured but it does not have the word "China" on it. It is a nice coin for a coin toss as it has a You want to pick heads. :)~

  7. oops...I meant it has a head on each side. I don't think the witch enchanted mine. :)

  8. "avag co Bepsig" looks like the one pictured but it does not have the word "China" on it. It is a nice coin for a coin toss as it has a You want to pick heads.


  9. I did more digging (so to speak) for this interesting coin. I found that the Roman God Janus is often pictured with two heads facing opposite early times he had a beard in only one but later both have beards. He is a god of "beginnings" and money, also birth and other beginnings and good fortunes. Also, if you stick with the guy being Roman, the AV AG would actually be Au Ag, or silver and gold. You often find both in CO (Colorado) or Co could be copper? I know I'm reaching, but BEP is the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, and they are trying to develop a "signature" for money that vision impaired persons can pick up on. One idea is a raised symbol meshed into the bills. They are looking at ours, also many other countries, even the euro.
    All this info research from a toy coin I found in my idea how I came to possess it. I take back my earlier comment...maybe it is "enchanted" is enchanting, anyway!

  10. All this info research from a toy coin I found in my idea how I came to possess it.

    I like your theory, maybe this was a Mardi Gras token that you got when you had too much fun one night.

  11. Very informative and impressive post you have written, this is quite interesting and i have went through it completely, an upgraded information is shared, keep sharing such valuable information. Coin Agency

  12. have around 400 of the coins from Value Village thrift store....use as treasure for kids pirate costume....paid $5.for the bag full....

  13. I have a few coins id like u locks at


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